Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 12, 1909, Image 1
. . Society . r Eiatoiicri _ . . . .A" r . . . . ' . I , " , : 'THE : : : V Al ENrrINE'JE . A'l . , " " \ ! - . , ( , : : , : ' : , : : , " : . - = ---.r-- _ "rr . - - " ' - - . - , w-q - , - _ _ : : . . . . - - _ _ . , T7l-- _ _ r . . \ ' ' ' -6 _ _ r _ . _ _ .1 1sN/ti + N , . J I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor- - , . VALENTINE ' , NEB { . , , . THUKSJJAY , AUGUST 12 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 31 ' ; Jfl . , II . - -r-- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ L - - - _ _ e _ _ _ _ e r . 1 THIS IS THE TIME a i - . _ . - - and the Red Front Merc. Go's e HARDWARE DEPARTMENT : . : IS THE PLAGE I 1SIHLPACE 8 " . i c - _ - } . ' , . . it to buy your - TT' $ CASOLENE OR Olt STOVE . . . . . . - - . . : . F. w " . , l.'e r-/ j A Get ready for the hot days. We have the . largest and best assortment of Gasolene and ' , ' e Oil StoVes ever shown in the city. Seeing is - believing. . Call and see them for yourself. - - We are also headquarters for Garden - Tools , . . . . Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and Field Fence. We are also the only up-to-date em- - - balmers and undertakers in Cherry county. r , , Red Front Merc. , Co. _ _ o _ e _ _ e . 7 - ' : t r . Eureka Saloon " 1 T , ROBERT McGEER , Propr. j j f > Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars ' \ + Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : P . ' Old Crow , 'Sherwood , r Hermitage , . Guchenheimer , , ' . 4 Cedar Brook , . . . ( , . ; " / . . ' , J Sy.nnyBrook , fcfe fc fe Spring Hill , . . , . . . . and 28/yeaivold fefc fc , - . and Jas , E , Pepper ' , ' t , 0 , F , C , Taylor. S These whiskies were purchased in bond SI 1 f . and came direct from the U. S. gov- ' ernment warehouse. They are guar . . I / _ - - anteed pure 'and unadulterated. Un- ' . excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported j Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , . Bass Ale Storz Blue- Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , $ , Valentine = Nebraska l : ! I . . Chartered as a Stntc Bank : Chartered ns a National Bank . June 1 , ISS-1. August I : ! , W02. ) . " , ' . . The FIBST NATIONAL BABE - . , . ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) . . . : Valentine , - Nebraska. . , . CARITAL PAID IN A General - Banking , Exchange : L $ 2 5,000. and Collection Business : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . ' O. H. CoiofEiii. , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. , . . . . T. - T. May , Vice President. Miss . GLEN HOEXIG , Ass't Cashier. . O . _ _ e 8 f -i _ ? . A New Hotel. / Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. , t& & ; . 'I Chicago House NEAR DEPOT ; MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Yalentine r. . . Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. _ : - . _ @ @ @ _ 8 - . ) u Read the Advertisements I , C. & N. W. New , Time Table. WEST HOUND : No. i , 1:101 p. in. New passenger train. No. : i , JVa. : in. Old < " " No. 1IJ , 11:55 p. 111. Through freight ' train. No. 81 , 10:20 : a. in. Local freight l . train. JlAST" nouNn : No. 2 : , 11 IX ( ) p. in. Now passenger train. I . . . . . . . . , . . ' . . . , , , . - . . " H' 5:05 011" No. lit ( U.1I.1n./ ( I No. 110 , (5:3) ( : : ! ) a. in. Through freight train. I No. 8- : , : h iO p. in. Local freight train. " - Cora Thackrey. , Miss Cora Thackre.y , candidate for county superintendent of schools in Cherry county , was edu cated in the country schools of Riley county , Kansas. She is a graduate of the high school of Kansas City , Kan. , and in 1898 graduated from the gener- al science course of the State Ag- ricultural College at Manhattan , . Kan. She received , at that time , the degree of Bachelor of Science and has since taken some work at that institution toward a Master's degree. She begatf her work in the school room in the winter of 1899 , teach- ing seven months in the schools of Riley county , Kan. In August , ' 1900 , she came to Cherry county , Nebr. , and has taughtseven terms \ in the schools of that county and ! has held there , since 1900 , a first grade certificate. , Tn 'July , 1906 , she filed on a Kinkaid homestead , which she is still endeavoring to "hold down , " . having still two years of probation before she is allowed to offer final proof. Her interests , her sympathies : : : and her best wishes are with the people of Cherry county. - Ne - braska School Review. " - " What the People Get. " - The Kansas City Star , which prior to election was the most en- thusiastic Taft organ in the west , prints column of editorial on the first page devoted to "What the people get. " . . The Star states that the people who voted for Taft and a republi ' can congress supposed they were voting for tariff revision down- ward. They had made up their minds , the writer. : .says , _ t.bat } tjie. ; high prices were due to the tariff wall around the necessaries of life. And it ' is doubtless true that thousands of voters were deluded into that belief along with Senator Dolliver of Iowa who declared that the "tariff should be revised. by its friends. " They know better now and they are waiting the chance to offset that error so far as they can at the next congres- sional and national elections. But in its discussion of the sub- ject the Star says : "The people had a right to ex- pect that the burden on the great mass of articles used by every family would be somewhat . light- ened ; that congress would lessen the tax on sugar , the one im port- ant article of food that is affected by the tariff ; that it would some- what reduce the duties on the cot- ton fabrics , of which 1,000 million dollars' worth are purchased year- ly in America ; that it would scale down the taxes on linens , another commodity of universal comsump- tion ; and that it would see to it that some of the excessive pro tection was lopped off from the woolen fabrics , which constitute the bulk of the nation's clothing , " and which "ba.e steadily deterioat- ed in quality and increased in price under the Dingley reigme. I "These were moderate demands. . But the congressional organization I ignored them. Instead it continu ed the joker by which the sugar trust is relieved from the only competition it fears-that of the light brown. sugars , once so plenti- ful in every household. At the behest of the organized greed of New England it maintained the high rates on woolens and linejis , and it actually increase heavily the duties on cotton goods in the face of the protests of the New York manufacturers , who said the extortion would benefit only cer tain mills in the state of the chair- man of the committee on finance. "The duty on lumber has been reduced , though there is no reason why lumber should not be free. The chairman of the ways and means committee confessed pub- licly that the duty on shingles was nearly doubled at the insistence two senators w'ho threatened to hold up the bill , otherwise-an apt illustration of the extent to which the tariff is based on the difference in the cost of production at home . _ . : k _ - _ _ . _ - _ . . ; A l i r I S' . , , 'fr'Iuett and \ : " ' - . ' . : , - Monarch ? : , ; , , ; , ' I ) H1ff UL' ! : . . . A " . Shirts . . , _ . _ , , , : - I - e A ' " If you have never experienced the . " cool , comfortable effect of the Cluett HURT fashionsare just and Monarch : Coat Shirts you have 1 as fickle as any - othci missed something. We \ , have just un- . fashions. packed the largest ] and nobbiest line of . these shirts that we have ever shown. l' e Styles I come and . styles gc , . . ' . _ . Sizes from 14-Sr to 18 , with extra large Unless you buy a shirt bodies for stont men , and assorted . made by a house that knows sleeve lengths. , , \T e are still continu . where and how to secure . , e ing our clearance sale of summer.1 . . . . , ' . the authoritative styles , , you goods , with exceptional bargains. . - - " . cannot be sure that your Ask for . ' ' ' ' . @ Trading Stamps. : -Jt' , , . _ shirt IS correct. . ' ' " ' . val'i } - , . . . The CLUETT label war - I rants J correctness as well as durability. , . . B-t. 0 I ) ' . \ 1.50 and ' _ _ . " ; 'J 8 , 8 ' 8 8 _ 6)e - - " and abroad. " . That is the way the republican party kept its faith with the peo- . ple. So hedged about and con trolled by the interests which ' thrive on protection with its Ald- rich , Payne , Cannon and others of like ilk as its thoroughly in - trenched leaders it is really a wonder that republican experts can claim the reduction of three- 'riundredths of one per cent in the average level of duties which is their strongest defense of the Payne tariff bill at present.