Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 05, 1909, Image 4

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I. M. RICE - Editor and eropr.
Mark Zarr .
' * M.rk . . - -
, r
, . 'Thursday , August 5 , 1909.
! Democratic County Ticket. .
I : 1 For Treasurer !
i I } ; . B. QUJBLK.
I ' : For Olerk-
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I For Judge , /
. . , .
: 8herlfYOTNt'I . , ; A.-ROSSI'JTER.
I , .
I ' . '
I For County Auperlnten l'nt-
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I :
I Forsurveyor- ;
i [ . J. " " . DANIELS.
For Coroner-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l 1 For Co . ' Coin'r First District \
Political Announcements.
Having filed my application I
' hereby announce myself a candi-
date for the republican nomination
for the office of county clerk of
Cherry county , Neb. , to be voted
on at the primary election to be
held in said county on August 17 ,
1909. F. A. CUMBOW.
' Having filed my application I I
Hereby announce myself republi-
can candidate for the office of
county superintendent of public
E instruction of Cherry county , Ne-
braska , to be voted on at the pri-
mary election to be held August
17 , 1909.CORA
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomi
nation for the office of county
, superintendent of public instruc
. tion of Cherry county , Nebr. , at
the primary election to be held
August 17 , 1909. I will advance
the educational interest of the
county to the best of my ability if
nominated and elected.
H. W. FUNKE , Sc. B. ,
i \ Principal of Cody Schools.
, I
Having duly qualified , I desire
t _ to announce myself a candidate
for nomination to the office of sup
l erintendent of public instruction
' , I f . of Cherry county , Nebraska , on
f the republican ticket , at the pri
+ mary election , August 17 , 1909.
1 I am a graduate of the Fremont
Normal College. I took the de
l gree of Bachelor of Science and
: have a professional certificate. .
' For the past three years my wife
and I have held and improved a I
homeste .d ' in this county. I was
two years principal of the Cody
i , school and one year principal of the
! , Crookston school. I changed last
year because Crookston is nearer
to our homestead. I have been
engaged in school work for ten
years. If elected will fulfill the
duties of the office to the best of
: I my ability. Respectfully ,
\ I D. F. STORY.
i. .
I111 . Brigadier General Charles Mor
, ton , commanding the Department
! of the Missouri and Major D. E.
j I McCarthy , chief quartermaster of
II 1 I the . department , are expected to
\I \ arrive here on the one o'clock a.
'I ! . m. train Sunday morning next ,
j I , and will spend the day on the Ft.
\ I , Niobrara reservation looking over
the same.
i While no official announcement
is made , it is thought that General
I , I I , Morton and Major McCarthy will
. ; i determine the practicability of
I I I making the reservation a maneuv
l . ering ground , and if they are fav
, . orably impressed the chances are
that official orders looking to that
I , may be issued later. I
'j . The . war department recently
t I' . . . .
f refused to turn over the reserva-
11. ! . tion to the -state for a state experi-
mental farm , stating that the de-
mili- t
tary character. '
We very much hope that the
! visit of General Morton and his
! :1 : ( 1 party will be the initial step in
11 i/ 1 1i 1 / . rehabiliating' fort , either in
; i i the direction : indicated ] or in de-
I ti : claring it an artillery ! reservation ' , .
! J i and the beginning of improve-
I ! I . ments.lookingto that-use. - . * * , . . f
I' , . The sixty thousand acres of land
J Co
I t < I through which two streams and
: . ]
) any number of springs course ,
E , : should not longer , be permitted to ]
: remain idle as at present. Our P
, citizens therefore , are very much
pleased that the military appear T
to be preparing for some kind of
i , . . I
' , . siciivft . I operations. I
, . . 11 i
, Ed Pike tore his 'Miilding ' down !
, last . week , which stoi ( J ill Cherry C
. * . . % . , , , . . . * * * . . . . - . , r . - - . J . . .
b .
- - - : . - > it ' Si ' .
