- - - . . - - - . " - . . . . , . . . . - - = - - - . t - - - - " _ L" . . . . . . . . . 'O'-.c- . . . . T : - _ . . : - - . 'r _ , _ _ . a . _ - < < c - . . t , . , . . . . . - - ' 4 . , ' ' . . ' - - , A " . " , : . , . ' I ! ; ' . ' 'j" . < . . . " ' . : . . i . , . . . . . .r " . . f , . ' . , , < , ' : : , ' , . . , ; ' ' " " . , . . , . . , , . " , ' . . . ' , J. . . . , . " . ' . I " , _ . . , : ' " . ; . - : . , : - ffs ' . . : , . . : 'f , . 4 : ' ! .tL A'/ " , ' " ; , ' r ' , - " ' . . . . . . , ' ' ' : : ' " ; ' : . ' . ' ' . , \ , ' , . ' . : ' . , . , . "J " . ( " . . . . . : ' . I ' " . ' : ; " " - : " ' } ' , ' " : ' : . . ' : , ? ; " . : . . > ; ; , : , a' ' : : ' - Uneeda - Biscuit , , , , .i u : ' , . are made from the finest flour and the best . , ' - ' " -U'H . „ - . 'r ' * , * * . ; : * : , ' materials obtainable . , ; 1' : t' . . : ; Food { * * - / ' That Makes them an ideal { . . ' . / \ _ * . . . , ' . * { . T ' . , L. - ' ' . ' ' . . r , , . X - . . . " : - : : . : ' i-- ! " : : : ' , : , , Uneeda Biscuit , I / ! . . " . . ' , J " are baked in surroundings where cleanliness " . . ' : I . . ! , . - and precision are supreme- That Makes v them Pure , . , : ' I : / : ' E'H ' ; ; i : : . / j ; " . : Uneeda Biscuit , - ' . " : \ . . ; : . ' are touched only once by human hands- , : : - , ' when the pretty girls pack them--- Clean That Makes them . , I , i : " : 'L . " . - . " . . : ' , , . ' Uneeda Biscuit . . ' , , _ . . . . \ ' , ' , j ; , : ' , are sealed in a moisture proof package- ' - iI : . " That Keeps them ' " Fresh' i" ; : . , , " ' . I , . , . , " - - - - : ; , - . , j . , -i , . , ; - . o. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY , . : , . . ' - . : , - - t . . } . , ; , . ' ' . . " . , o' . ' .4. , . , ' : - ; ' , . ' - _ _ . . . . .t i'o ! I' ' ; . . . , _ " . - , , ' . . : ; , . . . . . ' . 1't.S : . . . . . : . , . , . . . . : , ' ' ; " r ' ' . : . ; " . ; _ .j : _ # # . ' . ' . . ' .fJ . ' : { ' " . , . , ' : ' ' , ; ' " . " . . . ' I' . . I ; . ; " , : . i. . : ' " ' . : ' . ' . " : , . : : ' " ' ' i ' I' - - - f I . Notice to Creditors. i In che County Ceurt within and for Cherry county , Nebraska , In the matter of the estate of Edward It. Rich- ards , deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You -hereby notified. That I will sit at the . County Ceu . t Room In Valentine in said county on the 28th day of AiiRUsf , 1909 at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive and e.xamlne11 claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against said estate is six : months from the 28th day of Februa y A. I ) . 1909 and the r time limited for payment ot debts is one year from said 28th day of February , 1909. . - . - - Witness my hand and the seal of said SEAL County Court this 3rd dav of August , - - , - 1909. JAMES C , QUIGhEY , 30 4 County Judge. Walcott & "Morrissey , attorneys. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment . , of Administrator. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , [ ss County of Cherry To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of Augustus Shaw , deceased : On reading the petition of lfurr. . House praying : that the administration of said l'S- tate he granted to F. : \ f. Walcott as ad ministrator : It is I hereby ordered that you , and all } ) ( , I'- I sons interested in said matter , ma ' , and do , I I appear at the county court to he Ill'hlln and I , for I-\ald \ county , on the : lst day of August , I'.xf.i ! ! ) , at 11 o'clock a. in. , to rfhow cause , it'any ! there be , why the prayer of the petitioner ! I should not be granted , and that notice of I the pendency of said petition and that the , J I . hearing thereof he given tonll persons inter- ested in said matter by publish ing a copy of / this order in The Valentino Democrat , a 'II ' t weekly newspaper printed in said county , ' for three successive weeks prior to said clay i / of hearing. ' Witness my hand and the seal of said I 'I court this 3rd day of August , 1509. i [ SKAt. ] JA3IES C. QUIGJ.EY , I' yOO a .I County Judge. 