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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1909)
. . . , . . . . . - - -v F # ! - - tV " " " "oj etatl I S Beautiful - Hair p I I I is so easily and quickly acquired by the use of I Rexall 93 . _ a Hair Tonic that it is a wonder why I I anyone is troubled with -falling hair , brittleness or dryness , or any scalp trouble whatever. 4 Try it once no matter " what hair trouble you I 8 0 have and it will soon disappear. t w - Large bottle $1.00 , . , .I - VALENTINE. NED I 6 . . . _ _ . l ' : J - 009 , . . 6 A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men - for any man - for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 . a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in- ' < to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. . VALENTINE . ' STATE BAt K . , VALENTINE. NEBR. . , - . t . , . MILL PRICES FOR FEED , , . . . . ' - .v. -I . - . < , . ' * a : ; Per Cwt. Per Ton. " . ' . , s , Bran , sacked. . . . $ 1 ' 05 § 18 00 . . . Shorts , sacked 1 05 20 00 Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00 I Chop Corn , sacked 1 80 25 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 40 27 00 Oats sacked 1 45 28 00 I 1 . . J . _ , " _ iI' We print for you at THE DEMO CRAT office tf t 'I ' A. John & Co. pays cash for I cream. 24 cents per pOUL . 27 , Geo. W. and Anna Gaskill i went down . to Omaha Tuesday for , I a short visit. I Dick Osburn tells us that he I i I took the prize at the Norden Fair i for a biir watermelon which weigh- ed 45 Ibs. i 200 envelopes with your narre and adplress neatly printed in the I ' Corner for $1.00.T e print 'em. I M. : RICE , The Printer. tf The sale of Elma C. Ric ! ards last Friday near Kennedy drew a I good crowd of stock buyers and I the sale aggregated over 12690. Len Neusbaum has resigned his position at the Red Front to ac I , cept a position of time keeper for the R. R. construction company I at the river. Wm. Erickson , F. T. Ferlen and Mr. Swanson of the Erickson Cattle Co. , were transacting busi- : ness in town last Saturday. They shipped several cars of cattle last week. Special agent B. R. Cowdery of I the German Fire Ins. Co , . was in I the City Tuesday on his way to Kil- , gore to adjust a loss for I. M. 1 Jones who lost his house and con- tents' by lighting recently. I N H. E , Mason , wife and baby , I who have been visiting her grand i parents , C. W. Cramer and wife i and other relatives the past two 'I j . weeks , returned to their home in : St. Joe Mo. Tuesday night. i j The regular term of the district j I court for Cherry county , Nebraska I has been adjourned from Oct. 11 , 1909 , to 1"022 , 1909. All jurors selected for said term will not ap pear for court duty until the morning of Nov. 23 , 1909 , at nine o'clock. I Wm. L. Dillon the cashier of the Kilgore Bank was arrested and brought to town last Saturday by Sherriff Rosseter. He is charg- I ed with taking § 750 from the bank I to speculate in land. He recently was married to a half ' breed a Miss 1 Vlondray : we believe and had mov- ed onto the Reservation. r . . . - - - . . - - - - - - - - "HAVE WE A NAVY ' ? " I Ambrose Bierce says we j think we have and gives our ; bump of patriotism an awful i1r II 1r I I whack. . ' i , To . , console us , E. Alexander ' PoweIl'takes us to " 1 he Land of Lovely Ladies , " and shows us the most I beautiful women I in the world. It's a mighty I interesting article. I You'll find every page of the I OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S