Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 21, 1909, Image 9
, . . : ' \ : \ \ VoS6s o. f\\iw oj Se\\\\\ e.eeny ye\ tO"y , oxv&xe \ \ ) ows ; c\eax\sss .tt1Q [ sj/stem / e.jjeQ\Uo.\\y ' , l8S\S\S \\\ove\com\\\ \ \ \ : \ xqbiiX CQpo. \ \o\\ . : 'Cm.a.tlY. \ ? I , To e\ : \15 \ ) ; \ I S.o.\WQY8 'b\l \ \ \ i e\\\\\ : ANUF..CTUP ' : " : > 5Y THE CALI FORNI A : : fet Sw COca I 1C * L _ Up ' & I 5 LD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS StTABOTTLE : .1. L . . - S L.Do Correspond ? Tho of letter- nrt I vrltlnc u ItbttJ ma.l1. Ourxtndeatacross-correspond their Etdy or zi-jitlfmen classmates ! In other Btales through Vur School under Instruction and revision. Join now knd learn hViwttiM ! practice. Tuition. 81.00 I per month flZOWNlNG - INSTITUTE 79 Dearborn St. , Chicago , U ! . \ StviubnriiGJ = Idcii of "Cleopatra. " "Cleopatra , " which is to be sold , 1th other Swinburne rarities at otheby's , was described by the poet fcn a letter to T. J. Wise , as a "trump- fery ephemeral , " and he added , George Meredith , I remember , Strongly ( and no doubt justly ) re- knonstrated with me for producing bruch a farrago of the most obvious feomniouplaces of my ordinary style- ks it was in 66 , or thereabouts. The Verses were never intended for repro- duction or for preservation , but sim- . ply scribbled off as fast as might be : 'to oblige a friend whose work I ad- cnlred. " Mr. Yfise , however , was quite I 'content ' to pay 15 guineas for a coup W the poem. on which Swinburne re I marked : rtlf I were not a bit of a Bibliomaniac myself , I should he checked to think of your wasting > ood money on it. " - London Chron- ! tcle. . , A I'oor 3 ltLIU. Baron Takahira was talking to a re porter in Ann Arbor about the Jap anese character. . "To say that the Japanese is only a living piece of commercialism is all rong , " ho declared. ' "The Japanese is chivalrous and kind. But too often snen accuse him of living up literally ito the Yorkshire motto. The selfish land despicable motto adopted by a certain hard , narrow type of York- ehireman is , you know : . "Sec all , hear all and say nowt , Eat ' ull , sup all , and pay nowt , And if : tlio does owt . for novtt Do it for thysen. " , After Takln . , Rivers-What do you suppose be- f comes of all the fountain pens ? Brooks - They are consigned , even J . tually. to the bottomless pit. LT ; ' - : - - - - - - One Thousand ilorxo Power Gas Engine. It is difficult to say when a gas en . gine becomes a large l gas engine. A few years ago 300 horse power was considered the starting point , then 500 horse power , and now in a recent ar ticle published in a German paper 1,000 horse power seems to be taken as the maximum. The list gives the names of tw nty-eIght makers , nine teen on the continent , four in England and five in the United States. Alto gether it adds up a total of G28 en- gines , giving a combined output of 1,035,709 , or more than. 1,000,000 horse power in large units. Contributory Il enee. The family jar waxed fiercer. "You talk about ' my being to blame for our marryingl" shrilly : " exclaimed Mrs. Vick-Senn. "John Henry , did 1 hunt you : out and make love to you ? " "No ! " he snorted. "But you could have given me the glassy eye and sent me about my business , and you didn't do it , madam-you didn't dp it ! " A church building on the Island of Alahe is - built of blocks of white coral. The coal trade of the United KIng- I dom in 1905 emnlovod 837.100. I II ; li1Iik (1Iiiki ( 4 k7J ii .Ii II r 7 5 "GuaraP " " - - ontlull Mreet Begg . That the skilled beggar can make a larger sum a week than the average industrious workingman was one of the opinions ; advanced by the chair- man ( Robert Pierpont ) at the annual meeting of the London Mendicant So- ciety , says a writer in. Reynolds' News- paper. It was probable , he said that in the streets of London alone something like . 