Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 08, 1909, Image 4
ww - - - , - . - - . . . . - - , " " i. - . . . - . - . - - - . . , . . , _ . . . . 3A3.y1 " " . w . . . ss.E . . . " " . ; - , _ -s. . . - y . , . , - - - . ' . . , " . , > . ' i . . , . . . -THE ' VALENTINE DEMOCRAT . I ' . _ . ' . : . ! " . . . . ' , . - 1 . . . , t' : : ' I. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor. . . ; -T / " , MARK ZARR - Foreman. . + . . ) - . N - , , ' . - ' i i ; ' r _ - " s . Entered at the postoflice . Valentine , Cherry county , ' Nebr. , -as Second , - Class Matter. ' - ' u ; . , . ' . r ' X " . . j , ; 'E ' - TERMS : , . , i - . . . Tn X1. 00 Per year in a7 nCe ; erry Cherry Co. Subscriptions , : { $1.50 when bot : paid in advance. PntviVn ' . nhcrrint innc J $ 1.50 Per year in i advance . . ; , paper dis- -horeign Subscriptions - - reign Subscriptionsj -j contInued expiration if not renewed. A , , f ; < - ; Rates15c per inch each issue . ; by , contract 12c. \ Advertising ' 1 TransIent adv 20c per inch ; locals lOca line. i I ' / ! Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents 1 ! 1 : . ) v , per inch , net. , I ' ! . t" ' - , J Local notices - obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for , revenue 'e \ l i ' I - 5 ' cents per line each insertion. I II : . - . I I. I I' . _ THURSDAY , JULY 8 , 1909. \ I . .f L I I I : I * ANNOUNCEMENT. . . , t I ' ; , . Having filed my application I 1 ! i 1 ii , hereby announce myself a candi- ! ! Hi date for the republican nomination i ! for the office of county clerk of I ' ! 'n 1 Cherry county , Neb. , to be voted I ! ! hl on at the primary election to be \ \ J , { il ; I held ] in said county on August 17 , I : ' 1909. A. F. CDMBOW. i ' > > The Water Supply. i + , " i ' : , ' i , - There.has . come to our ears . some * ; / i ( complaint ! ; ; . . " regarding the city water supply. Lasts week the water , tank was empty . from early ' in the " evening until late . at night and the ( r - v i lawns . . were , , * in need of water. We ' . r v > ' H II , do ; ; not knW ' who * was to blame , but , the water needed for fire pro- pro- tectfoa.was.not. . _ available , yet we t understand , that water is being I furnished the railroad company I contractors and . that pipes are laid connecting with the water main . . . . . . at the corner of Main and Railroad streets and lead out to the railroad , 1 ! work. ' work.We : ; We have heard no reason , nor ! did we think it necessary to ask , ! . for any explanation , until our city i : ran short of water ; and 'learned that the city reservoir was empty s arid ' that there would be no , water until about midnight. We like the friendly spirit of { " assisting the railroad contractors i , and furnishing water for them or ! TI the railroad company when we j4 can do so , and believe that har- + monious action upon the part of our citizens , and city toward our guests is commendable , but we 1 - can't give to them what we re- fuse to the citizens of our town i who are paying the bills for this water supply. We cannot afford to go without fire protection or water for ourselves to supply oth- ers wlio'pay no " taxes ' in our city. There is a limit to courtesies that t ' might ; . . extended and we hope that our. city officials will see , that our citizens are not - neglected - . . while taking , care of the .wants . x of others. ' i . , . . . . r St. , Nicholas Church. . . . * ; Services will be held in the - iCatholic V church as follows : } , i In Arabia on Saturday , July 7 \ _ at 10 a. m. . In Valentine Sunday July 18. i * i First ' mass , . at 8 a. m. Second mass - r I at 10 a. m. Instruction for the , ; children at 3 p. m. - ' 1 I I In Crookston on Sunday , July ' I I I 25 , at 10 a. , m. : 'I LEo : . , \1. -BLAEUE , . Rector. I I , , ; \ I . ' . ' ' ; , , ! . / : : j ' r ; Those-who have participated i in I tlm .l'unior-.nnrmal " annual picnic at Perry-'Falls' _ remember the oc- c / : casion a " nrine'-'of the happiest. , ; ; 5atnrdav - J ! ; vkl'7\li is . the day" for 1 this affair . thi i , : : ear.Everyone , who can commawf" . l ' - a good sized ' ' " 1 lunch rinsket . and any moans ' of j , trin portation l is i invited to join I : J \ tn ! thronof picnickers who will ) ) j , .1 start from Valentine at an early " "I I ( , . r : hour. ' \ ' fYt , ' , .r ud r f. Quigley celebrated the t t , : Fourth f > : t , Wahoo wWe ' he , was j ; .i billed to deliver the ur : lOn. . , ' . . . , ' , . ' , , r ' ' ' . P , , ' , ' ' I . 