Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 23, 1909, Image 2

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    'Jr .
The Valentine Democrat
L 1\ [ . RICE , - - - - Publisher
. ; r. , ; . . OMAHA GAE STBI1
. . . . , , -
" " - ' " IN ROUGH MANNER.
' , ; rr . .r1 ; , .
' . ' : , ' Violence Shown at Bluffs - Street Car
: Derailed and Windows Smashcc
" Company Brings in Workers from
, Sunday was the second day of the 1
( Strike of the conductors and motor-
5men on the Omaha and Council Bluffs
Srteet railway and brought the first
I .
serious disturbances and furnished the 1
first indication that the strike might
> result in violence. Two non-union
motormen were caught by strike sym-
pathizers ! during the afternoon and
subjected to rough treatment , and fivc
arrests resulted. A hurry call was re-
ceived from a southside car barn eurly
in the evening , but when a patrol load
? " , of policemen arrived all was quiet.
. In anticipation of serious trouble
'jduring the stay in Omaha Monday
afternoon of President Taft 250 mem- :
bers of the Omaha business men's as-
sociation : held a meeting Sunday after- <
ioon to effect some plan by which to
insure the safety of the chief execu-
tive , and prevent or minimize any dis-
jturbance while the president is the
, Ii' , city's guest. Those present pledg
their assistance to this end and in- i
jdorsed the action of the street rail-
'Way officials in refusing to accede to
| the demands of the strikers.
t The arrival of a large number ot
men from Chicago to tako the plac ( ' ! '
of strikers and the promised arrival
pf 400 more Monday morning caused
: uneasiness among the ranks of the
-strikers , but their leaders declare that
everything will be done to prevent vio-
' { ence.
The first violence in the strike at
. Council Bluffs came Sunday afternoi
wehn a car on the interurban line wa :
-derailed and the windows smashed.
Oklahoma Indians Protest Again
Treatment They Received.
Protesting against the treatment :
they are receiving at the hands of the
state and county officials of Oklaho-
ma , 16,000 Oklahoma Indians , com-
prising Creeks , Cherokees Chickasaws
and Choctaws , have caused a petition
to be'sent to Washington seeking re-
, iief.
While Commissioner of Indian Af-
fairs Valen acknowledged in an ad-
-dress before the meeting of the In-
-dian Protective league that there was
just ground for complaint , he asid the
" , Indian officers were powerless to offer
, relief without congressional action.
.Katron Seriously Injured in Rcadinj !
Cal. . Hospital Fire.
Mrs. J. E. Harding , a nurse , was
'burned to death and Miss Constantine
Rainsbarry , the matron was seriously
injured in a fire that destroyed the
: St. Caroline hospital in Reading , Cal.
Seven patients were rescued by the
matron and her assistant , Miss Ber-
'tha Lampkin.
Miss Rainsbarry : , who in an effort
' to find Mrs. : Harding returned to the
building after the patients ha.d been
-carried out , was compelled to jump ]
.from a second story window.
-One Student Drowns and Many Sen- ;
iors Have Narrow Escape.
Theodore Englender , junior , aged
18 years , son of the pastor of a Ger-
man Lutheran church , was drowned ;
Hay DeKay and Ray Grosbeck were
badly burned about the hands , and
_ twenty-two seniors of the Mt. Clem-
ens , Mich. , high school , many of them
girls : , had a narrow escape from death
Sunday when the party was returning
Tfrom a picnic at Tashmoo pai'k , burn-
ed to the water's edge in the mouth of
the Clinton river.
Injunction is Denied.
Judge B. S. Rodey has denied the
Injunction sought by the United States
to restrain Gov. Post and the treasurer
and auditor of Porto Rico from dis
. bursing insular funds in accordance
with the Olmstead act.
Gotxl Roads Congress.
'Go , , ' . Harmon has invited the gov
- ernors of nil the states and territories
. of the Uniiod States to attend with
delegations the national good roads
congress to be : held in Columbus , O.
