- . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - _ . . w - - ' " - r . " _ - ! - I , , ' . . , .t..ca . , > " . , . Society . . ' . . . - . . ' , . ' , T ' " , , . . ' " . , " . ' . . . " _ : ' > J ' . , ; . . , . , . . . ' , _ . . . t.v , ' ' t ' . , ' > - . ' " " . " . , ' . - - / * , * . J. . „ . . . . , ' . . , . . . - ' , " - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . " - ' _ . . " . . . .JIIt . 1 ; . s , I r : rl'HE' i : V ALEN1 N , 13 E . M 0 CRAT . . . : . . . , . - - - P _ _ - 0 ' L , M. : Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBJR. , THL TI { STA Y , NOVEMBER 11 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 44 \ 0 . \-L . . . . . . . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ m - J . , - - . - - - - - I H : . SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES , , ' - , The largest and best jpp ] of stoves and ranges . . ' in Cherry ' Ol1nt T. Call and see them. c p . .1i ri .y . ti o \ BRIDGET , BEACH & CO.'S _ , . "NOVEL SUPERIOR ! ! . - x , 1 . REVERTIBLE FLUE HEATER t r , \ Heat from fe radiated irom every square inch of its surface , because it is 1 , 1 drawn downward through both side openings in the linings to the ( \ bottom and up the tack as indicated - . s \ . \ ' . . . is in cut. . Will hold fire 36 hours with soft , fv lt&I coal , 48 hours with . t Hard coal. r cr 7 . Tf f > M 1 ' Ln + ) liwli Easy to regulate. . " ( , - - flVEc -r / > L " . 00 . tp TOR , SOFT COAL , I- h a ° OR , r , , r-1- , ,1 rrr rrr r. ; FOR HARD COAL rl lii r , r , S . . . r f I fflilr : PIpOC.LIGM LC07 1 f r i i : a aOVEL SUPERIOR - : , / . . ' . t Highly Ornate Design. Beauti- . . . , . ' fully finisned Nickel Top , Panel Side \Vings , Base and Foot Rails. - ' Large Illuminated Door. Perfectly i i Ir . . , . _ mtThCt.tAcH&c $ Air Tignt r .f NCYcL5uptRIor . , ' : , ' . , FOR SALE BY I , . - I . E.eEwgm I ' " s r RED FRONT mm. CO. _ - . 11I : . . - . . . ' _ .r' . . . . . ' . . ' . . . \ . . . . . N _ i tti t . Eureka Saloon 2G5SS2S2S3S $ I 1 ' , ; ROBERT McQEER , Propr. \ , Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars l . + Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : | . Old Crow , Sherwood , a _ \ 1 Hermitage , , Guchenheimer , , . J Cedar Brook , " , . ' . . ' Sunny Brook , r p Hill - and 28 , . , old , . . Spring , " ' year/old - , t and Jas. E , Pepper 0 , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov- . ernm ' warehouse. . They are guar- - : anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- r , . excelled for family and medical use. ) . . , ' Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported I ' Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ' Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine = Nebraska y , : J . Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National : Bank June 1,18S4. . August 12 : , HJO ) : ! . : ' : . The ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK - - ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) . . . Valentine , - Nebraska. 4 , , ' GAKITAL PAID IN A General Banking , Exchange $ 2 5 ,000. ! and Collection Business : : : : _ _ _ C. H. CoitXEtiL , rrcsldcnt. M. V. NICHOLSON : , Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GI > EX HOENIG , Asb't Cashier. - I - - - -ii _ _ e ii _ 8 -e A New Hotel. Electric , Lights. A , ( Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. I ; i . I , I , Chicago House : _ . - NEAR DEPOT _ / MRS. : S. , A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. - Rates $1 per day , . Calls for all trains. - ! _ e4lllll e _ _ e : . Read the Advertisements. I - . , " , - . C. & N. W. New Time Table. WEST nOUXD : , No. i , 1:101 p. m. New passenger train. . . . . No. 55 : , 1:35 ; n. ni. Old " " No. : : IW ! > , 11:55 p. in. Through freight trnin. \ No. HI , 10 : : ! 0 a . in. Local freight train. EAST uonxn : No. 2 : ! , 11:00 p. m. New passenger train. I No.6 , 5:05 ( : a. in. Old' . . No. 11(5 ( , 0 t : : 0 ( a. in. Through freight train. No. 82 : , J:50 : p. in. Local freight train. Talk of the Town j . . O. D. Carey is down from the boarding . school. Sheriff Kosseter was in Kilgore bn business Monday. 