i r - " . _ - . . - , - , , . w . . . - ,
- . . . , ' . . .
.t lcT -.r ---eIJS
I -j
:1.Of : t ; the Liver
'I I
If N liver shirks
. its duties and becomes
sluggish in action you
" will soon feel aout of
, ; I " I
sorts" in consequence.
, The liver must do its
. work properly or else
digestive "upsets" and
stomach and bowel dis- 8
orders are sure to
trouble you.
I Rexall Liver Salts
rL can implicitly de-
pended upon to arouse
the liver to vigorous ac-
I tivity , to sweeten and I
strengthen the stomach
and to cure constipa-
tion. Price 50c a bottle
pl\fAN ;
A. 0
@ . " .i'
I g
. s re Itttito. . - - as
. .
: r _
_ _ -
- :
r ,
. * * * ' If
" ' I
Lumber Piles
* *
, t It keeps us busy to keep our
'stock full , so we can meet all de-
jmands. We are especially pre-
pared now to take care of orders
equiring long timbers. But our
pstock . of
It :
& Finish Lumber
, , , as . . also . ' complete " . , .including . . White ;
. ,1 i Pine , Yellow Pine and Fir Fin-
. ish , etc.
* Ludwig Lumber Co.
' _ . .
' '
\ \
. '
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
. by all men - for any
: man - for you. It is
_ _ suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
. we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. . A checking
account will serve your
. . Pay by check , the
method puts system -
. . to your business and
. gives you a record of
P every transaction.
. . . .
: Fruit , Confectionery :
. ' : and Cigars 1
Home Made Candies , : (
. Bread , Pies and Cakes 1
i Mrs. J. W. Ward |
> . *
_ J AJ . frAStfcJtJtJ * * . , _ /V J'v v
Sheriff's -Sale.
Bv virtue of an oraer of sa'e issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry county , Ne-
/ ' . braska. on a decree of fON > closure. wherein
Herman O. " Bgciers. administrator ) of the will
annexed of the estate of Peter Kgger * . deceased .
is wlaiimff. and Fred Hrayton JIaugie : Brayron.
William .Johnsen , Charts Johnson , Andrew
Johnson , George ! H. HornbyThe Piano Manu-
facturinv 00 . C. M. Bailey , Benjamin F. Bailey
and M. Kate Noble , are defendants. I will seil
at th " front door of the courthouse Valentino
Cherry county. Nebraska that beinc the . t'\ ild-
inc wherein th > Ia $ term of said court was held
on the 16th , day : ! of November. 1909. at 9 o'clock ) a. .
m. , the fallowing described lauds and tenements
TO satisfy the judgments aud costs in sai.l
nctibu :
The east ! half of the northeast quarter } and ihe
northwest quarter of thi > northeast quarter an i
the northeast quarter of fins "northwest quartor
. of sectio" 32 , township 33 ranee 25 , ami I. i tsl 1. 1
, . , 3 and 4 , s-ction 5 , township 32 , iaiige 25. JUKI
the southeast quarter of the soiuhworjt quarter ,
atifl the south half of the southeast quarter , aud :
the northeast . quarter of the southeast iurte-r {
of fi.Pl'tlon1 , township S3 , range 23 , all iii - Sitid
county and state.
Dated this 31st day of Augttat,19 ; ; ®
, C , A. ROSSETd1t
, ' O JjLL L' " HJJ rltJ q Qlilerri ' CqI I . .
\iQuhd&t1ffi . " . . -.J. l ' snrucr.tirt . - : cys o1'n ' . ,
. . . .
r , ' J--
, .
I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
Mark Zarc- - - Foreman.
Thursday , Octobber 28 , 1909.
. . . .
j * - State :
For Supreme Judge-
. r B. F. GOOD
J. H . 13KAN : .
. *
For Regents
' .
County : . ;
For Trc slll"er- . : . : - : ' /
E. B. QUIUI . ; ' , _
For Judge \
For Sheriff _
SheriffCLYDE . ' ' .
For 8urvc 'or- .
