Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 23, 1909, Image 7

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To ge * VVs \ ) eneSc.neSs eGs .
c \ ways / bu v \\\e Oe\\\l'-.e"
mar\ufoctured by tKe
cne : size only , regular price 50 * per bottle.
A Remarlcable Journey.
In a history issued of Harper's
Weekly Harry A. Franck describes a
' . . remarkable journey undertaken by
"him on foot across the robber-infested
Lebanon range to Damascus. Every
body tried to induce him to abandon
this enterprise. At one village the
; .
sheikh invited him to sit in his shop
. entrance upon a stool and placed an
T , earthenware pet In front of him , into
f which every passer-by was urged to
drop a coin. The pot was almost full
when : an English-speaking villager ex
d plained its meaning. The sheikh was :
taking up a collection to purchase for
the author a railroad ticket to Damas
cus. Mr. Franck picked up his knap
sack and stepped into the street. But
the sheikh and several bystanders
° threw themselves upon me with cries ! !
. of dismay. It was no use attempting
to escape from a dozen horny hands.
I permitted myself to be led back to
the stool and sat down with the knap
sack acrossmy knee. The sheikh ad
dressed me in soothing tones , pointing
at the pot with every third word. The
others resumed their seats on the
floor , rolled new cigarettes and fell
quiet once more. With one leap I
sprang from the stool into the street
and set off at top speed' down the
highway , a screaming , howling , ever-
increasing , but ever more distant
throng at my heels. "
Gifts to the Pope.
The occupant of the see of St. Peter
+ . Is frequently the recipient of strange
.gifts , the London Globe says.
Some time ago a present of lions
arrived. These are fortunate animals ,
and the pope at considerable expense
has : had them secured in large dens , in
which they can ramble at will. All
they can desire is free run of the
gardens. ,
Another remarkable gift , according
to a Paris contemporary , was a colos-
: sal group in iron of St. X. driving
. tack Attila from the city of Z. The
, names are purposely omitted because
1 or contemporary does not wish tc
Identify the diocese which in an op-
portune moment of generosity forced
\r' upon his holiness this damnosa h ' red-
itas , which now reposes covered with
rust in the Vatican gardens.
_ Such gifts innumerable are constant
ty arriving from all parts of the world.
and : no place can be found for them
J , < ' among the marbles , the antiques anct\
. .
- . .
the paintings ; of Michael A nge.o * .
Kaphael and Pinturicchio in the pal
ace of Bramante. Possibly the motor
car will ! find a place beside the name
less saint who turned back "th'
, scourge of God" from the unnamed
r - -
: .
_ _ _
i7J )
. . I . TOLET ; ATllTll [ [ j
I ? H Tie' F..1l Paxtinc excels any drntifrkc
II . . t.i. - n in clcanring , whtlemnp ac'J
Removing tartar from the teeth , bc. ! rdes drryir ;
-all germs of decay and die < ie which ordinir-
t .tooth preparations cannot do. .
.trJ ! Paxtir.e used a > a men ' a ' .
B1H ; ; ' MOUTH wash disinfec's the matuli
S I and throat purifies the breath , and kills the gemu
which collect in the moutb. causing rore throat ,
bad ; teeth , bad breath , gripp * . , and * * r-L * t ' - - tf
' when ianed , cirri .
i 'rUE EYES and bum , may : be ir st:1pdv : . -
r .xcL'eved and strengthened hy'Pdtllie. .
; Paxtiw will deitrov trie germ/
CATaRRH that caufe caUrrh , hes.1 : tKc b .
i r flammation and stop the disch it e. It is a sure
1 I. remedy for uterine catarrh.
, . Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful
'iY- .gemiicide.disiafedtant and deodo : .cr. ,
Used ; in bathingitdestzoys odors and ,
1 leaves the body antiiepticaily dean. '
. . .FOR SALE AT DRUG STOR < S,50c. " '
,1 ' URGE SAMPLE \ FREE ! ' i
I I'f f
, f - .
