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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1909)
J getorScal5ociety - . . . , , . , . 11 . .I - - . i f. * * * ' fi'HE - ' VALENTINE DE OCR AT. , . ' : - I. M. : Rice , Editor and Proprietor . . ' VALENTINE , NEBR. , THUESDAT , AUGUST . * 5 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 30 - - - - - - - . . - - . . " e e4I _ G 4I e- . THIS IS THE TIME I - - , . and the Red Front Merc. Co 's e HARDWARE DEPARTMENT . - ' 1 IS THE PLACE . t mmmfmm * mw * ' m * * * i * * * * e to buy your e ; . > . > $ GASOLENE . . OR OIL STOVE : .e . , e . . . . fI w ; . . . . e . , M , Get ready for the hot days. We have the largest and best assortment of Gasolene and . e Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is _ believing. Call and see them for yourself. We are also headquarters for Garden Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and Field Fence. We are also the only up-to-date em- e balmers and undertakers in Cherry county. - . . I ,7 . r " t , Red Front Merc. Co. , r e s _ , _ _ o 1 . * r Eureka Saloon ' .9 . on . . . . , " - . - . ' . ; . . ' - . . . , -.f , . : . . . , , - , . . . - . . . . . . . : . . " . . . - - _ - . " . - ROBERT McGEER , Pt pr. . Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars " \ ' Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : " j . . . . \ Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , ' - ' Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , , ' 7" Sunny : Brook , Spring Hill , and . 28/yeaivold I " and-las" , E , Pepper / 0 , F , C , Taylor. - , " These whiskies } were purchased in bond . . and came direct from the U. S. gov- ernment warehouse. They are guar- : anteed pure and.l . unadulterated. Un - . excelled for family and medical use. E 1 " Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies - - , Ijnported ' Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's ' Extra Stout. Bass : Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer } : , , Valentine = Nebraska J 1 , . . Chartered n.s a Stntc Bank Chartered ' as n National Bank June 1,1881. August 12 , 11102. ) < < , . The FIRST NATIONAL BANK . . " Successor ( to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. ; CARITAII'AID IN A General Banking , Exchange . $25,000. ' and Collection Business : : : : _ , . . . . . . . . . ' , President. M. V. NICHOLSON : , ' _ . . < \ H. CORNKI Icnoi.soN Cashier. . . . . . ' ' ' , Miss GLKN HOKNIG , ' J. T. May VIce President. ; - ; IG Ass't Cashier. . -a 8 t ) e..e New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. _ : Chicago House - - NEAR DEPOT " . MRS. : S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. ' ! _ e _ e _ _ I ' . - , . . I " . Read ' . . the Advertisements , .r C. & , N. W. New Time Table. WEST BOUND : No. 7 , 1:50 p. m. New passenger train. No. 8 : i , 1 : H.j u. in. Old " " No. 110 , 11 : J'j p. in. Through freight train. . No. 81 , 10:3) ( ) a. in. Local freight train. EAST itouxn : No.2 , 11:00 p. m. New passenger train. No. (5 ( , .r : ( > Old " " No. 110 ( , 0:20 ( ) a. in. Through freight ; , train. I No. 82 , 830 : ; ) p. m. Local rrelgh " trnln. Talk of the Town. e The Catholic parsonage is being built up fast. i I James H. Quigle.y's building is I making rapid progress. Miss Mildred Dunn is visiting friends in Ainsworth. Verne Caton of Stearns , S. D. , is visiting friends in the city. Man Hatten was in town Tues- day from up the Minnechaduza. : C. C. Parker of Gordon was transacting business in Valentine Monday , L. K. Travis of St. Mary's Mission was in town the first of the week on business. , . . The date of the old settlers pic - nic in Dunn's grove has been set for September 11 , 1909. Mrs. Chas. Sparks is in Uhadron visiting her sister , Mrs. Nicholson , who is reported quite ill. The county commissioners held i a short session to transact business Monday , all being present. Mrs. M. V. Nicholson and son , Milton left Tuesday morning for O'Neill to spend a few days. Miss Helen Bolding of Omaha , who has been visiting at the home of L. C. Sparks , returned today. Mrs. Wilson of Simeon came in to see the \ Campbell Bros. show , and her son who is with the show. Mrs. Bina Holsclaw and two boys came down from Chadron last Friday and are visiting in the city. city.P. P. H. Lyman of Bayard spent several days in our city last week , visiting his brother , ' E. ' : W. Ly : : man. John Cronia handed us a dollar on subscription the other day while in town getting some haying supplies. - Litany on Friday evening , Aug ust 6 , at 7:30 : o'clock , in St. John's church , followed by choir re hearsal. J. W. Stetter and Jake Tobien's livery barn has been extended nearly to the alley and is nearly completed. Miss Morrissey has returned from Chadron and , Hot Springs' and is visiting her brothers and friends in Valentine. A. K. Kuskie was in town Mon day and says his sale was a sucr cess. Mr. Kuskie expects to leave soon for Oregon. C. E. Grey , the mechanic of the boarding School , returned this week from a pleasant visit back in Indiana , his former home. N. S. Rowley and Chas. Mc Coy drove into town the first of the week and were looking for hay hands to take back with them. Grant I oyer has the contract to build a dwelling for H. C. Jen nings on a lot adjoining Mrs. : Lot- tie Ward's and is to begin in a few days. Jack Whipple and son were down from the SOS ranch on White river the first of the week , buying supplies and transacting other business. Miss Florence Morris , the gen ial telephone operator of our city , is visiting relatives this week in Dead