October 26 to29.
. Sioux City Live Stock Market.
: , Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
. City live stock market follow : choice
feeders , $4.50&5.25. Top hogs , S.05.
Gcoi. Funston Injured.
. Brig. Gen. Frederick Funston , com-
' , . tnandant of the army service schools ,
. . Buffered a severe fracture of the right
shoulder Sunday at Leavenworth ,
} Kan. He stumbled or fell on an un-
" jeven concrete walk. He will be confin
: , . ! , ed to his quarters for several days.
. . . .
. Montana , Town Burning.
- A report received from Beach , 45
: " iles east of Glendive , Mont. , states
: "Files
J\ : \jthat \ the town was burned Sunday.
. -
I . h
' . . - . S S . . r ' : " a " . ' ' . r
Physicians Hope On , But a Crisis Is
After a day of apparent Improve-
ment , Gov. Johnson Friday night , at
Rochester , Minn. , was at death's door
and no encouragement was given by
his physicians that would last through
the night. Up to 3 o'clock In the af-
ternoon the doctors were very opti-
mistic concerning the condition of
their patient , but shortly after that
time a sudden relapse occurred and
Mrs. Johnson was hastily summoned
to the sick room. For some hours no
information could be obtained as to
Mr. Johnson's condition , but about 7
o'clock a bulletin was issued stating
that the governor had had a relapse
and was In a critical condition.
Dr. William J. Mayo : admitted that
the patient's condition was extremely
serious and intimated that the worst
might be expected. While the doctors
did not abandon hope , they refused to
hold out any encouragement of a suc-
cessful termination of Gov. Johnson's
illness , even should he survive i the
With his wife at his bedside and his
physicians in constant attendance Gov.
Johnson was swaying between life and
death Saturday morning. In the last
official statement given out the sur-
geon said :
"I do not think Gov. Johnson will
die tonight. If he" survives Saturday
he will have an even chance for his
Mfe. "
Great Northern and Milwaukee Roods
Want Mail Contract.
Rival propositions to carry the mails
from Chicago to Seattle in fifty- ; ix
hours have , been submitted by the
Great Northern Railway company and
by the Chicago , Milwaukee and St.
Paul railroad. Such an accomplish-
ment as is proposed would clip six-
teen hours : off the present schedule
for the 2,200 miles. The threatened
speed war has for its reward the four-
year contract for carrying the overland
mail from Chicago for the Puget sound
country , Alaska and trans-Pacific
ports , and from Chicago to St. Paul
, and Minneapolis.
It means nearly $7,000,000 addition-
al revenue to the successful road dur- ;
ing the four years following next Feb-
ruray , when the contract is due to be
awarded. .
\merican Given Three-Year Term in
. a London Bastile.
James Egan , who , according to the
Jvidence of the police , once served a
long term of imprisonment in New
York for burglary and larceny , was ;
, sentenced ; in London , England , Friday ' ;
to three years' penal servitude , after
having been found guilty of a series
of frauds upon women. Egan's method
of > operation was to represent himself
as a detective who had come to s , r-
' est the woman's husband , and from
the wife he would obtain money to :
avert the threatened apprehension.
5odies of Missing Mother and Babe
Are Found.
The bodies of Mrs. Joseph Polly and
her baby were found on the edge of a
cornfield near Bloomfield , Ind. , Fri-
The woman was hanging to a tree
' rith her little babe at her feet. They
'had been missing since September S. !
It t is believed the woman strangled her
'baby and then hanged herself. Her
husband , Joseph Polly , is 53 id to be
in Baxter City , Ore. , on business.
Long Island Man : : Slain.
Mrs. Irving J. Nelson , wife of the
nffolk county , N. Y. , political leader ,
who was found dead , shot through the
back , near his home at Central Islip ,
Long Island , Friday , was subjected to
a severe examination by the authori-
ties regarding several points connect-
ed I with the mysterious murder of her
Kentucky : Bank Suspends.
