Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 16, 1909, Image 9

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Supplement ± to The Valentine : : Democrat t
'V olume No. 24. THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 , . 1909 , Number .N.o-36 :
U. S. Weather Bureau Report.
WEEK ENDING SEPT. 10 l , 1909.
Daily mean temperature C4 ° .
. .
" Normal temperature 64 ° .
Highest temperature 88 ° .
. .
Lowest temperature \ .
Range of temperature 48 ° .
Precipitation for week .02 of an inch.
Average for 21 years .49 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 16 01 inches.
Average for 21 years 17.88 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN Observer.
Talk of the Town.
John Keeley has opened up a
stand l on Main street.
Wood Lake carnival Thursday , .
Sept. 30.
Judge Hanier of Kearney was
. in town Saturday.
Sam Schneider has sold his farm
north of Crookston for § 30 per
J. R. and Horace Wallingford
were in town Tuesday andT ed-
\\T ood Lake does things right.
Remember their carnival date ,
Thursday , Sept. 30.
W L. Cohee came in Tuesday
as a witness in i the government
land case of E. Stillwell.
Douglas McChesney ' and Olaf
Nelson came down from Murdo in
the former's auto last Friday.
A queer condition again con-
fronts us. All.advertising and no
room for locals. Read the ads. I
Wm. Harnan spent Tuesday in
town. He is very busy building I
a new house at his home near I
J. C. Rounds stopped off here
Tuesday enroute home from ship-
ping stock to Sioux City from
Interior , S. D.
The Alliance baseball boys de
feated our local team on the home
grounds Tuesday 4 : to 3 and yester-
day 10 to 3. 'Nuff said.
Maynard Bishop is moving to
_ town and has bought out Mark
- Stewart's cleaning and pressing
business. Mrs. Bishop made final
proof on her homestead Tuesday.
Wood Lake proruic . a good
time at their carnival Sept. 30.
Wm. Palmer , . . had his collar
bone broken Wednesday ; of last
week by his horse falling . with him
while riding after cattle.
Mike Davis has bouirK the old
Fremont Brewing Co' < lot and
building , between the McDonald :
store and the Owl I saloon.
J. F. S. Phillis , south of Kil-
I gore and H. Buttinghaus : were in .
i town Tuesday. The former " is I
building a house on hishompstead.
Thore was a big crowd ) out to
the North Table picnic and fair
I last Saturday. For wnnt : of space !
now we'll tell more about it next
J. F. Kellar startod Saturday'
night to Caldwell 0 . to attend
I the Old Soldiers' Reunion at that
place. He will be hack in two
I weeks.
John Stetter , Len Rivpns and
George Hunter are giving moving
picture shows every night in the
i opera house to good nudionces. : . j !
They had some trouble , at first
with poor reels but ovprvthing
moves along now and iho t pictures I
are good and plain. Only 10 cents I
to see it.
Geo. K. Sawyer and wifp were
in town last Saturday. Mr. Saw- . ,
yer went back to his old home in
Elgin Til. , and was married to I.
Miss Maude Morse of Dundee , II I I
June 30 , and they returned to ,
Cherry county about the middle of .
July. We join with numerous i i
other friends in congratulations.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows : j j
In Arabia on Saturday : , Sept. j i
18 at 10 a. m. j
In Valentine on Sunday Sept. I
19th. First mass at 8 a m. Sec- I
ond mass at 10 a. m.
Benedictory of the Blessed Sac-
rament after mass.
Instruction for the children at
3 p. m.
LEO M. BLAERK , Rector.
They're ail going to Wood Lake
Thursday. Sept. 30. Carnival.
Notice of Public Sale.
Notice is hereby , given that I
will : sell at public auction the per-
sonal property belonging to the es
tate of Augustus Shaw , deceased ,
consisting i of one mare , 7 years .
old , weight 1400 pounds ; one
mare 12 years old weight 1500
pounds ; one gelding , weight 1500
pounds ; 1 wagon , 1 1 mower , 1 hay
I rack , 2 chests of tools , 1 lister , 2
I sets of work harness , 1 shot gun ,
1 rifle , other articles , at the resi-
dence of Grant Perkins on Beaver
Creek , ten miles northeast of Val-
entine , on the 25th day of Sep-
I tember 1909 at 2:30 : p. m. All
i ! sums under § 10 , cash , balance six
' month's time on approved secur-
I ity 5 per cent discount for cash.
I | Administrator of the Estate
i of Augustus Shaw Deceased.
IT. - W. CRAMER , Auctioneer.
j ! I . . , . . . . . . - " .
Lath , Shingles , Doors ,
Windows , Paper , Pat-
ent Roofing Tar Paper ,
Paints , Oil , Varnish ,
Brushes , Glass , Putty ,
Lime , Cement , Plaster ,
Brick , Pos s , Poles.
We Sell Hudson Coal
, , , .
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
PHONE 125 . .
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. :