Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 04, 1909, Image 7

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    1 . SAVED
y Lydia E. Pinkh am'S
Yegetable Compound
Louisville , 3vy. - "Lydia E. Pink-
; ham's Vegetable Compound has cer-
1 . - : " . ; ; i.I' ; . : , ' : . " . , . ' < . - , , . > : ; ' - : " . ( . . . . . . ' < < < : : : : :1'- ' N' . : : . : , @ " " ' / / ' ' tainly done me a
--s-- ; ; < " < ( : / . world of good and
' : tt < - x < raise it
, ) f ' " ft . I cannot praise
1.2'N. . . I suffered
, t , : " , $ enough. sunere .
" f ( , . . . . "f. ' ' ' ' fromirregularities ,
t i. : { . 'p.4r : : { ; : , . , . i' dizziness , nervous-
' ' " < <
I ' ! : J 1. , , „ 'M" , t 1 - ; ' 1/G ; ness , and a severe
l r 1 , s : : % . , . , . 's'ftfilr _ . . female . trouble. .
1. " + = i' '
; .
I % [ c4r , , ; ' LydiaE.Pinkham's
; * mlrA : fJ.4tVi(1 . . ; : , Vegetable Com-
I ' % \ . ' < ' restored
7 f ? $ M . , . , pound has
' ' ' . . . . . ' me to perfect I
1 < , . . health and kept me
I ! > ) ' . : if.p ; ; ; from the operating
-table. I will never be without this
" . " Mrs. : SASI'I
: .medicine in the house.-Mrs. \
'I ' : LEE ; 3523 Fourth St. , Louisville , Ky.
Another Operation Avoided. I
Adrian , Ga. - "I suffered untold
misery from female troubles , and my
doctor said an operation was my only
chance , and I dreaded it almost as
.much as death. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable : Compound completely cured
-me without an operation. " - LENA V.
: JT-Rvnv , E. 3 ? . D. 3.
Thirty years of unparalleled sue-
vcess confirms the power of Lydia E.
3inkham's : : Vegetable Compound to
cure female diseases. The great vol-
nme of unsolicited testimony constant-
ly : pouring in proves conclusively that
Xydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
' . ound is a remarkable remedy for those
-distressing : feminine ills from which
30 many women suffer.
Don't ! - Use
\\\t 8ES't 'YLtU\tuu. iO.UGS"IO . \ \ 4 S
Will instantly relieve your aching
throat. There is nothing like it for
Asthma , Bronchitis and lung
troubles. Contains no opiates.
, Very pleasant to take.
All Druirg &ta . 25 cents.
Paper-Hangers 81 Painters
You can greatly increase your business with no es-
trn investment by Belling Alfred 1'rata' Prize
" \ \ " "IIIUlpor.Yo want one Rood : . worker in each
' , ' ieintty . and to the first worthy applicant will .end
Jo nEI . by prepaid : express five Inrce tunnplu
tookK showing a g350.000.OO Wnllpuper Stock
for customers to select from. Wo offer liberal profits
-o oar repre ontath'es. Answer quickly that you may ,
, pt tho fluency in your vicinity for : 1919. ( ) !
.Alfred Ten ta Co. , H4-14G "VV abash Ave. , Clilcagn. I
The Natural
acts on the bowels just as some
" < foods act. Cascarets thus aid
the bowels just as Nature would.
Harsh : cathartics act like pepper
in the nostrils. Soon the bowels
grow so calloused that one must :
multiply the dose. > 575
Vest-pocket box 10 cents-at drug-stores.
Each tablet of the ccnuino is marked C C C.
T ' I please say ycm caw . Jut ade.riLempne
to tbi papeJB.
"Pardon me , Dr. Nextly , but It la
simply preposterous for you to want to
marry my daughter. You are more
than twice as old as she is. "
"I know that , Mr. Sykes , but when
she has been a preacher's wife ten or
fifteen years ; she will look fully an old
" - Tribune.
as I do. - Chicago
* _
Avrfnl , CruKlcd , WeeplnK Eczemn on
Little Sufferer - A Score of 'rre t-
ments Prove Dlnmnl Failure
Cure Achieved by Cutlcnra.
