Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 11, 1909, Image 6

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I " . -I' : : , , . . . . . ,
, . ' I
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K : I II I
, 'W C\'C seen : that same smile .
I . on hundreds since we've beea
. . silling
s . " I.ACYiiiTf" [ {
; - and it's no wonder. The equal of I
en ordinary - -a-qumcr cigar
I . for a nickel , would crcztc on any-
body the smile ; that won't come
" BLACK { & WHITE" \
t contains a filler of Cuban-grown
leaf , wrapped in excellent ! quality
, of Sumatra , wrapper , and it's free ,
i burning fragrance makes its popu-
larity greater than any cigar for 5c.
that we sell. I
. "
Come in and smile too. \
. . .
. . .
" .
njiujiiiiai !
t N
- c
r 1 t
) D u ,
, ' ,
. Lumber Piles
' It keeps us busy to keep our
} stock . - full , so we can . meet all de-
mands. : We are especially pre-
pared now to take care of orders
requiring . long timbers. , But our
. . . . , b
. . stock of "
' ' C '
; t : . Finish Lumber
is & lso complete . . . , including , . , . . .White . .
> - : ' ' ' ' ; ; '
Klfe'Yei1owvPme ; . ' and' Fir' ' Fin- '
ish , , . etc. J-
Lumber Co.
, Ludwig .
' - -
" A Safe ,
: Simple System
i The system of paying -
by check was devised
. . b , y all men - for any
man - for , you. It is
. suited to the need of
any business , . either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. - A checking
-account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in-
. to your business and
gives you * a record . of
eve ry transaction. '
? r :
: t Fruit , Confectionery :
and Cigars :
- Home Made Candies ,
Bread , Pies and Cakes .
I Mrs. J. W. Ward }
Sheriff's Sale. i
, f
- i
By virtue'of an ora-r of sale issued by the .
. .
clerk of the nistncr court of Cherry county Ne-
braskn , on ° a decree of foreclosure wherein
Herman G.Tteeers. / adm'ii'&trator of the will
annexed of the estate of Peter Ecg ; . - r + , deceasi-d
is piUinfiflf'and ! Fred Krayton , Mnugle Brayton.
William : Joliuscn , Ch- \ rl " 's A. Johnson , Andrew
Johnson Jebrge H. Horllb\ ' , The Piano Manu-
factnrin- ; . O. M. Bailey , Benjamin F. Bailey
and M. Kate Noble are defendants. I will seil
at tho front door . of the courthouse inVal * ntm
Cherry untv. .NenrasKa. that neimr the imild-
inc wherein tlw lat t < rrn o * said court . wan lu-ld
on the- JGth , day of November. : > , ai 9 o'clock ; . .
m. , the fallowing doscilbed lands and teneinnt . ;
to satisfy ttits judgments aud cists isi.u. ; . ;
action :
The east half of the northeast quarter anil hrt
northwest quarter of th > northeast ! quarter :11I l
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter !
orsectlo 32' . , tjmnship 33 range 25 , IlI'lll. is 1. l
2,3 and : 4 , s ctio ; 'ii. towosWp 32 , tange ' 25. and
the southeast quarter ofth * ' somhwest quarter ,
and the outhlialf of : the boti'heast quarter , and
1 the"northea-t : quarter , ? ' the southeast qturtt-r ;
of . . . .CtiOll33 , tow shlp ' 33 , range 25 : ! , all in said
county anrl Plate. '
. Dated this 31st day of Anguet . - iJOA ( )
" ' C. A . KOSSETf-ll : , .
.40.5. ' , . , 4ictillpf. Oberry Comity : '
" l40. > : . * * . . , Nbefiff/rfGberry . ,
cmrr rISb1. fi ; srtoaVaftorneys : plaintiff.
. . , . ' . . "
. , - , - , . . . ' . " , _ . . . _ - ' -
Warren's Speech.
Indictment of Capitalism
and Its Despotic
Institutions. '
Warren was sentenced to pay
a fine of $1,500 , the cost of the
prosecution ' and to serve six
months in the Fort Scott jail.