I well worth reading. Look itover. I Special display by : George Elliott. I 2J2II t , ( - - / j / CONFECTIONERY "r j . r . _ 1 ' M , Tobaccos and Cigars. ftSi Canned Goods 'C 'X Lunch Counter. i . . Si 11 'I _ ; F1ers O kes an.d. Bread - 1 r. . Phone ! ' ; / ; ; Home Bakerv. * . . L \ _ - .b" t.i : . ; .1.i ? ' jli 2i . . .r.A/S' . I . . " . . . . . . . . . : - ' _ . _ @ @ _ e ( We have a large stock of the following goods , and desire to have you call and inspect them : Dain Sweeps and Mowers - t N , Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles C NI I Fort Smith Wagons e t Davenport Roller Bearing Wagons i . New Moline Wagons I Sampson Windmills , 1 . , John Deere Buggies Velie Wrought Iron Buggies Success Manure Spreaders - t Sharples Cream Separators - John Deere Plows , Cultivators and ilowers -1 Complete stock of Lumber , Shingles , Lath , Lime , Cement , Wall Plaster , Brick , Sash , Doors. ! , r I Valentine Lumber Co. d I" A. . E. MORRIS , W. . W. MORKISSEY . . i , J. T. KEELEY , , DR. O. W. 1S'OYES . | Located in buildings formerly occupied 't by W. T. Biskop as a feed and sale barn . : S-T ; ; ; . . ec _ , - - _ - . 7'd' . : " - . : ; . . . " . ; - . . . . , . " --0" . . ' _ , ' ' . - < w . \ . - _ . ; - . ; ; _ : : . _ . . . . . 1 , . k . , . - , - , - " . U. S. Weather Bureau Report. - . * . * . ' " WEEK ENDING KEPT. 30 , 1D03. . . . : . : : . . Daily mean temperature GlF ( . ' .I ay ; ; . ' Normal temperature SS3. Highest temperature OO ° . I . Lowest temperature = > . Range of temperature 53 ° . I Precipitation for week .03 of an inch. Average for 21 years .31 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1G. ( -0 inches. Average for 21 years 18.63 of an inches. I JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer. I _ The Democrat for fine printing. Jim McLean of the reservation ( . v . IS in town. ' * * p - The Catholic parsonage is near- ing completion. We have been having some fine weather the last few - days. , ; . Chas. Latta of Oasis was in town Ia3t Saturday on business. Dan Cox Jeft the fore rart of the week for liockport Mo. I. M. : Rice and wife are taking in the Carnival at Wood Lake to- day. Des Moines won the Western League pennant by the narrow margin of one point. Charles Lower has sub-let the Valentine-Sparks mail contract to Frank Thompson. Howard Layport and Bill Gill- more were out hunting ducks Sun- day. They got back. H. E. Losey who played ball with the Valentine team the past season is now working in this office. 200 letter heads with your name , business and address neatly printed for ' $1.00. 1. M. RICE , The Printer. tf Miss Easter Smith's new resi- dence is nearly ompleted and will soon be ready for occupancy by the old folks. David Hanna is going to sell 25 head of horses , 11 mules and 35 head of cattle at the stock yards in Wood Lake , Thursday , Oct. 7. Quite a number of hunters from the east part of the State are com- ing to Valentine and driving out to the south Lakes to hunt ducks. John W. VanBuren who has been visiting his wifes relatives and his brother the past month expects to return to his home in Chicago tomorrow morning. There will be a basketball game next week in Valentine between the Johnstown High School team and the Valentine team. Every body turn out and root for the honce team. James Shepard and wife have returned from their Iowa visit. Mr. Shepard expects to go to the Soldiers Home at Hot Springs , S. D. , next week but will return to vote in November. George Corbin , Will Shepard and Dr. Walker of Omaha were - Lake fish- out to Hackberry on a - ing and hunting trip the fore part of the week. They report a very pleasant trip. Dave George had some trouble down at the sporting house a few nights ago and came up town , procured a shot gun and returned and tired into the house shooting a man by the nams of Johnbou m the face and two women less seriously. Dave hiked out and his wherea- bouts are at present : , unknown. Dennis Garvoy and Mr. : Brown were in town last Saturday wak ing arangements for the former's sale which takes place Tue . . uay , October 5 , at his place ( one-half mile north of Swuii : : lake. He will sell 45 Mead of cattle and 18 head of horses. Fur further par ticulars see large advertisement ( . elsewhere in tins paper. : ' ; For Sale . Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay Stable ; One i-rooni house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 To the Electors of Cherry County : Having been nominated at the primaries of August 17 as the democratic candidate for county treasurer , I respectfully solicit your support at the general elec- tion November 2nd , promising in return if elected a faithful and ' concientious discharge of the dut ies of the office. Thanking you for past favors , I am Very respectfully yours , E. . B. QUIBLE. . < " ' . - , . : - , ' - . . . . " Q - . . . . . . . . . - , . . . , - . . . _ " . 'M. ' k - - _ - - : : : : , . . . , _ . ' _ . . - ' y - - - - " 1-- , . . . . . . . . , . . . _ ; - ' - V.MI.t r V. + at s YT2 ( > fl ? a O/-TA. LVf.1tl-t . . 0 , . - - . . ' " - - ' ' ; ' ' ' _ < All Leading < - : Old - 1 : --1 ng- . ' . ' 55 S . . ; s' ' ¼ S ' , , - " ; ; j : S ' . . t IIermita - { Brands / : : : > and - d'a / ? + rls r Bottled . . : ' . . ; . , I . . . ' . * * . I Gu lel ; - rw r 'li 1 Ulderthfi \ . . r'.w f y t . . helme . > dr r . .t- - # , . . Supervision . 4 ' l ye of the it , d , ( itrS' , XS x Nhiskeys. U. S. ' Goy T . / . . We also handle the Budweiser Beer. . . . S THE PALACE SALOON , , HENRY STETTER , . Propr. ' - - 7 ' i VALENTINE I BARBER SHOP ' . i 1 All kinds of. . . . . - 81 ! . ' . ' SHAMPOOS , I MASSAGES , I . AXD LADIES . 'r. HAIR DRESSING , ti ci' Shampooing a specialty. r" 1 j [ -.j j HOT and COLD BATHS in connection . 'f I I : : t , t : ' Forest Shepard , Prop. / y ' , I Valentine State Bank Building BrJ.i : : . . . . 1I I , " ' : ralfij. ; ; rrZ 'M'Tjj LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , , Windows I Pat- . , Paper , Patr ent Roofing Tar Paper ? , | Paints , Oil , Varnish , I Brushes , Glass , Putty , I Lime , Cement , Plaster , Brick , POSTS , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP I & YOUNG. GOOY , NEBfl ' , . " . ' . . . . a."i..q' > f \o\ ! 6N..2Dr ; ; " .IZt,1 , ' > : FRANK RAiMDALL , ' : Drayman : I Light and Heavy Draying' , , ' , Furniture and pianos handled , ' in a careful manner. Coal j I : hauled and trunks ' { and grips > : ta specialty. Phone No. 134 \ * , . _ . , i -A.FJ * tfJ The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebi , I - Soldier Creel'Tol ( - uinims 17th 1G0050 , I f q. ; . I. , a son of Columbus i t f. 17th , a half brother j of the 10.000 C' uu- I & piou o. > le , a ti d - . Prince Boandel , - , . . C03 at head of herd "H , I now have about 30 head of 1907 ! bull calves r'r sale. C. JI. FAULRAmm I 'H. DAILEY . , " Dentist. t ) thce over the grocery depaJ m..r- of T. C. Hornby's ' store. I JOHN F. POBATB SJur&e , K , * hr Tubular r wells and windmills. t'Call me up by