The First National bank , of Burn-
side , Ky. , closed its doors Friday. The
bank has $25,000 capital stock. Over-
loans and some unfortunate business
deals : are given as the cause of the
Shot by . a Negro.
Police Officer Ellis Countryman was
, fatalIy shot in the head at Burlington , ,
Ia. , Friday by an unknown negro
when he was accosted in the lower
Burlington railroad yards. The negro
. Two Negroes Killed. :
Two unknown negroes were killed !
by posses in tho man hunt near Sandy
Point , Tex. , Friday. The negro. Steve
Hayes , slayer of Armour Mun.son. is
surrounded ih the lowlands and cap-
ture or death is certain.
i&rence English , of Omaha , and
"Jimmie" Gardner , of Boston , fought
ten rounds at Omaha Wednesday ,
Gardner having a distinct advantage
oughout. No decision was an-
Patrick Files Another Appeal.
Albert T. Patrick , who is serving a
life sentence in Sing Sing prison for
the murder William Marsh Rice in
New York in 1900 , has filed with the
clerk of the court of appeals notice
of an appeal.
It was announced Friday at Omaha
that Louisville had a clear lead over
its nearest competitor , St. Louis , as
next year's meeting place of the Ea-
. - ' . i..M , ' "
Attempt to Rob a Rio Grande EQrcS9
A daring : attempt by five bandits o
rob the second section ot the Denver
and Rio Grande passenger train wa3
made about' 11 o'clock Thursday night
about four miles west of Malta , a small
station near Leadville , Colo. The ex-
press car was dynamited. According
to the trainmen no booty was secur' d.
It is believed the robbers crawled
on the two engines of the train at
Malta. The train had proceeded but
a short dis ance when two men cra\ -
ed over the tender and compelled the
engineers and firemen to march back
to the express car.
Engineer Smith , of the first engine ,
was told to hammer on the door and
order the express messenger to open
it. The latter refused and a charge of
dynamite was placod under it and the
door blown open. Three of the robbe ;
rushed in , covering the express mes-
senger with revolvers. Several
charges of dynamite were placed un-
der the safe but without result except
to wreck the inner part of the car.
After firing a volley the robbers
fled in the darkness. One of the
trainmen in the meantime had reached
malta and Sheriff Campbell with a
posse at once started in pursuit.
It is said the safe contained a large
sum of money. The train was known
as the Chicago and San Francisco ex #
. .
Harriman's AVcalth All Goes to IIi
All of Edward H. Harriman's prop- ;
erty , real and personal , is bequeathed
without restrictions to the widow ,
Mary W. Harriman. The r/ill was filed
at Goshen , N. Y. , Thursday afternoon.
It is an extremely brief document ,
dated June 8 , 1903.
Mr. Peabdoy , who made the will ;
public , declined to make any estimate
as to the value of11' : . Harriman's
According to a Wall street public
tion it can be stated on the highest
authority that Mr. Harriman's prop-
erty amounted to between $75,000,00
and $100,000,000.
One Life Lost and a Hundred Head of
) 1 .
Cattle Burned.
One life lost , 100 head of cattle and
12 to fifteen miles of mountain _ land
burned over are the net results of the
forest and brush fires which raged
Friday and Saturday in as many dif-
ferent paits of San Diego county , Cal-
With 200 men Forest Superintend-
ent Marshall fought the flames ; ill
night. He reports that the fire is un
der control.
. .
To Restrain a Merger.
By ' two orders signed Friday by
Chancellor Pitney at Newark , N. J. ,
the United States Leather company ;
Dnd > the Central Leather company are
iiiocted to sho.w cause on October 4
why an order should not be issued re-
itiajning ! the third attempt to mergi
he two companies.
. .
Mexico's : Anniversary.
The ninety-ninth anniversary of the
independence of Mexico was celebrat-
ed : throughout the republic Thursday
with much enthusiasm. In the capital
the day was ushered in by salvos of :
artillery , and later a great military
parade , in which President Diaz par-
ticipated , was held.
