Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 15, 1909, Image 3

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. Coaches in Eighteen Feet of \ \ ' atcr
. at Pomona , Kansas-Chicago
3 ,
Child Drowns.
, .
, i
. ' "
. , "
: ; t
Unprecedented Rains . Swell River
and Do Great Damage In
: Missouri Valley.
. .
: I
Weakened by excessive 'rains and
covered with water to a depth of two
feet , the road of the Santa Fe line ,
one-half mile east of Pomona , Kan. ,
gave way under the weight of the sec
, ond section of west-bound passenger
{ rain No. 5 at 3 o'clockVedncsday
afternoon. Three coaches turned tur-
tIe on the right of the embankment
end now lie in eighteen feet of water.
The 4-year-old daughter of Mrs. Car-
; rie Rose of Chicago was drowned. Tvro
of the 300 passengeis en the train
were injured. .
: Conches Toppled Over.
The train had been detoured fron
, the main line to the Emporia cut-oft
to avoid a flood blockade and encoun-
tered rising water a mile from Pomo
na. A stop was made to examine the
. jfrack and the train slowly entered the
flood. Half the distance to the depot
had been traversed when the baggage
car left the rails. The smoking car :
vnd the day coach followed , turned I
' . from the rails and slipped gradually
over ) the embankment and down into
eighteen feet of water that filled the
slough at the side of the roadbed. The
turn was made so slowly , however
that the passengers , previously warned
of the dangers of the track , succeeded
In gaining the tops of the coaches that
still ! stood upright in the flood.
A relief train from Ottawa came in
- sight through . the rising waters at 5
o'clock , but was compelled to return
for additional boats and coils of rope
, . * . to steady1 the boats against the swift
current. Four boats , manned by ex-
pert crews , took the passengers off.
Homes were found for all the refugees
at the farm houses and in the village
of Pomona.
- Boai Is Swept Away.
One of the first of three boats ti
\ '
. reach the spot was caught in the
wreckage and lost. The rescue train
on its second trip plowed through two
feet of water for three-quarters of a
mile before it reached the point from
which the boats were launched.
In Pattonsburg , Mo. , the dead are
. George Palmer , a harness-maker , and
Harrison Walker , a section man , and
D. Bower and wife , E. C. Nelson , a gro
ti cery : clerk and a man named Scott are
missing. During the morning a call
for aid was sent out from Pattonsburg ,
a town of 1,000 in Daviess County ,
'Whi h was reported under seven to
, ten feet of watey , and relief trains
, . were made up at St. Joseph and Kan-
sas City.
A dispatch from Santa Rosa , Mo. ,
stated that the St. Joseph relief train
was marooned between that place and
Pattonsburg. Teh water had gone up
until it was two feet over the track.
Two Kansas City boats which started
f , . I from Pattonsburg to the train are
saissing. But one St. Joseph boat got
[ ' , through. The engine whistled all
1 t might to guide the boatmen.
1l The worst flood of the year is raging
' in the Des Moines River Valley. The
Ii rivei has reached the fourteenfoot
$ nark and threatens to go higher.
f "Thousands of dollars' worth of corn
, ias been swept away. Residences in
, the southern part of the city of Des
Xloines were surrounded by a foot of
Water. Every railroad running trains
tnto Des Moines is hours late.
Standing of Clubs in the Principal
Base Bull Leagues.
W. L. W. L.
Pittsburg .49 18 Philadel'a .33 36
Chicago . . .41 25 St. Louis . .26 38
' New York.39 24 Brooklyn . .25 42
if Cincinnati .35 33 Boston . . . .19 48
' -
W. L. . W. L.
Detroit . . .46 25 New York .31 37
Philadel'a 26 Chicago . . .28 38
4 Boston . . . .42 30 St. Louis . .26 42
4j j ! Cleveland .38 31 Wash'gton .22 46
W. L. W. L.
! .If ! Milw'kee . .43 35 Columbus .40 40
; , OMinn'polis 37 St. Paul . .35 37
" \
t Ind'polis .41 38 Kan. City .34 39
t. , louisville , .40 39' Toledo . . . .34 44
! -
. '
r Francis Cusliman Expires In Hoapi-
tnl at Xew York.
! Francis W. Cushman , representative
in Congress from Tacoma , Wash. , died
- ' ; at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning in Roose-
f ! velt hospital , New York , from pneu-
; . . monia. At his bedside at the time
- t were , besides the doctors and nurses ,
- * United States Senator Samuel H. . Piles
. Of Washington and Andrew S. Bur-
tt" ' leigh of New York City , a lifelong
1. . friend. Congressman Cushman under-
went an operation a short time ago
and pneumonia resulted. The body
" will be sent Washington. . .