For Go. Ooin'r First District
Frank Fischer , sr. , left last
night for Omaha on business.
' " Ed Phifer and family moved up
from Norden last week.
x _
Ralph Wilson ! and Pete Free-
man of Merriman were in our city
on business Tuesday.
Dominek Bray one of the old
time Government employes at the
Rosebud Agency was in town
this week. i
The PresbyterianLadies Aid i
will serve supper at the home of
John Slonecker Thursday eve ,
Nov. 4. Supper 25 cents. Come
Last week old man Coggswell
and one of his sons , while driving
down a steep hill north of the
i mouth of the Minnechaduza , ran
over the bank and were both ser-
I iously hurt.
Fischer's hardware is expecting .
an electric or pneumatic vacuum
cleaner , which will be good news
for the housewife. Makes house-
keeping a pleasure. . Further no-
tice next week-
Louie Burdeaux came jn from
Lamro Tuesday in answer to a
phone from his son stating that
they had lost four hundred tons of
hay and three horses in the prairie
fire that burned through the
country near St. Francis Mission
the fore part of last week.
H. A. Davis ; came to town Sun-
day evening to have the doctor
lance the little finger on his right
hand swollen from poison or a briar
to twice its size. He had been
working in the timber near IIH
place on the Snake and the pain
had caused several sleepless
At St. John's Church , next Sun-
day , October 31st , there will be a .
celebration of the Holy Eucharist .
at 7:30 : , A. M. , followed by Suu-
day school at ten and Matins with i
sermon at eleven. No evening
service Litany and choir rehear-
sal on Friday evening October
29th , at 7:30. :
i > ' ! ' -rl ! R > ( ' ! m' > ' - "tfl - -
. Lath , Shingles , Doors ,
I Windows , Papex , Pat-
! ent Roofing Tar Paper ,
! I Paints , Oil , Varnish ,
Brushes , Glass , Putty ,
I Lime , Cement , Plaster ,
Brick , POSTS , Poles.
We Sell Hudson Coal
, W"'J60. ' . ' " ' . . .t : 01 ; ' . . . . * ; . . . . . .t.- ' ' 1 < ' " . . . . .
I. i . . . . . . -
i The Beast
; and the Jungle " -
applies to every city and
town in the United States
-'ours included-just as
I , surely as it does to Denver.
Besides , it is a wonderful
true story of real life.
Get the
Special display by -
George Elliott.
I W. H. Stratton
I i Dealer in
, General Merchandise
tfcfr : } Hall & Cathi Val ntind N br1
" , .
. .
" ,
- -
i 1
Cherry County.
Valentine , Nebraska , October , 1909
Board of County Commissioners
of Cherry County , Nebraska , met
in regular session , present
A. E. l10rrisChairman ;
James Mone ,
N. S. Rowley.
Settlement of James Mone for
the sale of the lumber from tfieold
Boiling Springs bridge was ap
proved in the amount of 14.80
and same turned into the county
treasury :
The county clerk is instructed
to notify Marcus Eaton , road
overseer of District No. IS. to at
once put in the approache to the
Lavaca bridge , and on the date set
for the opening of bids for the .
grading and putting in approches
to the Rockford and Crane bridges
to immediately advise each com-
missioner of the contents of each
bid and the amount bid and upon
advice from said Commissioners
to let the contract. '
Commissioner Mone is instruct-
ed to go to Gordon , Nebraska ,
and investigate the matter of
claims for supplies and care of the
H. P. Sh pard family and make
suitable arrangements for their
care with S. 11. Woodward , over-
seer of the poor in and for Irwin
Whereupon the Board adjourn-
ed to October 6th , 1909.
. . -
October 6th , 1909
Board met as per adjournment ,
members all present :
All bids called for for painting
the outside of the court house
were rejected.
JDhe Semiannual statement of
Lulu Kortz Hudson , County Sup-
erintendent , was approved.
The petition of Alex Burr et ai
For the construction of a twenty
foot span bridge to be located on
the Whitman and Pullman State
road , was approved.
