Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 23, 1909, Image 6

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1i i 1
i Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
MABLTON , N.J.-I feel that LydiaE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha
, . . ' " " . life.
< = < ' < : ; : : gr. : : " 'ii , oF : > , " ' given me new
: ' : ' , ' " , ' : I suffered . for . ten
t : ' ' , years with , seriqu
W : : , ; : ; : ; . : , , ; , " , , . '
; j ! , ' ' - : . - : ' , ; f" < " female troubles . , in -
: ' < ' : - < : ' : : - . ' flammation ulcer-
* ri ? : : : ; , , -
t { , \ z ; : < : ; , ation , indigestion
: ' : " 'P < : J ! " , ; ,
\ . . ' ' " . : "l" . ' ' ; :1 , : ' , : , , . , nervousness , am a
' . "
'f . , , .v ( . ' ' * , : - : .xti - < ' . + ? , h , . ; , could not sleep.
,0. ,
' - . , ' " > ' Doctors me
3 , . : f.g ; & cr gave
tiGt " " , : : : tr : : : : : ' ' up , as theyaaid my ;
: f , . . troubles were
; . : < ' - chronic. I was in
. despair , and did not
care whetherl livei
lor died , when I read about Lydia E.
tPinkham's Vegetable Compound ; so I
fcejran to take it , ahd am well again and <
Believed of all my suffering. - Mrs .
GEORGE JOBDYBOS 40 , Marlton , N.J.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
Ipound , made from native roots and
Iierbs , contains no narcotics or harm-
ful drugs , and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures :
of female diseases we know of , and
thousandsof voluntary testimonialsar *
on file in the Pinkham laboratory at
JLynn , : Mass. from women who have
been cured from almost every form of ;
female' complaints , inflammation , ul-
ceration , displacements , fibroidtumors ,
Irregularities , periodicpains , backache ,
indigestion and nervous prostration
( ; Every suffering woman owes it to her-
Self = to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
'table ' Compound a trial.
I l If you would like special advice
about ' your case write a confiden- : :
Jtial : letter to Mrs. Pinkham , at
CLynn , Mass. Her advice is free , ,
end always helpful *
, . ,
Lost Great Wealth.
Dickens was one of the most svtcc9B
Jul financially of all authors. His was
.iao case of genius starving in aar ; -
fret. "Pickwick" placed him abore
jwant at 25 , and for a period of thirty
1S36-7 he received priaeely incom
ifrom his writings. His American tour
brought him $50,006" . His estate at his
Ideath in 1870 was estimated at $ fOO-
'OOb < > That his grandchildren shauid
Inow be in need of the trifling pension
[ bestowed on them is a painful illus-
tration of the vicissitudeB ! of family
'fortune. ! ' - New York World.
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism
whether muscular or of the Joints , s.clatica : ,
lumbagos. backache pains in the kidneys
' or neuralgia pains , to write to her for a
borne treatment which has repeatedly cured
| all of these tortures. She feels It her duty
jto send It to all sufferers FREE. You cure
ourself at home as thousandswill testify
jno change of climate "being necessary. This
: : simple discovery banishes uric acid from
\fhe I. \ , blood , loosens the stiffened Joints , puri-
ifies the blood and brightens the eyes , giving (
elasticity and tone to the whole system. Ii
ithe i above interests you for proof address
& rs. M. Summers , Box 3 , 'Notre Dame , Ind
/Inheritance and Income Iraposta In
England and France.
An interesting statement furnished
fcy ! the chancellor of the exchequer ap
peared in yesterday's parliamentary
papers , the London Chronicle says.
iMr. Lloyd George , replying to a ques-
jtlon of Mr. Barnard , said :
"An estate of ; f : 5,000,600 If passing
to strangers in blood would be liable ,
on a rough estimate , to death duties
amounting to 1,120,000 under the
existing English law , ! ! 1,165,000 under
the budget proposals and . 1,020,000
under the French law.
"If such an estate passed in the
irect line the death duties might be
roughly estimated at ; ! ! 700,000 under
the existing English ' law and ; ! ! 791- .
600 under the budget proposals and
246,000 under the French law.
\ . "Supposing a person possessed of
f ' 5,000,000 to be in receipt of an in-
! Come therefrom at a rate of 4 per
{ cent or ; 200,000 per annum , he
would > pay in income tax ( at the pres-
ent rate of Is in the pound ) ; 10,090.