"My little boy had an awful rash all
said it
over his body and the doctor
was eczema. It was terrible and used
to water awfully. Any place the water
went it would form another sore and
It would become crusted. A score or .
more physicians failed utterly and dis-
mally in their efforts to remove the
trouble. Then I was told to use the
Cutcura : Remedies. I got a cake of
Cuticura Soap , : v ' box of Cuticura Oir.t-
mcnt and a bottle of Cnticura Resolv
ent and before we had used half the
Resolvent I could see a change : in him.
In about two months he was entirely
well. George L. Lambert , 139 West
Centre St. , Malmnoy Cit ' , Pa. , Sept. 2(5 (
and Nov. 4 , 1007. "
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Sole
Pi-0i ; s. of Cuticura RemediesL Boston.
The Lc * t Aliirnt Clock.
Husband - Why don't you have Brid-
get shut the kitchen door ? One can
small the breakfast : cooking all over
the house.
Wife - \ve leave it open on purpose.
The smell is all that gets the family
Fine Recipe for Cold
Any druggist can supply these in
gredients , or he will get them from
his wholesale house.
"Mix half pint of good whiskey : ;
two ounces of glycerine ; half ounce of
Concentrated pine compound. Shake
the bottle well each time and use in
doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoon-
ful four times a day. " This prescrip-
tion is said to work wonders.
The Concentrated pine is a special
pine product and comes only in half
ounce bottles , each enclosed in an air
tight case , but be sure it is labeled .
"Concentrated" in order to get th i
genuine article.
1'roteus ' and Taxis.
Under the figure of Proteus , the old
man who in many forms was always
the same unpleasant customer , the an-
cients probably typified the charge for
tadcabs.-Xt York Post. ! ;
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation. Constipation is the
cause of many diseases. Cure the
cause and you cure the disease. Easy
to take. :
One Comfort for Johnny.
"Yes , " said Mrs. Lapsling , "Johnny
tries ; my patience sometimes , but I never
spnnlc him. I don't believe in corpulent
Some people would drown with a life
preserver at hand. They are the kind
that suffer from Rheumatism and Neural-
sin when they can get Hamlins Wizard
Dil , the best of all pain remedies.
A cork carried 200 feet below the
surface of the water will not rise
1ms been used In many families for three generations. ;
It In relied upon for colds neuralgia : Bclatlca strains
burns or bruises. 25c. S5c. 60c a bottle.
Only 140 of the 361 species of blrdg
found in Great Britain are resident
of England all the year round.
1Irs.Vinslow's Soothing Syrup for
children teething softens the gums , re
duces inflammation , allays pain , cures
wind colic. 25c a bottle.
Friendship's Tribute.
Nan-I haven't much of a singing
voice , you know , but I have it under ex
cellent control.
Fan Yes ; that's what I like about
jou l , dear. You seldom let it escape you
. . . , -
A Clean Man 7
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. ' A man may
scrub himself a dozen times a day , and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside but inside. It means ; . . ,
a clean stomach , clean bowels , clean blood , a clean liver , and
jicw , clean , healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think . '
clean , clear , healthy thoughts.
He will never be troubled with liver , lung , stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom- . ' , '
achs. : Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. x
Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery '
prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean
and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs , makes pure
clean blood , and clean , healthy flesh.
It : restores tone to the nervous system , and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierc ' , Pleasant Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy.
, .
: " freet.Jo8.ndEyerySlsferSIla
FREE TO YOU - MY SISTER ferfag Irem WODlan's Ailnwnts.
I am woman.
, , I know woman's sufferjn s.
v""j rye I have found the cure.
- c i' : . home treat
: I will mail free of any charjre. my
u , ment with full instructions ! to any sufferer from
" ' " . , woman's ailments. I want to tell all women about
this cure-you , my reader for yourself , your daughter
; your mother , or your sister. I want to tell you how
ti < : ; to euro yourselves at home without the help of a
" % doctor. Men cannot understand women's sufferings.
r j.v/ . , . , „ . . What we women Know from experience , we know
' , . better than any doctor. I know that my h'ome treat
, . - 'ss3 ! h. . . . , : . , : ' 3 % . : ment is a safe and sure cure for Leucorrhoea or
Whitish Discharges. Ulceration. Displacement
' : - . < ; s. or Falling of tho Womb. Profuse , Scanty or Pain-
; r ' : ' ful Periods , Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or
r " Growths : also pains in the head back and
, bowels bearing down feelings nervousness
' - ' " " ' creeping feeling up the spine , melancholy , de.