The voting place for Enlow pre-
cinct was changed and located at
the store of C. E. King on Sec 13
Tp 98 Range 38.
The official bond of George
Hayes as Road Overseer for Road
District No. 16 was approved and
he duly appointed as such over-
seer.The appointment of W. Ii.
Kennedy as Deputy County Treas-
urer was approved and his bond
approved in the sum of 50,000.00. .
The county clerk was instruct-
ed to draw warrants on the Gener '
al Fund in redemption of the fol
lowing Tax Sale Certificates issued
by the county treasurer , the lands
so sold being government land
and erroneously taxed :
Certificate No. 305 , Tract No.
452 , Tax Suit for the year 1906.
Amount $14.64 : in favor of H. C.
Certificates No. 485 , Tract No.
740 , Tax Suit for the year 1906 ,
Amount § 19.03 inxfavor of H. C.
Certificate No. 499. Tract No.
812 , Tax Suit for the year 1906 ,
Amount § 12 30 in favor of Julia
A. Cole.
The following claims were al-
lowed on the General fund :
Canvassing primary election returns
W E Hale § t 00 Geo Elliot $ 4 09
J T Keeley1 00
Elect.on fees
John Thomasl 00 Jeiinek 4 00
J K Kellar : 40) G W Roan 15 CO
J Uehliiiir ! 4 00 School dist 2 00
Ira SpencerI 00 R : l.Il Lee 4 00
'I l H White 16 CO Victor Martin1 00
Frank Lee 4 00 M W A Brownlee 2 00
F Bresee 4 00 I. Laufer " 4 00
E T Gentry 400 S ai Woodward 00
W E Hahn 4 00 M Skinner : ' - ' 00
Win Erickson 4 00Vin Rennedy1 00
Mr. Fackenham 00 KB Wilkinson , 1 00
A McAlevy 4 00 DistSl 2 , 00
E J rurdum 26 50 S Flick 4 00
C H Darr 4 00 E Wright 4 00
J Collins 6 00 J H Jacobson 21 00
T Reigle 4 00 B Murray 4 00
F Boyer 4 00 B K Boyer 4 00
Dist 107 2 00 ( let ) Sawyer 4 00
K Ellis 4 00 A Fairchild 4 00
V B Brown 13 10 E Stilhvell 4 00
Ed llalya 2 00 Jas Hudson 4 00
H Polen 4 00A HrtchlJili1 00
J J Grooms 10 ) 50 Dist 71 2 00
G H Folsom 2 00 D Alder 2 00
W It White 17 10 J F Naylor 4 00
M Metzger1 00 L W Horton 4 00
M W A Hall 2 00 A G Wiclcham1 00
CFBovet4 00 A L Stewart 2230 :
T Whisuaud l1 00 E P Eriksen 4 00
Dist ro 200 BF Prentice 400
A J Allan 4 00 E A Spcncer1 00
T F Folk 23 40 C Brady ' _ . . -1 00
W C Spencer 2 00 A H MetzgerI CO
C K King ' 4 00 U G Creigrr 4 00
E F.rje 20 5U 1) Gourley 400
M ! Parker 2 00 F Nollett 7 50
'Wm Epke 4 00 A Grooms1 00
J Sheibouru jr 4 00 L Stone 4 00
Dist y 2 00 It Gtles 4 1 00
L Giles 4 00 L F Neubauer 18 00
I it It Casti e 4 00 A G Palmer1 00
Dist 101 2 00 ( ( ) H Schaefer 9 40
lIt K. Uaillsford1 00 Ed Satterlee1 00
fll Bolt z 4 00 J Lorenz 4 00
Dist 47 2 00 Win Ritchie 8 so
G W Coleman 4 00 J Davis 4 00
J A \V Johnson ; 4 00 F Rothleutner 4 00
Dist 82 2 _ 00 Ed Volleutlne " . 4 Oa
W VOllel tille 4 00 MSwigert 400 .