Under the budget proposals he would
? ay : 11,600 income tax and about
' . ; 4,900 super-tax-in all 16,500. .
'llnder the French income tax
& pro-
posals , as I am informed , an Income
| of ; ! ! 200,000 would pay 4 per cent
to begin with , i. e. , ; E 8,000 , together
[ with a 5 per cent super-tax , which
/would / involve a further charge of
fe 10.000 , or 18.000 in all. "
/t'he Eight Different Methods of Lo-
comotion by Which He "Won.
A man named Duhoroff has just won
R highly original wager at Kief , says
the St. Petersburg correspondence of
the London Evening Standard. He had
undertaken to appear daily during
eight days in the streets employing
each time a different mode of locomo-
I tion.He commenced by runnmg down Che
ttpps of his dwelling and along the
i boulevard on his hands. The follow-
ing day he hopped through the town
on one leg.
i Stilts , a skipping rope , roller skates
R land a bath chair all followed in turn.
One day he was conducted through the
principal thoroughfares by a small boy
Who led him on a string.
I The finest of his exploits was un-
oubtedlY a recent performance , when ,
-turning { successive somersaults in the .
| air for nearly a mile , he arrived amid
enthusiastic cheers at the cafe where
I Ihis friends were waiting to bestow the
jprize ! upon him.
1 Mrs. Dickenson , the new hostess of
i jthe Beech Tree , Terriers , Bucks , En-
t jffland , is a lineal descendant .f Bacon.
t ,
1 .
! . . . w 'AH. . 1'- .
The Ifcdemptioi
fJ Jovid eats on
, , . .
Copyright 1900 by The Bowcn-Merrill Company. All Rights Reserved
. i I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
True to his determination , the doctor
devoted the night following his advent
into the little frontier village to th .
investigation of the Quaker preacher's
fitness for his use. He took Pepeeta
with him , the older habitues of the
tavern standing on the porch and smil-
ing ironically as they started. The
meeting house was one of those con-
ventional weather-boarded buildings
with which all travelers in the West-
ern States are familiar. The rays of
the tallow candles by which it was
lighted were streaming feebly out into
the night. The doors were open , and
through them were passing meek-
faced soft-voiced and plain-robed wor-
Keeping close together , Pepeeta ligh
and graceful , the doctor heavy and
awkward , both of them thoroughly em-
barrassed , they ascended the steps as ;
a bear and gazelle might have walked
the gang-plank into the ark. They en -
tered unobserved save by a few of the
younger people who were staring va
cantly about the room and took their
seats on the last bench. The Quake :
maidens who caught sight of Pepeeta
were visibly excited and began to <
preen themselves as turtle doves might
have done if a bird of paradise had
suddenly flashed among them. One of
them happened to be seated next her.
She was dressed in quiet drabs and
grays. Her face and person were per-
vaded and adorned by simplicity ,
meekness , devotion ; and the contrast
between the two was po striking as to
render them both self-conscious and
uneasy in each other's presence.
The visitors did not know at all
what to expect in this unfamiliar
place , but could not have been aston-
ished or awed by anything else half
so much as by the inexplicable silence
which prevailed. If the whole
blage had been dancing or turning
comersaults , they would not have been
surprised , but the few moments in
which they thus sat looking stupidly at
the people and then at each other
seemed to them like a small eternity.
Pepeeta's sensitive nature could ill en-
dure such a strain , and she became
"Take me away , " she imploringly
whispered to the doctor , who sat by
her side , ignorant of the custom which
separated the sexes.
He tried to encourage her in a few
half-suppressed words , took her trem-
bling hand in his great paw , pressed
I it reassuringly , winked humorously
and then looked about him with a sar-
donic grin.
To Pepeeta's relief , the silence was
at last broken by an old man who rose
from his seat , reverently folded his
hands , lifted his face to heaven , closed
his eyes : and began to speak. She had
never until this moment listened to a
prayer , and this address to an invisible ,
Being wrought in her already agitated
mind a confused and exciting effect ; !
but the prayer was long , and gave her
time to recover her self-control. The
silence which followed its close was
less painful because less strange than
the other , and she permitted herself
to glance about the room and to won-
der what would happen next. Her cu-
riosity was soon satisfied. David Cor-
son , the young mystic , rose to his feet.
