Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 23, 1909, Image 3
/ . \r- . - - . ' ; 1 , I' , An Era of i Great Achievement I I IL : _ _ , - - c ' . . . . . . . , . - . . hNMV y - .vv.v 1 r B Z s $ ' $4 S' s - ' - . . r ii - . . ? . ' , . -z - . .A . LiAROv y > .l . \ 47rr11M { WORTH PO f ' o _ I .DIS ° ' ED , FRAVZ i 1 Y 7R. 4OOJC. Jd5EF r LAM t i I Rzz2I. aoA /9 RY " . lEMBlA Ct nlR 2'TJED r7 r 0 S c.f .S ° . lg AfP14.6.09 t s ° , a-Iao g. . 'RI L'FEEEfi I1 2t 25. 1 t " ! FE Y . ' sP rZ Er266ie I \ I' 'tIVD7D ' 1 STARTfO , ' , APE Yo L L Q : 'spa' ' ' s - : . 4frL4 ; S S . ' DAYft ' \ eft ' A - : ' 8 Y ] so9.1 , d . z 1 g \ v0 N e 4 - - I 6 m SIYETLIIND ® 7JMMfLw . - 7 ! 2 9 , ofs d # ® > a , O ' , t , 7Z ZY .r. ' Ew Ovw z12I 1 : .71 rz s-o8 e 1Id . - . . ' POLAR ROUTES OF COOK AND PEARY. " 57he Dotted Line Shows Path of the Man Who First Reported the Discovery , While the Black Line Is the Route of His Rival. -I 1 HE scientific world , evidently , is to be treated ; to an unpleasant ex j.J 4 hibition of bickering between the I ( two Americans who have returned , from the top of the world. In the \ world-wide controversy as to the . ; ' 7i , discovery of the north pole we have so far only one man's word - a against another's. On his way I back to civilization Commander : - Robert E. Peary flashed a mes- "r' . , oage by wireless in which he w practically gave to Dr. Frederick A. Cook the lie direct. "Cook's story , " he said , "should not be taken too seriously. The two Eskimos who accompa- . . nied him say he went no distance north and not out ) " of sight of land. Other members of the tribe cor- roborate their story. " Plainly before he left Greenland Peary heard of Cook's claim to the discovery of the pole and put Cook's two Eskimo companions through a cross-examination. f ; A quarrel between the men will not settle the contro- versy. The world will demand proof from both. Cook declares he left his data with Harry Whitney at Etah , Greenland , and until Mr. : : Whitney reaches the United States the world must wait for Cook to submit his proofs. In the absence of scientific proof from either man , the Chicago Inter Ocean thinks Peary has made out a more satisfactory case. The settlement of the question as to whether Peary or Cook discovered the pole is essential to the world's I peace of mind. It would be hard , indeed , if Cook were the first to set foot at the earth's summit and yet were . I denied the glory of his achievement. There seems but one way in which the controversy can be settled satis- factorily. This is by the adjudication of an authorita- tive body of scientific men to which the data of each explorer should be submitted. That the case will reach this stage at last is even now foreshadowed. The board which will determine the question probably will be composed of members of the National Geographical So- ciety. The hearing of the evidence will be , in effect , a trial. The plaintiffs at the bar will be charged with ' discovering the north pole. Both will plead guilty. And the board , sitting in judgment , will sentence one or the other to immortality as the greatest discoverer of this age. Truly we are in the age of marvelous achievement. Not satisfied with annihilating time by the railroad and the steamboat and the telephone and the motor car , we are harnessing the air to serve our pleasure and convenience. We are wresting from nature secrets which were locked in her bosom for centuries and which all that time seemed impossible to obtain. And how these triumphs follow in quick : succession ! Within a fortnight the announcement of the discovery of the north pole by two men , and both Americans , astounded the civilized world. For 350 years the search for it has been going on , and at last nature has been com- pelled to give up this secret. An American has demon- strated in a European atmosphere that'an airship can travel nearly a mile a minute. A submarine boat has proved that under water she can travel as fast as the speediest battleship. A great vessel , the Lusitania , has cut down Columbus' time of two months in crossing the Atlantic to 4 days , 11 hours and 42 minutes. Such a chapter as the above could not be written in any other year since the creation. Such dazzling achievement in a few days astounds the searcher after knowledge. Cook's feat alone was big enough for a century ; but we have another one just as astonishing , and both flashed to the world by aid of the new wireless telegraph with- in six days of each other. Verily we are in the cycle of wonderland ! And all owing to enlightenment and the surpassing fortitude of human hearts steeled to suffering and of infinite patience. I.I i i I I Peary " I SAW IT FIRST" Cook II - , , i fr e e j yr : cn . l : j5 4 r- < ; i I _ ' 1 A : f / jr'/ f V , I . * / ' j ? 1 . , . . - J , . ; t J F , . h I I / 4 i A eoo r. ae l 4 t I POMJ7A.7lrDER 25. 