; ' "
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. . , _ _ _ _ _
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4"t. . . : . ' . . , ' .t"i . .i . . _ .0-
" "t. 2' . , , ; J ; : '
\ - ' 11' "
I street and loaded' it on " a coal car
and shipped it to Crookston.
Miss Easter Smith \ 'is building
a dwelling on her lot north of
Charley Maxwell's.
Erl Collins came down with the
baseball team of Merriman last
Friday to see the show.
Our village water is no better
and we can't hear of anything be-
ing done to make it better.
Ainsworth defeated Crawford at
Ainsworth last Tuesday 6 to 2.
Ainsworth beat them again yes
terday 5 to 1.
Wm. Lee , Victor L. Martin and
S. G. Campbell were up from
Brownlee country yesterday mak-
ing final proof on their home-
steads. . ,
Jim Hudson and J. W. Stetter i
sold their cattle to a Mr. : Hagerty
and delivered them in town yes-
terday. They were shipped out
last night.
Miss Elizabeth Poland , formerly
of Appleton , Wis. , but now a
resident of Lake , this county , is
occupying the position of stenog
rapher for the First National I
B ark.
Dave Hanna and daughter , Will
Johnson and wife , Mrs. Andrew
Johnson , , Yo A. Parker and son
Don and numerous others of
Wood Lake were up to see Cam p-
bell Bros. show last Friday.
Mrs. Mary Carter was down
from Cody last 'Friday and had
with her a sister from Ill. and two
nephews who recently came out
visiting. They liked Valentine
and Mrs. Carter thinks she will
move to Valentine some time.
A. E. Green living near Crooks-
ton , was in town Tuesday and tells
of the severe windstorm at his
place Monday , blowing his coal
'house away , blew off the chimney
from his house , tore up his wind-
mill and did considerable other
dan age.
Grant Boyer , the carpenter and
contractor , has just completed as
neat and cozy a house for the size
for B. Atwood as you will find in
the town. The workmanship and
finishing is as good as you 'will
find on high priced buildings ,
though this is but a cottage of
three rooms , a pantry and a closet.
Richard Grooms in town ' to
day proving up on his homestead.
He is going away for awhile to
find a dryer climate to benefit his
wife's health and will try Colo
rado. He expects to start about
the 1st of September and will
drive overland to La Junta , Colo.
Dick thinks he'll be back here
some time.
B. I. Johnson and wife and Miss
Birdie Gheens went up on the
reservation last Saturday week
expecting to visit Mrs. Johnson's I
sister , Mrs. Byron Barker. They
started late and Mr. Johnson hav
ing heard that there was a plain
road all the way , thought he could
not get lost. but he did and the
trio spent the night on the prairie.
Next morning as soon as it was
light they started again and got to
the place in time for breakfast.
Come Out -
And Join the
Boost rs' Band !
i p
c'r : - ' _
( ,
. .
t !
Join , the Boosters' Band and boost !
J >
Don't stay home and go to roost ! 11I ' '
: at :
Keep awake and make a spiel ! HC
. . ; il )
Put your shoulder to the wheel ! lor
Try to help your : town along ! thu
Eoost it loud and boost it strong ! l'l
( ' \
Everybody lend a hand ! ( 'f n
, . . [ fl
Come : and join the Boosters' Band ! '
. W
, , , . .
- - - - . - ' ' ' - - ' - - - ' -
\ ,
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_ _ _ - , _ _ . _ . - _ .
. . . .
. . .
_ . . . - - . , . . . . ' " .
- ,
Henry Becker's barn on ' north'In
table was moved off the foundation
by the fierce wind Monday.
R. A. McQuade has gone back
to Erin on a visit and will be gone
twoor three months. Bob came
to tell us good by and have tho :
Democrat sent to him in Ardreajih
Aghadowey , Co. Derry , Ireland. i
Bobstarted Monday and asks us .
to bid all his friends good by for
him and tell them he hopes to see
them again Soon when he returns
from across the briny deep.
Crawford's baseball team came
down last Sunday morning and
met our local nine on the diamond '
south of town. / Valentine proved
too much for the visitors who
went down to defeat by a score of
4 to 3. Monday afternoon they
played again and this game clearly
demonstrated the superiority of
our Valentine boys , Crawford los-
ing by a score of 5 to 2. Grimes
pitched the first game for Valen-
tine and Sharpnack : the second.