No court In the history of jurispru \ .
dence ever presented a scene more re-
plete wjth dramatic interest than that
witnessed iit ! the federal building at
Fort Scott Kan. , Thursday afternoon ,
July 1M , when in response ) to Judge
Pollock's invitation to show cause why
sentence should not be pronounced ,
Fred D. Warren editor of the Ap
peal to Reason , arose , and began to
speak. /The last bit of uncontradicted
evidence disclosing the , bias and ; preju-
dice of the jurors who convicted War
ren had been introduced. The last ar-
gument in behalf of justice for the de
fendant : liml : been made by his attor-
neys. Bone and West of the prosecu-
tion had clcclin d to reply to Darrow
and Boyle. .1ud e Pollock had just de-
livered his decision overruling ; the mo-
tions for an arrest of judgment and a
new trial. Everything that could : be
said and everything that could be'done
to reverse the processes } of the court
and snatch victory from defeat had
been said and done.
Unconquered Client.
Tense wero the feelings of the spec-
tators as Warren faced the court. In-
stinctively I it was ! realized that some-
thing was : \ about to happen ' : but just
what : it would be no one could think
or say. The benign face of Clarence
Darrow , the celebrated lawyer who in
a hundred courts has championed la-
bor's cause and : whose voice from a
thousand platforms has : ; been lifted in
behalf of the poor and oppressed show-
ed concern as did the faces of his as-
sociate attorneys , when it became evi
dent that their defeated but uncon-
quered client was about to initiate ac
tion in his own behalf. The govern
ment's agents and attorneys looked as
if a red flag had : been unexpectedly un- . .
folded or a bomb was about to be hurl-
ed , and they cringed speechless in their
chairs. Judge Pollock himself , his eyes
fastened on the figure before him , his
countenance plainly revealing the con-
flicting emotions of his mind , sat as If
stricken dumb.
Voice Rang Like a Claribn. ,
"Yes , your : honor , there are some rea-
sons why sentence of the court should
not be pronounced. " - ' ,
11 With his hands on the'table before
him and his eyes looking straight and
fearlessly : into tho c' of the court.
Warren's voice rang . like a clarion : as
he bt'gati a speech as remarkable as it
is without a parallel. The unexpected
ness of the proceeding and Warre'a
boldness of utterance astounded Judge
Pollock. Once or twice Prosecuting
Attorney Bone looked appealing at
the court as if the latter dignitary
ought to foreclose on the speaker's re-
marks , but the court too " '
niai s. was preo" ru-
pied. with amazement to except. To a
silenced judge and in the presence of
an audience whose very breathing
e < uJd neither be felt nor heard cap
, italism's : must prominent victim _ and
labor's uncompromising champion pro-
ceeded with the uncovering of the
causes that ! : had led to his conviction.
Never in his life had Judge Pollock
listened to a speech like this ; never
. in the history of jurisprudence
there a speech } like-this made in a
federal 1 court.
Situation Dramatic Beyond Words.
Warren represented in the concrete
itho ' agony and : woe , the blood and tears
of the working class of the world. He
typified = the issue between the ruling
I class and those who are fighting the
agelongwar for human emancipation.
Through him were voiced the outraged
sentiments of men women and chil-
dren who in the field , factories and
mines do the work of the world and
who in some way would protest
against the methods by which 'the
wealth their work creates is taken
from thorn and given to those who
labor not. Here in this federal court ,
the .strongest bulwark of the system
: that is responsible for the agony and
blood and outraged sentim { > nts. War
ren , already convicted and about to
receive sentence faced without hesita :
tion and without a tremor the flesh
I I and blood : embodiment of capitalism's : : i
I mighty power and challenged him to
do his worst. :
Would Vote For Him For President.
I . .
Warren's speech climaxed his de
, fense and clinched ! it irrefutably in the
consciences of his auditors. , If there
I had been any doubt as to the injustice
: of the prosecution and the animus and .
; origin of it , this doubt rapidly dispelled
, ns the speech proceeded. After seu-
' lence was pronounced and the prisoner
" was admitted to bail pending an ap-
peal John II. Crider one of the most
prominent Republicans in Fort Scott
and probably : in secret society circles
the most influential man . in Kansas '
who had listened to Warren's address ,
came forward and volunteered to , sign
his bond. The offer was accepted.
