Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 16, 1909, Image 1

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, i. M. ' " Eice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 36
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V and the Red Front Mere. Co 's
, to buy your CD
. . . " . . GASOlENE OR ) OIL STOVES
8 . @
. .
e . : @
" Get ready for the hot days. We have the
largest and best assortment of Gasolene and
if Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is
\ believing. Call 1 and see them for yourself.
\Ve are also headquarters for Garden
. Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose
Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed rl e and Field
Fence. We are also the only up-to-date em-
. ' balmers and undertakers in Cherry county.
ti -
, Red Front Mere. Co. "
- - @ - @
- . . . - I T
. . , . .
= " " " ' J < ZJ3 'A = ; r..R'2II' ' '
1 k
r '
i Eureka Saloon
' ROBERT McGEER , Propr.
: Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies \ Whiskies '
; : Rye :
. Old Crow , _ . Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer , p
. Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , '
" " 1 jSpring Hill - and 28 , yearxold I
. . and Jas. E , Pepper , O F , C. Taylor , ,
, These whiskies were purchased in bond
t and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar- f
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
. . , , ' .
: . Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported '
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout
, r Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer. 4
Valentine Nebraska M
LValentine _ _ _ ,
Chartered as o Stnte Bank : Chartered as a National Bank :
. _ .
June 1 , ISSI. ; August 12 , 1M ! ) : >
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
, . Valentine , - Nebraska.
Banking , Exchange
$ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . and Collection Business : : : :
. . . . . . .
O. ! H. OOKXKI/L , President. M. : . : . V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
. . ' . ' , ' President. Miss GJL.EN HOEKIG , ' ' .
J. T. May Vice Jss ; IG As s't Cashier.
, - e _ @
A New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
. : Chicago House
; - MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. i
, _ . S ' @ _ e !
" I
Read the Advertisements , j
. , , .
, - . , " - a -
, w
T , , . , HEI/KN RPAXKS :
n. ' | FlXJKKNt'E HllKI . MJOUltXE
The high school enrollment this
year is 68.
Gordon O'Keif of Wood Lake
entered the 10th grade this week.
John Jackson entered this week
to take up his school work again.
The 11th grade English class
. . '
have taken up Tennyson's "Lance
lot and Elaine. "
The last ten minutes of the after- ,
noon session is devoted to spelling I
for the high school. I
Eldene Sparks , who has been
spending the summer in Seattle ,
entered school Tuesday.
The marching being rather bad ,
Mr. Bettenga , hoping to better it.
got a drum. Now , the boys take
turns beating it.
We have a normal training class
of 20. The work .is very interest-
ing and we expect to put out some
of the world's greatest teachers.
The 9th grade Latin clasa ; are
mastering the first conjugation
and declension. All have now
learned ] that "Arat" in Latin is
not "a rat. "
German has been introduced in
the school this year. Since the
hooks have not yet come we are
taking some ! work in simple sen-
tences , but very little construction
work. The large clashes : : : are tak
ing a lively } interest-in the work.
The teachers of the Fchool met
Friday p.'eningfor the purpose of
OI'ganizingthemselves into a li-
brary board. It was decided to
put into all grades , above the -ith
a required course of l'padingIn
a short time the pupils will have
access to a large number of the
popular magazines.
Prosperity Valley.
J. M. \ Seman is taking in the
state fair.
Jim Beamer is going . with
Short's " threshing machine. ' .
Q. M. : Skinner is buying cattle
and pays highest market price.
Carl H. Meyers started his
school August ; 31 in the Sanders
district. Enrollment 15.
School in district No. 58 , bugun
Sept. 6 , Miss : Faith Johnson wield-
ing the rod. Enrollment 10.
Herbert & ; Wilhite have been
Buying : up the surplus horses ,
( which command high prices.
Henry Borneman is threshing
his small grain. He also threshed
20 bushels of alfalfa seed. A. J.
Short is doing the work.
Mrs. Chas. Webster of the
Churn ranch has been visiting
her parents , , Geo. Beamer and
wife. She returned Sunday.
Last Thursday the 2-year-old ;
son of Wm. Lemen and wife fell
into the water tank and was near-
ly dead when discovered.
Louis Graham of Belie Fourche
has been visiting his cousin , Wm.
Beamer the past two weeks. He
returned Monday well I pleased
with the "spud" country.
The extreme hot weather has
passed and the cool days of Sep-
tember liave come. Jack Frost
will soon make his appearance and
the green foliage of the growing
crops will turn brown.
Prosperity can boast of the yield
and quality of certain crops. Mar
tin Hansen has finished threshing
his crop of winter wheat which
yielded 30 bushels per acre , some
of the finest grain the eye would
wish to see. Don't believe us hut
go and see for yourself.
Cz. u : .
Care In Preparing Food.
In recent years scientists have
proved that the value of food is meas-
ured largely by its purity ; the re
suIt is the most stringent pure food
laws that have ever been known.