'I AValeott it : Morrissoy , attorneys. I ' _ Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by J. T. ; Kl'l'h'clerk of the district court in the county of Cherry , and state of Nebraska , I and to me dl'II1 t'l el,111 favor of , \r . B. Hunt , plaintiff , a nil against P. H. Hollenbeck : , de- fendant , I have levied on the following de- scribed goods and chattels as the property of the said P. H. Hollenbeck , to-wit : . \ parcel I of land in Kilgore , Cherry county , Nebraska , commencing at a point eighty , leet east from the southeast corner of block : eight , then running cast 1(53 : feet , thence 2CA : ( ( feet north , thenco 1I J5 : feet west , thence : llil < 1 feet south to place of beginning in the un- I lotteii part of the Village of Kilgore and in the southeast quarter of .section 10 , township :11 : 1. range : n , containing one or more acres , I which I shalll'xlWSl'lIt public saILto the highest bidder , for cash , at Valentine , Ne- ) braska , on the J8th day of August , I'.KHi ! ( ) ! , at 10 " o'clock in the fOl'l'noon\to satisfy said exe- I cution and costs. Dated at Valentine this 20th day of July , ' t I 1XK ! ! ) C. A. ROSSETEK. ? : Ji1 Sheriff. Order of Hearing and Notice on , Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- braska. State of Nebraskass 1 „ „ - * * Cherry County f I To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Henry A. . Murphy deceased. I On reading the pttition of Henry Murphy. praj'jng linal settlement and allowance of 1 ! her account liled in this court on the 29th : ! day of July. 1909 , and for the entering I of a final decree. , I It is hereby ordered that you and all per- sons interested in said matter may , and do , , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 20th day of August , A. D , ' 15)09. ! ) : > at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe ' . I titioner should not be granted , and that not- l \ i ice of the pendency of said petition and the ! I J hearing thereof be given to all persons inter - I I ested in said matter by publishing a copy of 0 this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said daj' of I hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLEY. i [ SEAL ] 29-4 County Judge. I _ _ _ _ _ _ , - : I I , 1 _ f t. 1/iPw ' ' ' rjr.r r il1' ' t 1L'i' 'rc : + r' : e tI I V . . J r i C 1 t K i li { i ' 1 , .S 1 t , llr 'i t"1 / ' . PII. .N.r . . . ) . BSI . q1 'ppp l"Ir , ' r7rJ , 1. I { 1 t . .S ( ' 0' 'M1 + I " 1111 . / 1 , , { NI . . . 1y ! 1 t drill I . , j i I j' ' r.f if// + r j ( ' + 1 , w r' , . ! I , Selected Barley , Choicest Hops "Leads ' . . , , " Pure Artesian Water Them 1 - , Our Pride Your Pleasure All" \ , , , Ii i I THEO. HAMM ST. PAUL BREWING CO. MINN. , . I /7 " ' , Call for the I - . BEER Preferred I ' ' 'r' - Stock , I l I _ . . _ .r. _ . : - . . . - - , . . . I ' . . -t. . - ' " ' . . . " t . ' . . . - . ' ( l , f .1 _ . ' . . . ' : ' : ; - : , ' _ ' . ; - . : - - : . " : ' -"r" . : : , ' , " , > ' , ' : S.S > * $ * f i ; " , ' . ' ; : ; : ' 'I ; ; . . _ . . . . . . ' - . . . . _ . , . . . . . . _ . . . " - - " _ . . . , - - , - ' JW 711"L > :1rWN9 tCi t - SSIC a :2'lG- " - - - - - - - - - " " " " - - - .4.t' - - /.MY'Tp,9 = " - = = . : : ' : ' - ' - - - - - . : - - . . . . : . . : : - : : : : _ r - - : --1 ; : : _ ' : : : - - - = o. * " " I In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne braska. The State of Nebraska ] Plaintiir. Plltintltf/ i vs Tlu several I parcels of I hijid hereinafter de-1 scribed and all ] ' de-I ] and corporations hiv-TRACT : } NO. 1781. ! Ing or claiming title to , , or any interest , right or claim in or to such par- | . eels of real estate , or ! * any part thereof , i Defendants. ! FINAL NOTICK. I To Albert Haley . and Mrs.Ilaley , wife of Albert Haley , llrst and true name unknown ] , and to the occupants of the real estate de- scribed : ; below , whose names are unkown : Notice is hereby given that under a de cree of the district court of said county , ren dered in the state tax suit for the year iwhj ; , the following described real estate ; , situated In the county of Cherry , and state of Ne- braska , to-wit : Lot I , III block .1 1 , of the Village of Sparks , Cherry county , Nebraska , _ . "Was on the 7th day of November ; 100(5 ( , duly sold at public vendue by the county treasur er of said county , in the manner ' 'provided by law , anil