100,000 : a year was given away in causual charity by persons who knew nothing about the conditions and cir cumstances of those to whom they gave. The total number of begging letters received by the society during 190S was 1,358 , which , with those already in their possession , made a total of no fewer than 238,938. ! ) He pointed out that about 28 per cent of begging let- ter writers were utter impostors and only about 13 per cent were Reserving of help. Mr. Pierpont reminded those present tjtat the society was originally formed by the first Duke of Wellington , owing to the number of beggars who , pro- fessing to have served under him at "Waterloo and in the peninsular wars , continually accosted him in the street for alms. : ' , . . I , \ - , . Aids va.ture Tlie [ : reat success of Dr. Pierce's Golden ! Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs , wasted bodies , weak lungs , and obstinate and lingering coughs , is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Meflical " Nature with Discovery" supplies body-build- \ ing , tissue-repairing , muscle-making materials , in con- densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food , build up the body and thereby throw off lingering . obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes the , digestive and nutritive organs in sound health , purifies and ecriches tne ; blood , and nourishes the nerves-in short establishes sound vigorous health. If yoap dealer offers something " last as ijood , " St is probably better FOR HIRI"it pays better. , . . 32ai you are thinking of the cure not the profit , so there's nothing " iust as good" for you. Say so. - Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser , In Plain English ; or , Med icin Simplified , 1008 pcges , over .700 illustrations , newly revised up-to-date 1 Edition , paper-bound , sent for 21 one-cent stamps , to cover cost of mailing - " \ estly. Cloth-bound , 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y. L- I . . J iit Have Heat - - A T' 1 'T' - p4-- rougnt To You - \Vhen your bed-room , bath-room , . . . . or dining room is chilly , you may - - have heat brought to you in just the e degree you desire. It is easy when - you have a . , ; D PERFECTION . . ' . Oil Heater : . . ; ' ( Equipped "Smokeless " Device ! ) available. Place the heater where the cold is most annoying , strike a match. Nfl fuFS - no flurry-no smell-and , above all , no smoke , even -jthough you turn the wick as high as it will go. ' The temperature runs up quickly. In ten minutes the average _ ' ' jiizedLiroom ; / lows with cheer and comfort that genial heat brings the heat that is smokeless and odorless. . Automatic Smokeless Device \ "Which " automatically locks and absolutely prevents smoke , by keeping # 4 , . the wick out of the smoke zone , is on the Perfection only. . , " . The ; solid brass font holds four quarts , which gives a full-head flame for 1r , 1no hours. : S ! - I Flam a burns from side of wick instead of from the top. The . bras wick . learner : does not rust and clog the wick. : Damper top , cool handle. i Aluminum metal -window frames that heat cannot tarnish. Japan sc ftiekej ; as.h . Various styles and finishes. Ercrjr Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours , Write for DcscripUrt CIrcwU * , to the Nearest Agency ; of the . : : , - STANDARD OIL COMPANY - ' " . . . . ' - I ; - - . aaoaqoa ' :1" : i' .11 : " ! _ . . . . . L _ , . . ; - : w . : . . . ' . r . : . r. . . . . , . _ _ { - : ' . . - ; : ' _ M . . . " : , . . "fH. " ' : . . . : . V - ' . _ . ' " u > .1. " ' _ , , , -7'-- . . _ _ _ _ . . _ : . PUBLIC LANDS I IN PAN21L. thowch No Survey Ha Been Made , TractB Are Belns Granted. * The leasing of public lands In the canal zcne will not be encouraged un til after a land survey has been com pleted. This survey will follow the triangulation work now In progress. It will establish definitely the bound aries of all lands to which title Is held by private persons and will furnish points ; : of reference for the delimita . lion of tracts leased under the new land law. - No survey of the public lands of Panama will be attempted la the near future , because the expense of such an undertaking would be quite out of pro- oortlon to the present usfulness of the results. Notwithstanding this the land .vill be granted. After appllatlon has aeen made for the tract desired , and a survey has been completed by a Gov- ernment surveyor , notice will be post- ed in public places and published in the official gazette for thirty days. If at the end of that