wood. Veva Rosseter ac companied her on her trip. H. T. Wilson of Lincoln came last Friday to look up a homestead dear his sister-in-law , Mrs. Wil- son , who has a homestead near Simeon. He returned Monday night. Ye editor and son Lawrence en- joyed a fishing trip to the lakes Sunday , bringing home a few nice fresh fish which were the best we have had this year. We visitecl at C. W. Bennett's and at P. H. Young's while there. - . _ team B e e Mid-Summer Clearing Sale From now on , until our stock of summer merchandise is greatly re- duced , we are offering you some elegant bargains in varm weather ' SI goods. ' These are not seconds but first grade goods. You can't af : e ford to pass them up at the prices we are placing on them. * 10 Dozen Ladies Elastic Belts , 75c values at 35c ; 50c values at 20c ; 25c values at lOc. , 5 Dozen Suits Men's Summer Underwear , 75c values at 50c , e 5 Dozen Men's Work Shirts - - 60c values at 49c. e 5 Dozen Men's Negligee Shirts - 50c values at 35c. Nice assortment of Men's Hats , values $2.00 and up at $1.50. . Ladies' Shirt Waists , good styles and patterns , 25 percent reduction . fJ Ask for , . e , . 0 , Trading Stamps . e e e4I eo e e _ Any intelligent , person may earn j ; a.good income corresponding for newspapers ; experience unneces- sary. Send stamp for full par- ticulars. Empire Press Syndi cate , Middleport , N. Y. 30 3 J. E. Nye has returned from Colorado where he recently got hurt while operating a mine near Long Mount. He fell down shaft 16 feet and cut one ear partly off and cracked a rib in his fall. Ben F. Dean was in town Tues- day for building material and fam- ily supplies. Mr. Dean has a homestead in Tripp county about 28 miles from Valentine and is building a good house and barn. Irs. " W. W. Wells and daugh ter Sarah left on the early passen- ger train Monday morning for a I ten day's visit with Mrs. S. W. Green at Ewing. They will also take in the carnival held there this . wok . : . . . ' Mrs. Grant Dunn went down to Long Pine yesterday to meet Mrs. Crabb who is returning from a visit to Northwestern Missouri , and the two expect to go.out to J. C. Pettijohn's for a visit with Mrs. Petti John. A severe storm passed over north table Monday doing con- siderable damage to buildings and crops. The wind blew a gale and and the hail tore up fine fields of corn for O. W. Hahn , G. W. Cowan , Ben Hobson and rna.ny \ \ . others in that viqnjty. , \ . Cletus Haley , the 1J a $ year old son of VV. E. Haley \ , had . the mis fortune to get his eyelid scratched off and his ear scratched by a. leopard . of Campbell Bros. show. The doctors sew R d the eyelid foapk to place aLd Clete wears his head in a sjing since the show. Haying time is at hand and numerous teams may be seen on our streets every day , loaded with supplies for haying. Harvesting of small grain is also in full blast. Hands are scarce and hard to get , although wages are paid as high as § 50 per month for hay hands. , William Mumford , the freight er , loaded up a load of brick and other freight for Kosebud last Thursday , and it being over five tons he drove on to Yeast's scales and the right front wheel broke through the two inch plank. Heavy loads they pull to Rosebud from here. Col. G. E. Tracewell and family have moved down town into the dwelling that I. M. Rice recently moved and fixed up near the Strat- ton store. Mr.'Tracewell rented his residence on north Cherry stiro to Mr. Lamoreaux and fam- ily who are moving to our town for the benefit of school privileges. P. H. Young drove in Monday with a team of four J'oungmules and found them hard to hold. While coming down the Thompson hill the team started to run and straddled a ridge , tipping his wagon over and dragging Phil several feet with the lines but he held onto them and stopped them. He had to drag his _ wagon box down the hill by hand and load it on , but he still likes the mules. . . l - - . Farm Implements We sell farming implements , as well as other 1 . . merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. , CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , , MAX E. VIERTEL. DEALER IN EVERYTHING' ' . :0. . _ : T- ' NEW PERFECTION " ' 'ft ' ; - , " ' - . , . : . ' ) - \ . . / ! . . Blue Flame Oil Stoves ' , i : ; : z . ' , ; . . . . , . ti" ' . - h _ These stoves are made1 * the Standard Oil J . ' C6. , . * i.Ii ti Land . they are . the b'est tlfat money can buy. . ' The Y' iirnisK ' an intense' . steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three burners , and also with cabinet warming shelf or oven . as you desire. Frank Fischer. - . . . - - ' - ' wriiiiui ) . A1r MJ1Jl BT Stetter & Tobien , Props. , , Ilr ij' I I III ! ' . , 4 i DEALERS IX I 1 I. . I ( a "I 'I l I , All Kinds of Fresh 1 r lu I I r and Salt Meats. . . . Will i buy your Cattle , Hogs , - - . - - Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything , you have to sell. r . TI- ' . THE FAIlI . . r , . . . - ' ' Valentine , Nebraska . , _ ' > _ Has the largest and prettiest line of ' : . _ . "r Ladies' Shirt Waists. ' " ' I / in town and at attractive prices i "AIl the latest styles and the best makes of . SHOES , r : in blacks , tan and oxbloods. r K GENT'S AND LADIES' FURNISHINGS s GRANT BOYER , - - - - - - - - - - - - CARPENTER & BUILDER. . - , -X : . . t All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska . . References : . 'My Many Customers. . - - . . . ' . - , . . . - . - . - - ' , . : VALENTINE CARNIVAL DATES AUGUST 31 , , SEPTEMBER 1 , . 2 , 3 AND . 4. . . . - 1 - ' . . " ' . . . . > . / . - . ' . , - - . . . ' , ' " t . I " " ' \