the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 7th day of No- vember , HKW. ! ( ) ' ' ' ' ' of You are further notified that the owner the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for con- r Urination of such sale as soon > as practicable , after the period of redemption lias expired , and you are hereby notified that the time anil I place of hearing upon such confirmation will be entered the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said : ; court , on or before the 7th clay of November , J'.KHl. ; You will ' ' ' ' ' - examine such confirmation rec- erd to ascertain the time . of such hearing and may he present \ , If you desire , to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be co11/h med. C. F. OALI.KN , J.I : i 1 Owner Certificate. In tho District Court of Cherry County , Ne- . braska. . The : State of Nebraska 1 Plaintiff vs Plailltiff'l The several I parceles of land hereinafter de-1 I .scribe ! and all persons i I and corporations hav- \TRACT \ NO. 019. ! ! ing or claiming : title to , i or any Inlerst , right or ' claim In or to .such 1'111'-1 | eels of real estate , or i " any part thereof , j JH'Icndants. ; I FINAlj NOTICK. ) - To Patrick irott and Catherine Condon , heirs at law ot Mary Hett t , deceased , and to the occupants of the real estate described belo\v ! , wno.se name is Michael Kenneaiey. Notice Is Ill'n'horl'l'n that under a de cree of the district court of said county , ren- IlI'redln the tax suit sale for the year I'.xm. the following described ) ' ( 'all'stale , situated in the county of Ohl'l'l'\ . ' . and state of Ne- braska , to-wlt : W&NKv : : , and SKJi of NE t ofsection 1:3 1 : , township : ; i , range : : * . I. Was on the Nth day of NO\'l'mhl'l' , Willi ! , duy ! . sold at public vendue by the county treasur er of suld ! county , In the manner provided ( by lawand tin-perio \ : ! redemption from such sale will expire on the 8th : day of No- vember , Jin ! w. I ' You pre turther notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issued b.the . treasurer will make application ) to the ( otirt in the above entitled cause confirmation of such : sale as soon as practicable after the period of ' ' has ' ' and 'ou ) redemption : expired , you are hereby notified that the time and place : of hearing upon such : confirmation will be entered the l'onllJ'lIwtionl'l'col'tl kept by the clerk : of said court , on or before the 8th day of November , I'.xu. 1 ! ' You will examine such confirmation ! rec ord ( ascertain the time of such hearing and may be ' present , if you desire , to i.iake any objections or show cause why the sale should not be coal ! cmei. BKIDRET KEXXEAI.Y , 29 : ! ) 1 Owner of Certificate. : JOHN F. PORATH * ' Karge , Nebr. Tubular , wells and windmills. I < sirCall me up by Telephone. . , . . , - . ' , - I I , ' . r ' . . " , . ' . . : . . : : : ' ' ' : . . . , : ' : : t' - - . . S . . il - . ' , n - ' . . . - . . - - _ , , - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = - = - - - - - - - . " . - - a x-a t. . : ; 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - . . + w-.7Fie q. ' ? errrxav . - - In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- , " * braska. The State of Nebraska 1 Plaintiff vs ' r The several I parcels of land I hereinafter < Il'-I scribed and all persons I and corporations hav- J-TRACT NO. 867. : : < ing or claiming title to , I or any interest right 01'1 | claim in or to such par- j eels of real estate , or any part thereof I Defendants. J FINAL NOTICK. To Stokl' ' A. Cuff and Mrs. Cuff , his wife , first and true name unknown , and to the occupants of the real estate described be low , whose names are unknown. Notice is hereby given that under a de cree of the district court of said < county , ren dered in the state tax suit for the year 11) ! ( ) ) ( ; , the following dcsl'I'lhtdn'al estate , situated in the county of Cherry , and state of Ne braska , to-wit : r The NJ/S of SEjf ; of section 52 ! , township 2(5 ( ; , range 2S , Was on the i9th ! day of , January 1007 ! , duly sold at public vendue by the county treasur er of said county : , In the manner provided by law ( , and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the Kith ! day of , Janu ary , 