d - - - VALENTINE DEMOCRAT . - - - I. M. RICE - Editor i . anti ' Propr. Mark Zarr - - : Foreman " " Thursday , September 23 , 190 ! ) . i Democratic County Ticket. ! For TrClSUI'l'I'I ! I TrClSUI'l'I'E. . B. QUIIII4F. I For Clerk : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I For Judge , JAMES 0. QUIGLKY. , ; , " , . For Sheriff SheriffOIA'DK . . . OIA'DK A. RO8SKTKU. : ' . For County . Superintendent . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . : : For Surveyor , , J. , , . : , reI > ANIELS. For Coroner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Co. Coiu'r First District JOSEPH P. KIIEYCIK. Gov. John A. Johnson of 1in- nesota died Tuesday morning from the effects of operation - an per- formed for an abscess in the bow- els about a week ago at the Koch- ester hospital. This was the third operation. Three times electee governor and a candidate for presi- dent last year. He was born 1861 at St. Peter , Minn. Adolph U. Eberhart succeeds him as govern- or at the age of 38 , a native of Sweden and his name was Olson , but took his wife's name at mar- . riage. SCHOOL NOTES , ) FIOUKXOR JACKSKX nnd 13y . * I FLOltKNCK SlIKJ.LKOUUNK Mitchel , Miller of Eli entered the 8th grade Monday. Lucy Metzger was enrolled in the 6th grade this week. The high school enrollment this week is 72 , grades 208. May Koby of Pilger entered the primary room Monday. Robert Hoxsey is absent from school , suffering from poison ivy. The basketball girls go to Johns- ' town Friday. We wish them suc- cess. cess.The The new German books have come and the work is progressing nicely. Two new members have been ; I added to the 4th grade this week - Alma Bradley and Corneil Sher- . . . man. man.Eldred' Eldred'Cramer is absent from . school on account of a sprained I ankle. , ; I Rev. Wells addressed the high school Wednesday morning on "our.ideals. " I The 11th grade English have begun the study of Tennyson's Lancelot : and Elaine. ; We trying hard this - are . year : to make the attendance more regu- : lar than ever before. I The primary children are col lecting colored leaves which are to be pressed and mounted. This week'we welcome into our midst Pearl McNeil ! , Beda Turn- quist and George Kreycik. We are glad to see them but we wish they might have started at the be- ginning of the term. The high school had a walk one evening last week after school. We enjoyed the walk very much as ' well as getting better acquaint- ed with our instructors. We hope to have another one soon. The high school met and organ- I ized a literary society. They elected Margaret Haley , president ; Gladys Ralya , vice president ; : Spray Gardner , secretary ; Ed Cohota , Alice McLean Kathleen Keeley and Marjorie Garret exe- cutive committee. We decided to name our society , ' 'Philoneathean" . meaning 'a lover of learning. . For Sale-Old Catholic parson- age. For particulars call on Father Blaere. ' 29 - Mrs. L. H. Perkins came up from Stanton Friday night to visit > her son Grant and among her former neighbors on north table. - . Why We Are Stronger. . The old Greeks and Romans were great admirers of health and strength ; their pictures and statuary made the muscles of the men stand out like cords. As a matter of tact we have ath- letes and strong men - men fed on fine strength making food such as Quaker Oats-that would win in any contest with the , old Roman or Greek : champions. It's a matter of food. The finest food for making strength of bone , muscle and nerve is fine oatmeal. Quaker Oats is the best because it is pure , no husks or stems or black specks. Farm ers' wives arc finding that by feeding , the farm hands plentifully on Quaker Oats they get the best results in work and economy. If you are convenient to the store , buy the regular size / ' . .Ck-I ages ; if not near the store bl' . . the - . . . large siz'd family" package. 