Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 05, 1909, Image 5

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. . .
, f' i , $22.00
t 1 d buys this new
yl I , ,
style Edison
: - _ i Phonograph
i I The Fireside
: ;
1 i i
Will play EJison Amberol
and Standard Records. Has
colored horn. It's a beauty
and to see it is to buy it.
( A * ar
- - - .
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
. . by check was devised
by all men-for any
, man-for you. It is
suited to the need of I I
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
needs. I
r Pay by check , the
method puts system in-
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
' .
Per Cwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked. . . . § 1 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 29 00 I ! t
, Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 '
. : . . . . - " , . . . . . , _ e.
Valentine Carnival.
The carnival committee have
been very-active the
past couple
of weeks and have made extensive
preparations to give a big up-to-
date carnival this fall. The dates
have been fixed for August 31 ,
September 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. The
services of the Walter Savage
Amusement Co. , have been se-
cured. This company was select-
ed , not only because of its high
class attractions , but also on ac
count of the clean and wholesome
I character of the company itself.
{ i 1 Besides the amusement offered
by the carnival company , there
will be good fast horse races ,
broncho busting and ball games.
I Another feature will be a bal
loon ascension each day and a
parachute : drop.
This year , the same as last , a
prize will be given to the young
lady securing the most votes by
selling carnival tickets. The
prize however , this year , has
been very materially increased in
value and beauty. It will be a
magnificent § 450 piano , vhich
should be an incentive for every
young lady in the county , outside
of Valentine , to start in early and
secure votes for this beautiful and
valuable prize. The plan of vot-
ing will be the same as last year.
Each carnival ticket sold will en-
title some young lady to 75 votes
for the prize. These carnival .
tickets are season tickets which .
entitles the holder to admittance
to all ball games and horse races
during the entire five days.
It is needless to say that from
the 31st day of August to the 4th
of September : the hospitality of
the town will be extended to every
one and everything will be done
to entertain and amuse the crowds.
Something doing all the time.
Remember the dates and prepare
for them.
Excursion Rates to Chi-
Round trip tickets are on sale
via the Chicago & Northwestern
Ry. , from Valentine to Chicago
and return at § 23.00 for the round
trip , daily , July 31st to August
8th , inclusive , return limit Aug-
ust 18th.
Ask any agent The Northwest-
ern Line for full particulars. It
1. PAt 'S MA
oG A cV
.y y
Celebrated for style perfect fit , simplicity and
reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly
every city and town in the United States and
Canada or by mail direct. More old than
any other make. Send for free catalogue.
More subscribers than any other fashion
JJ\gtzine-million a month. Invaluable. Lat
cst styles , patterns , dressmaking , millinery ,
plain sewing , fancy needlework li.iirdrcssinjr
etiquette , pood stories , etc. Only 50 cents a
year ( worth double ) , including a free pattern.
Subscribe today , or send for sample copy.
to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cash prize offers. Address
T2Z McCALL CO. , 2:3 to 213 W. 37th St. . NEW \ORK *
- ' -
" 21121
Tobaccos and Cigars. \
Canned Goods 2C c Lunch Counter.
I Oakes and : dread I
" Home
7 Baker. '
.Ii : :
J . ' r _ e. . _ _ e
"We have a large stock of the following goods
and desire to have you call and inspect them :
Dain Sweeps and Mowers
Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles
Ie . Fort Smith Wagons 'e
f Davenport Roller Bearing Wagons
New Moline . Wagons
Sampson Windmills
I John Deere Buggies
e . . Velie Wrought Iron Buggies _
- - - -
. . Success Manure Spreaders
Sharples Cream Separators
John Deere Plows , Cultivators and Mowers
Complete stock'of Lumber , Shingles , Lath ,
. e Lime , Cement , Wall Plaster , Brick , Sash , Doors.
. I Valentine Lumber Co.
, / A. E. MQRRIS . , W. . W. MOKRISSEY . , J. T. KEELEY , DI . O. W. NOYES |
- - - - . ' - * - , .Located . in buildings- - formerly occupied
by W. T. Bishop ' as a feed and sale barn
. . , . & e
. \
I - - . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . ; . . . . , . . . . . - ; , : . . - . . . . - . - . . . . . . . - - . - . .