1T \ m. Erickson was in town Monday from Kennedy. ; X. J. Uck of Wood Lake was in town on business : Monday. : A. Bunn of Arabia transacted business in our city Friday. The Eagle Lodge took in nine new Eagles last Saturday night. Prof. Funke and Miss : Trace- well of Cody WE re visiting in town over Sunday. For Sale-Five : French Spitz pups , all males , white and curly. -A. G. Shaw. 44 1 . The show Saturday night was well attended and everyone enjoy- ed themselves. - Geo. Tellier drove in from Gil- laspie to get a load of winter sup- plies this week. H. G. Quible Merriman a brother of the Co. Trc asurer was in town Monday. S. E. Rosseter , father of our sheriff , was in town Monday visit ing and on business. ' \T. F. Parker and Mr. Hamak- er of Wood ' Lake were in town on business Monday. Miss Opal Holsclaw came down from her home at Chadron Mon day night for a fewweeks visit " in "Valentine. Ed Parry and Curly Huggins returned Tuesday from Hot Springs. Mr Parry's wife is re ported no better. Sheriff Rosseter left yesterday morning for Norfolk with John Claybaup.li who is to become an inmate of the Norfolk asylum. The ladies guild of St. John's church will hold their usual Thanksgiving food sale at T , C. Hornby's W/ednesday / , Nov. 24. O. W. Morey is building abig ) frame iron clad building south of his jeweler store for an opera house and moving picture show. W. C. E. Smith now an auction- eer of Ainsworth was in our city Friday. He was clerk in Daven- port & Co's store some years ago. ago.J. o.J. J. G. Gaskill is raising the best he can get and recently bought a thoro bred Reg. Durock Jersey pig from Gon Seggern Bros. of Wis- ner. ner.A A party of men consisting of H. E. Lay port , Geo. Corbin , Don McCleod and Dannie Cox made : a trip to Crookston Tuesday after- noon. Fred Clark a son-in-law of E. Ormesher came down from Engle- wood and spent a few days visit- ing relatives , returning Monday- night. Judge Quigley , Frank Fisher jr. , and Judge Walcott ' went to Lincoln to see the foot-ball ' game between Nebraska and Kansas Saturday. ! James Storrs of Calf Greek one of the new precincts , John L.Rose- berry of Buffalo Lake and Mr. 1 Spencer of near there brought in election returns. A. Morrissey went west to i Crookston Sunday afternoon , re I turning to Ainsworth on the even- ing train and back to Valentine Monday afternoon. Registered Hereford cattle will be sold at Public Auction at O'Neill Nebr. , Thursday , Novem ber 18 1909. Read the local re garding sale in another part of this paper. C. M. JPotter is the new express agent at Valentine taking the place of H. L. Nelson who has re- signed. Sorry to loose Mr. : Nel- son , obliging , courteous and atten- , tive to duties. He departed for Omaha. Saturdays. ! . . Mr. Potter I ' ' it Tiu 1 , comb's1 from Des Momes. . . . , @ _ e _ _ _ e-e I UnderweaR I , The cold , chilly , wintry season demands a comfortable e and warm under garment. Take a peep at the display assortment in our window. You can get into one of these for from 70 cents to $4.00 per suit. Ladies' Two-piece Cotton Fleece , per suit 70c to § 1.00 Ladies' Pure White Unions , per suit - § 1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' Wool Unions , per suit - - - 3.00 e A Men's T\\ o-piece Fleece Lined , per suit - 1.00 Blen's Two-piece Wool faced , per suit - 1.25 Men's light weight wool , two-piece , per suit - 2,25 ! Men's heavy weight , two-piece , per suit - 2.25 Men's Union Suits , per suit - - 1.25 to 4.00 e ' - - . e @ @ , _ . . . _ ; _ . . .r - Hans Ulrich is in town from Kennedy visiting his many friends. Don't neglect to send a dollar for THE DEMOCRAT and mention our special offer or send clipping. I Every tenth subscription free. See our advertisement in this paper. A. M. and Will Morrissey en joyed a visit of their brother Charles last week. He recently sold his hotel at Fairfax. He was one of the early settlers near Chadron. Sam Hull , a brother to Mrs. II. A. Marrall who formerly run a J I restaurant : in Valentine drop I peel' into tawn last