' -
" I
d $
7 D p
_ . _ - . . . . . -r-
, _ . . ) " " 1'-
. _ . .
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. . . -
. . . . . 1'J
. J
Cont of Chemical Fertilizers.
A reader wants to know the aver-
age price of nitrate of soda , phosphoric
acid and muriate of potash. Nitrate
of soda usually retails at $40 to $50
per ton ; phosphoric acid ( bones ) , $20
to " $35 per ton ; muriate of potash , $35
to $40 per ton.
Consul Hanna , in Chill , sends word
that the nitrate of soda combine is
broken. The object of the association
was to limit production and fix prices.
Now there will be unlimited produc-
tion and exportation , which will result
Jn later lowering the cost of nitrate
on the farm.
Remedy for Cowpox.
Isolate the cow , as cowpox is con-
tagious and may be spread from cow
to cow by the milker's hands. There
is no preventive of cowpox where
cows have been exposed. Treat by giv-
ing a full dose of epsom salts at the
outset of the attack and following
with a half ounce of hyposulphite of
eoda night and morning In the feed
or drinking water. Sponge the udder
twice dally with a solution of 1 ounce
of hyposulphite of soda in a quart
of water and then paint each sore with
glycerite of tannin. A sterilized milk-
ing tube may be used to withdraw the .
milk where a teat is extra sore and
inflamed , but the tube must be boiled
and baked before each use , else it will
do much more harm than good.-
Breeders' Gazette.
Paatnrln s Sheep.
Now that we have been asked the
question we would say that in running
farm sheep thirteen grown animals
can be pastured on an acre , and one I
acre of alfalfa , counting four tons of
hay for the year , will winter twenty
sheep. This hay : land will also furnish
pasture in the spring while the
meadow is getting a start , and also in
the fall , when the aftermath is on.
These two acres , one of hay and one
of pasture , will keep an average of
sixteen and one-half , or , say , sixteen
sheep the whole year , or eight to each
acre and an income of $4 for each
sheep makes $32 for the acre. Another
thing , these sheep harvest their own
crop on three out of every five acres.
Now , every farmer knows it costs
good money and sweat to put hay in
the stack , and for this 'reason ' the
sheep are of the greatest convenience.
They can t do the work and put on
plenty of fat at the same time. - Den-
nr Field and Farm.
Getting Rid of 1\Iosqultoes.
As pools of stagnant water , cisterns
end neglected drains are breeding
places for mosquitoes , Prof. Surface ,
the state zoologist , recommends , that
all tanks of water , cisterns or vessels
which hold water , or whlc . might be
filled with water after a rain , be cov-
ered , or screened , with a screen of at
least eighteen meshes of wire to the
inch. Standing water on lots on com
mons should not be permitted. All
shallow lots should be drained and
kept dry , and post holes filled , , old tin
cans and bottles emptied , ' and all
breeding places destroyed. All stable
refuse should be removed at least
every week. Where there are large
natural bodies of water which can not
be drained , the surface should be dis-
infected ! and oiled with kerosene at
frequent and regular intervals. Kero-
eene is invaluable in this connection ,
and it is also good as a disinfectant.
Chloride of lime , or common cop-
peras ( sulphate of iron ) can be thrown
Into cesspools.
Water and Plants.
Every living plant in the field Is a
water pump , or at least is continually
active pumping the soil dry of water ,
writes an anonymous writer. These
plant pumps do not work on exactly
the same principle as the common
suction or lifting pump , but they do
the work just the same. Their power
of working is through capillary action.
the same power that draws oil up
through the lamp wick and that makes
the towel absorb water. Every grass
plant , every wild flower and weed , all
shrubs , bushes and vines , and all trees
are steadily at work during the sum-
mer and more or less at other seasons
pumping up the water-day and night
-from the ground in which ! they grow.