Shot by Assassin.
George W. Summerville , a promi-
nent Minnesota lawyer and politician , ,
was shot and perhaps fatally wounded
while sitting in his law office at Sleepy
Eye ! , Minn. , Wednesdc- by a man who
says his name is John Hayner. _ Hay
ner was arrested.
Banker : Gets Seven Years.
In the federal court at Marquette : ,
Mich. [ , Friday , E. T. Larson , former
cashier of the defunct Ironwood Na-
tional bank , was sentenced by Judge
Knappen to seven years in the Detroit
house of correction.
- .
Peru and Bolivia Agree.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Busta-
mente and the Peruvian minister to
Boliva Friday signed a protocol for
the settlement of the differences that
long have existed between Peru and
Bolivia over the boundary question.
Wisconsin Postoffice Robbed.
Burglars early Friday broke into
the Neenah , Wis. , postoffIce , blew open
the vaults and secured about $4,000
in stamps and money. There is no
Gardner Defeats English.
The crew of the battleship Minneso-
ta , by : defeating the crew of the Ver-
mont Thursday , won the champion-
ship of the Atlantic fleet for cutter
Bishop McClosky is 111.
Rt. Rev. William George McClosky ,
bishop of Louisville and the oldest liv-
ing Catholic prelate in the United
States , is seriously ill in Louisville ,
Ky. He is 86 years old.
Glavis is Dismissed.
L. H. Glavis , chief of the field divi-
sion of the general land office , with
headquarters at Seattle , Wash. , Fri-
day was dimissed from the service by
Secretary of the Interior Ballinger.
Fight Called Off.
The fight between Stanley Ketchel
and I Samuel Langfo d , scheduled to " be
held before the Fairmont Athletic club
in New York Friday night was de-
, elared off by the directors of the club.
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Bishop Nuelsen Presides and Bishop I
AVarren Delivers Address.
The Nebraska conference of the 1
Mtehodist Episcopal church met : for
its forty-ninth session at St. Paul's ,
church in Lincoln Wednesday , with
Bishop John N. Nuelsen , of Omaha ,
The conference was organized by the
election of O. T. Moore , of Lincoln.
secretary , with E. M. Furman , of He-
bron , and E. B. Maxey , of Palmyra : ,
assistants. The Rev. A. S. Buell , of
Humboldt , was elected statistical sec-
retary with a large force of assistai
who wilt be expected to compile the
statistics of the last year's work. The
Rev. A. C. Crosthwaite was elected I
The bishop announced the transfer
of Rev. W. P. Slocum from the Dako
conference , Rev. E. - S. Grimes from
the , Missouri conference , and Rev. G.
W. Snyder from north Nebraska con-
ference. He also announced the ]
transfer of M. C. McVey and Charles
C. Gorst from this conference to the
north Nebraska conference.
Omaha School Children Disregard Or-
ders of School Authorities.
You can't keep a kid from eating
pie when he really has the taste and
the pri : e.
The Omaha high school authorities
thought they could by simply laying
down the law so that no pie should be
kept for sale in the school restaurant.
But they now have another large , deep
thought due them.
Pass along Twentieth street , be-
tween Farnam and Harney , and you
are likely to observe a pile of these ;
thin pasteboard pie plates , sometimes
as many as fifty in a pile. At the
corner of Twentieth and Farnam is a
grocer who keeps pies , and at noon it
is only a short walk from the high .
school to this store.
Apparently , instead of shutting pie
off the menu , the school authorities
, have driven the youths to eat nothing
but pie.
Lilly Case is Appealed.
The Modern Woodmen of America
has appealed from the decision of the
Lancaster county district court , whic
gave Mrs. Margaret Lena Lilly a ver-
dict for the amount of money repre-
sented in a life .insurance policy on
2iie life of her husband , for whose
death she was sentenced to the peni
tentiary for life Gov. Mickey par- '
doned Mrs. Lilly and she at one .
brought suit for the insurance on her' '
husband's life.