\V F Hankins1 00 L D Tice 21 00
Dist 19 2 00 Geo Stoote 0 SO
C Ohilders1 00 W M Hook1 00
C i u Stoner 4 . 00 J F Youns 4 00
A C U Miscliceidor _ 2 00
J J Newberry 7 10 W E Searby1 oo
Jas McLaushhn 4 00 J W Bced 4 00
Heury Sauerweiu 00 Woodman nail 8 00
H R Crosby C 50 C Firth 4 . CO
WHeelan.1 py . . Ed pnpeslier 4 00
itEUoty t " fob " Dist ts ( j"- _ .r . 200 \
. . . . . .
' . , - .
. .
. . . . .
, - . ' ' ' '
, . .
. - . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . " ' - . . . - - . . . . . . - . . . - . - , _ . - . . . . . . - - - : . . . - - - " ' . , , . - . . -
' , - . '
r - " - " " \ - - - - # H ;
, . ' " . I. - ! , - ' . . . ' : . { : .f : . . < ' : . ' " -iV - : " ' - - ' All i' 1. d. - .
Oia-'Crow . , j " - " _ ' . , . " . ' , . , " " , ' . . . . ! . i ' . . Leading
% ' .
- - - < ,
Hermitage " Brands . . ' .
. . . ' \
and * Bottled '
I VGKichen - 1 . i nder the
t _ t tt
t ; , . . .
heimer Supervision _ .
, . - ' q
. . Jr
Rye . . . * of the"s : .
. - . "s *
--1 .
Whiskeys. 4 , U. S. Gov"/ ; : :
. . " ! >
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
, J
HENRY STETTER , Propr. . .
D Fowler 7 00 F B'ack ! 4 00
F Taylor 4 00 , I umnger 4 00
C Hahn j 00 Bis' ! 12 1 200
W W Babcoek 4 00 J B Handbury 4 00
C S Hoyt 4 00 J T HanlcY'1 00
G H Ilawley 1'J 00 J T Hawley 2 00
P 0 GallowayI 00 .Jos Kuielka 4 00
J H Wray 11 50 Geo Dentou 4 00
J Kauer 4 00 Dist 43 : 2 00
J II : Gardiner 4 00 Ed Heudricks 4 00
L C Starr 13 : GO C Larson 4 00
P Nelson 4 00 1) I st 49 2 00
A L Gillaspw ! 17 M 1) I Barnes 4 00
H E Sl1crman1 00 D Adams.1n1 00
A Russcil 4 00 J W Stutter 2 00
A Epke 4 00 Win PittlllCl'1 00
Ii Detgpn 4 00 Melshaw : 10 20
H G Weihll 'g 4 00 Dist , 15 ; 2 00
P H 1 > ouig 12 20 II B Clapp 4 00
A E .Spall : 4 00 G Chnbtopln : r 4 OJ
G A Smi h 4 00 A E Spail ) ! 2 00
C llHgen 8 60 H Lyons -I 1 00
J H Day 4 00 N Uck 2 00
M F Clyties 7 20 T Christopher 4 00
R Grooms 4 00 (1w Burge 4 00
A O Coif man 4 00 Uiat 100 2 : : 00
\V II Sellers 14 00 A D Brooks 4 . 00
J V West -loon. Poland 4 00
C .Sellers : ; 4 00 D st 88 .2 00
W A lcNall 400 Win Boay 400
W K Cady 400 Dist . 35 2 00
F Cronin 8 30 S L'ppy 4 00 ) (
0 W Oa.ter1 , 00 ( ) ( 1. Piper 4 00
P Ktnnicott 4 00 Dist 53 2 00
S B Weston 4 00 Lee Shepard 4 00
X M Morrissey ! 4 : 00 M D Cyphers 4 80
W T Kincald [ 4 00 It F Osbornl 00
It Boyer 4 00 E Anders 4 U )
C C l'almer1 CO ; S L Dutto i IS : . " > I
Dist 93 ! 200
, I F Shepard marshal , 2 00
S F Glmau light August aud July 20 90
State Journal Co supplies . 37 :
Kiopp ! & Bartlett Co " 212 76
A G ; Shaw court fees. ' 1 10
J W Yeast supplies 430 23
K'.opp : & Bartlett .supplies . 8U SO
, - Hammond . & Stephens . " 44 GO
It Itobiuson sal Julj , Aug. , Sept 135 00 .