23. .7" .E71R. : y. _ : u. S" : II' , " " " ' " I I s . ' UNCLE SAM HELPFUL IS fIGURING ! OUT CROP Thousands Await the Monthly Fore- cast of Farming Conditions Issued by Government. IS A CUE FOR MANY INTERESTS . . . Host of Correspondents in All Parts of the Country Contribute to the Valuable Information. Washington correspondence : There is almost no season of the year when there are not thousands up- on thousands of eager seekers for news waiting anxiously for the month- ly forecasts of the United States gov- ernment crop-reporting bureau at Washington. Different portions of the business , industrial and agricultural communities are swayed by this en- grossing curiosity : at different periods , accordingly as the crops in which they are vitally interested are under in- spection. The crop reports issued from Washington twelve times a year are simply forecasts or very accurate pre- dictions , based upon secret , far-reach- ing information as to the size and character of maturing crops. In its activities the United States crop reporting bureau might be com- pared in some degree to the United States weather bureau , another branch of the Department of Agriculturewith which it was once proposed to com- bine it. Whereas the weather sharps , however , merely tell the farmer and the mariner what they .may or may not safely do during the next few days , the crop experts tell the planters , the wheat growers and the manufacturers something of what may be expected at harvest time weeks or months hence and thus enable them to act intelli- gently with regard to contracts and prices. In' other words , it places ev- erybody on the same footing by giving free to all the information which would otherwise confer a tremendous . advantage on the wealthy firms and individuals that could spend the mon- I ey necessary to secure it privately. I The United States government first made provision for the collection of agricultural statistics upward of two- thirds of a century ago , or more than a score of years be'fore the Depart- ment of Agriculture was established. Probably the most picturesque fea ture of the system of governmental crop reporting is found in the co-op eration of an army of nearly 250,000 farmers , bankers , merchants , cotton ginners , agents of transportation lines , mill and elevator proprietors and oth- er persons who are in a position to have inside information regarding the crops. All of these men are glad to help the government by contributing the data from their respective locali- ties for the reason that each is desir- ous of knowing at the earliest possible moment the extent . ( in the whole country ) of the crop in which he is interested. The field marshals of the American crop-reporting army comprise thirty- eight State statistical agents , each re ceiving at me rate of from $300 to $800 a year. Each of these maintains a corps of assistants or correspond- ents , entirely independent of the other correspondents in the State reporting directly to Washington. There are , all told , nearly 10,000 of these aids to State statisticians and their numerical strength in the different States ranges from about twenty in Delaware to more than 500 in Michigan. The State agent does not merely compile and condense the figures re ceived from his correspondents. He analyzes the data that come to him and in the light of his own knowledge of conditions draws conclusions as to the outlook in his territory. Dig Army of Correspondents. Aside from the cordon of State corps there is a dual organization of crop reporters covering the entire country who report direct to Washington. First , there is in every agricultural county a correspondent , who has from two to four assistant correspondents. These county correspondents and sub- correspondents number in the entire country nearly 11,000. Then , in addi- tion , every township and voting pre- cinct in the United States in which farming operations of any kind are carried on has a correspondent , this force numbering more than 30,000. The great secrecy regarding the crop forecasts which the government is at such pains to preserve concerns not the first-hand investigations of the field workers and correspondents , but the compilation in Washington of the grand totals whereby the fragmentary information from all parts of th > r coun- try is merged in a general forecast of " tr&mendous Slg11l " 'fi cance. The reports as received from the correspondents are ( the majority re- port by mail , though some at distant points telegraph in secret code ) tabu- lated by different groups of clerks , working in separate rooms and ig . norant of each other's activities. These compilations , as rapidly as completed , are locked in a huge cabi- net in the office of the chief statisti- cian. Here likewise are stored the re ports of the State statistical agents , which it is stipulated must be pre- served with unbroken seals until the I officials enter upon the work of mak- ing up the general report. . 'I. . V } I A MODERN ALEXANDER. . t . . ' 1It , * : , 1 , i , J'i -J' , r . 