period no one has put in a counter claim the land will be considered public land and title will be given to the applicant It Is said by Don Garcia , Commis sioner of Public Lands , a Panama letr ter to the New Orleans Picayune says , that the title thus given will supplant all others , and having been registered will be final. If some person with a prior title appears later he will have no cause for action , because the Govi ernment grant is the act of the sover eign and cannot be invalidated , ex cept by the sovereign. From this bald statement It would appear that in- justice might be done by mistaking tracts to which title has been given for public lands. But the Panama at- titude on this question is highly intel- ligent , for the Government considers as "public land" not only the lands that have not been granted to private persons , but also all unoccupied lands. In other words if Spain or Columbia years ago granted a tract to Senor A and his heirs , and Senor A has nei- ther occupied nor fenced it , nor in other way publicly protested his right to it , then he must be on his guard , lest the Government grant his land to some other person. The Govern- I . ment warns him in the official gazette , and If he does not heed the warning his title will be vested in another. The procedure for taking out public land in Panama is rather a tiresome one , and the easy-going ways of the officials will irritate an American con- siderably. But It should be remem bered that the public land has been unoccupied sor p centuries , and there is no apparent reason why any one should be in a hurry about perfecting a title now. It might be cheaper in the long run to employ a lawyer. And yet there is cause for haste , because hundreds of thousands of acres of Pan- ama public lands have been granted within the past two years , and land there that is to be a source of revenue by the time the canal is completed must be under cultivation at least three years. I CAT ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. Jealcms of Rival , lIe Tries to Stran- gle Himself with Rope. A black cat named Dick that has been in the family of Henry Michael- son , of Montclair Heights , for the past sixteen years attempted suicide Satur- day by strangulation. He would have succeeded had not one of the Michael- son children discovered him in time to save his life. Dick had wound a piece of rope tightly around his neck and about seven times around his body. When found he was lying under a clump of bushes , his mouth open and tongue extended. The child attempted to unwind the cord , but Dick tried to scratch , and the child ran to the house screaming that the cat was dying. Mrs. Michaelson , with her son Fred erick , removed : the cord that was shut- - tins off Dick's wind. Ho was taken Into the house , and soon revived. That it was a clear case of attempted sui cide on Dick's part seemed a fact. He had taken the piece of rope , 8 feet long , from the barn to the clump ot bushes , which place he had chosen for the deed. Dick had been in the Mi chaelson home from the time he was a kitten He had been a good ratter , and was a great pet with the children. Because of his age he was unable late ly to cope with the rats In the barn , having only one tooth In his head , and about two weeks ago a young cat was brought to the house to take his place. From the start Dick she-wed he was jealous. He fought with tha new cat , refused to eat , and showed his displeasure In many ways. : The family'was kind to Dick , and thought he would get over his jealousy , but the attempt on his own life Saturday showed that he was irreconcilable. The Michaelsons have decided to get rid of the new cat. and let Dick end his days on the place. Traps will be placed in the barn to assist him in rat catching. - Montclair ( N. J. ) Dispatch to the New York Press. The Size She "Wanted. " A woman went into a bookstore , says a writer In the New York Times , and ( I asked for a globe. The clerk showed 1 her several , and turned them on their \ 1 pivots , so that the pink and blue coun- < I tries could be seen to best advantage. j 1 "What size do you want ? he asked. ; < " 1 think , said the women , "that you ] may : give me oue life size. " No Chance to Learn. Closefist You don't know the value of , money. Mrs. Closeflst think I would learn If I only had some -Illustrated Bits. . Anyway , there's no danger of on old toper's dying of water on tho brain. , : - . , , - . . : . . ' - " - . ' . 