Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 12, 1909, Image 5

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, . ' " . . .
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' 7 }
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) : ' : r
'h . $22.00
. j ,
buys this new
f E u
f . style Edison .
- The Fireside
Will play Edison Amberol
; and Standard Records. Has
colored horn. It's a beauty
, and to see it is to buy it.
T ( ! A ss
. . t.1. - . . t ® r . . . . . . wCiaS
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I
A Safe , I !
Simple System I
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men - for any
man - for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either I .
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000 i
a month. A checking
account will serve your
, ; needs. '
Pay + by check , the ,
method puts system in-
to your business and
gives you a record of .
every transaction.
. I
- \ Per Cwt. Per Ton. II I I
Bran , sacked . . . § 1 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Corn , sacked 1 :30 : 25 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00 I i
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 29 00- ; '
Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00
. - .
, , - .
Talk of the Town. '
/ ' .
A. John & Co. pays cash for
cream. 22 cents per pouf d. 27
Mrs. Sol Morey and daughter I
of Crawford are visiting , in town. I
For Sale-Old Catholic
- parson
age. For particulars parson-I
Father Blaere. 29 I
, r !
Mrs. M. \ V. ' Nicholson and son , '
Milton returned home Saturday
from O'Neill.
I Claude Smith of Ainsworth was
I ' in town' Monday contesting for
a homestead.
John Fenner and his father
came here last week to visit Mrs.
I Moon and husband. John return-
ed last week , leaving their father
The Fountain Shows claim to
have the finest bunch of trained
Shetlands in America , and from
all reports they are able to back
up their statement. I I
The junior normal was a success
in Valentine and the teachers who
I attended will long cherish their ex ; .
perience with each other under a
progressive leadership.
Valvarado gives a big free ex
hibition on the high wire on the
show grounds tomorrow , Friday ,
August 13 , that is worth your
time to SPP , and it don't cost a
cent to see him.
Ed Brown came over from Dal-
las , Tuesday , and is visiting rela
I tives and friends in town. He
! ordered THE DEMOCRAT sent to
I' ' him for ' a year : to. get the news
from his home town.
I Any intelligent person may earn
a good income corresponding for
newspapers ; experience unneces
sary. Send stamp for full par-
I ticulars. Empire Press Syndi
cate , Middleport , N. Y. 30 3
The Fountain Shows are to be
in Valentine Friday , August 13th ,
for two performances. The Black
Hills papers have been giving the
shows some swell notices , so the
show must be alright.
The Famous FountainShows
nr coming to Valentine Friday ,
13th , for two ' performances. : : ; They
come well refommpndp.d as a good
clean ] : show. This is about , the only
rpal 1 dog anfi ponv show left , since
it absorbed the Gentry's.
Services will be heJrl in St.
John's church on Sunday next
Au - . 15. as follows : Low celebra-
tion of tho. Holr Eucharist , at 7:30 :
a. m. Sunclav School at 10 a. m.
Matins : and adrlrpss ( at 11. a. ! m.
Thp Litany : will Vm said ] Friday
pvpning at 7:30 : followed by choir
Mrs. Horton returned tho first
of the week to her homp at Mprri-
man after a , visit with hpr sisters
south of Valpntine near the. lake
Mrs. Rob Ellis : ; and Mrs. Claude
Reece. Their father Frank Sasr-
pspr , came np from Newport to
visit a few days with his daughters
last week.
- .
- _ : . r CONFECTIONERY - '
_ _ : . Tobaccos and Cigars. f '
r' .
_ Canned Goods X : : Lunch Counter. ' : "
I Oa.kes iacL aread
Phone .
L Home Bakery.
E - =
T ? _ 8 _ O
We ' have a large stock of the following goods
P- . and desire to have you call and inspect them :
Dain Sweeps and Mowers
Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles
e Fort Smith Wagons @
Davenport Roller Bearing Wagons
New Moline Wagons
Sampson Windmills
John Deere Buggies
e Velie Wrought Iron Buggies - -
It Success Manure Spreaders e
' . '
. . : Sharpies Cream Separators
. John Deere Plows , Cultivators and Mowers ,
- -
Complete stock of Lumber , Shingles , Lath ,
Lime , Cement , Wall \ Plaster , Brick , Sash , Doors.