, DownstUirs after adjournment of court
! , a group of men , Democrats and Re-
publicans , united in open indorsement
I of the speech and unqualifiedly ' es
_ ' pressed their admiration for the man
" r.-ho made it.
I "If ever that * man runs for president
, lie , , will get my vote , " . . -declared one . ot , ;
tlibsv'h'd ' parliclpaiied ! : id the' t 'd iseu :
. . . . - . . - . . . , . - - . . . . " . ' , - . " . ' .
Tribute From , a Jurcr.
"Darrow's argument and ' .tarr u' : ,
speech put this case : in a ( different
light said It. . J. , Fillip I' , ' . one . . of rlu
. jurors who voted to convict and . who
jsat through the proceedings 1 of the day. : .
"There ; itr 110 question as to 1 Warren's J
ability and sincerity. I am not a So
cialist but as far as 1 am able to
determine I believe Warren is i hones !
and free from.Criminal , intent : ' Finley t'l
It is difficult to interpret the impre'5 .t t
sion that was made on the t mind oMlu . '
court. Ordinarily convicted : prisoner. '
accept sentence in .silell ( , ( ' . Warren'.4 ;
course petrified with astonishment : the
court. tll whom his remarks were ad-
dressed. . \n' : ; ge seemed to. have
elapsed efore l Pollock recovered 1l1ffi. .
. - , , ct'tl. It - ; ' : . . < , yi-
ciently to pi-weed. WI"j'lr :
dent that he did not know what to say
Undoubtedly he had made up his mind
as to the severity of the 'ntNl'e , but
this speech from the prisoner appar .
ently upset his } J1:1l1- : ; . Now he vibrated
between doubt aim despair. Warren
possibly with a note of defiance had ,
announced that he did not ask I or ex-
' - ' that he was
poet clemency ] or i-icrcy ; :
not guilty and was not conscious ot
having committed an offense. ' The
United States district attorney : had de
manded that the full penalty of the
law. five years in the penitentiary : and
a $ v , 000 fine , be inflicted.
\ ( to be continued )
Talk of the Town.
Bob Emery is in town from
Joseph F. Hunter's son has ty-
phoid fever.
The Presbyterian minister is
down with typhoid fever.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis .
Baumann.on the ( > th , a baby girl.
Dr. F. J. Baldwin of Merriman
war in Valentine on business last
For Sale-Old Catholic parson-
age. / For particulars call on
Father Blaere. 29
Bud Klingaman , Oecar McDan-
iels and Bernie Tinkham of Wood
Lake are in town today.
For Sale-Second hand Cash
- Reg-
ister. Total adder. Registers Ic
to § 9.99. Chapman The Druggist.
Mrs T. C. Hornby and son
Cedric and Dorotha Sparks visited
relatives at Neligh the first of the
Mrs. 11. Hooton is visiting in
the city , having returned from a
visit with her oldest daughter in
Fred Gordon was in town the
first of the week while visiting his
wife's relatives , the Williams'
near Thacher. . . . .
The steel men for the construc-
tion of the new steel bridge have
arrived and will soon begin the
work of spanning the Niobrara
whiph will be a quarter of a mile
in length and 145 ft. high.
One house for rent- in town , 4
rooms and city water.
Two houses for sale.
Several farms and ranches for
sale in tracts of 80 , . 120 , 160 480
and 2480 acres. I. M. RICe , Valen-
tine Nebr.
.Nicholas of WooJ Lake re
turned yesterday from a success-
ful insurance canvas in the south-
western part of the county. He
stopped over in Valentine to sell
his hay to 'Vm. Bachelor , who
met him in town today.
Gus Gunderson has sold his
ranch and stock south of Cody.
Robert Hines and William and
Zan Gillaspie purchased the west
half , or 1040 acres , and the man
who purchashed Clint Anderson's
ranch purchased the east .1t 40
acres and the stock.
You ought to take a comity pa-
per. Every man who lives , in the
county ought to read a county pa-
per. Why not send a dollar for the
DEMOCRAT ? Don't put it off. Do it
now. Ifxyou have been a subscriber
and dropped out , let us renew our
acquaintance. Send your name
and a dollar. '
Yesterday while Clint Ander-
son and Jessie West were ' return-
ing from the south hills after buy-
ing a bunch.of cattle from J. D.
