" i I 0 p - , - " . _ - . . ' " ' b. . . . ' ' ( ! % IG U d , Your Money Back I V \ Ii i I We positively guarantee satisfactory relief and cure i to sufferers from kidney and i urinary troubles. Should I our remedy fail to give entire satiafactiou : , we will supply it free of all cost to the user. That's [ a frank statement of facts , and we urge you to , I substantiate them at our ' risk. f I To re-establish nature's i functions ; to strengthen , stimulate to activity , and re store to perfect health weak and deceased kidneys and as- _ I sociate organs , there is really i j nothing we know of that equals Rexall Kidney Rem- edy. edy.We We cannot too highly recommend this splendid medicine , and to prove ' our great faith in its efficacious and dependable qualities , we offer it to you with our mon- I ey back promise. Surely that's the best proof we can offer that our claims are sin- cere and well founded. Why not begin a treatment today ? Two sizes - 50c and § 1.00. . @ D VALENTlNt. NED I I eT 'aM" " e ® 11IIo. : . 1900 - . - A Safe , / Simple System The system of paying by check was devised I , by all men-for any man-for you. ' It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether " we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking' account will serve your needs. Pay . by check , the mefliod puts system 1n- to your business and gives you a record : of every transaction. VALENTINE I STATE BArT VALENTINE. NEBR. , . - I ' MILL PRICES FOR FEED. * I , Per Cwt. Per Ton. "Bran , sacked.- . . § 1 10 $21 00 Shorts , sacked ci 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 ' 26 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 ' . . - - . , . , i Talk of the Town ; I . . . . . ' We .print I ' /or you , at . ' THE DEMO * CRAT office. , - - tf I . . : A. John & ; . Co. pays cash , for I ' i I cream. 24 cents per pour d. 27 ! I William Bachelor and family " . ! are in town fo ) ' the carnival. ' "j I John VanBu ren is here from Wisconsin , visiting his brother , Tom. i 1 Miss Elsie Sherman has return- ed from a visit at Fullerton and Spalding. . I . John Diehl of Thacher and Miss Edna Cunningham of Wood Lake were married 1 For Sale-Old Catholic , i parson- : - age. For particulars call on Father Blaere. 29 Miss Effie Carlson returned last week from a visit with relatives I in Pennsylvania. Miss Maud ' Tracewell is home from a several week's visit with relatives in Iowa. - Get your : property insured by 1. I M. Rice and you will be safe. His I companies pay losses promptly. ; I Miss Ethel Estes of Omaha is i visiting her cousin Mrs. I. M. I , i Rice this week and seeing the car- I 1 nival. ! - I Mrs. T. A. Cutschall , arid daugh- I ters of Kilgore ) are taking in the I 1 I carnival. Tom will be down when I the races start. I I Mrs. B. I. Johnson returned I last Saturday from : her visit to eastern markets for fall millinery , and her mother returned with her , for a visit. , J. P. Kreycik , democratic can- didate for commissioner from the I , First district , is spending several days in town this week , meeting his many friends. Pete Simons and family came up from Sparks , Tuesday and I I brought a tent to camp during the I carnival 'ol1t fourrd tlie weather a little damp for tenting. II 1 Many people are in town ' 'but there is room for more. Many : l II brought tents , expecting the town to be crowded but there seems to I be plenty of room yet. - Mrs. Arthur Bowring died at I the home near Merriman last Fri- day and was taken Saturday back ! to the home of her parents where i ! i the funeral will be held. - - - - v & ! .r g CONFECTIONERY < ; Tobaccos and Cigars. a t Canned Goods3C3C Lunch Counter. . PLes : Oa.kes a.dr : Bread. I ' Phone Ph7one Home Bakery. ' 1 L r , - _ e e _ tJ-- I We have a large stock of the following goods and desire to have . , . you call and inspect them : Dain Sweeps and Mowers Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles O' - Fort Smith Wagons Davenport Roller Bearing Wagons s New Moline Wagons Sampson Windmills - - / John Deere Buggies _ Velie Wrought Iron Buggies - Success Manure Spreaders Sharpies , Cream Separators John Deere Plows , Cultivators and Mowers * Complete stock of Lumber , Shingles , Lath , j Lime , Cement , Wall \ Plaster , Brick , Sash , Doors. r . I Valentine Lumber C.O. A. E , MOURIS , W. W. MORRISSKY , J. T. KEELEY , DR. O. " .T. NOTES ] Located in buildings : formerly occupied by W. T. Bishop as , a feed and sale barn e _ & _ fi _ _ e . " < . . , . - , ' . - - , fk k , - I , . .1' ' J - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ' " " - ' " , . / _ _ . U. S. Weather Bureau Report. WEEK ENDING SEPT. 1. 