'L d I _ . , , . . . . . . . MUNYON'S I Eminent Doctors at Your Service , Free . Not a Penny to Pay for the Fullest . . Medical Examination. I - - If you are in doubt as to the cause . of your disease , mail us a postal re questing a medical examination blank. Our ' doctors will carefully dragnose your case , and if you can be cured you will be told so ; if you annot be cured you will be told so. You are not obligated to us in any way , for this advice is absolutely free. You are at liberty to take our advice or not , as you see fit. "Munyon's , 53d and Jefferson streets , Philadelphia. Pa. . . TVhy lIe Could Not Tallc. A commuter , says a writer in the /Jew York Times , hired a Sw.edlsh car- penter to repair some blinds on the outside , of his house. During the day the i commuter's wife looked after things , and once or twice came out to see if the man was getting on all right. "Is there anything : you need , Mr. Swenson ? " she asked , on her second trip. trip.The The carpenter gulped once or twice but made no reply. The lady repeat- ed i the question. Again a gulp and no answer. "Why don't you answer me , sir ? " said the lady , indignantly. The Swede turned and looked dowa at her gravely. "My mout is full of sgrews , " he said. "I cannot speag undil I svaller some ! " A NURSE'S EXPERIENCE I * a Good Guide for Any Person Who Does Not Understand Kidney Troubles. A nurse has to know just what to do for common ailments , and those -r-fYonToII. who suffer backache , "Sloe > - languor and other common signs of kid- ney trouble , should heed the example of Mrs. Judson Ellis , 414 Francis St. , Jackson , f\ Mich. , known for many years prior to jAv' 'LL- " her mar ria g e as "Nurse Baker. " "My back ached a good deal and was lame and weak , so that I had difficulty in straightening up or turn- ing in bed. " said she. "Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me wonderfully , and since using them I have been able to do my own work again. " Remember the name - Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos- - ter-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. - - - - - - - Has Had Training. Mrs. Church-You say she was a war correspondent once ? Mrs. Gotham-Yes , she was secre- tary of a woman's club.-Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething , softens the gums , re duces inflammation nllays " , pain cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Her Only Chance. 3ou ! must not interrupt me when ] am speaking , Ethel. " "WJjy , that's the only time I can interrupt you , mamma. " - Yonker Statesman. TOSE NO SLEEP thronph ft najclng cough ! : or Irritated throat. AUen's 'Lung BaJim will heat tlio affection quickly and liann- too : , ' ! " . All drucglsts. 210 , Kc and $1.00 buttlee. As Anybody Can See. The open faced young man who wanted a city position was undergoing a civil service examination. "By the way , " asked one of the com missioners , "where is the center of population In this country ? " "At the corner of State and Madison streets , sir , " he said. Although this Is not the answer giv- en by the geographical authorities"ha got a mark of 100 on it. - Chicago Trib- une. New York City has on its police force 1S7 men whose business it is to open and close doors and watch the persons who cnter and leave. BABY'S : : WATERY ECZEMA Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran - ? 5O Spent on Useless Treat- ments - Disease Seemed Incurable -Cured by Cnticura for ? 