a . g iatorlcal Society . . . . . . _ , . . r. , , _ , , , . . . , , . : _ ' , . . . . ' . r.t \ n - . - . . . J _ . 1 r. ' - ' . _ _ . . . _ . ' r . . : " ; : . . . _ _ _ . . - ' " . ' . ' " ' ; " . . . . . . . . , , . . - - . . < . . . ' i" . . < . . . - . - , " " . . . . ' . ' ' . , . . , ' ' " ' - ' ' 't''N'J * - . . I : , . . - ' , . . . . ' ! r ' ' - . ' " . . n r 1 ; ' " , r-rHE 'V'ALE'NTINE DEMOGRAf1r. : : . " . 'A.o _ - . l. . - ! .L . , . - . " . . . I . M. : Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBRy ; 1HU k .1)A Y , AUGUST 19 , 1909. Volume 24 , Xo. 32 . . oS J1 . , . . . - ' _ ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ A . - - - - - _ . O e ( ! ) THIS IS THE TIME I- . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - and the Red Front IVIerc. Co 's - HARDWARE DEPARTMENT - . ; I . , 18 THE PLAOE _ _ to buy your 8 I GA80lENE. Olt TOVE . / ' G 0 . \ : , gtir' " - - ' e . ; n. Get ready for the hot days. We have the largest and best assortment of Gasolene and fI Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is @ , believing. Call and see them for yourself. We \ are also headquarters for Garden . Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose 1 Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbedfire and Field Fence. We are also the only up-to-date em- - - balmers and undertakers in Cherry county. 0 \ , Red Front Mere. Co. _ _ _ < III > 8 _ e _ _ . . & " " ' = - = = .s r. Eureka Saloon . . . . V 1 \ \ i ROBERT McGEER , Propr. g Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars , Bourbon Whiskies Rye Whiskies 4 J . Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , \ Guchenheimer , , J Cedar Brook , , ' . : Sunny Brook , r i Spring Hill , and 28/yearxold and Jas. E Pepper 0 , F , C , Taylor . , These whiskies were purchased in bond I. i and came direct from the U. S. gov ' * ernment warehouse. They are guar- ) anteed pure a nd unadulterated. Un- I excelled for family and medical use. Jt . . . I Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's ' Extra Stout 1 I , Blue and Budweiser , Bass Ale Storz Ribbon Beer q Valentine Nebraska C = ) . Chartered us n State Bunk Chartered MS : a National Bank . . . JUno I , 1881. August 12 : , l'.K)2. / : The FIRST NATIONAL . BANK Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) - Valentine , - Nebraska. ' ' ' . PAID IN , 'i' out1'rAr A General Banking , Exchange f $ 2 5 ,000. and , Collection Business : : : : 1 . c. H. COR EI.J. , PI'l sldcnt. : i \ r. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . . , . . . . ' J. T. May 't Vice President. 7 Miss : : GL.EN HOENIG , A.s- ' t Cashier. . i O- - r - ' Y - @ , I A New Hotel. Electric Lights. II I Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. c . . . . H. I . : ChicagG House = \ / I. NEAR DEPOT . , k " MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. Rates $1 1 per day , Calls for all trains. : . .rf i e _ _ & @ _ e . . . . . ; f Read the Advertisements. . 1 f r { I C. & N. W. New Time Table. WKST HOUND : . No : 7 , 1:10 p. in. Now passenger train. No. :1 { , l :8.i : a. in. Old " " No. 11' ) , ll.y ; ; j p. in. Through freight train. No. SI , lO : : ta . in. Local freight train. EAST HOUND : No. : . ' , l1(0).m. ( ) Ncwpuss'ngcrtraln. No. (5 ( , iitI ( ) : a. in. Old" " No. 110 , tltllI. : ) in. Through freight train. No. 8-2 : ! , a-/ : ( ) p. in. Local freight : train. Lots of new type at TIlE DEMO CRAT office. tf Miss Alfa Dunham left for Stan- ton Sunday night. New and latest styles of type at THE DEMOCRAT office. tf Henry Shaefer of Nenzel was in town yesterday : on business. Miss Nellie DeBell of Rosebud visited the Quigley family this week. The Ludwig Lumber Co. has a change of advertisement this week. - Wash Honey and W. F. Parker of Wood Lake were in town yes terday. For Sale-Old Catholic parson- age. For particulars call on Father Blaere. ' 