U. S. Weather Bureau Report.
WEEK ENDING AUG. 4 , 1909.
Daily mean temperature 7G ° ; .
. . .
Normal temperature 74 ° ; .
Highest temperature 95 : ; = ; ) .
Lowest temperature 51 : ; ) .
Range of temperature 38 ° ; .
Precipitation for week .00 of an inch.
„ Average for 21 years .91 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 8.G2 : inches.
Average for 21 years 11.02 : ! of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAS , Observer.
W. N. Bliss of near Crookston
had his barn blown down by the
wind Monday.
St. Nicholas Church.
In Crookston on Sunday , July
25 , at 10 a. m.
In Valentine Aug. 1st. Holy
communion , high mass and ser
mon at 8 a. m. Low mass at 10.
LEO M. BLAEIU , Rector.
G. A. R. Reunion salt
Lake ' City
Excursion tickets at one fare
for the round trip daily , August
5 to 8 , via Chicaim & ; North West
ern Ry. Account G. A. 11. Re-
union. Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars and Free i
Reclining Chair Cars through
without change. Illustrated souv
enir booklet free on application to
any ticket agent , The North West-
ern Line , or address WB. . Knis-
kern : ) , P. T. M. , Chicago.
Lake Items.
Wm. Harnen has finished
. ffi. hay
Teeter brothers shipped some
cattle last week.
C. J. Anderson was in this vi-
cinity this week buying cattle.
The neighbors in this vicinity
are beginning to cut their oats.
George Beaucharap , Dan and
E. R. Barnes shipped two car
loads of cows Friday.
Walter Goodin was called down
to E. R. Barnes' to see his little
son who is quite sick.
Dora Russell is spending a few
days : visiting her aunt , Mrs Floyd
Fime , near Kennedy.
Edna Kime is spending her va-
cation helping her uncle , C. M.
Kime , in the hay field.
G. E Russell and Dan Adam-
son shipped two car loads of fine
three-year-old steers recently.
William and A. H. Metzger
were at Dan Barnes' Tuesday to
have some notary work done , and
they are putting a bid for car-
rying the mail from Rolf to Lake.
Gospel Meetings.
It is noticed that the gospel tent
is still pitched in Valentine , and
we are informed that the meetings
have been going on continuously
for weeks. The attendance has
been good and it is hoped that the
people will still keep coming. Re-
ligions are an evidence of civiliza
tion , and , as the bible is the hand
book of all good , it cannot be
studied too much. Paul said of
the Bereans in his time that they
were more noble than others in
that they "searched the scriptures
daily whether those things were
so. " Our salvation depends not
upon what others say , but upon
what we know for ourselyes. / If
you hear things that sound strange
or new , do not pass them by with-
out a thought , but prove them by
searching the scriptures. Bible
proof is given for all the truths
presented. "Man's . ways are not
God's ways. " His way is made
plain in the bible which - stands
open for our study.
"This book contains , the mind
of God , the state of man the way
of salvation , doom of sinners , and I
happiness of believers. Its doc- :
trines are holy , its precepts are I
binding , its histories are true and
its decisions are immutable. Read I
it to be wise , believe it to be safe , I
and practice it to be holy. It con
tains light to direct you , food to
support you , and comfort to cheer .
you. It is the traveler's map , the
pilgrim's staff , the pilot's com-
pass , the soldier's sword , and the
Christian's charter. Here paradise I
is restored , heaven opened and :
the gates of hell disclosed. Christ
is the grand spirit , our good its I
design , and the glory of God its . I
end. It should fill the memory.
rule the heart and guide the feet. I
Read slowly , frequently , pra 'er- 1
fully. It is a mine of wealth , a I I
paradise of glory and a river of
pleasure. It is given you in life ,
will be open at the judgment- , and
be remembered forever. It in-
volves the highest responsibility ,
rewards the greatest labor and
condems all who trifle with its
holy contents. "
- '
. . . c
. . . , . . - . . , u - _ , . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . . .
I .
0 1f.B . oo oo a
1 C r r Wbc 0 I.
lIt is Time to Hurry to I
J \\IUU \
I U 1
' " .