\ ,
- . . ,
Victims of Disaster Near Aomori
Japan. Include Many Women.
Unable because of a heavy fog . to
obtain relief from the shore which
was nearby , 149 Japanese , including
133 fisherfolk , both men and women
were drowned or burned to death
with the burning of the Japanese
steamer , Nihonkai-Maru , near Aomori ,
Japan , June 14. Details of the disas
ter were received at Victoria , B. C. ,
with the arrival of the Canadian Pa-
cific steamship Empress. '
The cause of the fire , which brought
a panic among the fisherfolk and mem-
bers of the crew , was not determined.
There was a mad rush of all for the
two boats carried , but through clumsI-
ness in launching these were rendered
useless. The flames made quick head-
way and the passengers and members
of the crew either dropped into the
sea or took refuge in the rigging. The
fire scon reached those who had gone
aloft and they were either burned as
they : Med to lash themselves to the
masts and spars or fell into the flames
beneath them.
Once the fog lifted and people on
the shore saw the awful scenes on the
blazing steamer. The steamship Ben-
ton-Maru put out from the village of
Notech , but could make hardly any
speed in the fog , and when it reached
the Nihonkai-Maru only twenty-seven
persons nad managed to keep afloat in
the sea. It was stated that there
were no life buoys or rafts carried
on the ruined steamer.
Employes Hurl Themselves to tilt
Ground in $ 300OOO , Blaze.
In a mad rush to escape from the
flames in the Kieckhefer box factory
in Milwaukee three employes were in- .
jured and two firemen were overcome
by heat and smoke while fighting the
fire. The loss was 30000. Two
Greeks , Peter Bongales and Constantl-
nos Ganos , are believed to have been
burned to death. They were seen to
go into the burning building to get
their clothes and a search of the city
boarding houses has failed to locate
The men and boys were working at
the south end of the big two-story
structure when the alarm was sound-
ed. The flames flashed rapidly through
the lumber and the men feared to use
the exits , the result being a jam in the
north end of the structure , where
there are only narrow doors. Failing
to get out by way of the doors , the
men leaped from the windows. Byron ; I
Fullerton and Arthur Fulbrigger sus
tained broken legs in jumping from
second story windows. Both were I
seized by Eddie Bryant , a bystander ,
and dragged to ' the street together in
time to escape being buried by other
men following them.
President Thomas , Attorusy Par.
' sons and Four Others Hit.
The American Sugar Refining Com
pany , six of its directors and two oth-
er individuals were indicted by a fed-
eral grand jury in New York Thursday
on a charge of conspiracy in restraint
of trade.
The individuals indicted are Wash-
ington B. Thomas , president of the
American Sugar Refining Company ;
Arthur Donner and Charles H. Senff
and John E. Parsons of New York ,
John Mayer : of Morristown , N. J. , and
George H. Frazier of Philadelphia , all
of whom are directors of the company.
Indictments were also found against
Gustav E. Kissel and Thomas B. Hart-
nett , counsel for Adolph Segal. There
were fourteen counts in the indict-
ment. The indictments charge the cor-
poration , the American Sugar Refining
Company , and the persons named , of
conspiracy in restraint of trade In
violation of the Sherman anti-trust
Crime in London Hull Result of Re
cent Agitation in India.
A startling double assassination of a .
political character occurred toward the
end of a public gathering in the Im-
perial Institute : : in London. An Indian
student whose name is not known , shot
and killed Lieutenant Colonel Sir Wil
liam Hutt Curson Wyllie : and Dr. Ca-
was Lalcaca of Shanghai. Wyllie , who
had held important Indian appoint-
ments , was instantly killed. Dr. Lalca-
ca died on the way to the hospital. The
assassin was seized and held until the
arrival of the police. It is believed
that the crime was the result of the re
cent Bengal revolutionary agitation.
DEFICIT FOR YEAR , $89,811,156
Annual Statements of Government
Treasury Are Issued.
The treasury statements issued o"n '
Wednesday in Washington show the
government receipts for the fiscal year
ended June 30 to have been $604,432-
846. The disbursements aggregated
$694,244,002 , making a deficit for the
year : of $89,811,156. The monthly state-
ment of the treasury shows that at the
close of the fiscal year June 30 , the
public debt , less cash in the treasury ,
amounted to $1,014,861,531 , a decrease
for the month of 6268079. The to-
tal receipts for the month were $56-
857,376 * and the disbursements $47 , '
Farmer Shot to Death.