2 - . . 'h . Z , . \ , . . - , _ _ u"V" ' " - - " " " . . .1ft : . ; t. - , . , . ' - : - J f. , , 7i . . " , " * " . . . " . /J t- ( ! ' , - ! ' ; I' w h 1 : " " , . I COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. , ' 'i.syr--fW , " . ? ' < ; . . * " . . ' . . " . . . . Valentine l , Nc > b. , Sept. 2 , ' 09 Board of county cornr ? . sionprs ; nittt pursuant to the call of the county clerk as per last adjourn : ment for the purpose : of sett-ing a.c : i bo.arcl : of egnaliz ' 1t'on ' , the fol lowing members ul ing present : : Jum s Mone. N. S. Rowley and , J. I T. ICeeley. county clerk. , The following levies ( for county purposes for the . 'ear 1909 were made : I General fund. . . . . . 9 mills I Bridge I f. un d . . . . . . . 3i " H Road : fund . . . . . . . 2 . Sinking f un d . . . . . . i H Total . . . . . . . . . . . .15 mills The following school district levies were made : District 1 23 mlIls D s'i iet 50 :2 : l5 : ml1J 2 Hi 57 :2 : : ; : ; :2 : , 58 :5 4 25 ' 00 2 . , 5 :3.i j' 62 25 5 J 15 w III : , , Ii H ) Iii , " 7 35 6:1 : 25 : H :15 71 25 10 H 'm 25 ) I 12 25 : 74 25 : I" 5 75 1f : I Hi ] 25 71i 2s : 17 ] :2 : ; ; 7 s a Is ] 25 : 80 :2J : : I HI 25 HI 12 20 li s2 : 15 ; 21 2:1 : 8a 4 I 22 25 KJ : ; t :23 : :2 : i 81S 2 ; i 21 Hi ; 87 2S ; 25 25 : : ; s3 25 : 21i 2 , 91 ! 2 ; 28 25 ! II : :2 : ; : \0 \ 15 , ! Ii , .25 :11 25 97 ! 2' : ; :12 : 25 ; H : IZ 21 :1:1 : : 25 : : ; 99 ! I ! 23 : : H 25 IOU 21 1 3.5 :25 : lnl \ 85 ) , : i9 G 103 ( ) 11) ] ! I 4(1 ( " 5 IW 25 . 42 11 1 104 ] 25 4:1 : _ 25 : , , ! . " , J)5 ] ) 14 I , 44 - :25 : : ; :1f..V : . ; ! . ; . , W ; 25 I 4 : ) 10 ] I ) Hl7 25 46 21) ) lCI8 25 : oJ7 1s 1' 1 ) 23 48 25 10 2' 4:1 : 25 : 111 ] . 5 1,1) 1.1 112 25 fil 25 lIa : 15 52 tfj 114 2i : I 53 5 115 2i : f-I 2.i 116 25 : 55 : 25 117 25 The following school bond lev- ies were made : District 1 10 millsDi trict 73 4 nulls 4 8 H 10 ] I ) 7 3 : 82 4 10 1 ( 0 87 7 17 x fll 10 111 ! 12 : 100 ] n 22 ! ) ID1- ] 4 . 44 10 103 : 10 47 8 11W ] I ) ; 15 l ; 53 : l-u I 112 M ] 54 11 117 J fI i ) The following levies were made for free high school purposes : District 12 ! fi3 : l. ; ins District 49 2J . ( ins Ml I ! ) 4 > , i 50 2 25 4 7. . 118 41 8 > 4 t'2 \ i The duties of the board of equal- ization being completed the board of county commissioners proceed- ed with the transaction of regular business. The county clerk ) is instructed to draw a warrant on the General fund for the sum of § 15.90 in fav- or of himself , same to be used for the purpose of paying transporta- t'on from Lea\'enworthICansas , to Valentine and return of ! Bap- tiste DuBray and guard as a wit- ness before the district court on October 11 , 1909. The county clerk is instructed to advertise for bids for doing all grading aiid building approach- es to the . Lavaca , Rockford and Crane bridges recently construct- ed. Board adjourned sine die. . JAMES MONE. : N. S. ROWLEY. Attest : J. T. KEELEY , Co. Clk. Filing Begun. The filing of the last two thous- and lucky ones in the Tripp coun- ty drawing began the morning of the 8th at the land office at ( jreg- ory and a great deal of interest is being manifested. More are re sponding to their numbers than t responded to the last few hundred called at the first filing. f Locators have opened their offices and the , rush is on.