11110. ) You are further notified that the owner of the eertflcate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for confirmation of such sale : ; as soon as practicable after the period l of redemption has l'xplredI1l1 you are hereby notified that the time and place of hearing upon sucn confirmation will he entered in the confirmation record kept by . the clerk : of said court , on or hefore the 19th ! I . day January , liill ! ) You will examine such confirmation rec- ord 1 to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present , if you desire , to make any objections or show eausi113 ' the sale : ; should not be confirmed. JOHN R. LEE , 29 : ! I.l ) Owner of said Certificate. t In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- braska. The State of Nebraska. 1 Plaintiff. vs PlaintIff'1 The several parcels of . land hereinafter tie- 1 ' scribed and all persons I and corporations hav- } } TIL\CT NO. ; 6 ! . ing or claiming title to , I or any Interest , right or I claim in or to such par eels of real I estate pal'-I any part thereof , Defendants. J FINAL NOTICK. To Albert Lot/Jen and' Mrs. Lot/.Ien his wife , first and true name unknown , and to the occupants of the real estate described below , whose names are unknown. Notice is hereby given that under a ( le- cree of the district court of said county , ren- ered In the state tax suit for the year 11XX5 ( the following described real estate , situated in the county of Cherry , and state of Ne braska to-wlt : The Northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section AJ ; , township . 27 , range _ 0 > , Was on the 10th ! ! day of January , 1K)7 ! ) , duly . sold at public vendue by the county treasur er . of said county , In the manner provided h 1 , r law , and the period of redemption from such .sale will expire on the llith ! day of Jan uary , I'.UO. You are further notlfed that the owner of I . the certificate of tax sale Issued by the " treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the period ! of redemption ! has expire(1,1tn(1 you are hereby notified that the time and place of hearing upon such confirmation will he entered In the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court , on or before the 19th day of January , I'.iio. . Y : nu will examine such confirmation rec ord to ascertain the time of such hearing ami may be present , if you desire , to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. " JOHN R. LEE 29 I 1 Owner of said certificate. J. W. McDANIEL . . C ANIEL , * COUMTY : SURVEYOR . Valentine - Nebr. - All work will be given prompt and careful attention. I . . . , ' ; ; ' . , - " , : : " , ' , " . a $ . 5 - . : ' . . . , ' . . . . : _ ; - . - - . . - - - - , ; , - Contest Notice. I I u , S. Land Office , Valentin Nebraska. } June 2'J. 1009 . f A suflicient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Leon E. Shepard , contestant , against homesfad entry Ho. 0130 : , made July 17 1908. for the N'/iSWH : ! , N ' SE'4 , section 33. township 32 , range 29 . by William A. Smith , contestee. in which It is alleged thnt said Wil liam A . Smith has wholly abandoned said land ] : that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months last pa-it ; , that said laud is not settled u t ) ( ) n and cultivated by said party as by law required , and he has failed to cure his laches up to this date. Said parties are hereby notified to appear re- apreaI' SDOud. and offer evidence touching said ! ' : dle ? - tiou at 10 o'clock a. m. , on August 2.1 : , 1909. tn - fore the reKit and receiver btu the United States land office in Valentine Nebraska. Ihe said contestant having , in a proper affi davit tiled July 14. 1909. ! ) { ) set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal servite of this notice cannot he made it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M 27 4 LUKE M BATES ! Register. I' _ . Notice to Creditors. r THE STATK OF NJr. UASKA i . „ In the County CiiEititY COUNTY. J j"BJ * Court In the matter of the estate of Wilson J. Cady. deceased : To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the . Cornty Court Room in Valentine in said county on the 10th day o : Aurnst 1909 nt 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against I said estate ! with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against : said estate is MX months from the 10th day of Jan. . A. D. 1909 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 10th day of : January. 