, I Valentine i Lumber Co. I
! ! ! -
I ? :
f i A. E. 3IOKRIS , W. W. HOiyilSSKY , J. T. KBELEY , DR. O. W. NOTES
- ; I Located in buildings formerly occupied -
by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn I
_ . _ e ee e e :
. , ' ' - . ' , : - i' , ; . _ . ' > . - " , ' : .v' : '
r , .
. .
- - _ -
' ? A
S - .
U. S. Weather Bureau Report. :
WEEK ENDING AUG. 11 , 1909.
Daily mean temperature 79 = : > .
. .
" Normal temperature 73:1. :
Highesftemperature 98 = : .
Lowest temperature G4 = : . >
Range of temperature SI0. :
Precipitation for week .01 of an inch. .
Average for 21 years .77 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 8.60 : inches.
Average for . 21 : years 15.30 : : of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer.
James Mangan returned to Porto
i Rico , starting last Saturday.
, Fred Green lost a horse by light-
ning this afternoon ( Thursday ) .
Carnival tickets will be on sale at
Chapman's drug store next week.
L. K. Travis of St. Mary's Mis-
sion was transacting business in
town yesterday.
Geo. Cyphers fell with a scaf-
sold from the Catholic parsonage
today and was severely hurt. \
J. T. Keeley and wife returned
last week from a trip down in .
Southern Missouri and report a
pleasurable trip. I
All bills against the junior nor- i
mal should be presented imme-
diately to the county superinten-
dent for payment.
Miss : Driscoll has gone to the
, exposition. Atf Crawford she was
joined by Miss Gordon and they
make the trip together.
At Crawford last Sunday occurred
a most , severe storm of li btniDg ,
wind , hail and rain. The trains on
the C. & N. W. were considerably
delayed on account of washouts.
Abraham John and 'wife ' have
gone to Kansas to visit 1\1rs.John's
brother , and from there they go
to St. JOP , Chicago and Omaha to
buy goods for their new store.
Mrs. Ella Ellis came up to town
the first of the week and made
final proof on her husband's home-
stead. C. W. Bennett and Joe
Thompson were the witnesses ex-
amined. ' "
John Stetter and George Hunter
are going to open up a moving
picture show in a few days , giving
all the latest pictures in a first
class machine. You will want to
see them.
Mrs. M. Connolly ] ] died suddenly ]
last Friday evening at her home
south of the track on Cherry street. .
The body was taken to O'Neill for
interment beside her husband. She
lived alone for several years and
was growing old and feeble.
The Kepublicaii closed ! its votinsr ,
contest July 31st. Miss : Stolla
Johnson of Kilgore had the high
vote of 171,000 and gets the piano.
Miss : Flossie Wray of Kilgore got ;
next high vote of 75,000 and takes
a trip to the Yukon-Alaska Ex-
position at Seattlp. Miss Effie
Hutchison of Sparks got 55,000
votes and gets a gold wa tcb. Mr.
Barker announces that the contest-
was self sustaining.
Brigadier General Charles ] Morton ,
commanding , and Major D. C. Mc
Carthy , chief quartermaster , De
partment of the Missouri , accom-
panied by R. B' : . Miller , G. P. A. for
the C. & N. W. , and W. S. Bassing ,
Ass't G. P. A. of the U. P. , spent
last Sunday in viewing the Ft. Nio-
brara military reservation with a
view to future use as an army post.
The prominent men of Valentine
showed them around.
We visited Dave Dunn's on
north table last Sunday and view
ed the damage done by the severe
wind and hail storm of the previous
Monday. Corn was cut and strip
ped from the Miss Melton farm
on the south in a north easterly
direction in a strip two miles wide
reaching almost to A. S. Graef's
and thence north east taking in
Geo. Austin , Cha .Salmon , Aaron
Salmon , O. V. Hahn , G. W. Co-
wan Jim Pettycrew , Ben Hobson
and injuring fields of several oth-
ers. - We also bear that severe
damage was done at the farms of
T. W. & C.W. Cramer and Henry
Morris by wind and hail. Dave
Dunn escaped the hail on the west
but his field adjoining Mr. Hahn
suffered { some from hail , though he
got a good rain and his crop looks
better than on farms this side of
the storm. Good rains have fa 11-
en in the German Settlement and
south of Cody where the crops '
look good.
Among the Sick.
Miss E. I. Mills is very ill.
. Mrs. Green has been very ill but
is recovering.
Richard Salmon and "Dad" Her-
shey are very ill with typhoid fever.