One food that has stood out promi-
nently as1 a perfectly clean and pure !
food and which was as pure before ! j ,
the enactment of these laws as it .
could possibly be is Quaker Oats ; .
conceded by the experts to be the ideal
food for making strength of muscle
and brain. The best and cheapest of
all foods. The Quaker Oats Company
is the only manufacturer of oatmeal
that has satisfactorily solved the prob-
lem of removing the husks and black I
specks which are so annoying when I
other brands are eaten. If you are i
I convenient to the store buy the reg- 'I
ular size packages ; if not near the ,
I store , buy the large size family pack-
ages. 1
- r I ' . . , : : . . . , ' .e . ' . . ' ,
@ - _ _ _ _ _ I
0 r - Cluett and
- .
. \
/ hints
o .
. I
.n o
If you have never experienced the
. / cool , comfortable effect of the Cluett
and Monarch Coat Shirts have
iHIRT fashions are just ( ' you
S as fickle as any other missed something. We have just un
fashions. ' packed the largest and nobbiest line of
. , these shirts that we have ever shown. e
Styles I come and styles ac , . .
-A _ Sizes from 14 s to 18 , with extra large
Unless you buy a sirrt bodies for stont men , and assorted
, made by a house that knows _ sleeve lengths. \\T e are still continu
where and : how to secure
clearance sale of
? ing our summer
the authoritative styles , you goods , with exceptional bargains.
: ; cannot be sure that your Ask for Trading Stamps. e
shirt is correct.
1 The LUETT label war-
rants correctness as well as
c durability.
$1.50 and more. . .
@ _ _ @ _ _
ir9s.e l _ ® " . . ,
x Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
Send for booklet telling how to '
secure 3l0 : acres of U. S. govern-
ment lands in Wyoming free of
cost , and describing various irri-
gation projects and the most ap
proved methods of scientific dry
farming. Homeseekers' rates.
Direct train service from Omaha
and the East. S. F. Miller , G. F.
& P. A. , Nebraska and -Wyoming : ,
Divisions , Omaha. 3-1 : :3.
To the l Electors of Cherry
County :
Having been nominated at the
primaries of August 17 as the
democratic candidate for county
treasurer , I respectfully solicit
your support at the general elec-
tion November 2nd , promising in
return ifi elected a faithful and
concientious discharge of the dut-
ies of the office. Thanking you
for past favors , I am
Very respectfully yours ,
Government Homesteads.
One and a half million acres of
farming and grazing land will be
opened for settlement in the Chey-
enne river and standing Rock In-
dian Beservations , October 4th to
23rd. Registration to be made at
Aberdeen , and at Pierre , the capi-
tol of the state.
Fast daily through trains via
direct linos to Pierre and Aber-
deen via The Cicago Northwest ;
ern Ry.
For full information regarding
rates , with pamphlets telling how
to secure a homestead of 160 acres
from the government , apply to
any ticket agent , The North-
western Line. 34 3
To My Friends at Valentine and I
Crookston :
I desire to express to you my
heartfelt thanks for the kindness
and attention shown me while. I
was suffering fmm . painful injur
ies , resulting from a runaway , and
to the Walter Suvidge Carnival
Co. , that excellent organization of
talented dramatic artists of Ne-
braska , I am most : : grateful for
courtesies , including the tender of
a band serenade.
To realize I had such loyal ]
friends in time of distress is i most
gratifying , * ni : their kindness to
me will ever be remembered
among the pleasant memories of I
the past. ' I
I deeply regret that for several ( I
reasons I was unable to present , at I
the Valentine carnival , the Indian
exhibit I had advertised.
A. John & Co. pays cash for I
cream. 24 cents per pound. 271 f
For Sale-Old Catholic parson
parson-/ /
age. For particulars call on
Father Blaere. 29
, . " , _ . , . J' "
- - -
Farm Implements
We sell farming implements as well-as } ' : ' other
merchandise . at reasonable -'prices. : ' . - . . . .
Call and try us. : . , "
. .
. . .
. , , ' : ' . ' .t .1I . r .
. .
7 : _ ' : , : . . . . . . . . . .4. . - . : - - . . . - . . . . . . . ; . ' - : . ! , , - _ . . . . . . . . . "o , . . . . . . , . . . . . - : .
Blue Flame Oil Stoves
These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. ,
and they are the best that money can buy. 'l'heyfurnish :
an intense steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no
soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three
burners , and also with cabinet warming shelf : : or oven as
you desire.
Frank Fischer.
liTi ra'ir ' i&il'
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , ill I ! I I ' '
All Kinds of Fresh tie !
it * i
and Salt Meats. . . .
r .
c ;
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - _ .
{ !
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell. " n.
- . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
r = '
. and examine the different lines of : goods , such as .
L ; Bien's and Children's 1 Clothing , Hats , Caps
Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes , Ladies' :
-4 and Children's ' Shoes and Oxfords
Hosiery of all kinds. I have samples of Garden Citjy Tailoring ;
Co. Orders taken for tailor made suits , and fit guaranteed or , r
. no sale , and prices right. Yours truly ,
Henry W. oeng , Propr. ,
Phone 145. Yalentine , N ebr.
L . ; = ; v J
- -
. ' rs Fi STtbA3BPay When CURED
P. I All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical [ _
. I e 0 operation. No Chloroform , Ether or other gen-
eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
. . ' . .
D : . E. R. TARRY , 224 See : ! Building , Omaha , Nebraska