Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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f . . . . Klitorical Society . . . . . : - " , _ . " . ,
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i ; ' : : ' THE 'V'ALENrrINE.'D . : E CRAT.
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I. M. : : Eice , Editor and Proprietor. ! VALENTINE , NEBE , THUBSUAY , SEPTEMBEE 9 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 85
. . ,
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11I. . . - , _ . - - - -
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THIS 18 THE , TIIVlE , ;
. f .
" - -
- -
and the Red Front Mel c. C o's
. -
_ _ to buy your a
8 . . 1 C
ar ;
Get ready for the hot days.'lT \ e have the
largest and best assortment of Gasolene and .
Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is
believing. Call and see them for yourself.
We \ are also headquarters for Garden i
Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose
Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and Field
, Fence. We are alo the only up-to-date em-
] balmers and undertakers in Cherry county.
, Red Front Mere. Co. :
y' 'rty , _ _ G Gj -
. . . . . . .
! " " " ' " - < T
r2l" ,
: Eureka Saloon 1
' Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars : '
\ . Bburbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
4 . Old Crow _ Sherwood , ,
Hermitage Guchenheimer , P'
J Cedar Brook , _ Sunny Brook , '
. Spring Hill , - ' and 28/yeaivold , , '
, : and Jas , E , Pepper 0 , F , C , Taylor , 21
; !
These whiskies were purchased in bond !
1 and came direct from the U. S. gov- i '
ernment warehouse. They are guar- ft
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- u ?
excelled for family and medical use.
> M
. . Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported T
; Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's ' Extra Stout.
Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
- Valentine Nebraska 1
r , + = = t
Chartered ns a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank :
June 1 , 11. August I : ? , IHJ : : .
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
* *
Yalentine , . - Nebraska.
A Banking , Exchange
$25OOQ. and Collection Business : : : :
C. H. COKXKLI . : , President. : \ f. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GJ/KX HOKXIG , Ass't Cashier.
e- e f -f1J
New Hotel. Electric Lights. '
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
I Chicago House ?
MRS. : S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Yalentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
f _ , ( JI ( _ @
Read the Advertisements
. . ' . . . . . , , . : - : ! : j t ) _ ' , .1 , , ' , , f" " - . " , " , ' , .
P . .
- - - - - - -
Talk of the Town.
_ .
A. John & Co. pays cash for
cream. 24 cents per pound. 27
, Gus Carlson and D. W. Hil-
singer are in Omaha this week on
Dr. Perrigo , the Omaha eye :
specialist , at Donoher hotel Sep-
tember 18. 34 2
W. A. Parker and son Don of
oodlake spent Tuesday after-
noon in town.
For Sale-Old Catholic parson-
age. For particulars call on
Father Blaere. 29
Miss Rosa ITooton was in the
city last week and asked us to send
her THE DEMOCRAT to Norfolk.
Guy Munson was in town from
Newport Monday. His parents
run a boarding house. at Norfolk.
Mrs. fohu Stedifor and son of
Fort Crook are visiting her par-
ents , Charles Maxwell and wife
this week.
"Dick Grooms and family are on
I their way to Colorado for Mrs.
Groom's health , drivina overland , I
starting Monday of last / week.
If you have had poor results
from others give Dr. Perrigo a j
trial. Pie guarantees satisfaction I
and prices are moderate. At
Doaoher hotel Sept. IS , only. 342
George Hunter and L : L. Biv-
ens have purchased the t moving
picture show of John Stetter and '
I E. Bonnen , . and will continue with
I the best films obtainable. Suc- '
cess to Len and George. . .
< lP
J. H. Quigley has decided to
I build a second story to his new
store building and has leased the
second floor to Len Bivens and
George Hunter for their moving
picture show , beginning Nov. 1st.
This will be an ideal place and
they expect to show every night
during this winter.
Mr. and-Mrs. . Scovel came , down
last Thursday from Rosebud , and :
in trying to get through on the
road formerly traveled , they
Found it fenced and the pasture"so
large that they had to drive about
15 miles out of their way to get
around the fence on a road , but
finally succeeded tn reaching Val-
entine at supper time and sur-
prised their daughter , Mrs. Lock-
wood , whom they visited until
The Sheridan county fair will
be held next week at Gordon ,
Sept. 14 to 17 , and the mana e-
ment anticipate the biggest fair
yet held. If any of Cherry coun
ty people can attend this fair we
suggest that they do so and bring
home ideas for the starting of a
fair in our county. Yes , go my
comrades and you will be well re
paid for seeing what a western
jounty can do and come home
with renewed inspiration.
Many : of our readers will no
doubt be interested in the an-
nouncement recently sent out by
the ; Grand Island Business and
formal College of Grand Island ,
Nebraska. This school has 1,000
students each year but cannot sup-
ply the demand for its graduates.
Students are admitted and allowed
to pay all fees after they graduate
and are given positions. We un
derstand that quite a number will
attend from this community. :
The carnival was well attended
and the races and ball games were
the ; big features , drawing several
hundred people each day , where
they spent the afternoons. Val-
entine won from Ainsworth on
Wednesday 2 to 1 , 'Friday 11 to 3 ,
Saturday 10 to 4 ; and lost Thurs-
day 1 to 0. The races were good.
Three successful balloon ascen-
sions , free street performances by
two athletes , high dive by a dog ,
a band to play , merry-go-round ,
horns and bells for noise. shows ,
striking machines and 1 stands , and
a jolly crowd which thronged the
streets , only partly tells of the
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows :
In Arabia , on Saturday , Sept.I I
18 at 10 a. m.