29 The vote was light in many pre- cincts and the will of the people may not have been served. Clyde Davenport was on the sick list several days the past week with stomach trouble. , . , Miss Hariette Gaskill has tend- ered her resignation to the Cherry County Telephone Company. Forest Shepard has purchased the property owned by J. T. : . Keeley and recently vacated by B. Atwood. ! Ju'dge Quigley went up to Cody yesterday and expected to go out to the ranch on the river for a . couple of days. . . . . ' - W. L. Klingaraan and ' ' 0. - W. McDaniels : of Wood Lake were , in town last Thursday , the former making final proof on his home stead. There were more republicans in Nenzel precinct on primary day than there will be on general elec- tion day , and they can vote on either ticket or both at general election. / Martin Christensen and his men are home from Ft. Robinson , hav- ing finished up their contract work there. They went out to the lakes I last week and enjoyed the bass fishing. Jim McLean came. down from his home on the reservation last Friday to meet his son who has been visiting relatives in Kansas. They returned to the reservation yesterday. I The directors of the Valentine Baseball Team met Tuesday night and elected the following officers : E. D. Clarke , president ; F. A. Cumbow , vice president ; Charles Sparks , secretary-treasurer ; How- ard Layport , manager ; George Elliott , assistant manager. We print letter heads , bill heads , packet heads , memos , state- ments , letters , postal cards , busi- ness cards , calling cards , circulars , sale bills. Don't go without 'em. They make you money. Intro- duce yourself favorably to the business public in the use of the best stationery. ] . M. RICE , The Printer. tf Bernard Denaeyer of Arabia was in town yestarday : attending to business and getting ready to go to southern Missouri where his father and mother is located. He sold his ranch to Joseph P. Ivrey- cik , who is candidate on the Dem- ocratic ticket for County commis- sioner of the 1st Dist. He also sold his stock and personal prop- erty at private sale. The carnival committee are per- fecting arrangements for the big carnival to be held in Valentine on August 31. September 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , 1909. Three contestants are now in the field for the SioO piano which is to be given to the Carni val Queen , who sells the most season tickets for the carnival. Each ticket entitles the holder to I 75 votes for the Carnival Queeii and admits to all the races and I ball games. No Valentine ladies are allowed to enter this contest. , - . i - -----8-e , . . / . I L- l Y _ I' ' : , Cluett and. ' . \ - . , ( . . i " y , F . . M 0 narc h , . , A- . : . , . . . . ! : . l Shirts 11 . . , 0 1 ; - e \ \ \ If you have never experienced the cool , comfortable effect of the Cluett iHIHT fashions are just and Monarch : Coat Shirts you have : as fickle as any other missed something. We have just un fashions. r packed the largest and nobbiest line of . . these shirts that have shown. e , we ever Styles I come and styles gc. . . . . . Sizes from , 14 : r to 18 , with extra large I . . . Unless you fcuy a s. ; rt bodies for stoutmen , and assorted made by a house that knows sleeve lengths."lT \ e are still continu : where and how _ to secure clearance sale * " ing our of summer ' the authoritative styles , you ds with . ' - goods , w exceptional bargains. . cannot be sure that your Ask for Trading Stamps. . _ shirt is correct. The CLUETT label war rants correctness as well as i durability. x 1 | $1. 50 and more. . _ M . e ee _ _ _ . , . 5 . "reprint for you at THE DE IO- CHAT office. tf 4 A. John & Co. pays cash for cream. 22 cents per pound. 