-Burton Independent. St. Nicholas Church. I . I Services will be held as follows : I I In Valentine on Sunday , Oct. ; 3rd. First mass at 8 a. m. Sec- ; , ond mass at 10 a. m. . Benedictory of the Blessed Sac- rament after mass. . i , Instruction for the children at 3p.m. I LEO M. BLAERE Rector. Fhree Million Acres of Government Land . to be opened for settlement about Oct. 15 , in South Dakota. Uncle I. Sam's greatest land drawing. Che&e lands to be opened under the United States homestead laws. For [ reliable information about these : lands , send 25 cents ( silver ) for our interesting little booklet : , ! "The Cheyenne and Standing Hock Reservations. " Tells about I the history , topography and soil slimate , rainfall , who may take lomestead , etc. , compiled by iate historian. Includes also up- to-date map of South Dakota , showing lands to be opened. If you are interested in secur- njr 160 acres of this rich land : , wrap I up a quarter and send for I his booklet and map at once. I , Address Homestead Information Bureau ; Pierre , S. D. I i 1l. 1 . 4 ( . : r I , . 1 - 7xt'5v I , lQ .1 ar . . ; ' . ' , . Lumber Piles It keeps us busy to keep our stock full , so we can meet all de mands. \Ve especially - . e are pre- pared now to take care of orders requiring long timbers. But our stock of Finish Lumber is also complete , including White Pine , Yellow Pine and Fir Fin- ish , etc. udwig Lumber Co. Miss Bird Secrest of Randolpl and Miss Ada Rice of Manhattan came home on Lusatania which broke the world's record for cro s- ing the Atlantic it's time being I less than five days. The ; young ' Manhattan Tues ladies arrived in - day , having been three months in Europe. Manhattan Republic. We print letter heads , bil heads packet heads , memos state- ments , letters , postal cards , busi- ness : cards , calling cards , circulars , , sale bills. Don't go without 'em. They make you money. Intro- duce yourself favorably to the business public in the uce of the best stationery. 1.\1. : KICK , The Printer. j . tf A Letter From Mrs. Rich = ard Grooms. Brady , Neb , Sept. 9 , 1909. Thinking that some might wish to hear of pur progress , will write a few lines for TUB DEMOCRAT , which seenK'quite natural. \\Teareallaswell as could be expected. The first six days of our trip were very hard-the fierce-- ; sandhills were something - - but since that we have seen some fine country on the Loup and , Platte rivers. Our horses are in fine condition , considering thje : roads. One day we only ruade \ miles but I could not explain dfl paper the terrible sand hills we came over. We are now at our old friends , E. S. Boleros. Many Cherry county people will remem- ber him as the eldest son of Mrs. beLevine Ervine Bristol. Elbert has a fine home , a lovely little wife and a boy 2years old , a bright , hearty little fellow. They have a fine 11 room house and outside improve- ments in proportion , a fine apple orchard that makes one think of childhood days when we could sit in the branch of a tree and eat all the apples we could hold and the (50c ( a peck ) proposition didn't worry us in the least. Our stay here will be indefinite as Dick and Elbert are going down to Lincoln tonight to combine business and pleasure and will take in the last day of the fair. With good luck and good bye to those we failed to see we will try to : write more about our travel and * cation when we get settled. " . \ , MRS. RICHARD GROOMS. ' " " . . . : Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- miska. . miska.State of Nebraska. l I . ' . ' hs i : County of Cherry. I - To all persons interested in the estate of Carl Beckman. deceased. On reading the petition of L. D. Tice praying that the instrument liled in this court : on the 23rd : day of August. 