- _ C' _ ' " - - - - - - _ - : : : - - ' " _ . _ _ : : - ; - . , = - . : : ' 1 _ , . . . . _ _ _ I , . . . . ' , . , . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . - J " " " = " : - ; - - - . - ' - ' : : ; ; ; ; ' " . ' ; ' < I , ; : ' ' . . - : . ' ; ; ; ; . . . . ' ! . . : : : : : . - --r- " ' - - . ' , , . - - . - - - . . . . . - - - - - ' " . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - : : - ; " " < i , ' ' ' " ' ' , < , " . . , . : : 1' : > . . < . : : , . . , . -t ' < " " C" " ' . : - i , * * , : : , ' . ' . . . " , . . , , - . . , . . . . ; , . . . " . , , . 'J , ' . . , \ _ " " - , ; , . , . . . - ' . , " , , --.r. . . . ' . , . o . . . - . : , 'i.t ; . , . : -t -i . > " . _ ' ' . ' ' ' ' . - ' . ' , ' : : ' ; - . . . . ' \ . . , , ' ' , . . " . . . . \ . ' " "I-f' ) ; .r. " , J ' L"\ . , . _ , . L"r - ; . : . . . r , ' . ; . : , has actually been changed . . ' ' : { : > - T be and cultivated by Uneeda ' . ' . , . ' / . . . . ' . . . , . . . - " - 'i ' - - I _ " * / : ; : , ' - , Biscuit. . , , > : ' : . , Taste l'i o longer are people , ' ! . ' . . 'I' " 4 . satisfied with crackers ' of the taken from the grocer's 0 e , ' , ' box or barrel-exposed to _ , , I . . , . . .dust-moisture , handling. ' . . -i , Nation They have learned that - 11 ; " t th.e only crackers that are I , . . . . . , crisp , tender , always fresh and really , good are those < : protected by a moisture \ : proof package. These ' : . , . are the kind they get - . - -r' . : . , , < , , # : as if just from the oven - - ' $ t . . . , t / i : I ; ' when they " ask for , , , " > ; . ' ' //I//1I ( Fi 0 . " . ' - 1 : ; . , / I . Uneeda' ' ; latar ma mm v - mmmBB BFI , BB "JL : r NATIONAL BISCUIT Biscuit ' . ' . , ' COMPANY. : " e . . . ; : , , i , . : . A. L i . , . . . ' , r 1 . , . ' - - . , . : . . 4 . . . L : , . ' . . . . H. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ - - - , A. 'John & Co. pays cash for cream. 22 cents per .poU1 d. 27 I , i The preliminary hearing of Carl Olson was held last Friday and he . was bound over to the district 1 I court , charged with having picked : - the pocket of a fellow laborer of I $85. I I Wanted - Real outlaw horses to iI i I be used in rough riding prize con- e tests at the Valentine carnival. i Address W. F. A. Meltendorff or W. E. Haley , Valentine , Nebr. I , -t James H. Quigley returned from an eastern business trip last I Saturday night. While in New M York city he visited with W. E. Waite and Jack Hoffacker , both former residents of the county. Herman L. Massingale and Miss Agnes Taylor were united in mar- I riage last Saturday evening the E r I home of the groom's mother , by Judge Quigley , Both young peo I I pIe have grown up in our city. ! ! \ I1' I On Sunday t next August 1 st , I \1' there will be a celebration of the I : : Holy Eucharist , at eleven o'clock I I a. m. , with sermon in St. John's I ' Church. Evensong with address I II at eight p. m. Sunday school at E ten. Choir rehearsal on Thursday I ! . evening at eight. Litany : on Fri- ' I JI , day at 7:30 p. m. * II I I Am closing out business and go . ! ing away. I have a Deering \1 \ binder and two McCormick mow- , i I ers , one nearly new , for sale , , cheap. Also offer my herd of 60 thorobred Short Horn cattle for - sale at the F. M. Terr ill ) ] place on I ; I the Niobrara river. T. J. Christopher. , t ! 750,000 Acres Govern = . ' i ment Lands. I open for registration daily July 15th to August 5th , in the Coeur d , Alene Reservation in Idaho , the i . Spokane Reservation in 'V ashin - I ton and the Flathead Reservation ! in Montana. f I l These lands are to be opened I under the U. S. Homestead Laws , , at $1.25 per acre up to § 7.00 , pay able in easy annual installments. I I Registration takes place at Spo- kane , and applications may be sworn to at Coeur d' Alene , Spo- ' ' " kane , Kalispell or Missoula. 'I . Round trip homeseekers tickets at I special low rates via The Chicago , & Northwestern Ry. Julj 20th , and August 3rd. For informa tion apply to Ticket Agents The . NorthVestr. . , Lill ( . . ' 28 2 . ' , . - .M , , , - ' . . , . , . . , . , . . . . ' - : ' - " , , , - , - . , . " _ - 5 ' . . - - - - - I - - - - - - - - U. S. Weather Bureau Report. WEEK ENDING JULY 28 , 1909. Daily mean temperature 72 ° : : : . . . Normal temperature = : : : . Highest temperature 92 = : : : . Lowest temperature ° : : : . Range of temperature : = : : : . Precipitation for week .80 of an inch. Average for 21 years : .72 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 8.G2 inches. . . . . . Average for 21 l years : 13.08 of an inches. ' JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer. St. Nicholas Church. In Crookston on Sunday , July 25 , at 10 a. m. In Valentine Aug. 1st. Holy communion , high mass and ser- mon at 8 a. m. Low mass at 10. LEO M. ' BLAERE , Rector. LOW RATES EAST. Via The Nortfc = Western Line. Excursion tickets to New York City , Boston , Toronto , Montreal , Quebec , Niagara