C. B. Guist ; a wealthy retired farm
tr of Wichita , Kan. , was found dead
under a culvert five miles from Bur
ton. He had died from gunshoJ
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Chicago Journal.
Scores Injured and Many Buildings
. Wrecked Near Niles , N. D.
Scores of persons were injured and
farm buildings within a radius of six-
teen miles were destroyed by a series
of tornadoes which swept over Niles.
Benson County , N. D. , Tuesday even
ing. Unconfirmed reports from Leeds
say eight persons were killed and a
report was received from Minnewau-
kon that one woman was killed and a
number were injured , and that the
town was destroyed. These reports
cannot be verified , as wires are down.
The twisters followed at intervals of
a few minutes. Between twenty and
thirty farmhouses are wrecks and fif
ty telegraph poles are snapped off. The
six members of the family of Erick
Urness , near Niles , were injured and
Mrs. Urness may not live. The yonng-
est child was found wrapped up in a
bundle of barbed wire.
In Three Months 2,084 Train Col-
lide and $1S47,2O2 la Dnnmflre.
An increase of 344 in the total of
railroad casualties , but a decrease of
sixty-five in the total of persons killed ,
as compared with the figures j'xthe
corresponding quarter last year is
shown for the months of Januarv , Feb- .
ruary and March , 1909 , by ascident .
bulletin No. 31 , issued by the inter
state commerce commission in Wash-
ington , D. C. During the months
named 663 persons were killed and
15,122 injured. The number of collis-
ions was 1,042 and there werfi 1,242
derailments. Of these 168 collisions
and 145 derailments affected passenger
trains. The damage done by these ac
cidents aggregated $1,847,202.
r x' ' !
Theodoce . Roosevelt has gone to So-
tik to resume hunting.
Dr. Theodore Barth , the leader of
one of the radical parties in the Ger-
man reichstag , is dead.
King Alfonso of Spain , while play-
ing polo , fell from his horse. His
ankle was sprained severely.
The Venezuelan Government has
purchased the American steamers Nan-
ticoke and Dispatch for government
service on Lake Maracaibo , where they
will compete with the private com-
pany which was granted a monopoly
by Castro when he was President.
In the old college town of Cam-
bridge , England , scientists from all
parts of the world gathered to take
part in the three days' celebration of
the 100th anniversary the birth of
Charles Darwin , the great evolutionist.
There were 235 universities and learn.
ed bodies represented , thirty of which
were American. The gift of all Amer-
ica was a bust of Darwin.
In the British parliament Sir John
Barlow , a Liberal member of the
House of Commons , and a well known
merchant , startled the country with
the sensational suggestion that the
Germans have established a depot of
arms containing 50,000 Mauser rifles ,
in the center of London , together with
7,500,000 rounds of ammunition for
the use of 66,000 trained German sol- ,
diers now employed in various capaci-
ties in England
) ( , . .
I :1
Vote to adopt corporation tax : Yeas ,
60 ; nays , 11.
Vote to substitute corporation tax
for income tax : Yeas , 45 ; nays , 31.
Vote to exempt educational , charita-
ble and religious corporations from
provisions of tax : Yeas , 32 ; nays , 42.
Vote exempting bonds from taxa-
tion : Yeas , 41 ; nays , 34.
Following is a synopsis of the chief
provisions of the corporation tax :
Levies 2 per cent tax on net earnings
of all corporations in the United States
when the earnings are in excess of $5-
. 000 a year , that amount being exempt.
Requires all corporations , no matter
how large or small their earnings may
be , to make reports to the government
annually , fully setting forth character
of business , capital employed and the
full amount of net earnings.
All reports thus furnished the gov-
ernment will be regarded as confiden-
tial , unless there is reason to believe
that deception is being practiced to
escape taxation.
Federal investigation of books will
be made whenever there is reason to
believe false reports are being made.
Penalties are provided for the fur-
nishing of false reports.
All of the machinery relating to the
collection , remission and refund of in-
ternal revenue taxes is made applic-
able to the corporation tax , and the
responsibility for tlie enforcement of
the proposed law rests with the com-
missioner of Internal revenue in the
same manner as other taxes.