'tom < f. ' / / f' ' ? , r - ' . , . . . . , \ - , : .1 . . , . . . .JJT : ' . , ' ; l _ ' 1 : 'ri ' , , , - f \ \ I ' . it ,4 . . , , . . . , "I've Conquered the Air , I've got the Pole-What Is There Left to Do " " > i -Baltimore Sun. , , , > , " JUDGE SCORES MAN ] , WHO LETS ' WIF JNAQ J ! . . . . . . . , . - = MISSOURI judge has given official expression to views on the. " Af marriage question that deserve more consideration than the : A will receive on the court records. He was hearing a case in which a husband demanded divorce because his wife had an. extreme case of the nagging habit. "I have lived with this- . woman ten years , " he told the judge , "and I haven't had a minute's peace in all that time. She began finding fault on tho- first day of our honeymoon , and she has been at it ever since. " In granting : the decree the court volunteered a few epigrammatic comments. Here are- a few of them : "No woman has respect for a man who permits nagging. A subdued husband is a mighty unpromising , piece of furniture in a happy home. The henpecked husband gets no sympathy at home or abroad and deserves none. I believe the Lord intended men to govern the house , and when they fail to assume the responsibility they do it at the peril of their domestic happiness. " Some men have the idea that when they promised to "love , honor and cherish this woman" they bound themselves to humor all her whims and submit to any imposition. There is no greater mistake in the world. Like the Missouri judge , I have no pity for the henpecked husband , says a writer in the Chicago Journal. Why should I sympathize with hinx for what is his own fault ? There are few exceptions to the rule that no woman becomes an habitual scold if she has the right sort of a husband Whatever our "advanced" women may say to the contrary , the normal feminine nature seeks a master. When a woman marries one of those un- spirited , Joblike husbands , she instinctively starts out to make a man of him. She jabs him tentatively with her only weapon , her tongue ; looking for some manifestation of really masculine spirit as she looks for her baby's- first tooth. If he responds their happiness is settled. She has satisfied her- self that she has married a man , and not a mere imitation. She may : cry a little and accuse him of being a brute , but in her inmost heart she places him on a pedestal that she had been just a little in doubt whether he could occupy. If he fails to rise to the occasion , there is no hope for him. Sh& may decide to make the best of a bad bargain and do her utmost to over- look his deficiency. More : often she tries again and again to rouse him to. resistance. Her shrewishness is merely a desperate attempt to awaken in. him some sign of the masterful spirit that her nature demands. No won ' der the attitude that first was assumed becomes a habit. She takes a sav . age delight in browbeating the man who has failed to measure up to her- . ideal. . WOMAN WILL RENT HOME TO NEGROES TO SPITE NEIGHBORS. Mrs. John Spirkel , 2578 North Pau- lina street , in a fashionable neighbor- hood of Chicago , wants to let her home to negroes and will call it "Col- ored People's Rest. " The woman's atti- tude is the result of a flat building being erected on the lot adjoining her home , and after resorting to various other methods of "getting even , " she tacked a sign or her house announc- ing it would be occupied as a colored people's rest. "If they take one step toward the y , : _ . , 4 tI I. " ' " " ' ' ' : , : : , , \Z > , ; : : ; , > m " . " u. ' ' ' , , ; ; , , ' , , . - -'Ol / ' . .LJT.rv. : .l ) y" ifW . ' . RKL . . FUTURE TH E . IN HOUSE ' " -rfl / "flitS ' " , "ill / WILL BE OC'UP r. . D II I BY COLORED PEOPLE ill/ / AND WILL BE I Kt OWN AS COl COlORED e0R Pt OPlfS ' Irj " , i REST R t 11 l 1\ I \ I ' . 'I'll ' AM//J.- / / . - ruination of our street , then I intend to take another , " she said. "I will not live next to this homely flat building , and that is all there is to it. My own home will be turned over to col ored fami"00 I insist that this is my . , I COW EATS EVERYTHING. . I . / * I- 5 , N' N'i - - . "The pig in the parlor" was out- done by the cow in the kitchen that . ate all the provender , winding up by swallowing two cakes of soap for des- ' sert. This unusual and horrid . act was- i perpetrated near Waterloo , Iowa , at ' the habitation occupied temporarily jby i Mrs. H. T. Fisher and eight girl' members of her Bible class , and oc curred during the absence of the party ' while they were bathing in the Cedar river. When the girls left their domi- : cile they little thought that they were- to hove callers. The door must have- ! been left ajar , else the four-footed marauder could not have entered. The- cow got in , at any rate , and proceeded to make way with all the eatables ra- sight , among which were five loaves of bread , a quantity of lemons and' oranges and two cakes of soap. The- girls returned in time to see the ] ast : cake disappear. privilege. Contractors are remodeling my home into a three-flat buildings The work will be finished in four weeks. I am already : packing my house- hold effects and my husband and I will give way : to negro tenants just as I soon as possible after all arrangements have been made. "I have called upon the police and . have demanded that my negro tenants be given full protection from annoy- ance by the neighbors , " said Mrs. Spir kel. "I intend to turn my home over to the negroes , and I defy any one is > this community to molest them. " - The neighbors declared they would . . . , . prevent negroes from entering the neighborhood , and expressed wrath a. Mrs. Spirkel. , , . .