, yryw : : : . : A ; sire to cry , hot flashes weariness kidney and ;
h ; bladder troubles , where caused-by weaknesses
Ay . . , v. peculiar to our sex.
- < 3. , . , I want to send you a complete ten days' treat-
ment entlrclyfrec to prove to you that you can cure
yourself at home , easily , quickly and surely. Re
member , that it will cost you nothing to give the .
treatment a complete triai ; and if you should wish to continue it will cost you only about 12 cents a .
freek. or less than 2 cents a da } ' . It will not interfere with your work or occupatio'n. Just send me
; your name and address tell me how you suffer if you wish , and J : will send you the treatment
for you case entirely free , in plain wrapper by return mail. I will also send you , free Of cost. my
book - " WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ! ; ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations showing why women
tuff er. and how they can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have it , and learn
te think for herself. Then when the doctor says-"You must have an operation. " you can
, decide for yourself. Thousands of women ha vo cured themselves with my home remedy. Itcures all ,
Old young. To Mothers of Daughters I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily
.and effectually f cures Lcucorrhoc-a. Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young
Ladies. Plumpness and health always results from its use.
Wherever you live I can refer you to ladies of your own locI.lityoho know and will gladly tell any
Sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all women's diseases , and makes women well
Btrotur. plump and robust. Just Send me your address , and the free ten days' treatment is yours ,
. aUo the book. Write today , as you may not see this offer again. Address ,
. IIRS. . M. SUMMERS. Box 1. - - 'E. . Noire Dame , Ind. U. S. B ,
, . " .
. j .
( lw ? :
- ' ;
. . . - - li .
tJl t . f
'ft- . _ . " ; '
The World's Timber.
Prof. Somerville's paper before the
British Association on the timber sup-
ply shows that the world Is steadily
approaching a timber famine. Already
Britain pays : each year 27,000,000
sterling for wood ; Germany , with
nearly twelve times the area of forest
possessed by Britain , annually pays
12,000,000 sterling for Imported tim-
ber , and , although the United States
of America exports wood and wood
products to the value of .20,000,000
sterling per annum , she has to pay
as much , for Imports. In Europe ,
Sweden and Russia are , of course , the
chief timber exporting countries , but
In both cases the vast Inroads on
supplies Is seriously felt , and exports
are being appreciably reduced. There
are , of course , Canada and Siberia ,
but In Canada , at all events , wood is
being used up at a rapid rate.
Cleaning ; the Poultry
Are you still a back number In al
lowing the poultry house to get filthy'
and dirty , foul-smelling nesting mate-
rial , Infested with lice and mites ? Or
have you become progressive ! , and by
actual trial have found out how well
It pays to keep everything neat and
clean and In a strictly sanitary con-
dition ? ,
By this time you certainly have the
farm work well In hand , and can
spare a few hours' time for giving the
poultry house and yard a thorough
cleaning and overhauling. If the quar-
ters are allowed to become filthy and
Infested with vermin , as well as the
fowls themselves , things will soon go
to the bad , and the hens will take on
that pale , languid appearance , which
will surely terminate in disaster If
Clean out not only all the drop
pings , but also all the old straw and
litter In the house , cleaning out the
nests , spraying them and the roosts
with coal oil to kill 'mites. In fact ,
the entire aim should be to do every-
thing In as' thorough and painstaking
manner as possible. Give the Inside
walls a good coat of whitewash , which
both makes the . house lighter and kills
vermin. If the floor is given a good
coating of dry lime , It will serve to
give the entire Interior a . pleasant ,
healthy odor. This also has a bene-
ficial effect In killing disease germs ,
and Is especially valuable In case of
disease , when It should be used around
In the yards as well as in the house.-
A.gricultural Epltomlst.