He was dressed with exquisite neat =
ness in that simple garb which lends
to a noble person a peculiar and seri-
ous dignity. Standing for a moment
before he began his address , he looked I
over the audience with the
session of an accomplished orator. .
The attention of every person in the
room was at once arrested. They all
recalled their wandering or preoccu-
pied thoughts lifted their bowed heads
and fixed their eyes upon the com-
manding figure before them.
This general movement caused Pe
peeta to turn and she observed a sud-
den transformation on the countenance
of the dove-like Quaker maiden. A
flush mantled her pale cheek and a
radiance beamed in her mild blue eyes.
It was a tell-tale look , and Pepeeta ,
who divined its meaning , sruiled sym-
But the first word which fell from
the lips of the speaker withdrew her
attention from every other object , for
his voice possessed a quality with
which she was entirely unfamiliar. It
would have charmed and fascinated
the hearer , even if it had uttered inco-
herent words. For Pepeeta , it had an-
other and a more mysterious value. It
was the voice of her destiny , and rang
in her soul like a bell. The speech of
the young Quaker was a simple and
unadorned message of the love of God
to men , and of their power to respond
to the Divine call.
Each sentence had fallen into the
sensitive soul of the fortune teller lik ?
a pebble into a deep well. She I
gazing at him in astonishment. Her
lips were parted , her eyes wet 6 suf-
fused and she was leaning forward
When at length David stopped
speaking it seemed to Ftpeeta as if a
sudden end had come to everything : ;
as if rivers had ceasea to run and stars
to : rise and set. Sbt : drew a long , deep
breath , sighed ana sank , back in her
seat , exhausted by the nervous tension
to which she had been subjected.
The effect upon the quack was hard-
ly less remarkable. He , too , had lis-
tened with breathless attention. He
tried to analyze and then to resist this
mesmeric power , but gradually suc-
cumbed. He felt as if chained to his
eat , and it was only by a great effort
that he pulled himself together , took
Pepeeta by the arm and drew her out
into the open air.
For a few moments they walked in
sIlence , and then the doctor exclaim-
ed : "P-p-peeta , I have found him at
last ! " .
"Found whom ? " she asked sharply ,
; . ; ; F
irritated by the voice which offerei
such a rasping contrast to the one still
echoing in her ears.
"Found whom ? As if you didn't
know ! I mean the man of d-d-des-
tiny ! He is a snake charmer , Pepeeta :
He just fairly b-b-bamboozled you ! I
was laughing in my sleeve and sayinj
to myself , 'He's bamboozled Pepeeta ;
but he can't b-b-bamboozle me ! ' When
he up and did it ! Tee-totally did it !
And if he can bamboozle me he can
bamboozle anybody. "
"Did you understand what he said ? " '
Pepeeta asked.
"Understand ? Well , I should sa I :
not ! But between you and me and
the town p-p-pump it's all the better ,
for if he can fool the people with that
kind of g-g-gibberish , he can certainly
f-f-fool them with the Balm of the B-
B-Blessed Islands ! First time I was !
ever b-b-bamboozled in my life. Feels ;
queer. Our fortune's made , P-p-pepee-
ta ! "
His triumph and excitement were so
great that he did not notice the silence
and abstraction of his wife. His ' ar -
dent mind invariably excavated a
channel into which it poured its
thoughts , digging its bed so deep as to
flow on unconscious of everything else.
Exulting in the prospect of attaching
to himself a companion so gifted , never
doubting for a moment that he could
do so , reveling in the dreams of wealth
to be gathered from the increased sales
of his patent medicine , he entered the
hotel and made straight for the bar-
room , where he told his story with the
most unbounded delight.
Pepeeta retired at once to her room , ,
but her mind was too much excited
and her heart too much agitated for
slumber. She moved restlessly about
for a long time and then sat down at
the open window and looked into the
night. For the first time in her life ,
the mystery of existence really dawned
upon her. Sh % gazed with a new awe
at the starry sky. She thought of that
Being of whom David had spoken.
Questions which had never before oc-
curred to her knocked at the door of
her mind and imperatively demanded
an answer. "Who am I ? Whence did
I come ? For what was I created ?