Richards they upset the buggy a
mile south of Irwin and Clint was
dragged a short distance under
the buggy. Clint was driving and
in holding : ; onto the lines was drag
ged under the buggy severely
bruising him about the head and
shoulders. One of the horses had
the neck yoke or single tree jam-
med into her breast near the fore
leg and the blood gushed out as
though an artery had been punct-
ured. The team belonged to Mr.
Skinner of Irwin. Clint and J es-
sie had to walk into . the _ station. I
The darkness was intense and .
they couldn't see the road nor how
to doctor the horse so left the
team and buggy. We saw Mr.
Anderson on the train enroute to
. Cody . . where he will lay up for re-
" -
pairs. ! a
. -
. , ,
- . . ' _ " , . . - . , ' " _ . - ' - - , : ' . " , . _ :
' : " ' - : . - ' - - . ' - . . : : . , : ; , - . t.- - - : ; " ' . . , Y
. . . . . . . , ' : , - ; - - - . . - -
- - - . . . . . - . . - .nu..Y. . . . ww . . . - .e- - . . , . . . . , . . . - ' I
, . t i I . . . . , ai . -.Lz . . . . .y : . . : t" - , J " , ? ' : , ' . v All Le a d 7n . b cr
Old Crow , / . r . -
, '
- -.1' -
' : . < _
H.l' * : - . _
* - y _ I
_ . :
Brands. !
Hei mi ta'ge , . .
i q ' % , . " .
and l 4r Bottled * J . : - . - -
. s ' ' ° .
Gruchen- , ' . - " : - Underj : le. *
" H .
c . .
. . , . . . t
heimer . . . , 1 . . , . . r . Supervision "
, ; : r L. . ' . ' . ; . # : ' , , : . . . . - . ofthe/
Ry . : c I ; ! p * ' of the . / : * *
, , . ' . . - . .
, . ' -
. ' . . . . I
-iT 'tY } lIS 1 ceys. L ( U S. G6V4 , ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We also handle the Budweiser Beer. - , ,1 '
. HENRY STETTER , . . Propr. ' "
District Court now De = .1
. cember 20th , 1909. I
District court has again been , /
postponed , on account of other
conflicting dates , to Dec. 20 , 1909.
, i
' 1'lrs.ViU Clarkson and daught-
er Grace went to Sioux City last
night to visit Mrs. Clarkson's '
mother and get Grace under the
care of a physician.
On Sunday next , Nov. 14 , there
will be services both morning and
evening at St. John's church.
Communion and confirnation with
address at 11 P. M. Choir re-
hearsal ! at 7:30 : : Friday evening.
The Rt. Rev. ' A. H , . Graves D. D.
Bishop of Kearney will preach at
both Sunday services.
Keep this copy of THE DEMO
CRAT- for future reference. It
contains the official vote of the
county and the precinct officers
elected. It costs money tc , com-
pile these facts. The time spenf ;
upon the election report in th\s
paper would cost you about § 6.00
put in readable shape for readv
reference. Ask your friends r.o
subscribe for THE DEMOCRAT. It. .
is worth many times the price to
you. See our special offer.
Facts why you should insure in
the German Fire Ins. Co. of Om-
aha Nebraska. A Nebraska
' comp-
any doing business only in the
state "of Nebraska. Officers are
experienced Insurance men. ,
Prompt and efficient services di-
lect from the company through &
local agent easy adjustment and
speedy quick settlement of losses
No disputes from misunderstood
, policies. You know what yoiNare
getting. You can notify the
company or an agent in case of
loss. Rates are low. You need
protection. You get the best to
be * had and costs you no more.
1. M. Rice local agent Valentine. I
Agencies : ' \ , ' ood Lake , L.Nicholas
, T.Y. . Groves Kilgore , State
We were up to Merriman yes
terday : and found considerable in-
terest centering in a case before
Justice of the Peace W. R. White ,
in which James Tice was charged
with'runlawfully breaking into a
house. Two attorneys of Valen-
tine - A. M. Morrissey and John
Tucker-and Judge Patterson of
Rushville were in the city and
Merriman looked like a county
seat town , with numerous persons
in attending court.