Saturday. He has ' Men farming ; in the south part of the state. state.Fischi's Fischer's hardware is expecting an electric or pneumatic vacuum cleaner , which will be good news j for the housewife. Makes house- j J keeping a pleasure. Further no- tice next week. 42 Arrange to attend the Public Sale of Registered Hereford cattle to be held at O'Neill , Nebr. Thurs- day Nov. 18 , 1909. Read the local write up in another part of this paper regarding the sale. While a number of boys were throwing stones and coal at each other Friday evening one of them accidently threw a stone through U large plate glass window in the front of the Geo. Corbin music store. Hon. A. H. Metzger was in town Tuesday on business. He and his brother Will are building a residence on their ranch 35 miles south of Merriraan , of cement blocks and when completed will , be one of the most comfortable and cozy homes in the sand hills. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Martin and two children started Monday night for Pennsylvania where they will visit relatives and friends all wint- er. Mrs. Martin has not fully re covered from her recent illness : and Mr. Martin thinks a milder climate during the winter will be beneficial. They expect to visit also Maryland and return by I March 1st. C. 0 Carpenter will I stay on the farm to take care of the stock during their absence. B. K. Boyer of Reeves and Enoch Anders Steen precincts brought in election returns last week and called at our office to enroll theirnames 'for advance subscriptions to the democrat. Mr. Boyer was a new subscriber and Mr. Anders brought in the name of F. W. Pool who happen ed to be the lucky tenth subscrib er and got his money returned and a year's subscription to THE DEMOCRAT. Who'll be the next ? - I A. L. Stewart and A. K. Larson drove to Cody and came down with the election returns last week and say that the roads were so much worse that they could make it to Valentine about as easy. They live at and near Rita Park. : S. L. Flick of near there also came in on the same route. While in town they visited the railroad cut off work which is well worth seeing. Mr. Flick , went from- hqre to IAinswo t tovisit : : his sis ter Mrs. Dr. Rem'y , J r . - - Farm Implements We sell farming implements as well as other . I merchandise at reasonable piices. . . , . . ' , , Call and . . . . , , " ' . , try us. ' : ; " ,1" f : : , r . , , " ' : , .f ; ' . \ . . . . , , . . ' _ P o. 0 . . . . . . " CROOKSTON , PR A ' % / E'VIERtEL NEBRASKA. . " MAX . E . / VI . I i' . DEALER IN EVERYTHING.I' / ' . . s ' . . The Genuine ' Round OiEk Heating Stoves and Base Burners . , ' . - ' Are the Most Famous in the World , . : > - . . , These are the stoves you have always heard about , the origi . ' . nal-the genuine. They are known as the stoves that" hold the fire , that save the fuel , that last a life-time. The Gen ' : uine Round Oak Heating Stoves Hum Hard . or Soft Coal. A close inspection of our line of Round ' . Oak Stoves , will easly convince you that they are the most nearly perfect stove made. - _ Frank Fischer. I . @ iiTium MlmilT : : 1Il fgllT Stetter & Tobien , Props. ' . nll 1 , ; . . ' ' , 5 fIm I 'I' " l' ' , 1. lln"1 II' ' DEALERS IN JI\II ! \ II I : I It . 'j I II I , i t' r i I ' ; Ifh lal i All Kinds of Fresh , ' I _ 'I fl , ill and Salt Meats. : ' . . . _ .II ! ! ,11 Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , . Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you haveto sell. _ _ _ ' 2T r : 1 AT THE FAIR . r ; GOOD SUITS I AM ) OVERCOATS 15to. $40 . , .j . : . ; . . The new fall styles are here in every fabric and de- ' : - r sign. Splendid effects in durable . Scotch and English mixtures. Snappy Suits and Overcoats of the Friend . made quality for men and young men. - . : 4 . . : Yoursjs Ready i H. W. HOENIG I , ; \ Clothier and Furnisher. / L . GRANT BOYER ; , - - ' CARPENTER & BUILDER. . X ' , All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes - Kesidence , and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , : PHONE 72 Nebraska , References : My Many Customers. - . . - ill r