St. Nicholas Church.
.Services will be held as follows :
In Valentine , Sunday , Aug. 15.
First mass at 8 , and second mass
10 a. m. Uenedictimr of the Bless-
ed Sacrement after mass.
Instruction for the children at
3 p. m.
In Arabia August 22.
In-Crookston August 29.
. LEO M. BLAERE , Rector. '
, . . , . ' . , ' . / ' .
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_ . _ . . .
- - - .
- - - - - - - - - - .
Ii , I r : : ! - " All Leading
Old- Crow , . . . " . .
' . , < . . . . - . . . . . . - , .
I . ' ,
i. . 'T .
* xL 't fe-QfJi *
Hermitage . I ' . 1 ' * . A Brands .1'
- -
I land' \ , . , tr iS' L h4i F , a f Bottled p . . , : '
I ' : , - , ' . fflaiMRffis-r-1 s-s ssi . LL. yi : f . - .
Ghichen-- - - . . Under the
. '
' " ' , , ,
: Ia r Y' -
. . t4 r
* * , v' "
.t . ,
lieimer l , . , , . .h . . . Supervision
r ' ,
M .
Eye - . yNh.p , jyi2 Fr'y wc' " . + R. ' ? SYt1 of the
z _ _ .
- - _ AC t
Whiskeys. r : ; X7 U. S. Gov.
. We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
HENRY . .AZ STETTER _ , Propr.
Commissioner's . ' Proceedings.
August 2 , 1909.
Board of county commissioners
met as per adjournme > Present :
A. E. Morris , chairman , James
Mone and N. S. Rowley.
Matter of the petition of A. B.
Overman for a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
Crookston village , Crookston pre-
cinct , Cherry county , Nebraska ,
taken up and date and hour of
hearing set at 10 o'clock today.
Matter of xthe petition of F. M. \
Phillips pt al that the following
described lands , to-wit : All the
territory included within the fol-
lowing meets and bounds : Begin- J
ning at the northwest corner of
section 30 , township 28 , range 27 ,
thence east to the northeast corner
of section 28 , township 28 , range
27 , thence south to the southeast
corner of section 21 , township 26 ,
range 27 , thence west to the south-
west corner of section 19 , town-
ship 26 , range 27 , thence north to
northwest corner of section 30 ,
township 28 , range 27 the place
of beginning , be taken from Goo. e
Creek and Pleasant Hill precincts
and annexed to Loup : precinct ,
taken up and same approved and
said transfer ordered made of rec-
Refund of 820.70 ordered made
to Julia A. Cole by warrant on
the General fund in redemption of
tax sale No. 309 , tract No. 896 ,
tax suit year 1906 , the lands so I
sold-being government land. i
re-consideration of the
Upon a -
application of Dr \V , 1tcrY. .
Co veil , M. D. , for a license to soil' '
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
in Brownlee , Loup precinct , Cher- t
ry county , Nebraska , for medici-
nal and mechanical ] purposes only ,
said ! : application is rejected.
George Hajps } was appointed ] ; I
road t overseer of road district 16. I
The following claims was allow
ed on the Bridge fund : Canton
Bridge Co , contracts : , $ :1224 : 35.
Petition of John Cronin et al
for the formation : of a new voting
precinct in Cherry county to bej I
known as 'Evergreen" precinct '
and comprising all the territory ;
contained within the following 1 I
meets arid bounds , viz : Commenc
, ing at the northeast corner of sec-
tion 1 , township 31 , range 27 , ! I t
running thence west on the town
ship line to the northwest corner
of section 3 , township 31 , range
28 , running thence south to the
southwest corner of section 15 ,
township ; 30 , range 2Q , thence east I
to ; the southeast corner of section I
13 , township 30 , range 27 , thence
north OR the township line to the
place of beginning , was approved
and said precinct established as II .
petitioned for , wifch the voting I
place designated at the school ] '
I' .
house of district No. 53.
Matter of the application of A. I
B. Overman for a license to sell j
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors i I
in Crookston village , Cherry conn-
ty ; , Nebraska , taken up as per I
hour set for said hearing , and the
board being fully advised in the
premises and after hearing all the
evidence introduced by petitioner
and remonstrators ! , find. that all
the facts stated in said application
are true. The remonstrance filed
in said : case was rejected and it
ordered that a license issue to said
A. B. Overman as prayed for up
on his giving a good and sufficient
bond as required by law and pay-
Ing into the county treasury the '
sum of § 500. And now the said 'I
applicant hl.vingfiled ; and present
ed to the board his bond in due
form , same - is approved.