James Mangan came up from
Porto Rico to see about some land
that the pirates are trying to take
away from him. He bought two
quarter sections of land at a sher-
iff's sale about four years ago and
at that time paid all the land was
supposed to be worth. Now an
effort is being made by the Bresee-
Armstrong clique to take this land
from him. And if he has to make
many trips from Porto Rico to de-
fend his title he will pay dearly
for the land.
. . . -
Last week ye editor and wife
drove up to Wm. Hatten's , twen
ty-two miles west and north of
Valentine. Mr. ' Hatten has a
beautiful place near the head of
the Minnechaduza , comprising 400
acres and all good land. A good
house with numerous outbuildings ,
including a cement cellar and a
barn for 16 head of horses } and 10
tens of hay , a fine grove , two wells
and all fenced and cross fenced.
Come and see us if you want to
buy this fine home six miles from .
Kilgore , or call on Mr. Hatten I.
and see for yourself.
Campbell's Bros. show brought'm '
nearly 2000 people to town last
Friday and they all fell into line
and went to see the animals and
then , of course , took in the rest of ,
the show which was good and 1
clean throughout'and so much go
ing on at once that one couldn't
see it all. Everybody said it was
the best show that ever came to
town and was sorry they couldn't
see both rings at once and take in (
all the show. We found , the
management to be good and they (
handled their show people with
credit to Campbell Bros. , permit-
ting no gambling nor fakirs on
their grounds and all were court-
eous and obliging. We speak
highly of this show because de :
serves the praise of all show go
ing people who appreciate a clean -
show , clever actors and big enough
so that you can't see it all.
Dan Adamson returned from i
Omaha A\rednesday and stopped in
Valentine to visit for awhile on
his way home. Dan had a car of .
cattle on the market Monday
which topped the market lor grass
beef. His 23 three-year-old steers
averaged 1156 , pounds and brought
$5.40 per cwt. , which netted him ,
after paying freight and commis-
sion charges , 59.35 per head.
With only § 25 to § 30 invested in
a cow to raise such calves it looks
better to us than raising horses.
There's a market value for cattle
and they don't have to be broken.
Good eyesight , heavy breast and
neck trim legs , free from blemish
es or wire scratches , and shapely
bodies don't cut any figure , with
cattle when you want to sell them.
If they are physically sound and
fat is i the only requirement. Some
people think there is more money
in horses though. If Cherry
county can top the market twice
month in shipments of cattle she
ought to top the market frequent-
ly during the year. Only a coup
le of weeks ago a bunch of John
Bachelor's cattle topped the mark
et as corn fed. They had been _
sold to an eastern man last fall
and were corn fed cattle when
they went onto the market.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
? ettepient | / qf Account.
In the ( , ( ) lInl ' court of OhJ1'J' ' , "
Choppy ! ; county ! \ , -
I'II Jm.
( Jount . of ' ' " , ' SS
County Cherry t'
To the lit'irs : uul all persons ] interested In
tiu estsite. of Admit Housch , doccsised ; :
On reading / the ( + petition ofV. . ( S. Billiard ,
praying a HUM : I settlement ! and \ . allow
ance- of his account lllod in this court O'l tho
Jth day of Auust.l.tlrt : : , mid ! for lib dihcl-sirgo
> executor of said estate.
It is hereby ordnred ! that you and all por-
f-on.s : Interested said matter may , and do.
l > pOa1'lt ; ] thecounty ! court . to he hold in and
II' said ; ; county , on of August ,
. P. , J'.Xifl 1 , lit 1 o'clock ! p. in , , t ( ) tjliow causp : ,
any there : be , why the praynn ] of tho po ] .
Inner ! ' /ihoultlnoL / bo granted , and ; that /
: llll'1nf llo pt'ndi'ptiy pf .sii < | petition ) sind'
hearing thereof ! ho ' ivou '
to sill
givim persons
interi-sted in said ; matter by publishing ! [ a
copy of this ordor in Tho "Valentino ! ) Demo
crat , a . weekly newspaper printed In said !
county , for four successive wet'ks prior to
yald day of hearing. -
; 31 ( t * County . Judge.