Falls , Atlantic City. The Best of Everything enroute. For full particulars ap ply to any ticket agent , The North Western Line 28,2 G. A. R. Reunion salt Lake City , Excursion tickets at one fare for the round trip daily , August 5 to S , via Chicago & ; North West ern Ry. Account G. A. 11. Re- : . union. Pullman Standard and , : Tourist Sleeping Cars and Free i i Reclining Chair Cars through I without change. Illustrated souv enir booklet free on application to any ticket agent , The North West ern Line , or address W. B. Knis- kern , P. T. M. , Chicago. Estray Notice. I , the undersigned justice the peace , will sell to the highest bid- der for cash on August 21 , 1909 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , the following described estray , viz : One white face steer , four years old , brand- ed CY ' on , left ribs , ears under cropped , broad horns , left hind foot slightly bruised and right hip jammed. F. H. HIGGIN , 27 5 Ju st1ce 'of the Peace. - " For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven ; head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and table ; , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time part cash : , or will take young : heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , H. I .lice , Valentine , Neb. 1 . - . , . _ _ - . . . . . , > , ' , . ' . . - . ' , . . . , , . . . x ' -r ' " - ' " a " ' - : ' : ; : : In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne braska. The State of Nebraska , ] Plaintiff i vs I , , The several I parcels of land hereinafter de-J scribed and all persons ) and corporations hav- } TRACT NO. ITS I. ing or claiming title to , . or any interest , right or , claim in to such | or par- eels of real estate'ori l any part thereof , i .Defendants. J FINAL NOTICE. To Albert Haley and Mrs. Ha lev , wife of Albert Ha ley , first and true name unknown , and to the occupants of the real estate de scribed below , whose names are unkown : Notice is hereby given that under a de I cree of the district . court of said county , ren tiered in the .state tax suit for the year I'.xio. ! ; , the following described real I estate , sltuate in the county of Chl'rQ'lInd state of Ne- braska , to-wit : Lot , 1 , in block . .1 I , of the Village of Sharks , . Cherry . county , Nebraska "Was on the 7th day of November , lXXiduj ( ) ; ! ' sold-atpttblicvenduehytlieeounty / " treasur ! er of said county , in the manner'provide ( by law , and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 7th dav of' No vember , 1SKI1I. ! ) ! You are further notified that the owner of the certlllcate of tax sale issued by UK I treasurer will make application to tht court In the above entitled cause for con firmation I / of such sale us soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired , I and you are hereby notilied that the tlmi I and plne'eof hearing upon such confirmation I will be entered In the confirmation record kept by I the clerk : of said court , on or before the 7th day of November , JUKI. ! ( ) ! You willexuminl' such confirmation rec- erd to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present , if you desire , to make I any objections or show cause why the sale i should not be confirmed. C. F. OAIjliEX , - ' " : I Owner of Certificate. In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- braska. . The State of Nebraska 1 1 I Plaintiff vs , The several / parceles of . land hereinafter de-j J scribed and all persons i I . and corporations havjTRACT : NO. 01' ! ) . I . ing or claiming title to , i or any Interst , right or1 .1 claim in or to such par- | eels of real estate , or ; ' ' ' ' ' | any part thereof , Defendants. I ' FINAL NOTION. To Patrick Hett and Catherine Condon , , heirs at law of Mary Hett , deceased , and to : the occupants of the real estate described below , whose name Miebael Kennealey. Notice is hereby given that under a "de - cree of the district court of said countv , ron- nered in the tax suit sale for the * Yl'IlI'IKlti ! , the following cll's'rlhl'tlrcalestatl' ; situated In the county of Cherry and state of Ne braska , , to-wit : "Wj NKJi and REM of NE& ofsectiou I5 ! , township : :1 ! ! , range 2 ! > , Was on tIll' Hth day November , lXX5duly ! sold at pl1hlll''l'nelul' by the county treasur er of said county ; in the manner provided by law , and tbe period of redemption from ! such sale will expire on the 8th ] day of No vember , 1HKI. ! : ( ! ) You pre further notified that the owner of I the certificate of tax sale Issued bv the treasurer will make application to the court In the above l'lIt1tll'dl'ause confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable : after the period of redemption has expired , and you are hereby notified that the time and place / of hearing upon such confirmation will be entered i in the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court , on or before the 8th . ila.y of November , ISXKI. ) ' You will examine such confirmation rec ord to ascertain the time of such Hearing ; mid may he present. If you desire , to' make + iiny objections or show cause -\vliv the sale bhould not be confirmed. - UniDGKT KENNKAI.T , -II t I . 