Contract entered into with the
x II
Canton Bridge company for fur-
nishing lumber as per bids called I
for and on file , also with Nebraska I
Culvert company as per bids filed.
Contract for furnishing two car I
loads of coal for use of court houR
awarded to J. W. Yeast as per
bid on file. .
Opening' bids for painting
outside of courthouse postponed
until next meeting of the board.
, ,
- , l :
X - .
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. '
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers. ,
W&&f&W f&WS&Vto
. .o
when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You'll find all sorts and kinds at
corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take
the .WHITE-
27 years experience has enabled us to bring : < \
i WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in its
mm-c ? all the good points found on high. < \
gracf ; s c r c rinand others that arc exclusively ! < '
- " % HITE - for instance , our TENSION JNDIJ J . '
S ' t a. , A _ _ - : , CATOP a device that shows : the tension at a < i
I ' if ' 1'4J tom , ; gla ! ! c : , and \c have ethers that appeal to care- < |
) y ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic : < >
Lift and beautiful Swell Front , Golden Oak J \
Wooc wcri ! : . Vibrator ! sadRotary Shuttle Styles. < j
( / * ; "fo , i c i3 4v : J
For sale by Red Front Merc. Co. Valentine , Neb.
.L . 4'1".1 . . . t-H-o. : ' ; i& . : : 5' : { ; . .
; LUMBER I r | . '
Lath , Shingles , Doors ,
1 : Windows , Paper , Pat-
l. [ ent Hoofing Tar Paper ,
Paints , Oil , Varnish , . ,
, Brushes , Glass , Putty , : '
Lime , Cement , Plaster , ?
Brick , POSLS ; , Poles. ;
iVe i Sell Hudson Coal
B i i , : .
a " a < : " j. ' : : i i. : ; " " ( : 2.Qa-
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine ] , Nebr.
. . . .
- - - - - -
; -
r : Drayman :
'Light and Heavy Drayingl
I . 5
C . . Furniture and pianos handled
i in a careful manner. Coal
: hauled and trunks and grips :
y a specialty. Phone No. 13i. . |
CAA. . . _ . , .
A- dlV".AA.AN.JV' ; -
Office over the jrrocer.y deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
. Estray Notice.
I , the underpinned juticeof the
peace , will sell to the highest bid-
der for cash on August 21 , 1909 ,
at 1 o'clock p. ra. , the following
described estray , viz : One white
faco. steer , four years ; old , brand-
ed OY on left Tibs , ears under
cropped broad horn , left ( hind
foot slightly ] bruised and right hip
jammed. F. H. HIGGIN ,
275 Justice of the Peace.
Mr. : and Mrs. Garlock enter-
tained . party of \oung folks last
Saturday evening in honor of Mr.
Gar lock's sister , Miss Cecil.
, . _ , ; ' . . 'J F . . . . : . .
, .
© ®
II I env ®
ep .
Brewed from the finest western
barley ) malt , Imported Bohemian
Hops and sparkling artesian
water. Aged from four to six
months m glass enameled
tanks. We guarantee its
purity healthfulness and \
Adelicious mellow flavor
® .
For Sale by ' /
R..MOGKKK. Valentino.
1J ; jt.
o .a
e . . .
, '
i 'I
! . . . . All kinds of. . . . . . ' . .
\ i ; " '
8 .
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD UATHS in connection
I : i i t
\ '
t P : ' Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
I jZ . - r
T. J. Christopher , . . .
Will meet all calls-phone or mail.
Versed on pedigreed stock.
, .
Valentine - Nebraska
The Lonp Valley Hereford Rw. fh.
. . , Browulu , Nebr ,
. Soldier Ore.- * Col-
' . " - umous 17th l60n : io .
I - i ! a sou ot Columbus
Ji . 17th. a lialf brother
i . ) of the 10.000 CI . ' am-
I pinu n . .le , and
, - - .Pnnce Roabdel 13U-
J .
) f 603 ' at hi-ad of herd.
t b ' ' " . . ' " ' .J.8Il . . .
I I ' now have about 33 head of 1007 bull calves
for sale.
, " ! : ; . . . ' " , ' , . . > : ' . ' . .
. ,
- - - - - - - - -