In Valentine on Sunday , Sept. I
19th. First mass at S a. m. Sec-
ond mass at 10 a. m.
Benedictory of the Blessed Sac-
rament after mass.
Instruction for the children at
I 3 p. ra. , f ! i , .
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
. , - , , ' .
. . . " . . . . . . . . , , # ' . .
- - 'TPt . "I Ij ' , . . 1111
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. .
! . . , . I Cluett and ,1 1
' . ,
, .I - c' onarch . tit I
, . . . . : . _ . '
t .
l .r , ) e
y'\ I/i : . ' .
' . - e
A ' . . \\k' . ' If you have never experienced the
kt. " : cool , comfortable effect of the Cluett
3" 4 , : , > ' fashions are just and Monarch Coat Shirts you have I liii
, SHIRT . as any other missed something. We have just un-
. - ' fashions. packed the largest and nobbiest line of
J . these shirts that we have ever shown. 1 a . "
AStyles come and styles gc.
r , Sizes from 14 - to 18 , with extra large
Unless you buy a shirt bodies for stout men , and assorted
made by a house that knows sleeve lengths. We are still continu '
where and how to secure
ing our clearance sale of summer
the authoritative styles , you. goods , with exceptional bargains.
t-\ . cannot be sure that your Ask for Trading Stamps. ' . _
' . .J . shirt is correct.
v The CLUETT label war- .
; e
rants correctness as well as , _
durability. . 'I > . _
. ' ) A , It 1 ' .
$1.50 and more. - w i'i : '
_ @ _ e e w A _ w _ _ - . ,
. School ; Notes.
Miss : Daly has fifteen in the 7th
grade and sixteen it i the 8th.
It will probably not be necessary
to divide the 5th grade this year ,
which would be a great saving of
teaching energy.
The 7th grade have been pro-
vided with a new text in history-
Mowry's Essentialswhile the
6th grade have taken up IVfowroy's
Steps in History. '
It is desired and urged , that all I I
pupils of school age who are to
enter school this year , start in as
soon as possible - not later than
the 20th of this month.
There is such a demand for in-
struction in German in the high
school that a class will probably
be formed under the instruction
of Miss Van Driel , the high school
principal. About twenty students
have applied for the study. I
The ! Valentine public schools
opened Monday morning with the
following enrollment : t '
Miss : Gordon's room54
Miss Nelson's room. . . . . 50
Miss Driscoll's room. . . . 41
Miss : Carroll's room . . . 30
Miss Daly's room . , . . . . . 31
High school. . . . " . . . . . . . ' 66
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Spray Gardner , whose father is
sub-agent in the Cut Meat district
of the Rosebud agency , entered
school on Tuesday. He brings his
credentials from thn Pendleton ,
Oregon schools. He scheduled
frr the 9th grade. He intends to
take lessons in violin music this
year. He ik i an excellent addition
to the musical talent of the schools ,
being a proficient player on the
violin and cornet.
Whereas , God , in his infinite ,
wisdom has seen fit to remove by
death from our midst , Neighbor
Henry Lambrecht . , and
Whereas , by death of said
Neighbor , his wife and children I
are bereft of a loving husband and
father , the community . an honor-
able citizen and Wood Lake Camp
No. 2947 , 11.V. . A. , a true and
loyal Neighbor , be it , therefore ,
RESOLVED , That the Camp ex-
tend to the bereaved family its
sincere and heartfelt sympathy ,
and that the Charter and Camp of
said fraternity be draped in mourn-
ing for six months.
Be it further * -
RESOLVED , That tbese resolu-
tions be spread upon the minutes
of our Camp , and a copy be pre-
sented to the bereaved family and
publi hea in The Republican and
Valentine , Nebr.
Signed this 1st day of Septem
ber , 1909. "
. , , . Committee.
. ' . . : # .
, , ' . lo'i " ' ; : ihr . . . . , _ JJ - . . '
- -
Farm Implements--l.
We sell farming implements as well as other ,
merchandise at reasonable ' prices. - , ' , " . . ,
" Call and try us. . ' . . , " : , : Cit , ; " J"
- : ' 'J : E'
, . . . , :
" . ' - . , . . , . , . 4 t . .
, , . . ' - : ' " / ' . ; - ; . . . " t - - - . . , / ' : " , . . .
, ,
. _ _ :
Blue Flame Oil Stoves '
These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. ,
and they are the best that money can buy. They furnish
an intense steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no
soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three
burners , , and also with cab warming shelf or oven as
you desire. ,
Prank . Fischer.
- .
1R ' i&T t.lK j&1i14 I
Stetter & Tobien , Props. 1
All Kinds of Fresh I . .
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will 1 buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules : and c'M = _ - : I
anything you have 1 to sell. JI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
r = '
, . .
and examine the different lines of goods , such as , !
f : , Men's and Children's Clothing , Hats , Caps , ! . ! !
Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes , ladies' , " ' : , t'
. and Children's Shoes and Oxfords ' . , - - ' ;
k , Hosiery of a'll kinds. I have samples of Garden City Tailoring ; ,
4 Co. Orders taken for tailor made suite , and fit guaranteed or % f
, no sale , and prices right. Yours truly , :
I r
: Henry W. Hoenig Propr.
. Phone 145. Valentine Nebr. r
, _
' = ' " : .5 a a " .b" ' ; g
iIF - ; 42" . .F1STULA Pay.When CURED
Pili All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical 'u '
I e S
I operation. No Chloroform Ether or other gen
. .
, eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
DS. E. R. TARRY 224 Boo Building , Om/ar / Nebraska ! . . .
mammmmlmm . I