- . V orId- Herald. . Prosperity Valley. Harvest is in full blast. . Oats seem good and wheat looks well. I. M. Skeim bought a fine herd of cattle from E. Pitman recently. Peter Thorsen has finished ha 1'- ing on his farm and now has a big ! crew in the sand hills. Everybody ] took in Campbell Bros. big show and all pronounced it a grand and glowing success. Rain is needed badly to make corn and potatoes. It seems that the rain man didn't do much good , . at least no rain came. George Liptrap is laid byfrom work , having a severe case - of rheumatism. Fred Bosche , his son-in-law , is taking care of his crop. The big "Spade ranch passed through this vicinity Saturday , bound for Merriimn with a large herd of cattle for shi pment , enough for a special train load Ira Johnson , the boss carpenter at George Beamer's , got on the sick list last Thursday and was unable to work for a few days , but . at this writing is at work again. Low Rates Seattle Expo = I f sition I Via the Northwestern Line. Vari- able routes , covering all points of interest including the Yellowstone Park , Yosemite Colorado , Utah and the Pacific coast. Illustrated folder descriptive of the exposi- tion , booklets and maps free on application to any ticket agent The Northwestern Line. 31 3 . Students at College. This county has sent a number to The Western Normal College I at Shenandoah , Iowa , and others are expected to start August 31st. This college fits students for po sitions and secures positions for students. Many : more will attend , from this section if they will write I Pres. J. M. Hussey for free bulle tin. The railroad fare is paid. I LOW RATES EAST Via The Northwestern Line. Ex- \ \ XHF Farm Implements . We sell farming ; implements as vellas other .ti" ' ' - I _ . . , merchandise at reasonaDle. % es. . : ' . _ Call and try us. . .1. , . , " " . , - ' . . y . . . . . 1 -5- " . . 4" 7.-i . , ; ' 5 . I CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. . . , , , - , . MAX ' E , " . v . I' ' . J. : " . r.)3 . . . , , : " : , ' 'i : ! J'lME\tE&'l.-1lflNG. " : . " ' " . ' I : t. - . _ ' \ NEW PERFECTION s ' Blue Flame Oil Stoves , These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. , : arid they are the best that mono Y " can buy. They furnish an intense steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no . soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three . burners , and also with cabinet warming shelf or oven as you desire. , , , Frank . Fischer. , . . I I . . . . ' &ir , - > Stetter & Tobien , Pro p s. i i II yr Y VI 1 I ' ' ; II , ' . 'f r I li T , DEALERS IX ICI ) I I't , ' r hi ! , I l All Kinds of Fresh 1 I , . , : and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , _ _ . . Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. , . . . . . . . - & = T3 = = & r3r ' Tl , I THE ' ' 'iI l _ , , , \ Valentine , Nebraska , , Has the largest _ and prettiest line of ' ' " S Ladies' Shirt Waists ' . , . in town and at attractive prices. , ' All the latest styles and the best makes of ' : 4 SHOES r in blacks , tan and oxbloods. 1 \ | - GENT'S AND LADIES' FURNISHINGS = : aJ -S2ir322ig'KaF2g2 ! - - - - - - . cursion tickets to New City- ; Boston , Toronto , Montreal : , Que- bec , Niagara Falls Atlantic City ! and the mountain and seashore re sorts of the east. The best of ev . erything route. For full par ticulars apply to any ticket agent , _ The North western Line. - 31 2 J ' ' - ' VALENTl CARNIVAL _ , DATES AUGUST ' 31 , SEPTEMBER 1 , 2 , 3 AND ' 4 ij . . s - , , ,