Valcott t-MojTlssey .nttorJ1 ( , .s. cr
. . "
- . ,
. ' . " . : . i ' . . . . " ; . ' .
; ' . " - - : . , . -t. . . ; , ;
. .
. . . . " " . - MnA4a-- . _ . - + . - - - _ . . . . -
. ' - - - - . . , ' . . _ - - . . . ' - - . .
' In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne
The State of Nc ir11sha ,
Plaintiff ,
. The several parcels of
land hereinafter de- .
I. scribed and all persons " ' _
and corporations 11Iw- } TRACT No. ICH. :
ing or claiming title to , I
or any Interest , right : or i .
claim in or to such par
cels of real estate , or
any part thereof ,
x Defendants.
To Ada S. ( h 1'11IIth ( and to the occupants of
the rcnlt'statl'described below , whose names
are unknown :
Notice is hereby given that under it ( le-
cree of the district court of said county , ren
dered in the state tax suit for the year 1UX5 ;
the following . described real estate situated
in the county of Cherry , and state of : Ne-
braska , to-wit :
The southeast quarter of section 18 } town-
ship a > , range ao : ; ,
Was , on the lath : day of December , IJXXi
duly sold at public , , ( 'nduc by the county
tresisurer of said county , In the manner
provided by law , and the period of redemp
tion from such sale will expire on the lath
day of December HXI ! > : >
You 5 are further notified that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the
treasurer will make application [ to the court
in the above entitled cause for confirmation
of such sale as soon sis practicable after the
period of redemption has expired , sind you
an hereby notified that the time and place
of hearing upon such confirmation will be I
entered In the confirmation record kept : by
the clerk of said court , on or before the iSth : :
di : } ' of December ! , I'.KK ! ! ! ) .
You will examine said confirmation rec
ord to ascertain the time of such hesiring
and may be present , If you desire , to make
any objections or show cause why the sale
should not be confirmed.
: .m1 ( ) Sheriff of Cherry County , Nebraska.
Contest Notice ,
U. t S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Ne raska. t I
July 20 , looa , i
A sullll ient contest affidavit having beun liled
in this orflce hy Charlie A..E , MuKinine. : contest
ant , againsr. Homestead entry Ko. 3157. : made
April 2 ! O ! ) , 1903 , for se .ise4 } , s'wtf , ne&swH ! ,
section 3 ; . township 23. range 31 , Gtn r. M. , by
Johny. . Kiaie , contestee , in which is alleged
'tlint John W. Kline has wholly sih-indoiied
said tract for more than one year last past , that
he has never cultivated , improved or resided
upon said and { as requited by law that said
tract is I in its wild and native state and wholly
unimproved , that all of said defects exist at thij :
d'de and have been ! cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to anpear re-
spond and offer evidence : touching said allega-
tion at 10 o'clock a , m. on Sept. a , 190. ! ) ) . be
fore John H. Weltoa. U. S. Commissioner , at
illUlletlebC - 51a and that , the llnal hearing
will be held at 10 o'c ock a m. , OR Sept. 7 . 1009 ! ,
before the register and receiver at the Uuited
States Land Otttoe Broken Bow , Nebraska.
The said contestant having in a proper aftl-
davir , llled July 20 , 1009. set forth tacts which
show that after due diligence / personal service
of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
bv due and proper publication.
2:11 : H O.iN REESE , Register.
To ' Leroy Pinneo , non-resident dcfondsiut :
You are herebv notified that on the 17th
da y of July , IJKHi ! ) ! : Msibel Pinneo filed a pe
tition against you . in the district court of
Cherry ; county , Nebrstsksi , the object and
prsiyer . of which sire to obtain . a divorce from
you on the ground that you have , without
good ) cause , been guilty ; of extremis cruelty
toward l the phiintiff , and , although ; , you be
ing I of suHicient ; ability . to provide suitable
msiinteiianee ; her yon have wantonly ,
grossly and cruelly refused and 1\ ( ' ; ; Il'dl'd to
do [ so , and for the care , custody and ecf ucn-
tion of the minor child { , the issue of saId
marriage ! , to-wit : Harry Pinneo.