1009. and mrporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased may be proved and al- lowed. and recorded as the last will and testament of said deceased : that said instru- ment be admitted to probate. and the ad- ministration of said estate be granted to L. D. Tice as executor. It is hereby ordered that all persons intor- ested in said matter. may and do. appear at the county court to be held in and for said county. : on the 25th : : day of September. A. D. . 1 ( . )0i ) > . at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause. if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hear- ing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county. for three successive . weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal ot" said court. LSJAI.this ) Dth day of September A. D. . 1M9. ! 3..LurES : C. QUIGLEY , County Judge. I Contest Notice. - U. S. Land Office. 1 ' Va'entin clmI8ka : I September i' ' . 1900. f I A sufficient contest affidavit having been liled In this office by I1nr. + eeT. \Viipon. contestant , I against Homwreart entry No. l$991-0299. made epto.mbiM-19 . ! 1907. for \ \ % E % H ; aw1,4. ! s-tc- t'OI ! 14 NW& : . ISWU XJCtf. ; section ! 23 ; NE ! . { , iE'4'N\V'4. . section 22 , township , 31n , ranjiG 28w. : 61 ih 1' . JM ] ] , by 1vmlVilke. ! , ' . contrstt-p. in which it is alleged that said iwardVilke JiltS wholly ' ' abandoned said / ineitad and has not resideil tliereou for the eiirlit months last Hasl l , and li I s nor lived upon cultivated and npiweri , said land as required hy law. Said parties ) aiv hereby not.iied ! to appear ' , iispoini and offer evidence touchinsaiaallejia - ti > n ar in o'clock a. IIID October 21. 1D09 : b' " fore thH register ' suirt rt'ci'iverat the United St t : \ ls l I.md Ollloe Vll-nine. . N..hr. l The said contestant having , In al'rl1per ' am" davit ; liled : September " ! litOii. set forth la-ts liieh show that st't-r due diUence : personal 2rv"ce ; of ' hi' noiiecannic be iiMde , it is eie\v ordered . and directs : ! that such ! notice Ie l . gi\'t'II'lJy due ana pioprjnblication i : : ; ; 3 4 K OhSUX , Hecci\ ' I' . . , ' " - " . . . - .I . i. * * 1 - - r v- - - I : . : : : ' - " " . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . , , - - : " ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - s b. ' ? ; 4W'---- ' " " 'i---L.-1 J.s Xl CHURCHES - ' - 1 SCHOOLS Xltf ' - GET \'Oti ? YOU.VC PEOPLE I J GET YOUR PUPILS 1'1 t. , . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . I TERESTED ZLE WORKING . . ii . u:3. ; ! ; ; ; ' ; : ' ' ' ' - .Lg " At oS AND ORGANS ' FQFh . FOR LODGES I . I ' AND ' w 'j . AND I ' 1 1a1 ' SCHOOLS 4 SOCIETIES t I . R. : OTHm I WONDERFUL rc & ' " . DMAHA'S LARGEST DULERSIH : T' DEfJ TT , - OFFER : : IS MADE BY I .1l.o i1) ; Ia i "OUp.IIY PIANOS AND ORGANS List : of Pianos and Organs to bs GSvan Away December 31st , 1909 - Q Packard Upright Grand' . fi , , $ 8 I lano. ' Regular 1 P. . . . . . . . ill u . ! Sterling : Upright Grand 45 Piano. Regular price . . . . . . tG , Kurtzmann : Upright Grand 25 17 1110. Regular price . . . . . . . Y L0 Lindernan ! Upright Grand d25 Piano. Regular price . . . . . . . e ; 5 Packard Church Organs. i&l Regular price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U - . Krell Auto Grand Plaj-er I Piano. Regular price . . . . . . . $700 'I _ _ I Kohler & Campbell Upright 375 _ _ . J : Grand : Piano. Regular price rs Harvard . Upright Grand I Piano. Regular Price ! . . . . . . , 375 ' 0 Walworth Upright Piano I Regular price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 1 r r Packard Church Organs Ii Regular price : . . . . . . . . . . " . . . 