1 X"J. Daily mean temperature C8 = ' . * . . " Normal temperature CS' = ' . Highest temperature 00 ° . : ; Lowest temperature 32s. ; ' . . , Range of temperature -H0. ' Precipitation for week 2.93 of an inch. - * Average for 21 ) 'ears .45 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 13.1H : inches. \ \'erage for 21 years 1C. 01 of an inches. Jons J. MCLEAN. Observer. 1- r 1I I Dr. Perrigo , the Omaha eye I specialist , at Donoher hotel Sep- tember 18. 34 i 2 I I Miss Sylvia Killian of W ahoo is I visiting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Quigley in this city. ; H. C. Shepard and wife of Crawford , are enjoying them- I I selves with friends in this city. William Tethrow and wife were in from their ranch south of Ara- bia Wednesday to take in the car- nival. I Wedding stationery , invitations I with double envelopes , printed in latest style of type at THE DEMO CRAT office. , ti Miss Estelle Nicholson returned Sunday from Lincoln to visit at. home a few days. She is em- ployed in The Daily Star office. . If you have had poor results from others give Dr. Perrigo a trial. . He guarantees satisfaction and prices are moderate. At Donoher hotel Sept. IS , only. 342 Everet Harvey returned to York Monday , where he spent the past year in school , and has accept- ed a position with Prof. J. A. Parks , the musical director and composer. Miss , Lettie Whipple returned last Saturday morning from Cra w- ford where she was called two weeks before on account of the illness of Mrs. ' Dell Whipple. She left Mrs. Whipple much improved in health. Newell Humphrey andiiss Jennie Wilson , both of Valentine , were married Wednesday evening August 25 ; , 1909 , by Rev. Baker at the ' : 1. E. parsonage. They started house-keeping at once in the Forester dwelling. C. H. Pollard ! spent several days of this week visiting his mother and enjoying himself with many old friends in this city. Charlie is now employed on The Journal at Chadron and is off on I his annual vacation. This office acknowledges a fraternal visit. , . We , print letter heads , bill : I heads , packet heads , memos , state- I ments , letters , postal cards , busi- ness cards , calling cards , circulars , sale bills. Don't go without 'em. They make you money. Intro- duce yourself favorably to the f business public in the use of the best stationery. 1. M. : : RICE , The Printer. tf Do Yon Waiit ! to Help Boom This Town ? CONSTRUCTED J , . 8 Y / Q . 0 0 o. If you do , you'll l nst'ist the editors in advertirinij tlie pla < ! e. If you ; do , you'll ; pabunine home indus- tries , including the printer. If you ; do , you'll subscribe for this _ pa per regularly ! and advertise in it. But ' If , yon don't you'll sneer at our efforts for town improvement If you don't you'll order your job printing from some outsider. . , ' " . . . . * . , - - - - - If you don't , you'll ; - uorrow ' your neigh- bor's copy of the paper to read. DO YOU OR DON'T -YOU ? ' " - - V _ . , _ _ . .u ' _ . " "OT _ " " " ' _ ' ; ; JSUi. ! < ' . " ' ' . . . . . . - - . _ . ' _ . , . _ , _ _ , . - - " . . . r. --.w. , . . _ - . - . . , . . . - i . I . - - c < ; , t' All Loading 4 " * ( - I . ! : Old { Cl'O\V',1 . , . , _ * . W : . . "Hermjt Brands ' , . Hermitage l - . . . : : and . 3t . { , . -i + , Bottled . . - - Gruchen- ' \ : Under the ' * 1 V . * * ; Lij r 3 is a rr . ; : . . P ; os " s , . . . 0 ' .x z2i ! 1 , r . . heimer . - - . Supervision . . - N . f x w * * i Rye of the ' - " Whiskeys. . . Y . . - . . r U. S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. THE PALACE SALOON , . HENRY . , . - - STETTER , Propr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "f.U ! ! ! . . .r J i' > : .f'.5 w 'j , LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Paper , Pat- , pnt Roofing Tar Paper , "I ' Paints , Oil , Yarnish Brushes , Glass , Putty , Lime , Cement , Plaster , 1 | Brick , POSTS ; , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP i & YOUNG. ! 