You are required to answer ssiid petition
on or before-Monday , the rtttth : day of Aug-
ust , 1WKI. ! MAlSEIj PlJTNKO - ,
is . 1 Plaintiff.
By , her attorney , p . H. O'Rourk. :
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution Issued by James
C , Quigley a county judge in the county of
Cherry , and state of I'ebrtslcauul ; to me
delivered , in firvor of Frank J. Herron ,
plaintiff , and against Edwsird ( tt'ecuough ,
lofoudant. I bsw ! \ levied on the following
described goods and chattels as the property
of the said Edwsird In-enough to-wit : '
One sawmill outfit ; winch I will expose at
public salo to the highest bidder , for cash ,
at Hawmiil , in Sparks Precinct , on the ISth I
dsiy of August , A. D. , 1K19 ! ) ! , at 1 o'clock f tin-
afternoon , to ssitisfy said execution and
Dsited at Valentine this9thclay : of July ,
:1 . D. , 1W. ! ) : >
yo : 2 Sheriff ,
Notice of Salo
I will soil it ( Dr A. Hancock's ranch on
section 9i ; 1 ; ; , township : ? J , range 2.1 ; one red
white face steer , : ' : -'elll'S old , left ear frozen -
off or cropped off ; one red white face steer ,
coming : two years old , left esir cropped on
the 27th day of August , I'.HKI. ! : !
27 5 Justice of the Peace. :
A a'elicious mdIoW.brew ;
Insist on having it.
iIffl- t -
For Rale by , -i i ' ' Th
-McGKKK , VsiIenthiR.
4 sci
P sin
a in :
t or
cl [
' - , , ! , . . - \ - . . . . , . . . . . : . ; . . . , p. . . : \ : - _ , ' " , . " . " . . . " " ' ' . . . , 'fo. . . . . . " , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - eel
pawl ;
Lath , Shingles , Doors , , en wlI
Windows , Paper , Pat- . reiMl r
ent . E oof ing Tar raper . , sit o ( f
Paints Oil , Yarnish 1 , : thB ' 1
Brushes Glass Putty WSl
, , Yt sol
Lime , Cement , Plaster , vie nr
Brick , POStS , Poles. u frt f
We Sell Hudson Coal tlr : '
, an
' sin
CODY NEBR. tic re
, . bei
, . . _ , , , , , . on
" , g ; ; " : ! t" ' _ ' ' ' - " - !
A. John & Co. pays cash for sh
cream. 22 : cents per pound. 27 28 ; !
. . . ,
! - " : . , ' . ' t - " _ ' . . _ : "
. . - _
f ,
_ . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
, . - . . . . - - - - . . " - . , . - - - - - . . 1 < " ' ,
I , carries a complete assortment of . .
Far Machinery
comprising the . ' .
f Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline
and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and
John Deere two-row Cultivators ;
, Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows ,
Superior Drills , Weber and Moline
Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and
Velie Buggies ; the Corn king and
20th Century Manure Spreaders ;
the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast
Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay
Tools , consisting of Stackers ,
Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa-
tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks ,
. Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow-
ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline ,
Oliver and Deere Listers.-
Will close out the John Deere line
of Implements and Vehicles
at greatly reduced prices.
for any make of implement will be .
furnished on the . " . shortest possible
notice. Every effort will be made to
accomodate customers and supply
their wants.
Don't be misled by representations of other \ .
dealers carrying inferior and near competing i
lines , but post yourself on improved makes and
reduced prices before making your purchases.
' . Ludwig Lumber Co. '
, . . , . . . , . .
.t.t.P . .t-U..9u.tJtt. .t " UU r" t.UttU.l . .
The New Snap
- /
, i Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks.
. .
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn.