Whither did I come ? For what was
I created ? Whither am I going ? " she
asked herself again and again with
profound astonishment at the newness
of these questions and her inability to
answer them.
For a long time she sat in the light
of the moon , and reflected on these
mysteries with all the power of her
untutored mind. But that power was
soon exhausted , and vague , chaotic , ab
stract conceptions gave place to a
definite image which had been eternal-
ly impressed upon her inward eyes. It
was the figure of the young Quaker ,
idealized by the imagination of an ar
dent and emotional woman whose
heart had been thrilled for the first
She began timidly to ask herself
what was the meaning of those feel-
ings which this stranger had awakened
in her bosom. She knew that they
were different from those which her
husband inspired ; but how different ,
she did not know. They filled her with
a sort of ecstasy , and she gave herself
up to them. Exhausted at last by
these vivid thoughts and emotions , she
rested her head upon her arms across
the window sill and fell asleep. It
must have been that the young Quaker ,
followed her into the land of dreams ,
for when her husband aroused her at
midnight a faint flush could be seen
by the light of the moon on those
rounded cheeks.
. .
On the following morning the
preacher-plowman was afield at break :
of day. The horses , refreshed and
rested by food and sleep , dragged the
gleaming plowshare through the heavy
sod as if it were light snow , and the
farmer exulted behind them. '
David tied the reins to the plow han-
dles and strode across the fresh fur-
rows. Vaulting the fence and leaping
the brook which formed the boundary
line of the farm , he ascended the bank
and approached a carriage from which
a man had hailed him. As he did so
the occupants got out and came to
meet him. To his astonishment he
saw the strangers whom he had no-
ticed the night before. . The man ad-
vanced with a bold , free demeanor , the
woman timidly and with downcast
"Good morning , " said the doctor.
David.returned : his greeting with the
customRVy dignity of the Quakers.
"M > name is Dr. Aesculapius. "
' ' ' ' "
'vlnee is welcome.
"I was over to the m-m-meeting
house last night , and heard your s-s-
speech. Didn't understand a w-w-
but that talk
word , saw you c-c-can
like : a United States Senator. "
David bowed and blushed.
"I came over to make you a propo-
sition. Want you to yoke up with me ,
and help me sell the 'B-B-Balm of the
Blessed Islands. ' You can do the
and I'll the - '
L-t-talking run - - -
ness ; see ? What do you s-s-say ? "
Gravely , placidly , the young Quaker :
answered : "I thank thee friend for
what thee evidently means as a kind-
ness , but I must decline thy offer. "
"Decline my offer ? Are you c-c-cra-
: y ? Yhy' do you d-d-decline my of-
fer ! ? "
"Because I have no wish to leave my
home and work. "
Although his answer was addressed
to the man , his eyes were directed to
the : woman. His reply , simple and nat-
ural pnough , astounded the quack.
"What ! " he exclaimed. "Do you
mean that you p-p-prefer to stay in
this p-p-pigstye of a town to becom-
ing a citizen of the g-g-great world ? "
. )
- - . *
"But listen ; I will pay you mot
money in a single month than you can
earn by d-d-driving your plow through
that b-b-black mud for a whole year. "
"I have no need and no desire for
more money than I can earn by daily
toil. .
"No need and no desire for money !
B-b-bah ! You are not talking to sniv-
eling old women and crack-b-b-brain
ed old men ; but to a f-f-feller who
can see through a two-inch plank , and
you can't p-p-pass off any of your re-
ligious d-d-drivel on him , either. " .
This coarse insult went straight VJ
the soul of the youth. Tis blood tin-
gled in his veins. There was a tight-
ening around his heart of something
which was out of place in the bosom
of a Quaker. : A hot reply sprang to
his lips , but died away as he glanced
at the woman , and saw her face man-
tled with an angry flush.
Calmed by her silent sympathy , he
quietly replied : "Friend , I have no de-
sire to annoy thee but I have been
taught that 'the love of money is the
root of all evil , ' and believing as I do
I could not answer thee otherwise than
I did. "
"Well , well , reckon you are more to
be pitied than b-b-blamed. Fault of
early education ! Talk like a p-p-par-
rot ! What can a young fellow like
you know about life shut up here in
this seven-by-nine valley , like a man
in a b-b-barrel looking out of the b-b-
bung-hole ? "
Offended and disgusted the Quaker
was about to turn upon his heel ; but
he saw in the face of the man's beau-
tiful companion a look which said
plainly as spoken words , "I , too , de-
sire that you should go with us. "
This look changed his purpose , and
he paused.