I I - , _ A. . JOHN & CO'S' I
8 Q Z '
i . I
( ( < < o 0) ) ) ) ) . ir o
U . Q
now going on and will continue to October 1st. Remember
it is $10,000 worth of Boots , Shoes , Yard Goods , Ladies'
and rent's Furnishings , Children's Clothing ; in fact every-
Wl thing that the family needs. . We are not picking out a few
( ( < < 0) 0 ) ) ) ) odds and ends and placing them on sale , but we are giving < < < < oID )
Q g , you the advantage of selecting from our whole stock at the Qo Q > >
4 reduction of 20 to 40 per cent. That means a bargain , and ,
the reason of this sacrifice is to close out our stock before -
q the 1st of October in order to make room for our large new
° stock that we are . purchasing for our large , modern store- I Q
( Q ll ) -
W . Q
o yp
I "The Daylight" I 'B '
w Uo U ' . Q
pu Q \ 11
o in Mr. Quigley's new building oullain street. Don't fail
( ( < < OJ ) } ) to come and see for yourself the great bargains were ' giv
g ) ) > > . ' ing. When we move into our new "Daylight Store" we JI O
expect to keep an up-to-date Grocery Stock , the latest fash-
d ions in Ladies' Cloaks , Suits and Furnishings , Men's and
2j ; Boys' Clothing and an up-to-date line of Shoes , which will I
make "The Daylight Store" the best in the country. Lay o
( < < OJ ) } ) ( ( OTIJI
( Q in a supply from this great sale and save money.
g . Yours truly Q ) ! ) )
I -
da t .l .
( ( < < OJ ) } ) A JOHN & CO < < ° O > > D
Q 0
I. 0 . . . . , I
4 Valentine , Nebraska
Wl . _ Gd1
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( ( < < OJ ) } ) - , . . oo J OooO . . . OooO . l OooO . OooO Oo . . , O > > D
. , / . . . , -
Old Crow , ; I All Leading
Hermitage ' ' Brands
and .4- µ 5 ; - ' Bottled
M.w rY n
Guchen- " Under the
. , , .
a.X : L' t
heimer / ' ! Supervision ,
- '
Rye of the
: . .
: . .
Whiskeys. U. S : Gov. /
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. Rice and you will , } ) be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
Estray Notice.
I , the undersigned justice the
peace , will ) ) sell to the highest bid
der for cash on August 21 , 1909 ,
at 1 o'clock p. m. , the following
described estray , viz : One white
face steer , four years old , brand-
ed CY on left ribs ears under
cropped , broad horns , left hind
Foot slightly bruised and right hip
jammed. F. H. HIGGIX ,
27 5 Justice of the Peace.
For Sale
Six-room house , stable for seven I
head of horses granary and hay
stable ; - .
One 4-room house , corn crib and
stable city water in both houses.
Must be sold soon , part time , part
cash , or will take t young heavy
team , as part payment. P. F. I
Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M.
Kice , Valentine Neb. 1 I
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
. . .
when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You'll fins afl sorts and kinds at
corresponding prices. But if you want a. reputable serviceable Machine , then take
the . WHITE-
_ 27 years experience has enabled us to &ring
WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in its
a' : - ? afl the good points found on high
grade machines and others that are exclusively
WHITE - for instance , our TENSION INDI
CATOR a device that shows the tension at a
_ _ glance l , and we have others that appeal to care-
ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic
_ . . . r Lift and beautiful Swell Front , Golden Oak
" " " * " * " W oodwo : . Vibrator Rotary Shuttle Styles
.I/ )
For sale by Red Front Mere. Co. V Valentine , Neb.
W. H. Stratton I
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentino , Nebr.
. ' J. T. Keeley and wife have gone
to Monteer Mo. , to visit Barney
Denaeser and see the BarneJ.1
- -
- _ . _ _ . _ . _ . .
- - FRAftK ! RAN CALL , . <
Light anti-Heavy. . y '
and-Heavy.Draying -
f : .
Furniture and pianos handled
in a carpful n - I1ner. Coal
. hauled . and trim- ! and 1 grips :
: a specialty. Phone No. 134. .
, , "
" " ' - - - "