Importance of Irrigation.
Rivers are always the nurses of the
earliest civilization , and In this re
spect the Tigris and Euphrates are
rivals of the Nile , for Babylonia , like
Egypt , was a river's "gift. The
Mesopotamian Valley Is Intersected ,
gridiron fashion , by huge canals-not
dug out , but built upon the earth's
surface , crossing the plain from river
to river and seeming to the traveler
like ranges behind ranges of curiously
regulated hills. From these , > lesser
canals branched In all directions and
gave birth In turn to others still
smaller , until at last the final threads
carried the life-giving water to every
grove and garden and individual palm.
A system of Irrigation so mechanically
perfect and on so vast a scale was
never elsewhere seen. All the wealth
and splendor and power of the ancient
Babylonian and Assyrian empires were
founded on this system. They issued
from and were dependent on it. The
prosperity of the country hung on Its
water supply as absolutely as the ex
istence of a Saharan oasis hangs on
Its well. A harm dOne to the Irriga-
tion system was felt through all the
civilization it nourished.
It was so the Mesopotamian civiliza-
tion died. The complicated irrigation
works which watered the country re
quired for their upkeep the superin-
tending care of multitudes of trained
laborers and expert engineers. Only
knowledge and skill and large re
sources could deal with and maintain
the immense canals and sluices and
dams and locks which distributed the
river water over the land which com
posed a machinery as elaborate as a
clock's though of water works , not
metal ] works. The hand of a steady
and strong government was needed to
wind that machinery up and keep It
going and there came a time when
that hand was withdrawn. -London
Planting Tree for Posts.
The'rapid denuding of our forests
and" the consequent scarcity of timber
for all purposes , especially the cheaper
kinds In the rough for farm requIre-
ments , renders the planting of forest
trees of great Importance. There are
few farms , especially on prairies , that
have not B&Veral small pieces of land
that are not easy of cultivation , which
a little time and worK will fit for the
planting of trees , which should be set
In rows about four feet apart , and
cultivated as corn. Seedling trees can
be purchased from the larger nurseries
at from $3 to $5 per thousand , which
is cheaper than the labor required to
dig them in the timber lands if they
could be gotten Jor nothing. It is a
. , -
- - . . . --1' ' -
good plan to cut off the entire top ot
the young tree when setting out. This
will give a good , strong , straight
growth for the trunk of the future
tree. A little pruning during the first
and second summers will start tho
trees with good , clean trunks , and
after this but little care will be need-
ed. A small plat of land , If properly
handled , will In a few years furnish
an abundance of firewood and posts
and poles that are necessary for
fences. The value of a constant sup-
ply of timber on the farm can hardly
be overestimated.
Posts can be grown In groves much
cheaper than In line hedges. Hedge
fences are not to be recommended , ex
cept In special cases , for the reason
that , the labor required to keep a
hedge fence In good shape would care
for a large grove. A tall hedge may
sometimes be of great value for a
windbreak , and for such purposes their
use should not be discouraged , though
a grove will usually furnish better
protection to cultivated fields and farm
. .
buildings. The varieties best adapted
to western prairie countries are black
locust , catalpa and cottonwood , suc-
ceeded by soft maple , mulberry and
white ash , the last named being of
somewhat slower growth than the
others , but more valuable for many
Origin of Dog Xames.
Spaniels were so called because the
original breed of this type came from
' Spain. The Blenheim spaniel got his
'name from Blenheim Palace , where
this dog first gained popularity in the
time of the great Duke : of Marlbor-
ough. In the same way the King
Charles spaniel owes Its name to the
merry monarch. Fox terriers did not
gain their name from a llkaraess to
the fox , but . from the fact that for-
merly they were used in hunting foxes.
Many years ago they were sent by
their masters down the fox's burrow
to draw and kill their quarry. It was
In those days a saying that a good
fox terrier ! bur-
never came out of a -
row without the fox. He either
brought out his prey de ad or never
came out alive himself.