Telephone. i . . , L PqTr sS , M4G : l a4 ; Hl A FRE McCALL- PATTERNS Ccfcbralcd for style perfect fit , simplicity reliability , nearly : 40 ) 'Clrs. Sold in iTcarlv every city and town in the United States and : Canada or by mail , direct. ilorc * od ! than any other make. Send for free catalogue. McCALL'S MAGAZINE More subscribers than nr.y other fashion nriipizinc : - million a month. "Invaluable. : Lat- est ityles , patterns , dressmaking : , millinery . . plain ! scvingfancy needlework , hamiressing . , etiquette , gond . itorie , etc. On'y ! 50 cents s. YClr'O'CI double ) , including s. free pr.ltern. I , Subscribe today , or cer.d for sample copy. I ttlO'l L'- : : NL INDUCEMENTS : to A rents. . Po ! ' ! : : ! hin I ; s preinitr.n catalogue nr.d : : c : : c-.sli : : prize 1 ; offers. . .S tWru ; " , l ES U = C ! . : ! CO. . za : to : : I : ro t ? . 370x SH fCW YORK C . . . . . @ @ _ e e A , . , . Loc Whiske . y t Go to the . ' $ e , Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER - ' Walther F A. Meltendorff , Propr. @ _ e _ Q tn St2U.l. 9.t- . j _ ! t' ! _ . ! ttll t. , _ J' The New Snap r0 : . Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. : Tobaccos and Cigars. : . Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn. N I Jim Felch - Valentine , Nebr. f bQT 'r n-nnn 0 fi T..e"'ilt 'i' Q ( , - - - - r"a " " 'tA. 5 > < t / m jf * * ra > 3 tt \ - CHOOSE WISELY . . . 0 e 0 whbn you bay a SEATING MACHINE. You'll find : all sorts and kinds at ccrc p3Lding : : prices. But if you v ant a rz u a,1 ; serviceable : Machine , then take I ' ' "r the : : TJ7 ! ! ! ! : 27 years psrience nas enabled us to bring" $ out a HANDSOME ; SYMMETRICAL and ( s l "WELL-BUILT PRODUC , combining in its I cofce-cp ell fis good poLt3 : found on high ! ; W' gracts .f"'oo ; ! gttrj ! , s ! and : : otnzrs dat are exclusively WHlTr-fcz : instance , ou TENSION INDI- C ? ' yyq- _ tCATOR a device ! that shovrs the tension at a glance , and v/c have ethers tiat appeal to care- t feI'Z. ! All Drop Heads Automatic : r ? - = . 'J'Lit and cwstiic l Swell Frost , Golden sal : ri3 µ - , . r _ _ /coa word.- . VifarziorasdRotary Shuttle Styles p ' OUR 5LECAN7 H. 7. CATALCGUE3 GIVE FULL PARTICULARS , FREE. WHITE SEW5NG MACHINE ' CO. CLEVELAND , O. ' ' ; ) - : yft - cVft < r , * A " 1 'V > . < VVV - s < A ? * VWV * AAVW WA rtr For sale by lied Front Mel c. Co. Valentine , Neb. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ J , 1 ry ,3 to 'd , ' t"S r _ 7 l 1 . , Q 11 f .trr.h r . , s ! 1J , Tuesday : October 55 ! Fireworks Wednesday , October 8 , - Electrical Parade "fti1U I $ day , October 7 , Hilary Parade - F ff day October 3 , Coronation'Ball Sactrda , October 9 Children's Ball . . , , .R f jz E : r fl STU LA-Pay When CURED P I I e 0 All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical ] operation. No Chloroform , Ether or other.gen- eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED . to last a LIFE-TIME. i "EXAMINATION FREE. r . r WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS . nit. E. I * . TARnY , 224 Bee BuiidFn ? , Omaha Nebraska : ; ; : \I' . _ . _ _ . : o.- ' . . . . , . - W. H. Stratton Dealer in - FLOUR & EEED General Merchandise ; } PHOSEl2t5. ; , . i I ior. : Hall & Cath. 1 { tt' e ltin e ' 1tebr. : ; . > _ ' : . . , . : . . - .0 _ . ' , _ . . . . _ ; : . . f . . . J. W. IvIcD .NIEL - , . . - . 1 ; , . ( : OVt ; Y . 1JRV.EYOR l - ' " , , , r r VaU-ntixae : < - 11'eUr. . : : i y. , All work will he given prompt and careful attention. , . . . : : : I . . s