Some of this water is used by the
plants themselves for their growing
needs , yet .much of it is allowed tc
pour out of a thousand little sprouts
from each plant , which instead of fall-
Ing back upon the soil to be reabsorbed
Is transformed into a very thin wa-
ter vapor and floats away In the air
to be precipitated at some other time
and in some other place. All of this
pumping is Invisible to our gross
vision , but the amount of water lifted.
by wild and cultivated plants over
the area of a single ! county of a sin-
gle state in one day : amounts to thou-
sands of tons of liquid.
Fertilization of Orchards.
While cultivation Is In a certain
sense fertilization , there are very few
orchards that could not be benefited
by adding to the natural fertility of
the soil , says : a good authority. Of
the three essentials of plant food-
nitrogen , phosphoric acid and potash-
nitrogen is of the greatest value In
developing growth and forming wood.
Barnyard manure is rich in nitro
gen and Is admirably adapted to the
development of wood , and while the
orchard is young should be applied
liberally , not only for this purpose ,
but also for fertilizing such annual
crops as may be grown with the great
est profit.
Manure should be applied early in
the season , in order that the wood
may have thoroughly matured by the
time of freezing weather , or quite late
In the season as a top dressing , so
that the available portion may be car
ried by rains and melting snows into
the soil ready for use the following
season. Y7hen the trees have reached
a fruiting age . , . phosphoric acid and
potash are necessary for the develop
ment and maturity of the fruit.
These constituents are essential to
the maturity of the crops that are
grown in the orchard in its earlier
years , but when the trees have reached
a bearing age , if these crops be con
tinued , there must be a liberal appli
cation In addition to what has been
applied for annual crop purposes. -
Rural World.
The Man with the Cultivator.
The importance of the man with tha
cultivator can scarcely be estimated
in the general acceptation of the term
as applied to crop growing. At this .
season of the year the active use of I
the cultivator every hour that will per
mit of its operation in the field means
more than is often credited by the I
tiller of the soil. The preliminary
work of plowing , harrowing , planting ,
etc. , means a great deal in the expense
of the crop , yet it counts for nothing ,
practically , If the cultivating is omit-
ted or wholly neglected.
The man with the cultivator and
the brisk-stepping team , surrounded
by the live , green , growing plants ,
seems to be the power behind the
throne. It is he more than any other
influence who has in control the des-
tiny of this crop. If the crop Is care-
fully and persistently looked after
and cultivated in season It will yield
bountifully , but if it is neglected from
any : cause all the former labor and ex
pense is lost. A crop insures the ex
pense of producing it , and the profit
that may be represented In the surplus
It will not do to allow any other
urgency on the farm take precedence
over "the man with the cultivator. "
In seasons when there is not great
rainfall the selection of the time that
the cultivator is most needed in the
field of growing crop is not so exact-
ing. Caution at the present time must
be observed , and critically , that the
cultivator is not used when the ground
is too wet. It Is just as Important ,
however , that the condition of the soil
be closely : observed that every hour
is employed between rains that the
soil will admit of working and not be
sticky or cause to bake. When the
soil is mellow and admits readily to
pulverizing , keep "the man with the
cultivator" In the field. - Twentieth
Century Farmer.
The Dominance of Agriculture.
Nothing of late years has so strik
ingly illustrated the dominance 01
agriculture in our commercial fabric
as the story of the panic of 1907 and
the consequent business depression ,
which endured through the long weary
months of 1908. The railroads wero
all to the bad. Lumber interests were
at a dead standstill and "lumber Jacks"
were on the ragged edge of starva
Manufacturers ran half time or else
closed down their plants. Mining of
all kinds was in the dumps , and dis -
tribution agencies of all products were
content with half a loaf. Through it
all the farmer kept the even tenor
of his way unscathed by the public
lack of confidence , and the tremendous
falling off in demand for his products
suffered neither fall in prices nor any
appreciable abatement in demand.
Through all the stress and trial of
hard times . the country had reason to
be grateful that the agricultural situa-
tion was inherently sound , and this
fact alone prevented that general
slump that had characterized the
panics of the past. Now that the long
lane has been turned and the delect-
able mountains of prosperity are clear-
ly : In sight it is easily seen that the
change has come from the wonderful
prospect as to the crops which are rap
idly ! maturing.