The bulldog used to drive cattle and
was trained to meet the rushes of his
enormous charges by gripping them
In their tenderest spot - the nose. Thus
, n- time he became known as the bull-
dog : The dachshund is a German
dog , and , as his name indicates when
translated , was used for hunting
badgers. Hence his name-badger
dog. Among hunters In the fatherland
this breed is still popular , although
as a rule they are now too delicate to
face such a ferocious fighter as the
Spitz dogs are so named owing to
their sharp nose. This is also a Ger-
man name , spitz meaning sharp point-
ed. Another name for this breed Is
Dalmatian dog , because his native
home was In Dalmatla. - Chicago
Why Hay Is Graded Low.
The rules of the National Hay Asso
elation recognizes twenty-three gradei
of hay , which seem to fall Into five
classes : Timothy , clover , mixed tim-
othy and clover , wild grasses and al
falfa. Choice timothy bay must be
sound , properly cured , of bright nat-
ural color , not mixed with more than
one-twentieth of other grasses , and
well baled. Lower grades of timothy
are Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 , and "no grade. "
Clover hay has two grades , No. 1 and
No. 2. No. 1 clover must be medium
clover , sound , properly cured , not
mixed with more than one-twentieth
of other grasses and well baled. Choice
alfalfa hay must be reasonably fine
leafy alfalfa of bright green color ,
baled. Other grades of alfalfa are Nos.
1 , 2 and 3 , and "no grade. " These
rules are used by most cities that have
official Inspection.
A large percentage of the timothy
on the market Is graded below No. 1.
The reasons are that many meadows
are cut for years , until they become
weedy and mixed with other grasses ,
and that the hay is often cut too late ,
so that it loses the bright natural
color and palatabllity. , If the farmer
would send to market nothing but
what the feeder considers good he
would get a higher price. It might
be necessary In some cases to educate
the country buyer also.
Timothy has the lead , especially
among city feeders , because it Is not
only nutritious but palatable and non-
laxative , and the horse Is not likely
to overload. Nevertheless other kinds
of hay would often prove better for
the feeder. Alfalfa , for Instance , has
high muscle-building qualities and Is
especially valuable for draft horses.
It is highly relished , however , and
the horse may overload.
Meantime the farmer Is obliged to
Include clover and other legumes to
his rotation In order to maintain the
fertility of his land. In regard to good
rotations the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture is glad to give
In any case , the farmer who sells
I hay should seek to produce the high
est grade by keeping his meadows
pure and by proper methods of cut-
ting , curing and stacking. Further
points may be found in Farmers' Bul- -
letin 362 , "Conditions Affecting the
Value of Market Hay , " which may be
obtained free from the United States
Department of Agriculture.
. .
- .
BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS , concerning which so mu.-h bts bees wrlwaj 15
a very rare disease. In not one case out of twenty of so-called " KJdnejr Disease' doe the frouhte
really lie with the kidneys. It Is practically all BLADDER TROUBLE.
Is the most efficient and reliable BLADDER MEDICINE known to the medical world. TboaMtid
of people throughout the country will te dfy to the quick and sure relief ! obtained from Its use. It has
been In constant use throughout the civilized world for over 200 years and Is probably bewr kaowa
than any other remedy discovered by man.
: B : ACEB. : . 'Z' . > Ua : IaE
Is often n painful and annoying ailment. Frequently most distressing symtoms . result from a
slightly affected bladder. Taken regularly Qolfl Medal Haarlem Oil Capsule will remove all
traces of such trouble in a few days. It is not strange that this valuable preparation should enjoy such
an extended use and enormous sale. . . . „ , , . _ . . „ „ . ,
Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Is put up in two forms In CAPSULES and BOTTLES. Capsules
25c. and 50c. per box. Bottles 15c. and 35c. , at all ! Druggists. Be sure von obtain the Gold Medal
Tilly brand.
I _ '
Raising . Temperature .
depends upon the heater-how
constructed-whether it gets all v
the fuel-energy or only some of it. . -
If the heater is a .
Oil Heater u
' Equipped with Smokeless Device ) ] t
the raising of the temperature is , ' (
certain. '
' o
Turn the wick as high or low as
it will go-there's no danger , no
smoke , no smell - ju'st an emphatic , ,
raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
is a permanent check upon carelessness , making the heater
safe in the hands of a child. Burns nine hours with one
filling , heats all parts of a room quickly.