Witness fees
Geo DcCorey1 00 Win Schmitt 4 CO
It Anderson ' 1 10 Chas Shep rd 1 10
Lulu K Hudson sal and exp ) 177 78
C A Ilos&eter sal and exp 10J4 ; 23 ;
Hammond Stephens supplies 8 70
G Carlson labor 9 25 ;
John , M Tucker sal Ju y , Aug. , Sept. I'M ! 93
Lulu K Hudson sal and txp 175 00 ( ; { )
J T Keeley I sal and exp 172 34
J J C Quigley fees 30 : 45
Itosa Mone rent of house 7 50
A N Compton : medical services 19 J ! 00
Hammond & Stephens Co supplieu 19 20
State Journal Co " 32 10 I
E 15 Qaiblc sal and 1 exp US 60
Witness fees
C Jensen 3 00 N e Peterson 3 : l Oo
J J Ettregg ; 3 00 J M idson 3 50
C Schraerwl : 2 SO J ) Vlder 1 20
iJ hasicubf rry 3 00 \\'iu Barkley 3 00
A Isenrlch 3 : 00 "Win Danlgrin 8 50
Geo .Roberts constable fee 10 75
Geo B McNarnee justice fees 8 (55 (
II , M Cramer hauling wood 50
John 'M Tucker exo 20 7i5
Win II Kennedy assisting county assessor 100 { 00
u ii rornell 5 ; cords wo d. 40 00
Klopp and Bartleit ; Co supplies 176 80
W A Parker supplies pauper 1 70
The following claims were al-
lowed on the Road fund :
KOftd Work
Wra Gejer 12 : 00 Frank Simons 900
Wes Osborn j.J ; Hull 75 ;
C Geyer 7 50 .J F Geyer 5 00
Jos Nollett 4 5' : ) J.'S Lorenz 3 00
A Fo-ejt 3 : 00 A Srhapfer ) 3 : t 00
J Fincher 3 ; 00 W Morgan 3 00
J Schaefer : : : :1C 3 : 00 ( M Koraleswld 3 00
Ignas Stasch 3 r.O M Boltz 3 75
M KnralewsKi ( 10 ; IKII as Stasch 3 : 00
Jos Konlewski 3 : oo S Knjewski 3 00
W Ii Morgan 1 50 ! ) A Schaefer 3 00
K Morgan 3 : 00 B 8U < ; eh 3 00
J Stasch 3 : 00 ( ) Scholtes 3 00
C Morgan : 3 00 ( Ed atterlep.t oo
Jos Nollett 150 ! M Viertel : So : 00
W Wertx 39 00 J Hard G 00
Broad 3 00 A B Overman 9 ! ) ( K )
F Stokes 4 50 Ed Searby . 12 00
F Edwards 42 00 R Grooms 8 oo
,1 . Ihn Bush 12 00 A M Sherman 12 on ! )
Nebraska. O.ilvert : Co culverts 137i ; OS
W M Uaruan : 6 00 J F Naylor 12 00
C H Firth 12 00 G Hedelsten 12 00
The following claims were al
lowed on the Bridge fund :
Canton Bridge Co lumber > it Merriman GS 20 ( )
. . " " repairing Lavaca tridge 5G5 62 :
The following . claims were re-
jected :
t ; WTliiirston r ) " i oo I. A P.Bekwith 1 ; 50 on
C G Thompson 15 00 .1 I S lioM ! 20 001 I
The following claims were al-
lowed on the General fund :
John M : Tuekerexpeule : 5 65
J T Keelsy 3000 stamped enveiopi-s 63 i
A J Bradley : board pauper 4 00
J Mogle car pauper children : ; 0 00
W D ClarKson ice 15 00 I
M V Nicho'smi ! ' prem deputy t oii : ond (50 UO (
Cole. & Gutcomn .supplies pauper rs nil
Ii Hauler ! : arresting Brewer 54) ) iw ( )
N S Rowley eumr lees 26 IMl
Jas Mone comr fees 2. ; j uo (
The following claims were nI-1 :
lowed on the Road fund : I ,
0 K Sherman ' 101 no Krot'er&Hall 8 30
ASauerweiu 9 lOOK A seamy 2. 50
F JI Edwards 31 50VII Haruuan 5o 00 I
R Gaines 7 oO ) 0 Smith 6 00 (
B Spall 10 2.j : L Caiues \2 \ HO j
A Sherman 56 00 C Jordan 21 25 I
J P Kinas 3 60 Geo Giles 28 Gl
Whereupon the board adjourned I
sine die. - .1
' . , : - . - ' A. E. MORIUS : , Cnm. I
. . . . . . . N. S. ROWLEY.