1.5O. "When my little boy was two and a " * ' half months old he broke 'out on both cheeks with eczema. It was the itchy , watery kind and we had to keep his little hands wrapped up all the time , and if he would happen to : get them uncovered he would claw his face tilJ the blood streamed down on * his cloth- ing. We called in a physician at once , but he gave an ointment which was so severe that my babe would scream when it was put on. We changed doc tors and medicines until we had spent fifty I dollars or more and baby was get ting i worse. I was so worn out watch- ing and caring for him night and day that i I almost felt sure the disease was incurable. i But finally reading of the good \ results of the Cuticura Remedies , I determined to try them. I can truth- fully say I was more than surprised , for j I bought only a dollar and a half's worth of the Cuticura Remedies ( Cuti- cura Soap , Oinfenent and Pills ) , and they did more good than all my doc tors' medicines I had tried , and in fact entirely cured him. His face is per- fectly clear of the least spot or scar of \ anything. Mrs. W. M. Comerer , Burnt Cabins , Pa. , Sept. 15 , 1908. " Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Sole ! roPs. of Outicura Remedies , Boston. _ S. C. N. U. - No. 43 - 1909. Spoiled : in Tranizn11on. "Algy , hero's a goo'l : story. " said Percy. "A man named Swords had been arrested for assault with a dead ly weapon nnd his case was on trial " 'Mr. Swords , ' asked the judge , 'how will you be tried ? ' "And Mr. Swords said he wanted tc be tried by a jury of his spears. See ? " "Sure , " answered Algy. "That's a good one. " Later in the day Alffy tried ) it on the boarders at Mrs. Irons' hashery. "I heard a good story this morning , " he said. "A jnan named Swords had been arrested for assault with a dead- ly l weapon / , and his case was on trIaL The judge asked- him how he wanted to be tried. " 'I want to be tried , your honor , ' said Mr. Swords , 'by a jury of my peers. ' See ? " But the boarders gave him the stony stare , and Algy doesn't know even yet what ailed his story. - Chicago Trib une. Rough on Rats fools the rats and I mice , but never fools the buyer. The secret Is , you ( not the maker ) do the mixing. Take a hint , do your own mix- ing ; pay for poison only , then you get results. It's the unbeatable extermina tor. Don't die in the house. 15c 25c , 75c. They Were Too Hasty. Those Africans who named Mr. Roosevelt Bwana Tumbo really ought to see Mr. Taft , who is a great deal bwanier and has a tumbo twice as large.-Uncle Remus' Magazine. Stop guessing ! Try the best and most certain remedy for all painful ailments- Hamlins Wizard Oil. The way it re lieves all soreness from sprains cuts , wounds , burns , scalds , etc. , is wonderful. "Friend ? 0 , No ! 3IotIier-ln-ImfV. \ " "Are you a friend of the prisoner ? " Magistrate O'Connor asked a buxom woman witness in the Central street police station court yesterday. "No , Tm his mother-in-law. " replied the woman , without any particular show of feeling. - New York World. Constipation causes and seriousl1 ! aggravates many diseases. It is thor- oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Dramatic Note. Vice may be a monster of hideous nien , but stige a play or write a book ibout it. and it heats the deuce 'how , uany persons will welcome the mon- iter. - Los Ansplos } Express. iTED--Energetic , up-to-date farm- er. . to work on .shares. 810 acres near Richmond , Virginia. Has good build- ings modern machinery and well stocked. Reference required. Write for full particulars. .TAS. D. SHEA- HAN , 1S4 La. Sallo Street , Chicago , Ill. - - - . . . One Matter Settled. " 0 , by the way. Laura , " said Mr. : Ferguson , "I shall not want any neck- ties or slippers for Christmas this year. " "That's all right , George , " answered Mrs. Ferguson ; "and I don't want anj napkin ring , set of plated forks. 01 imitation cut glass bowl. There being nothing further before the house , the meeting adjourned with out form. ' pF.nRY A VIS' PAIXKILT.EK costs only 25c. 25oor&0ca bottle. but It I coutalm many dollars' worth of virtue In curing colds ! rheumatism neuralgia , and kindred lite. At all drullsta.