Every latitude is given to concerns
subject to the tax for the exemption
of expenses , cost of maintenance , the
depreciation of property , debts and the
interest thereon.
Bonds of all corporations , when is
sued in amounts less than the total
stock issue , are expressly exempted
from taxation.
Machine Overturns at the Curb "When
It Is Shifted to Avoid Man.
Thomas B. McEnroe , a New York
policeman , was killed instantly and
four other men were injured , . one fa
tally , when an automobile in which
they were riding was overturned while .
on the way to Coney Island. The car
had been borrowed for tho trip by
George Olney. It was goinj at high
speed , when a passenger stepped from
a trolley car directly : in front of it.
A sudden twist of the steering wheel
to avoid hitting the passenger sent the
automobile skidding against a turb ,
the car was overturned and its occu-
pants thrown out or pinned under it.
Olney disappeared after the crash.
Captain John C. Raymond , Shot by
, Corporal Succumbs "Wounds. .
Captain John C. Raymond of the
Second Cavalry , Fort Des Moines , died
Thursday after lingering between life
and death since he was shot by Cor-
poral Lisle Crabtree at the army post
there three weeks ago. The shooting
followed a reprimand given Crabtree
for staying in the city longer than the
time allowed him. Sergeant James
Washburn and Corporal Such , who
were shot at the same time , recovered.
Crabtree is in the guardhouse at Fort
Des Moines.
Hurls Bomb at Crowd.
A dynamite bomb thrown into the
midst of a crowd surrounding a street
vender in Woonsocket , R. I. , injured
nine persons , one of whom will die.
The bomb thrower was not arrested
and the cause of the throwing of the
missile is a mystery.
. . . . . .
' .f ; . ' _
Saner Celebration Brings Twelve
Less Fatalities than in 1908.
More : rigid laws and the growth ol
public sentiment for a sane celebra
tion of the Fourth have had their re-
sult all over the country in reducing
the number of killed and wounded in
the annual holiday.
Full returns of the two-day celebra-
tion this year show a falling off in
the number of killed of twelve from
the record of 1908. There were forty-
four fatalities reported at 2 o'clock
Tuesday morning , as against fifty-six
at the same time last year.
A more careful enumeration of the
accidents by the police of the larger
cities and the extending of the count
to the smaller towns caused an appar-
ent increase in the list of injured.
Figures showed 2,361 injured through.
out the country , as against 1,899 in.
There also was an increase in fae
fire losses caused by the celebration
this year , the total reported being
$734,575 as against $257,960 in 1908.
The greater part of this increase in
the loss is accounted for , however , by
a single fire in Spokane , Wash. , which
destroyed property to the value of
Ohioan Enters Cold Storage Room
from Sun-Shock Kills. :
Frozen to death in his own ice plant
was the fate Morris Grosh , 48 years
old , of Lockland , Ohio. Grosh had
been working outside his plant and
the heat , which was over 100 degrees ,
became unbearable. He walked into
the engine room and later into a cold
storage room. The sudden change in
temperature was too great a shock.
He fell to the floor of the room and
was found dead two hours later. A
physician was called and pronounced
him frozen to death.
888 END3
0 0
Daily racing for New York is now
practically assured.
The St. Paul ball team is to have
the finest park in the American
Arthur Reuber has been elected ath-
, letic director and coach of the North
Dakota Agricultural College.
Belenti , the Carlisle Indian who was
tried out bythe Athletics and turned
over to Kelly , has joined the St. Paul
ball team.
Johnny Coulon , bantam champion ,
and the veteran trainer , George Sid- -
dels , have gone to Fox Lake , Wis. ,
for the summer.
Jimmie Kelly , a familiar figure in
boxing circles and widely known as 'a
trainer and handler of pugilists , died
suddenly in Chicago. "
Johnny Hayes , winner of the Olym
pic Marathon , after running nine miles
of a twenty-mile match race in Kan-
sas City : with John Svanberg of Swe-
den , was seized with a cramp and was
forced to retire.
Alice D. Mermed of St. Louis , by
breaking 100 straight targets , won the
amateur championship in the thirty-
second tournament and "registered"
shoot of the Missouri State Sports-
men's Game and Fish Protective
: League.
- - -
. . .
- -
Government's Greatest Engineering
Feat : Is a' Success.