Att'es1 : x J. TrKeei y , Co. Clerk. I
Tobaccos and Cigars. '
: - . ' : Canned Goods . W/ ' X Lunch Counter. t : '
.P1.es Oakes alad : : ra ad le
8 Phone , 'I
Home f
% 7 Bakery.'I .
L d
. . .e _ @ _ e e
S Of , W hiske y
- -
. Go to theI .
v e
G _
Stock Exchange Saloon
V Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Ct _ _ e
_ . . .
. - , - - . . , . . . . . . .
\ j A A uA A
r >
: ' I have just opened . up a stock of ,
General Merchandise V 'f
in the frame building south of the McDonald :
store which I recently purchased , and will
name it "The Green Front. " My aim will . - ( be
' "cash trade and lowest prices on everything . "
) -
: Valentine .
. < Nebraska MIKE DAVIS .
: VVVV VVVVVVVs . . . . _ . VVVrV'VV . - = V r - . . ! . . . . . ! . . . .
Dambly : & Hitt : : .
_ _ , .
. . . . Special attention given to farmers' teams . . . -
and sale business. Rigs to hire.
North Main St. Phone
mmmm V VVM VI V
P I All SBmBnsaMmXBmumM Rectal Diseases EaR cured without a a surgical |
I e SAIl
F I i : : , - : - - operation. eral aneasthetic No Chloroform used. CURE Ether GUARANTEED or other gen
All to last a LIFE-TIME. ; 1 EXt.MINATI0N FREB.
DR. E. R. . . TARRY , 224 Bee . Building- , Omaha , Nebraska
Dry Creek Cracklings. ]
NTom Spratt was a Valentine
caller Saturday. ;
Albert Brown is husking corn I
for Louis Taylor.
Mrs. ; Novak and son James
went to Valentine Tuesday. !
Miss Dora Grewe attended the :
teachers association at Valentine .
A dance was given in Mr. .
Clark's house Saturday night.
All enjoyed a good time.
-The Big Creek school will give
an entertainment Saturday night ,
followed by a picnic supper. Ev
erybody invited.
The fire in the vicinity of Kil-
gore last week alarmed most of
the people in Dry Creek _ Neigh-
borhood. The wind blew the
smoke in that direction. Monday
and Tuesday evenings the farmers
I met and weat to the Dakota line
and burned a substantial gu.ird.
We need not be alarmed ru-w
when smoke is seen in the north ' , /
west. . - .
CLE . ' It s. :
' : . '
One house for rent in i town , 4' ,
rooms and city water. " " " * . -
Two houses for sale.
Several farms and ranches for
sale in tracts of 80 , 120 , 160 , 480
I and 2480 acres. I. M. Rice , Valen .
tine Nebr.
Per Cwt. Pir Ton.
Ton.f * . "
Bran , s cked. . . . § 1 05 $18. 00 -
Shorts , sacked 1 05 . . 20 00
Corn , sacked 1 25 2400
Chop Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00
I Chop Feed , sacked 1 402T00 _ : :
" . _
Oats , sacked1 45 . 28 " 00 _
- . . . . . . " .
. .
. - - . . . . . . ' . . . . . - ; ' . . .