27 * 200 envelopes with your name and address neatly printed in the corner for $1.00.f ' We print 'em. I. 11. RICE , The Printer. tf J. W. Kelley , a newspaper man oiS Hartington ; J. E. Cochran , traveling salesman for Carpenter Paper Co. , of Omaha. , I. M. : Rice and son Lawrence , spent a couple of days at Hackberry and Dewev lakes fishing and brought in a few fine black bass Monday. \ Low Rates Seattle Expo = sition Via the Northwestern Line. V ari- able routes , covering all points of interest , including the Yellowstone Park , Yosemite , Colorado , Utah and the Pacific coast. Illustrated folder descriptive of the exposi- tion , booklets and maps free on application to any ticket agent The Northwestern Line. 31 3 LOW RATES EAST Via The Northwestern Line. Ex- cursion tickets to New York City , Boston , Toronto , Montreal , Que- bec , Niagara Falls , Atlantic City and the mountain and seashore re sorts of the east. The best of ev erything onroutc. For full par- ticulars pplV 'to any ticket agent , The Northwestern Line. 31 2 Cut to One Dollar. The Lincoln Daily State Journal wants a few thousand new trial subscribers and has cut its price from now to Jan. 1 , 1910 to only SI : 1 , or daily and Sunday both , ! 1.25. . This is a specially ' low price for such a newspaper and will result in a big business. The Journal stops when the time is out so that people need not be afraid to take one of these special offers. It's not a trick to get you started. The Journal has greatly enlarged and improved each year : and has be en having a wonderful growth in its readers. Being the paper of our state capjtol it is especially the paper for Nebraskans to read , and it has air especially clean lot of readers because the paper itself is clean having cut out all liquor and objectionable medical adver tising. The Journal is thoroughly independent , and has been making a determined fight to have our representatives at Washington do something to lower the cost of living. If you want to read not only all ot the news. of the world , but a practical , helpful newspaper , working in the interests : of the masses of Nebraskans : , try The Lincoln Journal until . Jan. 1 , 1910 at this cut price. ! ' - " - - - - ' ' ' : Farm Implements ; , _ to . . We sell farming implements as well as other . merchandise at reasonable prices. . . I. . - , . . .0' . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - , . .a. . . . . . . . Call , . _ - and . try _ us.'L . . .4 . o4' : ; . : . . . . , . . , , . " : ' - ' ' : ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . 't 1\ _ _ ' . . . " " I ' ' " : " " ' ( " It. V' \ ' 1t' " - 4 . CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VIERTEL . DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . NEW PERFECTION ' Blue Flame Oil Stoves ' , . These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. , and they are the best that money can buy. They furnish an intense ; steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no ; soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three ; burners , and also with cabinet warming .shelf or oven as you desire. Prank Fischer. ' 9 t&T . Stetter & Tobien , Props. ! ' ' " DEALEliS IN Iji ! , ! t % : ' ' . I ! ( ! : 'I ' II ' . II r All Kinds of Fresh | and Salt Meats. . . . J Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - - . I Poultry , Horses , Mules and , . anything you have. to sell. 5 dg g 'fJgEJ ? 1 r e THE FAIR ' > w -a Valentine , Nebraska , Has the largest and prettiest line of . . Ladies' Shirt Waists . { in town and at attractive prices. ' All the latest styles and the best makes of ' IJ. . I' . SHOES. . * ? I I V / JLv * ? r. . - . . in blacks , tan and oxbloods. L GENT'S AND SOiS22E2S LADIES' Ki3R FURNISHINGS 2fi SaS23a2S3SS3ES 1- 1J J Wedding stationery - , invitations I with double envelopes ! , printed in I latest style of type at THE DEMO CRAT ollie e. , . \IO-1 The campaigners worked hard ' . and were entitled to credit bnt where they worked hard and lost. : ? ' out it was simply tiresome. : - ,