- : illisrJit Co AVorae. Restless Roger-It always makes me sad , old pal , to think that this earth is two-thirds water. Sandy Pikes-Oh , cheer up ! Sup. pose the rest of it was soap instead of land. - Ally Sloper. U'"t' : ; j ; . /f-\i , \J e , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I t' Jit . - . . . " 11 : ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT . getaMefreparalwnf0rAs sedating [ theFootfamfflegula- iiI [ S * ; ma te andBowzlsof - . - ii - Promotes DigeslionJOiKifiiH ness andRest.Containsneitti r i ; . Opiuni.Morphine norMiaeraL j NOT NARCOTIC. . . . : llt 2'eoC1t1DrS41'17ffFITiFJ ' Bsnpktn ; Seed" jSlx.Sawti + &Iitllt Sdfr- .itx&e3'n1 . iJJv.ermi ; 1- .111 tmtIJl1t L Ilfrn StPtl- l ittilittl SuJr . l"4. _ ll117Imr. . - - ' - Aperfect Remedy forConsRpa- : Hon , Sour Stomch.Diarrhoea Worms , ConvalsionsFcYBrish- - nessandLoss OF SLEEP. : SK . e'agSwi ' : FacSmileSinatUrE cT FacSmdz Signature Ti i 4 - M . NEW'YOBK. t1 ; . . : T awi lii $ 'Guaranteed ' undcrthe Wwdan jjjgjgjg" " tttftHB' ' " - Exact Copy of V/rapper. : ' . : o. - . . . ; r ANOTHER J WOMAN - CURED r By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ! Compound Gardiner Maine. - "I have "been 9 great sufferer from . organic trouble ! ' - " " , . , ; , ' " : ' ' ' , : V" " : ; ' . . < M . : , . andaseverefema . f--(4 i' : " . - > .t. : ' " ' ' < ; weakness. T h . ( "II : . doctorsaidl-woi . . ; . , . " " ; - . have . . to . . go , . . to tb4 W21- ¶ ! . . 1 hospital for ; . ' - l'11 ' : , . operation , but _ - _ . . ' " . ; 1co Id not . bear . _ " . . _ _ ' ; * j . . : think . of It. I de . . > . . " ' . 'I. : ' ' . to .1 . , . . . . . . . t' ' : it' . . . cided. . ,0 trylLydl * - ' " _ _ t ; % : > . . : : . < : : ; I E. : Pinkham's yeg . _ 1 ktf etable C9mpouud < ! . 0 : ' ? i . i . . . . ; : , > and Sanative vVasli . _ : - , 1r f " " ; : . . . < . - \ &i . . -and was entirety : < y } ' -i cured after threi months' use of them. " - 3STrs. 8. A * WILLIAMS , K. F. D. No. 14 , Box s- . Gardiner , Me. No woman should submit to a surS . cal operation , which may mean death. until she has given Lydia E.Pinkhamf . Vegetable Compound made exclusiv * ly from roots and herbs a fair trial. ' This famous medicine for wome $ has for thirty years proved to be th * most valuable tonic and renewer of the female organism. "Women resid ing in almost every city and town In the United States bear willing testi- mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia , E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills , and creates tadip ant , buoyant female health. If _ von. are ill , for your own sake as well as those you love , give it a trial. Mis. Pinko am , at Lynn , : nIas . , Invites all sick women to write h er for advice. Her advice is free and always helpfuL - - - Don't whip the bo wels witha harsh cafesrtic. You can do just as much and gentlys : with . a candy Cascaret. Harsher physic makes the bowels hard , so you increase the dose. Cascarets leave the bowels normal so one tablet is enough. Vest-pockcl box 10 cents - at draft-store . . _ _ _ _ People ! now use a million boxes monthly. 859 - - - When You're Hoarse Use pjos , CURE S\\t BEST ttUOTl ) TOR tiis . \ \ i1t1S 11 Gives immediate relief. The first f I dose relieves your aching throat and ! allays the irritation. Guaranteed to I contain no opiates. Very palatable. AUDrugguts , 25c. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ . : - - , . . - , - - . . -5- ' : bii . - For Infants _ u and Children. : The Kind Yo Have Always Bought Bears the / Signature of In mi Use i 'IT ' For Over Thirty Years CASIORIA r . . . _ THE , " CCHTAUf : - COMPANY. It NCW YORK CIT ! . - - - FOP DISTEMPER Pink Eye , Epizooilc. ! Shhpl. . /6i\ L IFever and Catarrha Fever / \ Sure cure and positive matter how horses at any age ar * ' Infected or "exposed. " Liquid given on the tongue. acts on the Blood and \ Glands ; expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper ai Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a fine Kidner remedy. 50c an . ) * t a bottle ; $5 and $10 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your drag * gist , who will get it for you. Free Booklet , "Distemper , Causes and Cures. , bpecial : : agents wanted. . _ _ . _ _ , Spohn Medical Co i l : Ef4.u ; : Goshen Inch , U.S.A. . el - - - PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mere Roods Irlabler ! floiJ _ ' coItrslkaB any alber dy : . One 1 Dc package colors all fifccn. Tkcjr dre . fa ccld wafer ' tetter ban ( " y olicr dye. YOB taa _ dy > OJ IlnlU twiliestrifpi . : * ; : , Firt * ffeiMfcKUHbYl D7e.Blccfaualfi tit. . . . MOJVXOE 'D'RVC GO . Q /nq.IUffttIIM- " , " - . - . . . - - - - . . . - . - . . . : . . - - . . . . . . . , . , r \ , I