"Listen to me now , " continued the
doctor , observing his irresolution.
"You think you know what life is ; but
you d-d-don't ! Do you know what
g-g-great cities are ? Do } 'ou' know
what it is to p-p-possess and to spend
the money which you d-d-despise ? Do
you ' know what it is to wear fine
clothes , to see great sights , to go where
you want to and to do what you p-p-
please ? "
"I do not , nor do I wish to. And
thee must abandon these follies and
sins , if thee would enter the Kingdom
of God , " David replied , fixing his eyes
sternly upon the face of the blasphem-
"Good-bye , d-d-dead man ! I have
always hated c-c-corpses ! I am going
where men have red b-b-blood in their
. " '
With these words he turned on his :
heel and started toward the carriage , ,
leaving David and Pepeeta alone. Nei-
ther of them moved. The gypsy ner-
vously plucked the petals from a daisy
and the Quaker gazed at her face. Dur-
ing these few moments nature had not
been idle. In air and earth and tree
top , following blind instincts , her myr-
iad children were seeking their mates.
And here , in the odorous sunshine of
the May morning , these two ' young
impressionable and ardent beings ,
yielding themselves unconsciously to
the same mysterious attraction which
was uniting other happy couples , were
drawn together in a union which time
1"J not dissolve and eternity , per
haps , cannot annul.
( To be continued. )
Hard Problem Considered by Inter-
Sinte-Commerce Commission.
Tribulations are besetting the dog ! -
As a traveler , while he is not an out-
cast , he and his owner are subject , on
many steam and electric railways , to
regulations that amount to cruelties ,
a Washington correspondent of the
New York Evening Telegram says.
It is not unlikely that the interstate
commerce commission in the near fu
ture may be called upon to provide
uniform regulations for the carrying
of dogs on interstate trains. The rules
governing the transportation of dogs
are merely what each individual line
proposes to make them and a move-
I .
ment has been begun to bring about
reform regulations that will be fair
to passengers and just to the dogs.
Some railroads charge a specified
fare for a dog ; others transport the
dog as baggage , and yet others make
no charge , although they differentiate
between little dogs and big ones. A
few lines permit the owners of "small
dogs" to take them into the passenger
cars with them ; other lines relegate
all dogs to the baggage cars , where
they are in danger of being crushed
by falling trunks ; and in some in-
stances the roads require that a dog
shall be crated , whether placed in the
baggage car or carried by the owner.
In practically every case a permit
must be obtained.
Commissioner Prouty of the inter-
state commerce commission , in a let-
ter : replying to a recent inquiry as to
whether the regulation of the Pullman
company that dogs shall not occupy
the car is a just and reasonable one ,
said :
"I am inclined to think it is and
that : the company is not obliged to
distinguish between a small dog and
a large one , for the reason that it
would be impossible to draw the line
if any dogs were permitted in the car.
"The writer has a dog of his own ,
which is small and inoffensive and
which he transports every year from
Washington to Newport , Vt. While I
am certain this little dog would in-
convenience : nobody , I have always
' , thought best to submit to the regula-
ion of which you complain. "
She-I can't bind myself until I'm
sure. Give me time to decide , and if ,
six months hence , I feel as I do now ,
I will be yours.
Ardent Adorer-I could never wait
that long , darling. Besides , the courts
have decided that dealing in futures ,
without the actual delivery of the
goods , is gambling pure and simple.- ' '
Puck. '
You cannot dream yourself into a
character ; you must hammer and
forge yourself one.-Carlyle.
- .
1"he'J' Do Not Fit Together la "the
Same House.
' ; Annt Eunice , " said young Mrs.
Billings , putting down her pen and
pushing back the pile of scribbling-pa-
per in front of her , "Aunt Eunice , why
does a woman who loves china want
to marry a man who adores cats ? " .
Aunt Eunice went on with he ? , pla -
cid knitting , and deftly avoided a di-
rect answer.