' ) n.n. Jim Felch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .n Valentine . , Nebr. nn.J JS
It _ -e4I e
yOr Whiske
I Go to the
! Stock Exchange Saloon ;
"walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
D o-eee _
i the District Court of Cherry County , Ne
he State of Nebraska.
Plaintiff ,
lie several parcels of
ml hereinafter de- I
rllecl and all persons I
nd corporations hsiv- j-TRACT No.8j(1. : ( (
ig ; or claiming title to,1 I
r any interest , right or I
aim in or to such par-
-'Is of real estsite , or
ny psirt thereof , par-J -
To Blanche F. Ha "
( Haynes and to the occu-
iints of the resil estsite described below
hose names are :
Notice is hereby given that under a de-
reeofthe district court of .ssild count v ,
Midered ! in the state tsix suit for the yes'ir '
KIT , the following described resil estate I'
tusited . In the county of Cherry , and ttsite I
Nebraska . , to-wit : Northwest quart " * of
le < northeast quarter of section 2J I , towmhlp
, range : K : , in Cherry county , Nebrsiska : ; ,
sis , on the i'.Hh ! day of , Tnnullr ' , 1W7 ! , duly
old at puhllc vendne . by the county truas-
rer of .ssiid l'ountIn
; ( county. the manner pro-
Ided by law , and the period l of remeptlon
om such sale will expire on the IMth ! dav
Jutuury,19I9 ! ,
You are further notified that the owner of :
lu certilicsite. of tsix ssile issued bv the
easurer will make application to the
jurt in the above entitled cause for con-
rmation of such sale as soon as practicable
fter the period of redemption has expired ,
nd you sire hereby notilled that the rime
nd place of heating ; / upon such contlrnm-
on will be entered in the confirmation
cord kept by the clerk of ssiid court , en or
efore ! the 10th day ; of January , Kilo.
You will examine such continuation ree.-
rd to ascertain the time of such hearing !
nd I may he present , If you desire , { : o make
ny I objections or show cause . why the sale
jould not be confirmed.
confirmed.C. . A. ROSSETER , I
4 SUeriff ol OUerry county , Se1 > ru ku.
. . ' .
- - , -
> , . - . " . . . - " . , - . " ' .
, .
- - ' . . ' . . . . , . , -
Y --:7 : L9C -
In the District Court of Cherry
County , Ne-
The State qf Nebraska. 1
The several parcels of
land hereinafter de
scribed and siII persons
and corporations hav } TRACT .xO.8 ; 9. ;
ing or claiming title to , _
or siny Interest right or
claim in or to.such par
cels of real estate , or
si ny part thereof ,
2 ! Defendants j
To Blanch F. Haynes '
'nes and to the
pants of the resil
estate descrilwd
; below ,
names are :
Notice hereby given that under a decree
of the district .
court of ssiid
count render
county , rt'n l'r-
In the tax .
sale for the '
year 1XIT the
following described . real estate , situated In
the county of Cherry , und l state of Nebraska
to-wIt : South half of the
ter , .southwest
qusirter of the southeast
quarter of section . : .111. township 8:3 : : , range :1'1.
in Cherry
, county , Nebraska wsis on the llith
day ofjsi nuary , 1X)7 ! , duly sold at public
I vend tie" . by the county treasurer of Mild
count . In the manner provided b '
I by law , and
the period
of redemption from such sale will
expire on the 10th day of January , 1010.
You are further
notilled that the owner of
the certilicsite of tax sale Issued ' the
will make applicsitlon to the court
in the sihovc entitled cause for confirmation
of such sale sis soon as practicable after the
period of redemption has expired , and you ti
sire hereby notilled that the time and place
of hearing upon such confirmation will he
entered In the .
conflrmsition record kept by
the clerk of said ! court , on or before the I'Jth
day ' of January , lHO. ! _
You will erauilno said
< couHrnitttlou rec
ord . to ascertain the time of such hearing , , ,
sind ' may be present , If you desire to make
siny objections or show cause why tho sale
should.not be confirmed.C. . .
: : s i Sheriff . of Cherry county . , : ; cb : . ta. ' : '
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