Can't Find a Wife.
George Leeper. a young man 20
years of age arrived in Beatrice from
Diller in search of a wife. He had
advertised for a bride in a Beatrice
paper and , receiving several answen ,
went there to investigate. It devel-
oped that the epistles were written by ;
parties who wanted to play a joke on
the young man. At last reports he
was on his way home without the
much sought for wife.
Delegates to Waterways Convention.
The following delegates have been
named to the Lakes to the Gulf and <
Deep waterways convention at Nev
Orleans , October 30 to November 2 :
Hal McCord , Omaha ; H. T. Clarke ,
S ) ' . , Omaha ; H. T. Hanks , Nebraska
31 ly ; Judge H. D. Travis , Plattsmouth ;
P. B. Gordon , Decatur ; Col. M. A.
Bates , Plattsmouth ; John Flynn ,
! south Omaha.
Board Appointments. .
E. Ratnour , of Weeping Water , has
been reappointed a member of the (
board of embalmers , and Dr. E. A.
Thomas , of Red Cloud , has been ap- -
pointed a member of the board of
secretaries ; of the state dental board ,
to succeed W. T. Smith , of Geneva.
These appointments were made by the
state board.
Some Notaries Are Minors.
It has just been discovered that no-
tary commissions have been issued in
some instances to persons who are not
of age. It was reported to the gov-
ernor's office that out in one town
a girl 17 years old has a notary com-
mission. Hereafter the governor will
sign no notary commission unless the
applicant is of age.
Bankers Quick \vith Record.
The Nebraska Banker's association
held its annual convention in Omaha
September 8 and 9 , and September 13 ,
the complete minutes of the conven-
tion are published and in the hands
of the bankers. These minutes are
copiled in book form and the volume
consists of some 200 pages.
Opium Joint Raided.
Mayor Schuff personally directed a
raid on a Chinese restaurant at Grand
ilandand found the proprietor hitting
tthe opium pipe. Lung charged < $ 1 per
' noke. Lung was arrested and is be-
Ing held under a $200 cash bond.
Clothing Store Robbed.
The clothing store of Roseel & Sons
was robbed at McCook to the extent of
nearly $1,000 , presumably by a gang
, of : tramps. 1
. - ,
- t ' r
Blaze Gains Headway and for Timf
Threatens Town.
The worst fire Hebron has had fo.
many years raged Saturday , and fOI
[ a time it looked as though the entirt
place was doomed , but owing to thE
plentiful supply of water and the ef-
fort of the fire boys the fire was g)1
under control.
The fire started in Myers' : livery sta-
ble and in a short time that building
had burned to the , ground. It soon
spread to the lumber yard of the J.
H. Yost company. The air was thick
with smoke and flying embers and
several residences were on fire. 1\11'
Myers lost all his buildings , together ]
with ten head of horses , buggies and
other truck , the loss being estimated
at upwards of $4,500 , with an insur-
ance of $2,200. The lumber yarel'
loss was about $30,000 , with an insur-
ance of $20,000. J. G. Writh , hardware
merchant , lost 360 kegs of nails uponr
which there was no insurance.
Milton Myers , the owner of the barn
was smothered in the fire and nearly
lost his life , but is now on the road te ,
I recovery.
Manager of Omaha Factory Arrest
on Charge of Arson.
Guy Anderso'n , manager of the X : ( ' -
braska cotton glove factory Omaha
that Saturday night was damaged by
fire to the extent of $10,000 , con
fessed to having robbed the safe an (
then applying the match to the build
ir. g. The police in going over the ruin
discovered the safe unlocked. Th I
. Anderson was sent for on the pretense
that his assistance was needed. Upor
his arrival at the scene he was a1'
rested and accused of arson. He alse
made a full confession , but would not
say how much money he had taken
though he admitted that he had beer
robbing the business for more thaI ;
a year. He said that Saturday he :
secured a quantity of fuse and laid i'
in a manner so that it would requi
several hours for it to do its work. The
he applied the match and locking the :
building took the books and start
home , hiding them in a lumber yard
where they were found later.