125 _ _ . TO T&iE : : CHURCH , SCHOOL , LODGE OR SOCIETY NOT FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO SECURE . ONE OF THE INSTRUPJ1ENT5 MENTIONED : : ABOVE , WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING : 40 Pianos at a reduction olF $ l50 from the regular retail price. tLft This list includes SO Pianos at a reduction of $125 from the regular retail price. your : CHOICE of . any 1OO ' Chapel Organs at $37.5Q. Piano we represent. HO\V TO SECURE OEREA % OAREFULLY I Send us the name and address of anybody } 'ou think we might be able to interest in the purchase of a piano or'organ. We will write them or send a representative to see 1 them and if we succeed in selling them an instrument during the months of Septem- ber October , November or December , 1909 , we will give any Church , School Lodge or Society you may name , credit as follows : For Each Grand Piano Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100O Points Far Each Player Piano Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 Points For Each Upright Piano Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Points - For Each Organ Sold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Points The Pianos and Organs will be given to the Church , School ] , Lodge or Society se- . ' . curing the greatest number of points between Sept. 1st and Dec. 31st , 1909 , inclusive. , - Names of prospective buyers may be sent in at any time , and as soon , . as received at this ' office will be entered on our records , and credited to the Church , School , Lod e or /j.- Society indicated by the sender. If the same name is sent in by more than one person , credit will be given to the first one received. & F Write today for full particulars. THE GREATEST OFFER ; EVE MAPS BY ANY PiANO HOUSE IN THE WEST. . . ' " THE BENNETT COMPANY \ , OMAHA , NEB.r' _ " ' " . LODGES AND SOCIETIES ClUCKERING MAKES & SCHS OF , PACKARD. PIANOS WE IVERS REPRESENT & POND , KURTZMAMM : I PIANOS AND ORGANS ' STERLING , H. & S. G. LIKDEMAN , HUNTINGTON KOHLKK & TAKE ADVANTAGE OF , . . , . , . . SOLD ON EASY CAMPBELL MKNDELSSOHN. I WALWORTH HARVARD. BKNNKTT THS OPPORTUNITY Co. PIANO AU. ? : AO ; & KRELL AUTO-CKAND PLAYER PIANOS.MONTHLY PAYMENTS I : iIII ! lt 'rH D s&ssLssr-jOffiK. - , , w.'r" " ' ! . ' _ 'JJ , ; . . ' . " . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - ' . CARNIVAL , / - . / > / / " , . . . , ' . { ; ; " q. : : : ; : ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' : - " " . WOOD LAIE NEBR ; , 1 1 JL * JLJ JiV , Thursday , Sept. .30 , 1909 ; ; - . . . 5. . Ball Games - . . - . Games't # . t - - ' ' ' ' --'t : : : ' ' . ' " - ' " . . Horse Races . . "r' > . . . . . . , .w ' . . . . . - ' . . , . . v.- - . . . . . . Foot Races l : . . . : : : S . " r- . . . , " ' - " Sports of All Kinds " - JL , . . , - „ s . Liberal prizes given for all contests. . ( , - ' . . [ I. ( > - r. . . , . CONCERT ! ALL DAY BY KREYCiK'S PEERLESS BANDCO CO : 1 ; tsT > . . 2 , . - . . . - - - " b . : r. . . . ' . / EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED : - ; I. ' . ' . . ' : . , . ' . . . . ' - p . - - ' . . . . . \ . - - , , ' - : I I , I 4 - i - I