1 Owner of CertilicKte. JOHN F. PORATH Kurge , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. 4c7'Ca11 me up Telephone. - , r . / - , _ _ _ , . . . I' . , . . , , ' . - , " ' - . . - , , ' : - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - I In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- braska. The Stato'of Ni'brnskn , 1 Plaintiir. : vs , , Tlu several parcels of land hereinafter dl'I I sl'rihedund all persons I and corporations hav- J-TRACT : NO. 3m7. : : ! ing claiming title tol | or - any intere. : , right 01'1 | claim in or to such par- ! eels of real estate , or ' ' ' ' 01'1 I any part thereof Defendants ! j J FINAL NOTICE. To Stokcy A. Out and Mrs. Cuff , his wift , first : and true . name unknown , and to thl' occupants of the real estate described be - low , whose names are unl nown. Notice is hereby given that under a de cree of the district court of said county , ren- dered in the state tax suit for the year J'.XH ! , the following described real estate , situatec In the county of Cherry , and state of Ne- bruska. to-wit : The NQ of SE ; 4' of section J5-2 : , township 2i : ( i , range 'JS : , "Was on the intb day of January , 1007 ) , d 111.1 " . sold at public vendue bv the county treasur- . ( er of said county , In the manner provklec by law , and the period of redemption fron such sale will expire on the Jlth ! > day of Janu- ary , I'.no. You are further notified that the owner of the certllcate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for conllrmatioi of such sale as soon as practicable after tin I period of redemption has expired , and yoi are hereby notified that the time and plact of hearing upon sucn confirmation will he entered in the confirmation record kept IW 1 the clerk of said court , on or before the ltl ! ) day January , uiio. ! You wllllxamil1l' such confirmation ree- ord to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present. If you desire , to maki any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. JOHN R. LEK , -"fl . 1 Owner of said Certificate. In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- braska. The State of Nebraska. 1 Plaintiff vs Plllintitf'l The several parcels of land hereinafter de-1 I scribed and all persons I and corporations hav- THACT NO. 5t2. ing or claiming title to , I or any Interest , right or I claim iu or to such par cels of real estate pal'-I any part thereof , Defendants. ) J FINAL NOTICE. To Albert Lot/.ien uucII1's . Lotxien his wife , first and true name unknown , and to the occupants of the real estate described below , whose names are unknown. Notice is hereby given that under a de cree of the district court of said county , ren- ered in the state tax suit for the year IJKX5 ! , the following described real estate , situated in the county of Cherry , and state of Ne braska to-wit : The Northeast quarter of the northeast tiuarter of section : ! oj , township iT , range _ : 1) ' , "Was on the ISith ! day of January , 1X)7. . ! ) duly sold at public vendue bv the county treasur er of said county , in the manner provided by law , and the period of redemption from aich sale will expire on the IHth day of Jan uary , mill. You arc further notlfed that the owner of thl' : certificate of tax sale Issued bv the reasurer will make application to the court I In the above entitled cause for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired , and you ire hereby notified that the time and place of hearing upon such confirmation will be ntered in the confirmation record kept bv the clerk or said : ; court , on or before the lth ! ) lay of Jinuary,11)11) ! ) . Yuu will examine such ' confirmation rec ord to ascertain / the time of such hearing ind may IK. present , if you desire to make my objections or show cause why the sale . ihould not be confirmed. Joirx R. LEK , : * ) 1 Owner of said ! certificate. I' J. W. , MCDANI'EL , COUNTY SURVEYOR - s Valentine - Nebr. All work will be given prompt : and careful attention. " . , I ' , _ ' . - - - : - _ ; rJ"t. - . . . . - , ' . 1 - ' " Contest Notice. I U. S. Land Office , Valentine Nebrask/x ) June 22. 1009. f i A sutliclent contest affidavit having been lilec in this oHlce by Leon K. Shepard , contestant , airdinst ! homestead entry No. 0130 , made Jill : ' 17 1 1908. for the N ' / SW4 ! , N54SEJ4 ! , sectinn 33 . township ' 82 : , range - 29. : by William A. Smith , contt > stceln which it is alleged that said Wil Hani 1\ . . Smith has wholly abandoned said land ; ; that he has changed his residence therefrom fur more than six months last pa > lt ; thai sal ( land is not settled upon and cultivated by sair party as by law required , and he has failed to cure his iaoh.es up to this date. Said parties are hereby notified to appear . re- spond. and offer evidence touching . am alleg- tiou at 10 o'clock a. in. , on August 23 , 1909. OR- fnre the r..glAter and receiver at the United States land office in Valentine Nebraska. fho said contestant having , in a proper affi- davir. liled July 14. 