"Is that a conundrum ? " she asked ,
"I never guessed one in my life. And
if it's the theme of a problem novel ,
Nan , you needn't tell me , because I
don't like them. "
Mrs. Billings laughed. "No , it Isa't
a conundrum , " she said. "It's a catas- -
trophe-almost , and it looks as if it .
might resolve itself into a problem '
novel at any moment I'm the woman
-I love china ; Ned's the man-he
adores cats ; and the result is that
three of my best soup-plates and four
of my cherished oatmeal-saucers havo
been smashed to atoms in the laat
fortnight You know , Hilma foeda the
cats but Ned is always sure that she
never gives thorn enough and so , as
soon as he gets back from his recita
tions , he feeds them again. In the
shed , of course , and with my beet
china , and then Hilma cornea along
on her earnest Swedish feet and does
the rest , I'm getting discouraged - "
Here the library door opened and
Professor Billings stood on the
threshold , a broken plate in his hand.
his manner wavering between non
chalance and anticipation.
"Another victim , Nannie , " he tried
to say , cheerfully. "Hilma walked
heavily again. Fortunately it's an
old - "
But Mrs. Billings had flown to his
side and was examining the frag
"Old ! I should say it was ! That's
just the trouble ! " she cried , with trag
edy. "It's my best , my only piece of
real pink luster. 0 Ned , how could
you take it ? " There were tears in
her voice and in her eyea too.
"Nan , Tm awfully sorry ! " said her
abject husband. "I promise I'll never
take anything but a tin dipper after
this , " and his air of sudbued and sin
cere melancholy was so genuine that
Mrs. Billings smiled in spite of her
"Very well , " she scolded "but don't
ever let me hear you say again that
'The Ring and ! the Book is your fa .
vorite poem , because it isn't. It's 'I
love Httle pussy 1" ! * Youth's Compan .
. %
Now that automobiles hare far mI > > > -
planted bicycles In all kinds of serv
ice where cost Is not a vital restri .
tlon. It seems rather late to araior :
them for military purposes , yet this
is the latest design of such a ma-
chln6. The iron shield pr6tects the
rider's lower extremities from rifle
fire , unless running away from tke
enemy. The upper part of tho body ,
hanging low over tho handle bars ,
does not offer an easy mark to hit
when running swiftly. - Popular Me
Ke < < : pln g His nal noe.
There Is a sfory ' told among the Tar * ,
tars which has a moral for the civil-
ized men of the present day. It is to
this effect : Robo , cousin of the great
mogul , was condemned to death for
participation In a rebellion. The most
skillful swordsman In the empire was
provided for the execution and the
great mogul and hds court were pres-
ent as spectators.
The thin , keen blade flashed In the
sunlight and descended upon the bare
neck of Robo , who stood upright to
receive the stroke.
The executioner's work was so deft-
ly done that , though the head was sev-
ered not a vital organ wea disturbed.
Robo remained standing.
"What , Robo , art thou not behead-
ed ? " exclaimed the great mogul.
"My lord. I am , " replied Robo "but
as long as I keep my balance right my
{ head will not fall off. "
The great mogul was placated. A
band "was put on Robo's neck and he
recovered. He afterward became a
loyal subject and was made cashier of
the empire because , as the great mo-
gul remarked :
"He knows that if he keeps his bal
his head will not "
ance right come off.
Xo Joy.
Bill - I hear ! you were out joy-riding
last night ?
Jill - Joy nothing ! I had my -wife
with me ! Yonkera Statesmaa.
When the stork visits a poor man
too ; frequently , he can't get any sym
pathy from any woman in tta irtxid ]
but his mother.
. .
( Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil I
"Odorless and Tasteless. : "
-I <
Begin taking these Gold Medal Haarlem Oil
Capsules : today. You will find relief tomor
row.Insist on the GOLD MEDAL BRAND.
No other Haarlem Oil is genuine.
Holland Medicine Co. , Scranton , Pa. '
Gentlesien : After giving your Gold Medal
Haarlem : Oil Capsules a thorough trial , I find . .
them to be the best kidney and liver remedy , ,
I have ever had the good fortune to take and 'y
they are truly a blessing to mankind. I heart- - "
ily recommend them to all sufferers of weak
kidneys and liver as the superlative remedy.
; ;
Sincerely ,
\ v. II. WARRUN , 160 Bleeckcr St
New York , March 25 , 1909.