Oil indicator tells amount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frame. Cleaned in a minute. Finished
in Nickel or Japan. Various styles and finishes.
. . Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not at Yours , Write for Descriptive Circular
/ to the Nearest Agency of the
( Incorporated ) 1
J . . . . -1
Tell the Ticket Agent to
Make Your Ticket Read
New York Central Lines
You are on the ground and in the best position
to judge which is the best route from your town
I to Chicago. But the
Lake Shore ! or Michigan Central /
give you the only water-level route to New York
-you can sleep-the only route via Niagara Falls ,
the Mohawk and Hudson rivers , and lands you at
the only railroad station in New York - in the heart
of hotel , theater and club district , on subway , sur
face and , elevated car lines.
Stop-overs at important scenic and business
points without extra charge.
For information regarding1 tickets , folders ,
maps , time-tables , etc. , ask your local ticket Ii
agent or address N
Paaienger Traffic Manager New York Central Lose . .
CHICAGO. ILL. -America' Greatest
JUllway sysae - "
l a ,
There are no other shoes at popular prices
that in any way compare with these classy ,
fashionable , good-fitting shoes. They are made
on lasts that insure the utmost comfort , yet
give your feet that trim and stylish look.
0. . . .
shoes combine style and wearing qualities to a degree that
easily makes them the most popular , dressy and serviceable
ladies' fine shoes obtainable , at a cost no greater than ordin . ® ,
ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you ; if not , write to us. 0 :
To be sure you gel ihe LEADING LADY.
look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the soles. r : .
7 " .
FREE - If you will send us the name of a dealer who doea < } , - .
not handle Leading Lady Shoes , we will send you free , post. " " " '
paid , a beautiful picture of Martha Washington , size 15 x 20. " : ' '
We . also make Honorbilt Shoes for . men . , Martha Wash- . : . . " .1' . . . . ' '
ington Comfort ; Shoes , Yerma Cushion Shoes , Special ! ; . : ; t' i. . . .
; , . , . . . . . Merit School Shoes and V/ork Shoes. JjJf f . . ' : : , I
\ . ' < .U.Jo' : . . '
t titit : F . Mw 9 CY B 00 ; & ShOe CO. ' . " .0 1 , + ' -
n . . flfiil 4 ttL'ltee , \Vis.
c : ; :
/ Olq is "
Could Suit Herself. .
Heiress-Tell me truly Arthur is it
your love or your reason prompts you
to marry me ?
Arthur-Just as you like , dearest.-
Meggendorfer Blaetter.
S. C. N. U. No. 45-1909.
. . . . . - . - .
" : The recent extension of tho US. C.'O.
HOMES B. It brines thousands of acres of flna
government land alOng this line on -
the market. Splendid soil cllmato. water. timber and
ran ye ; nlfalfa. wheat. Block . fruit , grain and vegetable * .
Good railroad faeltitleeandmarkets. Crops sure wltb-
out irrl ; atlon. COME KOW and getahomafornothing .
Instead of paylnc hlzh prices elsewhere. If you have
used yoar : homestead right you can tJ.koO : acres undet
the Desert Land Act. Some stock ranches and deeded
land for sale by owners. Fine opeaine for HTB'
, land men. Address 11. C. DOUGI' . : . LA * ? D COM. .
I Xovada California. Orcjoa ; Ky. . JIEjiO , ftEVADA
- - - - - - - -
Can be handled very easily. The lekr.3 cured and an others In
Eame stable , no matter hoWesposed. : " kept from harmsc tho dls-
t . \xse. . by uslnjr l : SFOHrs LIQUID DISTEMPER CUltE. GlTo oa
* 1 ! the ' longne. or in feed. Acts on the blood and expels germs oC
i all forms of distemper. Best remedy erer known for inares In roaL
Ono bottle guaranteed to care one casa. : E3cau"21abottle : ; 5 and
I tlO dozen ofdruggtstsandharnexsdealcrs.orF : : t express paid bj
- "e / [ manufacturers. Cat choirs horr to poultice throats. Our free
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