As a whole they promise to exceed
in value and quantity anything we
have gathered in the past and there
seems but little chance now of any
serious calamity to mar this prospect.
The story is true not alone of those
staple crops of grain and fiber that add
so greatly to our wealth , but like-
wise of the Innumerable secondary
products of fruits , vegetables and for-
age , whose great aggregate importance
we so little realize.
: rat ; Is true , also , that the farmer is
everywhere diversifying his products
growing 'everything that he needs-
getting daily more "self-contained"
and thus yearly being less at the mercy
of the failure of any one great staple.
With record-breaking prices for all
the products of the farm and with
bountiful supplies , agriculture is lead.
ing the procession in which every
other industry is hastening to Join.-
St. Louis Time
, ,
, , . ) : .
" ' ; -r.
Fall Painting.
The majority of property owners are
onder the impression that spring time
is the only painting time. But the fall
of the year offers several advantages to
the painter. One of the most import
ant is that surfaces are almost sure to
be dry , and there is no frost or inner
moisture to work out after the paint is
Pure white lead-the Dutch Boy
Painter kind-mixed with pure linseed
oil ( tinted as desired ) gives a winter
coat to a building that is an armor
against the severest attacks of the
winter rain , sleet , winds and snow.
National Lead Company , 1902 Trin
ity Bldg. , New York City , makers of
pure white lead , Dutch Boy Painter
trademark , are offering to those inter-
ested a complete painter's outfit , con-
sisting of a blowpipe and lead tester ,
book of color schemes , etc. State
whether you want exterior or .interior
. "
Getting Over Difficulties.
W. D. Boyce , the Chicago publisher ,
was discussing some of the difficulties
of his ballooning expedition in South
"Oh , we'll get over them , " said Mr.
Boyce , smiling. "We must , eh-in a
balloon ? Where there's a will there's
i way , you know. We'll show the in-
domitable- spirit of little Willie of
Commonwealth avenue.
" 'No , Willie , ' said his French nurse ; ,
'no more gateaux to-night. Don't you
know you can't sleep on a full stom-
ach ? '
" 'Well , ' said the indomitable Willie ,
'I can sleep on my back can't I ? ' "
Every Reader Will Concede the
Truth of This Statement.
One who suffers with backache or
any for.m of kidney trouble wants a
cure , not merely temporary benefit.
Rev. Maxwell S.
, Rowland , of Toms
River , N. J. , makes
a statement in this
y , connection that is
' worth attention
Says he : "I was
suddenly t a ken
I with an attack of
I kidney trouble , had
severe pains in my
back and loins and
was generally run
down. Doctors
were not helping
me so I began us-
I ing Doan's Kidney
. ,
. Pills. They brought
me prompt relief ,
and as I continued taking them the
pains in my back disappeared and the
kidneys were restored to normal con
dition. "
Remember the name-Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos-
ter-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Boiled potatoes should be served as
goon as they are cooked. To make
them drier drain off the water quickly ,
shake them in a -strong : draft of air
and do not put back the lid of the
Child a Mass of Dreadful Sore , Itch-
ing : , Irritating Humor for Two
1\Iontlts-Littlo Sufferer in Terri-
ble Plisht - Cured by Cutlcura.
"My six year ; old daughter had the
dreadful disease called hives for two
months. She became affected by play-
ing with children who had it. By
scratching she caused large sores
which were irritating. Her body was
a complete sore , but it was worse on
her arms and back. We employed a
physician who left medicine , but it did
not help her and I tried several reme-
dies , but without avail. Seeing the
Cuticura Remedies advertised , I
thought I would try them. I gave her
a hot bath daily with Cuticura Soap
and anointed her body with Cuticura
Ointment. The first treatment relieved
the itching and in a short time the dis
ease disappeared. Mrs. G. L. Fridhoff ,
\Varren , Mich. , June 30 and July 13'OS. "
Potter Drug & Chern. Corp. , Sole
Props. of Cuticura Remedies. Boston.