What promise'd to be an inter-
esting case was soon brought to
an abrupt close by the defendant
pleading guilty and taking a fine
of § 75 and costs from the dispen-
ser of justice. It seems that some
explanation would be proper here.
The young man had imbibed too
freely and felt too well acquainted
at the place where he seemed to' '
have trouble in entering and broke
in without , an invitation , without
any intention of wronging any
person or destroying property.
His plea of guilty places the young : ;
man in better atmosphere as not
feeling justified in a defense.
For Sale
Six-room house stable for seven
head of horses . . granary and hay
stable ;
One 4-room house corn crib and
stable city water in both houses.
Must be sold soon , part time , part
cash or will take young heavy
'team as part payment. P. F.
Simons , Sparks , . . .Neb. , or 1 , M. :
Rice , Valentine . Neb. 1
Per Cwt. . Per Ton.
Bran , 'sacked1. . . 05 . § 1S 00
Shorts ; a kd"l' 05' 20 00
Corn , sacked 1 25 2i 00
Chop Qorn , sacked : ' 1 30 25 " 00 ,
Chop Feed , sacked 1 40 27 00
Oats * sacked . , 1 45 28 00
. ,
Ar" $
. . . . .
: Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods I tiX Lunch Counter. ' ,
.Pl.e : Oakes a.n.c1. : Bread '
8 Phone /
' : Home Bakery '
/ 7 " * . 3
b.tY. ; IS ; ? &ifxyeLjUi
, . . . .
8 ( j e - - 1111ii - o
L- Whe 1 ! -Ske , . - . _
Go to the
, A Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
e _ _ _ _ _ e e
- - -
. " , . . . . . . ' . ' "
# MAA. f j :
" " 8k I IP * " * , If I " * 1fm i (
| IP" k
k i i i it - i ii i I
I have just opened up a stock of .
! : General Mlht ; ; ; dise % j I I > | > .
: /
in the frame building south of the McDonald |
store which I recently purchased , and will
name it "The Green Front. " My a l.ri will be
"cash trade and lowest prices on everything. " c :
Valentine 1
. - _ . _ . r _ " . ' ' . 'e' . , . ' . . , . . " , , . , , : r , . , _ " " - .
Dambly & Hitt . ' " '
- .
Special attention given to farmers' teams . . .
and sale business. Rigs to hire. ,
North Main St. . Phone 11 .
V& & fX\f > * &i
P ± sJ. X 4 s 6
v/hea you buy a SEVANG MACHINE. Y otI11 fin3 all sorts and fcfrxfa at
corrcspcadbg : pri es. But if you want a rsputafcle serviceable Machine , then take
the. WHITE.
27 years experience has enabled is § to bring"
WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in ila
t ' ma1 -up all the good points found on high
grade cpagfr -a and others that are exclusively
t : : : for instance , our TENSION INDI
a CATOR a device that shows the tension at a
I glance , end v/e have others that appeal to care
I S tL ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic
I Lift and beautiful Swell Front Golden Oak
Vocdwork. Vibrator aad Rotary Shuttle Stylrs.
" : 'f&frf&k&f '
. -
For sale by Red Front Merc. Co. Valentine , Neb.
I , FSSTULA-Paymen mED' :
I P 61 All Rectal Diseases cured without sut-Ical ] > < : '
I. ' - 4 . I rt4 e S operation. No Chloroform , Ether or othei'en : , - rf- . , ' .
; . . ' ' eral aneasthetic used. CURE A"RAN.TEED : _ . .
I _ . . . to lasta-LIFE-TIME. : ' ; " EXArJ 2iAT1ON " Iri EE. ' ' , .
I 33. E. R. TARRY. 224 . Bsc B : ill fng , Or72ha , Nabraska _ * io ; ' . ' - . :
. . . ,
. ,
. . .
I _ " ' . _ - : _ J : , : -j. . _ _ " ' , . e. . . - ' " of .k .r - - I . . - J
J We'dding ! Stationery Printed at This Office . _