1 GODY , NEBRi I . ' . feu : ' ! R ? ' : ' . 4Y. ! . 1 , ; ! . SPJ333S I FiA VALENTINE 1 , | BARBER SHOP | I t r All kinds of. . . . . . fJ ) U vj j . fv , SIIAJMPOOS , . . * I " , , I MASSAGES . 1 AND LADIES t'd t' HAIRD1'ESSING ; ' FA W Shampooing a specialty. - ry I i-HOT , . and COLD BATHS in connection I' * Forest Shepard , Prop. B Valentine State Bank Building li _ _ r .z 1t ? : , , - . . , 'f' . ' . - , f ' FRANK RANDALL , , I' . Drayman ' ; , Light and Heavy Draying , Furniture and pianos handled in a careful manner. Coal ' ) : hauled and trunks and grips . a specialty. Phone No. 134. \ t W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. - - T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls - phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. I Valentine - Nebraska I - - I I II II J. W. McBAMSL , I COUSTY SVt-t1J1t ' YOn I \T3h'utine - NeLr. ! i All work will be riven { p ompt 1 II and careful attention. ' , I , j The Loup VallPy Hereford Ranch. ( 1 Brownie ' , Nebr , I . . Soldier ! Creel- Gnl- ! lllllbUS 17th tcr. ( ) . - > U . , , ' _ . ' a son nf Columbus r ? t 17th. a liiilf hnitlier a. Iwl'D ' . , lil ' of tlie$10.CU ; ; ( ) It ; ' ; nm- I ' _ pion o t Ie , a n d . ' -r Priuce BOLI.dPlI31.- : , ' a. < 1 , . . s C03ar ! head of herd. ! : ' ' : i i I no\v have about 30 head of 1007 bull calves for sale. . I , - G. H. FAXTLHABEB. . 1 " . . . fj _ tt 1. ii 8 U L of WhiSke Y I 'I. ' Go to the . e e e 4 Stock > Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. . 9 @ - @ _ _ ! - r GRANT JBOYER , . " ' r-- CARPENTER & BUILDER. . ' . . " ' , " _ . - c ! I : e. , 111 kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. ' Valentine , THOXE 72 Nebraska References : My : Many : Customers. . . P , . ; zplr'f : : : " ; ' - , ; ' _ _ . . . . . . , : L . - - ' \ ! , L"t . -"t- - " - " " ' - 9 St Jf. S ! . - t , < ; .u : _ . . . - ' ! ' . ' , .U 'lL .sut.9'Jt ! : 'D ' ' . , ' Ce rfhe New nap : - " / . . . , Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. Tobaccos and Cigars. Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn. 9 Jim Felch - Valentine , Nebr. e . w-e- { . o 7d'2' $ Q d oi , 08 a - - CYY't AA < AAWVW w CHoosE ISELY. - C"Y ! o > : .GndaH" when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You'll find all s rte and frfrufe at corresponding : : prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take i _ . the W KITE- . ' ; r - . : : - - ; r ' : ! _ 0 y\ - : : < = He " _ _ _ . - - - . . . _ ; : _ , , - . 27 years cspzrience has enabled us to bring . . ; ' S t' " out a HANDSOME , SYMMETRICAL and I ! . ' ' ii11Ij WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in its _ ' : - - nnfcetra all the good points found on high . grade rifrfrfags and others that arc exclusively 01 . WHITE fo ? instance , our TENSION 2NDI- IF"i . _ { j. - t ' 1. . " " , -CATOIt a device that shows the tension at a : : : > ' - r. ' " F' r , glance , and we have others that appeal to care , I , . . = : ; : : : - - , , . : : ' - . : : I ; . . . - Automatic -.rt - lJ. " ' : iJ7lf l f ui buyers. All Drop Heads have , ' - ' . . - - . j : JJJf ? Lift and beautiful ! Swell Front , Golden Oak . - - .r1J. t' 1 ' ' ; - Woodwork. . aadRotary Shuttle Styles. I OUR ELEGANT : ' [ U. T. CATALOGUES GIVE FULL PARTICULARS , FRE _ . WHITE ? SEWING i MACHINE CO ' CLEVELAND , O. : S . . . . . . . . f'J .ft : .i" 4l : 'V1. - * , ' . ; " .pv.f'f.A " For sale by Red Front Merc. Go. Valentine Neb. : : . . , - , AB [ IA ( . . . STATE VAR ii.JHti1LNSLPJ:5t . : TO/01 . 'iWonderful l , [ i display , of 1f. m : . live StockAgriculture ofMachinery ( . . I' ' I . Splendid Racing . - ( , . " Idheraiis Band and ' . Grand Opera Singers I ) . . ' Pain's Balile In ihe Clouds J' . . r with "Airship --r Aihleilcifeei- Carnival , -BaseBdl _ _ . _ . " ' - - - t' OIiE . . ' QJpf1 f"f6.F.RATES . rQUHD TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS . Ii . : . , . . - rtnl rpo"on. Premium List.or Enfr ) ' Blanks write . : "J " .iYfrfaneilerr/n' . . . , . u . . - " - ; ) W.R . 1t .1 ello''l . 'Cecv ! . ! : . . . . ; .n : . .u' u. Nt . . . .fu ' = . " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , " . . " " ! m : : LI . I N CO LN. . N EB. - Jr' " ' " 1 : . . . \ \ . . .