More than It "VlVorth. .
"The preacher that married you says
you only gave him a dollar. "
"He ought to be glad I didn't suo
him for damages. " - Judge.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-
coated , easy to take as candy , regulate
and invigorate stomach , liver and bow-
els. Do not gripe.
He Started.
He had been there since 8 o'clock
and it was now 11.
"Are you interested in Mr. Weston's
'onderful walk ? " she asked him.
"Oh , yes , " he answered.
"Do you think you could walk as
far ? " she went on.
"Oh , no , " he quickly replied ; "I'm
sure I couldn't. "
"But how can you be sure , " said the
dear girl , "if you never start ? "
Then he started.-Cleveland Plain
31.00 buys . successful business. Thirty
years World's Best Ointment for ilan
or Beast. Mail dollar in currency for
BALM CO. , Syracuse New York.
Famous ilonnc Sold.
The House of Seven Gables in Sa
lem around which Nathaniel Haw-
thorne wrote one of his best known
stories and which is visited annually
by thousands , has been sold to Mrs.
George R. Emmerton , who is to use
the place for settlement work. The
structure was ! built in 1662 and origi-
nally had seven gables. In remodel-
ing some forty years ago most of these
gables were removed but the places
where the seven gable windows were
are easily discernible to-day on the in.
Blind Cure.
Pretty Cousin - Algy , don't youi
knees get cold in that uniform ?
Algy ( in Highland costume ) - Bavt
Jove , they did at first , but I said to
them : "Hoot ! Dinna forget that my
ain grandfeyther was a Scotsman ! "
and , baw Jove , they warmed right Ul :
to the Idea !
Pettlt's Eye Salve for Over 100 Years
has been used for congested and .inflamed
eyes , removes film or ' scum over the eyes.
All druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
If you want to keep coffee from boll-
ing over add a lump of butter about
the size of a small marble.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
children teething softens the gums , re-
duces inflammation allays pain , cures
wind colic. 25c a bottle.
A tablespoon : of coal oil in a quart
of warm water is excellent to remove
fly specks from brass.
Each of the chief or-
gans of the body is a
link in the Chain of
U NGS [ Life. A chain is no-
stronger than its
weakest link , the body
no stronger than its .
weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomach , liver or lungs , there is a.
weak link ia the chain of life v/hch : may snap at any time. Often this co-called
weakneas" is caused by lack of nutrition , the result of weakness or disease-
of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and
weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr. .
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased ! stomach is 1 j
cured , diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but whichv' : '
liave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition , are cured also.
The strong man has a strong stomach.
Take the abovo recommended 1Discov
ery" and you may havo a atron& atom *
ach and a strong body.
GIVEN AWAY. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser ,
new revised Edition , is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers , or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol
ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y.
"I always had a high opinion of Mr.
Roosevelt , " said Mrs. : Lapsling , "until he
went to Africa to kill animals. I don't
like that one bit , even if he does call him
self a fawning naturalist ! "
$ H.OO down and $1.00 per month for
47 months will buy 1,000 shares of
stock in mining property now being de-
veloped n Coeur d'Alene mining district
-the greatest silver-lead mining district
in the world : property consists of 11
claims , situated on the lines of two
railroads. For particulars address Hec
tor Mining and Milling Co. , 55 Ziegler
Block , Spokane , Washington.
He Had To.
Mr. De Bore-The hours fly when I
am with you. Miss Tersleep - Well ,
that's one comfort. - Cleveland Leader.
Hamlins Wizard Oil is over fifty yearj
old and. like an old friend , it can be de
pended upon just as surely as the familj
doctor who may be miles away.
Housework and marketing is part of
the education of a Belgian girl. She
learns these subjects in the public
cholera the -worst. Treatment must be prompt. TTso
Painkiller ( Perry Davis' ) which overcomes all bowel
troubles like diarrhoea , cholera morbus and dysentery.
Does It Now.
Suffragette-We believe that
a wom-
an should get a man's wages.