Capsules 25 and 50 cents per box. Bottles
15c and 35c , at all druggists.
Eolo Importers Scrantoa Pa. . a _ - -
If your Druggist cannot supply you ,
write us direct. '
hooof C ltie Invasion of America
lu First Century.
In a book about to be published
hero the well-known tradition of . a
pre-Columbus Irish settlement in !
America receives startling support , a ,
London dispatch printed in the Detroit
Free Press says. With the discovery . .
of certain Arabian and Scandinavian
maps In the Casanatensis library in . "
Rome the habitation of America by . _ .
the Celts before Columbus arrived is '
| established beyond question.
The fact that the finder of this In
' .
teresting information is a 'woman and
the only one of her sex to be appoint "
ed by the Pope to assist the commis
sion for the revision of the vulgate
only serves to intensify the general
interest Tn the work she is about to
lay before the public.
Sirs. Marion Mullhall , author ot
- Divina
The Celtic Sources of the
Comedia" and numerous other works
is the discoveror of the hitherto only
fabled account cf an early invasion of
America by the Irish. .
The maps she uncovered among the-
musty archives of the Casanatensis
library are of unquestioned authentic-
ity and skow that not only did the-
Irish establish a Christian colony In "
America in the first century of Chris- .
tianity , but they gave the name of
their native land to that part of the-
country which they occupied.
Elsewhere in the book , which bears
the title "Explorers in the New World
Before and After Columbus , " are chap.
ters on navigators of the sixteenth
century , Irish commanders In Chili' '
and Peru , Hiberno-Spanish notables
and various episodes and personalities-
connected with the romantic conquest
of South America. The book omits
no important name or event and for
the first time gives their due meed to
the Irish soldiers and statesmen who
hare borne such a notable part in „ '
South American history. /
The concluding chapter deals with '
the rise and fall of the Jesuit mis- / ,
sion in Paraguay.
Mrs. Mullhall , who enjoys the signal '
honor of being the only woman of any I
nationality to have received the Pope's.
unique commendation , is one of Ire
land's most distinguished women. By
his recognition of her genius for re
search the holy father has conferred !
a well-merited honor , so her country-
men declare , on one of the most gift-
ed women of iho day. Mrs. Mullhall
is the widow of the late Dr. Micheal
Mullhall , famous as , a statistician.
Trust Trouble
Oil Trust-Isn't it a shame they ari
hounding us so ? It makes me burB
with indignation.
Ice Trust It : certainly is a frost for
Sugar Trust-And talking about1
sending me to jail and I so used ta
refining infiuences-Baltimore ! ArneI\-
Asrrces Trltli Ilim Aoont Food. '
A trained nurse says : "In the prac
Lice of my profession I have found sc
many points in favor of Grape-Nut : : , - . '
food that I unhesitatingly recommend
it to all my patients.
"It is delicate and pleasing to the
palate ( an essential in food for the ;
sick ) and can be. adapted to all ages.
being softened with milk or cream for
babies or the aged when deficiency ol ,
teeth renders mastication impossible.
For fever patients or those on liquid
diet I find 'Grape-Nuts and albumen
water very nourishing and refreshing. ' .
"This recipe is r { y own idea and is
made as follows : Soak a teaspoonful
of Grape-Nuts in a glass of water for
an hour , strain and serve with the
eaten white of an egg and a spoonful
, > f fruit juice for flavouring. This af-
ords a great deal of nourishment that
iven : ! the weakest stomachs can assimi-
ate without any distress.
"My husband is a physician and he-
uses Grape-Nuts himself and orders it
many times for his patients. ; ° . . . . .
"Personally I regard a dish of Grape- .
nuts with fresh or stewed fruit as the- . .
deal breakfast for anyone-well or '
sick. "
In any case of stomach trouble , nerv1-
ous prostration or brain fag-a 10-
day trial of Grape-Nuts will work won- \
ders toward nourishing and rebuilding
" " " ' \
and in this way ending the trouble. .
"There's a Reason , " and trial proves. , .
Look in pkgs. for the .famous little- '
book , "The Road to Wellville. " .
Ever read the above letter ? A
new one appears from time to time. . ; , ' ' ; :
They are genuine true , and full ot -
human interest.
. -
4r. .