The Gunnison tunnel , in Colorado ,
the largest single project of its kind
ever undertaken bv tho government ,
was completed Tuesday afternoon
when the last round of shots were
fired that brought the headings to-
gether. There was not even a hairline , _
variation from the calculations of en- N
gineers made four and half years ago
when the work : was started. The tun-
nel was driven' from two points six
miles apart , one on Gunnison River ,
whence the water supply ! comes ; the
other Montrose in tho Uncompaghre
Valley , on the other side of the range.
It cost $3,500,000 to complete the
work. Water will be carried to irri-
gate from 150.000 : : ; to 175,000 acres.
The entire population of Uncom
paghre Valley celebrated Tuesday
night. In all cities and towns. fire
bells were rung pistols were fired , and
leftover fireworks were exploded. Tho
formal celebration of the completion
of the tunnel will be held Sept. 2S ,
when * it is hoped ( to have President
Taft present. The government intends
each homesteade shall have but forty
acres of good land , in order to prevent
speculation. The land is free , but
one must live on it five years : and pay
the government water charge of $35
per acre in ten annual installments.
The south distributing canal already
is completed. East and west canals
still are in process of. construction ,
but will be finished in less than twelve
months. The south canal is 110 feet
wide and ten feet deep.
Irish Lacemaker Tells That She "Wai
Beaten in a Chicago Hotel.
A queer story of an alleged plot by
two women and a man violently to
force her into white slavery was told
on the witness stand by Ella Gingles ,
young Irish lacemaker , on trial in
Chicago on a charge of having stolen
valuable laces from Miss Agnes Bar-
rette. The girl detailed the events she
alleged preceded her discovery by the
police , drugged , gagged and tied to a
bathtub in Wellington Hotel last
January. The witness three times was
overcome. The girl's testimony : was
given as proof of her earlier charge
that she was a victim of a bold plot
in which Miss Agnes Barrette and .
Mrs. Cecilia Kenyon , the latter now
dead , conspired to make it appear
that she was a thief.
On the evening of Jan. 4 last , she
testified , Miss Barrette asked her to
come to the latter's room in the Wel
lington Hotel , with the understanding
she would be paid money due her. In-
stead , the girl declared , the woman ,
assisted by Miss Kenyon , locked her
in a room. The women , she said , re
moved her clothing. Then , she testi-
fied , they choked and beat her repeat
edly. The girl recited her struggles.
to escape from the torture she alleged
was inflicted upon her by : the two
women and a man , who later came ,
and how she finally was released at
midnight half clad after her money
had been taken : from her.
Victims of Disaster Near Aomor .
Japan Include Many Women.
Unable because of a heavy fog to
obtain relief from the shore which
was nearby , 149 Japanese , including
133 fisherfolk , both i - ' . -a and women ,
were drowned or bumed to death
with the burning of the Japanese
steamer , Nihonkai-Maru , near Aomori
Japan , June 14. Details of the disas-
ter were received at Victoria , B. C. ,
with the arrival ; of the Canadian Pa-
cific steamship Empress.
The cause of the fire , which brought
a panic among the fisherfolk and mem-
bers of the crew , was not determined.
There was a mad rush of all for the
two boats carried , but through clumsi-
ness in launching these were rendered
useless. The flames made quick head-
way an 1 the passengers and members
of the crew either dropped into the
sea or took refuge in the rigging. The
fire Sf ' on reached those who had gone
aloft and they were either burned as
they tried to lash themselves to the
masts and spars or fell into the flames
beneath them.
Once the fog lifted and neople on
the shore saw the awful scenes on the ,
blazing steamer. The steamship Ben- -
ton-Maru put out from the village of
Notech but could make hardly any
speed in the fog , and when it reached
the Nihonkai-Maru only twenty-seven :
persons had managed to keep afloat in
the sea. It was stated that there
vsere no life buoys or rafts carried
Cn the ruined steamer.
Downicville , Cal. , Resident , Fear an
Eruption of Mount Flllmorc.
For over a week earthquake shocks
have been felt at Downieville , Cal.
every niirht and the residents of that
part of Sierra county are getting un-
easy , as they fear an eruption of Mt.
Fillmore. which 'seems the center of
the disturbed area. Miners , fearing
cave-ins , are refusing to work 'under-
A slight earthquake shock was felt
at San Bernardino at 5:30 p. m. on
Wednesday. No damage was done.
The atmosphere was unusually heavy
throughout the day : with the thermo-
meter registering 105.
Boys Drown in Lake.
Arthur Rydholm and Jonathan Kel-
ly , 20 and 24 years of age , respective-
ly , were drowned in Lake Superior
at Duluth "when their canoe upspt.
. ' \ . . .
. .
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