190J , Witness my hand and seal of said county court - ' - - this 22nd day of June. A. P. 1909. . SEAL JAMES C. QUIGLEY. -v- . . 28 4 County Judge. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. - Will , meet all calls-phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine - Nebraska The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. . Brownlee , y a br , Soldier Creek Col umbus 17tll 1C'X)50 ' ) , a son of Columbus 1 17th , a half brother of the 610.000 Cham pion Dnle , and Prince Boabdel 131- 693 at head of herd. I now have about 30 head of ' 1907 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAULHABKU. 1 R VALENTINE j I BARBER .SHOPS 1 All kinds of. . . . . . N 1 , , , " SHAMPOOS , ' " , MASSAGES , r AND LADIES I , v HAIR DRESSING . ! Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection : I Forest Shepard , Prop. ' Valentine State Bank Building h I , -I i , ' . , ' " ' . . : , . . , . _ , r . . . . : r " ' - . - - . . - : . . . . - - - - : : : or- . . ' . . . . . . . . . 1 , ' K. . N : . Faddis & Co. Postofflce address-Valentine or * " . n. ' i Some branded . . . on lelt ' : ' thigh. : ; : / - Horses brande on left [ sboulder IIn ir thigh , - ' " . Some . Some branded I branded on ri brandedEl or shoulder on thigh left I or shoulder. , P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc side - - Some pyon left side. - en left Jaw of V horses. -ta Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rlghtsida / Some cattle also bave a 4- on neck : Some with A on left shoulder and some branded . _ with two bars' across hind nar- ters. Some Texas cattle branded S 0 on ielt . side and somef.lll ! ! on left side. I - . . left hlo. Some cattle Horses branded SOS on somedC8ttl3 an d branded AW bar connected on both sides left hip of horses - 1ST. S. Rowley. Kennedy - JNeuraska. Same as cut on left , side ! and hip , and on ' left shoulder of hor ses. AlsoKSM on left side 11aild hip. FX on left ] si . r Some cat- - , tie cat-Ell ed husk- lng ( peSt ( either' side up ) on left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses UJ UJo on left hip of horses. - N ' on left Jaw of horses - C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward I for information leading to detection . , . . . . . of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. R. M. : Terrill , Propr. Brownlee , Xeo. Cattle branded as In cat on left ' . , sid e. Homo , V .i branded K. T Y _ . . . . on left hip. Range on North Loup river two miles west of Brewnlee _ J. A. Yaryan. Pullman. Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder J y Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re- covery of cattle strayed from mj : range. 1 D. M. Sears. 'i Kennedy , Nebr. / Cattle branded as on cut.lef side Some on left hip. S Horses same on - ill left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following ' brands : horses ran W same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V. , R. R. and Hyannis on M. R. R. In Northwestern Nehr. BARTI.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nchr. John Kills Plenty. . - St Francis Mis- I sion , Rosebud U . - S. D. Cattle branded - : I as in cut ; horses JKP ! same on left . , thigh. Range be tween Spriii" C'k and Little White , river. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle. H rses s I > K > on left shoul der. Some left side.r.A ; Horses . same left ] thigh liangc on Snake river. Metzger Bros. Kolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square r ' ! , -J crop right ear. ' ? _ . Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A , Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for , . . I ufonn = tton „ „ , leadinft to the arrest and final convictIOn of any person or stealing . . persons eaxkla with hnvA rand . Roan Bros. ' Woodlake Neb v " IP1 I Range on Long RB \ Lake and Crook- ed Lake. " ' , Si Ml " , . WBHHBHPHMBHMMHP . . ' . . ' _ . ' - . , > ' : - .n - .1 ' , ; . , _ ' , ' . r , 1 , _ . - - - : - - - - . . . - - - _ i - - - - - - - - II.-