Question of Liquor Selling in Linco
Will Be Settled.
The supreme court will meet Sep- ;
tember 21 and at that time it is very
probable the court will pass on tht '
motion of the state oil inspector for a
rehearing in the non-partisan judi-
cialy : , case.
Among the cases of great impo
tance to the city of Lincoln , which
now serves its people with all the liq-
uor they desire through the medium
of clubs , though the town is dry , fig-
uratively speaking , is that in which
the right of a club to sell or serve
booze in a dry town is to be tried out.
When the town first went dry the ;
clubs at once stocked up heavily and
then when there were rumors that the :
police were going to interfere they
promptly got out injunctions to com-
pel > the people to let them'alone. So
the supreme court is to pass upon thG
legality of that injunction.
Peculiar Accident to Farmer.
J. i ' r. Maher , one of the best know
farmers near Fremont , slipped while
oiling a windmill on his farm , onE
hand caught in the gearing , and hE
was suspended sixty feet in the air
for some time until his calls for help
brought men to the rescue.
Missing Man Found.
The stranger who jumped from
car window Friday night about two
miles from Dorchester , wanderei
about eight miles northeast , and is ai
the home of Wickerkamp. . He
gives his name as Frank Burns , and
lives in Farnam.
Got Off Easy.
Jos. Brabek , the Barneston farm
er who it is charged , drove his child-
ren from home and then attempted t ( < '
burn his barn , has been sentenced to
serve thirty days in the county jail.
He was tried on a charge of drunl
and disorderly conduct.
State Fair : Finances.
The total receipts for the state fai ;
'were $55,858.34 ; balance on hand
from last year , $24.235.82 , making a
total of $80,094.16 available for use ol
the : board in paying expenses of thf
fair this year.
Young Man Dies Suddenly.
Ross Lerch , the 18-year-old son o.
H. H. Lerch , of Kearney , died sudden-
ly from what appears to be the ' same
thing that doctors have been calling
spinal meningitis.
Eagles Open for Business.
The grand aerie of the "Fraterna.
Order of Eagles opened Monday : in
Omaha at the Auditorium with more
than 1,000 delegates present. George
F. West , president of the local aerie ,
presided at the opening session , which
was public. The addresses of wel-
come by Mayor J. C. Dahlman and
President J. J. Ryder , of the Nebraska
state aerie , were responded to by
Grand Worthy President Monaghan
, and other grand officers. . . -
. ;
R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of
Chicago Trade says : "The growth In
banking power reflected by the official
statements this week adds further tes
timony to the improved commercial
position. Loans are seen to have In-
creased considerably over this time
last year and there are developments
In ( progress which foreshadow a
stronger . demand for money in the
near future. The discount rate , con-
sequently , gathers firmness. It is for-
tunate that credit operate smoothly
and make financing easier for the
needs [ of tho industries and transporta-
tion : Interests now entering upon a pe-
riod of greater activity.
"Trading defaults again make : an
encouraging exhibit. Movements of
commodities make a favorable db .
parison with a year ago. Increasing
production is noted in Iron , wood ,
brass and leather manufactures. No
abatement yet appears In heavy con-
tracts for railway equipment , rails ,
structural steel and pig iron.
"Machinery makers report wider re
mand fo rnew outfits , especially for
mining purposes , and the improvement
is ( well sustained in electric lines ,
heavy hardware and furniture.
"Despite poor export requirements
the dealings in grain and flour remain
targe. Mail and road orders are ex
ceptionally good , and aggregate book-
ings make a high total for dry goods ,
footwear and food products.
"Bank clearings for five days , $231-
500,334 , exceed those of the corre-
sponding period last year by 18.3 per
cent , and compare with $242,951,602
for : six days in 1907. .