Married Man - Well , judging from
my experience , she does.-Tit-Bits.
- - - - -
° PRICE 25 CtsJ
r .
Mailed postpaid on r M
+ ceipt of price
You can't have a beautiful complex.
Ion if your blood Is impure or if you
suffer with indigestion or any stomaclt :
or liver ailment.
Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills regulate t1w
bowels , correct Indigestion , constipa
tion , biliousness , torpid livers , jaun
dice , sallow and dull complexions. They
purify the blood and clear the skin of
pimples , sores and most eruptions.
One pill Is a gentle laxative ; two
pills a thorough physic. They do no *
gripe , they do not weaken. Price 25c
63rd and Jefferson Sts. . Phila. . Pa.
This Trade-mark
- ' Eliminates All
. " P ' !
, : 4 " ' - in the purchase of
. paint materials.
- ' ' : . . It is an absolute
guarantee of pur-
. ' : . * , y , ity and quality.
" - : , , , , 'JfiJ S ) i . For your own
I " . . . \G . - protection , see :
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead !
, 3 you buy. f
1902 Trinity Building. KewYo/k
Till Night : i
The moment you need help , take a
candy Cascaret. Then headaches
vanish , dullness disappears. The
results are natural , gentle , prompt.
No harsher physic does more'
good , and all harsh physics injure.i ,
Vest-pocket box 10 cents-at drug-stores.
People now use a million boxes monthly. 853
S. C. N. U. - No. 39-1909. I
- -
f j. j ' . . . ; .mJWiY ; b&k'f , " , ! ' ! ( . " . ' . \ : _ _ _ ; : .
hh1l I .
' . ,
I ; l l ,
u For Infants _ " , and Children.
I - The Iind { You Have
iu li Always Bought
e lI : . .
, d ' , ; .ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT.
m , 1 - AVe g eta i . .Pre uationfor s
„ ' ' SlInl tIfle Fcodaamiiileguf3 Bears the
' 1r ting t Uic S tomafiis ( ancl3llwrlsof
. - . -
' , Promotes esfio { faeriiir ! of
' , nessandRestContainsnei .
' Opiuni.Morphine iiorMuzraL ti
1I . . . .i' " .0 ' : . - : Yof. -J > -
m ' l i ' Bu e of fJldDt.fJMlI..PJIl1JER. Sf !
I - & eed "
w dlxfe rtd +
f' ' " . HxhelleSdts- Q I
, .Asise & "t1/ I + - , n
. , , , Pcmumizl- ' . ;
1J . Lltr f :
' JTh.- -
tl. , t : \VantzjFeenfla7a' Cfatfet/Sltner : - ! 9 Use
' q Aperfecf Remedy forCunsfips-
' ' ' ' tion , Sour StoitkluDiarto -
Worms XtonvnIsionsIcvEris F 0 V
. ness aniILOSS OF SLEER 0 r I e r ;
; : " -
? 'ill , y FacSinile > Signamre of e , .
r " , .a NEW 5t Thirty Years
. . .f . ; Guaranteed rmeFoodar :
Exact Copy of Wrapper. . .
, - - , . ' , , . ' " ' : ' - , , ' " ' .
; .1 ; _ 'l it" " " ' : # . r # < . " . " 'l"'Jf-y. c't'
a o , ; ii ! Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid given oa the
sr + tongue. Safe for brood mares aad : all others. Best kidney remedy. 50 cents
.A r a bottle , 85.00 the dozen. $1.00 and $10.00 the dozen. Sold by all druggist
C , and turf goods : houses , or sent , express paid , by the manufacturers.
SPOBN MEDICAL COMPANY , Chemisis , Goshen , Ind.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors ban ( any olber dye. Oce 1 Oc package colors all fibers. They 4ye IB coM wafer better ihao any olier dye. Too can dyt
aay garffltal without ripping apart Write Iff l ks b < U l - Bow le a Dye , DIeacb acd Mix Colors. MO.N'R.OE DR 111 G CO. , Quincy. Illinejj