1900. sec forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be piven : by due and proper ! publication. M 27 4 LUKE M BATES Register. , . Notice to Creditors. THE'STATK OF NKBUASKA : i „ In the County „ CHEBIIY COUNT . ) B5 > Court. In the matter of the . estate of Wilson J. Cady deceased : To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified That I will sit at the I Coi nty Court Koom in Valentine in said county on the 10th day o ! Aueust ; 1909 pt 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against said estate Is MX months from the loth day of Jan. . A. D. 1900 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said loth day January. 1503 : > , . . Witness my hand and seal of said ! county court - " - this 22nd day of June. A. P. 1909. SEAL , JAMES : : C. QUIGLEY. - , , - 28 4 County Judge. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. , Will meet all calls-phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine - Nebraska The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. I Brownlee , Nebr , Soldier Creek Col- umbus 17th 1G0050 , a son of Columbus 17th a half brother of the 10.000 C am- - „ pion Onto , and Prince Boabdel 131- 693 at head of herd. I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves . for [ sale. . C. H. FAULHABEK. I , i VALENTINE , BARBER SHOP I All kinds of. . . . . . L . . SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , 1 AND LADIES I ' - - HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection , e fe Forest Shepard , Prop. L Valentine State Bank Building I , - . . . - ! - . " . - ' . . - : - - . . , - . " . LI a , . , E . . . f , . . . . tu _ . . . s- . . . .T . - - - - . - .r r w R. M. Faddis ' & Co. Postofflce address-Valentine or Beni.- ( Some rlli'tt.I - . on It u ' I [ tJll1 ) = 1) . mf . . . . t v / Horses brande on left gonlen or thigh Some Some branded ' branded 1 on brandedi1 'I shoulder or on thigh left i1 ! or shoulder. P. H. Young. Bimeon. Nebr. : . Cattle branded ! ; : : : as cut on lefc.sldo florae Q. yon lelt side. . - en left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creak north of Simeon. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud 8 , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO on rightsida Some cattle also have a 4- on neck Borne with A. on left shoulder and tit some branded f Si with two bars across hind qnar- ters. Some Texas _ cattl branded ri O on left side and some - CH > on left side. Horses branded SOS on left bio. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sidea and left hip of horses _ _ _ - N. S. Rowley. Kennedy , - JNeoraska. Same as cut on left . side and hip and on left shoulder of hor- ses. AlsoBSMf on left AlsoMon hip F X on left se . r ' Some cat- . " ' - tie cat-III ! ed husk- ing peg ( either sIde up ) on left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses W Wo , on left hip of horses. - N on left Jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; als ® CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection _ _ of rustlers of .stock bearing any of these brands. R. M. : Terrill , Propr. Brownlee , Neo. " - Cattle branded as " In cat on left " \ , . . side. Some V branded K. T Y on left hip. Range on North Loup river two miles west of Brewnlee a J. A. Yaryan.Pullman . . Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder . .Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. ' " / D. N . Sears. / Kennedy Nebr. / Cattle branded as on cutleft side Borne on left hip. S - Horses same on aft I shoulder. Range- Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V P * Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; , , . also the following brands : . 11111 lorsea ran t ht same Range between Gordon on the FJ5. & M. V. , R. R. aDd Hyannis on 1\ [ . R. R. In Northwestern Nebr. ARTI.ETT RICHARD5 Ellsworth .Nebr. John Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis- sion , Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut ; horses same on left liigh. . Range he- tween Spring C'k a nd Little White ) It iver. Sawyer Bros. Oasis Nebr G. K . Sawyer uas chanre of these cattle. H rses - I ) l on leftshoul- l der. Some left side. ' & Some. . . Hors s same left thigh. " , Kange on Snake iver. Metzger Bros * . Koife Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. arniark , square ' . . - . . " . . " /0. crop right ear. . . - . . - . . . . t. Horses have . same brand on left thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks A . Reward ! $ ZSO will be paid to any wrson for uforlllation leading to the arrest and final convIction of any person or persons stealing rattly with , hOVA rand. Roan Bros. Woodlake Neb ' \ Kange on Long - R B t Laka and Crook- r ed iLake. "tr HK . I f . ' ' , - - ' - - . - ' . , - n