"Failures reported in the Chicago
district number twenty-one , against
twenty-five last week , and twenty-
three ; in 190 ' . Those with liabilities
over $5,000 number five , against four
last week , six in 1908 and five in
t907. "
Operations in industrial lines an
still expanding , and in some branches
of the iron and steel trade record t. '
puts are the rule. In fact , manufactu
ing is in the forefront as regards ac-
ivity. Jobbing trade is good , and at
some centers , particularly where fall
festivals are held , purchases of dry
goods , groceries and staple lines in
general have really increased.
The earlier gathered crops , such as !
wheat , cotton and oats , are being
aoved to market quite freely , and tha
good ; prices being realized from the
sale of these products will make for
easier collections and growth in trade.
Business failures in the United
States for the week ending , Sept. 9
were 191 , against 1GG last week , 191
fn the same week of 1908 , 172 in 1907 ,
164 in 1906 and 188 in 1905. Failure ,
in Canada for the week number 2o , -
rhich compares with 33 last week a
34 in the same week of 1908.-Bud.
; f
Chicago-Cattle , common to prime
$4.00 to $8.40 ; hogs , prime heaY - , $ ,1.50
to $8.55 ; sheep , fair to choice , $4.25
to $4.75 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.05 to $1.07 ;
corn , No. 2 , 67c to 6Sc ; oats , standard , ' s
39c ) to 40c ; rye , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; hay ,
timothy , $8.00 to $14.50 ; prairie , $8.00
to $11.00 ; butter , choice creamery , 25c
to i 29c ; eggs , fresh , 18c to 2fc ; pota-
toes , per bushel , 55c to 65c.
Indianapolis-Cattle , shipping , $3.00
to ) $6.00 ; hogs , good to choice heavy ,
$3.50 ! to $8.50 ; sheep , good to choice ,
$2.50 to $4.75 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.08 to
$1.10 ; corn No. 2 white , 71c to 73c ;
oats , No. 2 white , 3Sc to 39c.
St. Louis - Cattle , $4.00 to $7.50 ;
hogs , $4.00 to $8.40 ; sheep , $3.00 to
$4.60 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.08 to $1.r ;
corn , No.2 , 67c to 6Sc ; oats , No. 2 ,
Me to 39c ; rye , No. 2 , 72c to 73c.
Detroit-Cattle , $4.00 to $5.50 ; hogs ,
$4.00 to $8.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , No. 2 , $1.10 to $1.11 ; corn , No.
2 yellow , 72c to 74c ; oats , utandard ,
39'c to 40c ; rye , No. 1 , 68c to 69c.
Milwaukee-Wheat , No. 2 northern ,
$1.00 to $1.03 ; corn , No. 3 , 59 to 60 ;
oats , standard , 37c to 39c ; rye , No. 1 ,
70c to 71c ; barley , standard , 6Gc to
67c ; pork , mess , $23.20.
Buffalo - Cattle. choice shipping
st 2ers , $4.00 to $7.00 ; hogs , fair to
choice. $4.00 to $8.SO ; sheep , common
to good mixed , $4.00 to $5.50 ; lambs ,
fall' to choice , $5.00 : ; to $8.00.
Toledo - Wheat , No. 2 mixed $1.10
to $1.12 ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 69c to
73c ; oats , No. 2 mixed , 3Sc to 40c ;
rye , No.2 , 68c to 70c ; clover seed
Cincinnati-Cattle , $4.00 to $6.25 ;
hogs , $4.00 to $8.50 ; sheep , $3.00 to
$4.35 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.09 to $1.11 ;
corn , No. 2 mixed , 71c to 72c ; oats ,
N < ) . 2 mixed , 37c to 3Sc ; rye , No. 2
71c to 73c.
New York - Cattle , $4.00 to $7.00 ;
hogs , $4.00 to $8,60 ; sheep , $3.00 fo
$4.50 ; wheat , No. 2 red , $1.06 to $1.07 ;
corn , No. 2 , 77c to 79c ; oats , natural
white , 40c to 43c ; butter , creamery
27c to 32c ; eggs , western , 22c t *
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