1 , 1 1 , . . ' . . , j , I : . ; ' 6 t . I Apprehended After Twen = ty = Five Years. , Prosper Marion , or "Frencby" as he was called here , has been located in the state of Washington. - ' He is wanted here for the murder of a Mr. Murphy 25 -years ago. Frenchy was arrested and tried for murder at that time. In the trial by jury eleven men were . for conviction and one man hung the jury. A second trial was begun and while in progress the jail , which was a rudely constructed affair , was broken into and the prisoner escaped. The murder was committed near the Niobrara river , 25 miles southwest of Val- entine. . The following account of the murder is well remembered by some of our old time citizens : Frenchy was working on the Boiling Springs ranch for old Col. l\'Iabray ' and went down the river for a load of wood and was met by Dock Murphy who poked a gun u p into his face and jammed it against his hips and told him to keep away from his timber. Dock Murphy had just recently filed on the land from where the timber was taken and he wanted to save , the timber no doubt. Frenchy was , unarmed but soon proceeded to arm himself and went to No. 29 , then a railroad camp about a mile east of Nenzel located near a small lake where Murphy and his wife were running the eating house for the , r ailroaders. Frenchy entered the little shack where Murphy was and said , "you had the drop on me down on the river but I've got the ! drop on you now and I'm going to kill you , " and shop Murphy"while the latter was pleading for his life. John Mur- - phy , a nephew , attempted to pull his gun but Frenchy shot two of his finders off and the boy begged for' his life and Frenchy rode f away. A preliminary trial was held be- - fore John Little , who was then county judge. N. D. Jackson of Neligh was district prosecuting at . torney. Murder in the first - - , --de-- gree wasthe supposition upon wnich Marion was bound over to the district court. Little tl en proceeded to fix Frencby's bond , when Attorney Jackson remon- strated , stating that murder in the first degree was not bailable , whereupon Little said he would change his ruling and make it manslaughter so that he could fix Frenchy's bond. In due time Frenchy appeared and released his bondsmen and went to jail , but John Keys and Mort Everly broke open the jail and released him. They placed him upon a big grey horse , gave him a Winchester and two six shooters and told him to "git" and he "got. " * Frenchy stayed the first nigiii-at ) John Shore's ranch and was never heard from that was re'ported to the authorities until yesterday when he was lo - cated in Washington by Sheriff J Rosseter. ' [ The only witness to the , shoot I ing was John Murphy , a nepew i of the murdered man and he djcd at Crawford about ten' years , ago while on a spree in which a friend thought he ought to sleep and rest and shot some morphine into him j which l. resulted in his never awak , . j : rli ; , a r . . - - - . I . - . . - . - ing. Sheriff-Rosseter expects to go terJProsper Marion as soon as requisition papers can be se- cured. , , Base Ball. On Sunday July 11 , a picked team from Cody and Kilgore , , will be here to try and skin our team. This team will be composed of the fastest ball , , players in western Cherry- County and a good contest ' is assured. Long Pine easily went downto , defeat against our local team last , Thursday by 'a score of 6 to 3. Haney for Valentine , pitched a good game. The Parland Newhall Co. gave a very interesting entertainment at Church's operaJiouse last eve- ning , which was appreciated by a large audience. On Sunday the Civil Engineers put up a strong game but finally lost by a score of 10 to 9V. . Mackie , the engineer catcher , broke his thumb , being hit by a foul ball. The Stanton baseball team , one of the fastest teams from eastern Nebraska , will be here for three games , with our local team , start- ing on Tuesday , July 13. Be sure and attend these games. ; - ' ' . S' ; , BASEBALL . : , " Tuesday , Wednesday , : , and Thursday - , > , r Stanton . vs ' : , ' , Valentine . - - - . " South Side Ball , Park 'V : ' , V " t i Nebr. . . Valentine , s' - , , - -t-d v Games called , at 3 o'clock. . ' " > vv" . . . . 1. PA . $ M4 y . to YEAR lG y of f 8lG i + 'q FR4. e McCALL PATTERNS ' : Celebrated for style perfect fit , simplicity and reliability nearly 40 years. Sold- in nearly every city and town in the United , States and Canada , or by mail direct. Mpre sold tfian any other make. Send for free ' catalogue. McCALL'S " MAGAZINE ' More subscribers than any other fashion magazine-million a month. Invaluable. Lat. : cst styles , patterns , dressmaking millinery , ' plain sewing , fancy needlework , hairdressing , ! . etiquette , good stories , etc. Only 50 cents a year ( worth double ) , including a free pattern. Subscribe today or send for sample , copy. . ' WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS : to Agents. Postal brings , premium catalogue and new cash prize offers. Address THE McCALL CO. , 238 to 243 W. 37th St. , NEW YORK , Do You Want ! to ilelp , Vy - - . V in n rr\ i t Boom This Town ? COl + 1STRUG7 iir ; 8 Y ' 0 0 j O11 I II I I 0 If you do , you'll assist the editors in advcrtlsJns the pla -o. - If you do , you'll patwnize home indus tries , iuclPdiug the printer. If you do , you'll subscribe for this pa- per regularly and advertise in it But- If you don't , you'll sneer at our efforts , for town improvement. If you : don't , you'll order "your : job printing from some outsider. If you : ' don't , you'll borrow your ' neigh bor's copy of the paper to read. p.o . YOU'OR DON'T YOU ? . . . i ' ,11L ' : .4. . . . I . , " t . . . , " ' " ' - " . , _ , < -r'i.a- - , , , . , , " _ . .1- , - - . . . . _ . _ _ . -A- ' . _ _ _ . " ' - . II . , - LOW TES ' EAST J Via the Northwestern Line I Bound-trip-excursion tickets on I sale daily during June and July to I various eastern Seaside and Moun tain , Resorts , to New York City , Boston , Toronto , Montreal , Quebec , Niagara Falls , Atlantic City , and numerous other points in New Eng- . land and along the St. Lawrence Riverf Liberal return limits and . favorable stop-over privileges. Fast modern equipped trains leave at convenient hours , making direct connections in Chicago with the 'trains of all lines east. The best of everything. Plan : your trip now. For full particu- lars , apply to any Ticket Agent , The ' North-Western Line. 23 3 , . . ' For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine Neb. . 1 . . . . Get your , property insured byl. M. Rice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. Contest Notice. _ U. S. Land Office , Valentin ! , Nebraska. I June 2 : ! : J. 190'Jf ) j ' A sufficient contest affidavit having been Hied in this office by Bert T. Kipley. contestant , anainst Hoineftead entry No. 18n . 3. made March 13 19oG. for ' E1A. section 2G. : ! W V W /5. SB ! 4' SW& , SJSSEJ4 ; , NEj ! EJi. section , township 27n. range"34\v GtiiV. . M , by Rolla K. Lewis. contcstee. , in which. Is alleged that said Lewis ! ' has : never estallisliedatesidence on said land that there is no house oa said tract , that the laud is i not cultivated or Imrn 0\- ed according to law and th it ; claimant main- tains a home elsewhere than on said : land , all of which defects exist atthis date and have cot been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to app . ° ar respond and oiler evidence touching saM alle ga- tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on ' August ! o , 1909. \ : ) be ' - fore J. H. Welton , U. 3. Commissioner. Mullen. . Nebr. . , and that the final hearing will be held at in o'clock a , m. on August 16. 1909 be fore the register and receiver at the United States land Office in Valentine Nebraska , . The said contestant having in aproper affi davit ] Hied May 8 , 1909. ! ) ( ) set forth facts : which show that aftpr due diligence personal service of sins notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by. due and proper . . . publication. . . . 25 4 H'K. : . OLSON , Receiver. . I " ' . " t. . . ri- . j , " . ; 'j . . - i . j .1 l - Contest Notice , U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska l . 'June 19. 1909 I A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this'pfflce by Leah E. Griffith contestant , against Homestead entry N0..299G ! ! , made Oc- tober 25 . ' 190-2 , and' homestead entry No. 3G31 , made .June 28 , lO ! ) ! , for all l of section 19 . town I ship 25n. range 33\v , 6th r. M. . by Benjamin A. Anderton contestee in which : it : is alleged that Benjamin A - A-Anderton has wholly abandoned said tract that he has failed to , reside upon , cultivate' and improve said tract as required by law , that there is no house or place ol habi tation on said tract. ' and that claimant main tains a home elsewhere than on said land , all of which defects exist at this date and Tiave not been cured. Said catties are hereby notified to anpoar re spond and offer evidence , touching : said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on Augyst 3 , 1909. be fore John H. Welt 011 , U. S. Commissioner at Mullen , Nebraska and that the llnal ! hearing will be held at 10 o'c ock : a m. , on August 5 , 1909 ! ) , before the register and receiver at the Uuited States Land Office , Broken : Bow. Nebraska. The said contestant having , in a proper affi- davit , filed l . . 10. 1009. set forth lacts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be givea \ by due and proper publication. 25 4 H JOHN REESE , Register , Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment V of Administrator. . . In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- braska. State .Nebraska , lss t ( Ooqnty : of-Cherry , I h : : - ; To thclu'irs-nml 1 to 1111 persons interested in the estate of Hu.san Dixon , deceased l : Oil reading the petition of Samuel l Yusum praying that the administration of said cs- tntii bo granted to William E . Huley as ad ministrator : It is hereby ordered that you , and all per sons interested in said matter , may , and do , nppear at the county . court to he held In and for said county , on thu 10th duy of July , It ! at 10 o'clock n. m. , to show cause , if any thero be , why the prayer of tho petitioner .should : not bo granted and that notice of thu poiuliuiey of ail petition uiul that the hearing ; thereof be given toall ! personshlter- : , ested in said matter \ by publishing ' \ : , a copy of this : order in The ' Valentine Democrat a wyykly I nu\\ > papor printed ] in said county , for three \ successive \ weeks I prior to said day of bearing ! , ' Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 21th : day of June , I'.XW. ! [ HKAJ ( ] JAMES O. Quto1.EY' 21 : t a County Judge. ' , w wWw e . SS , / ! ® e s - P TRHJMPH BOTTLED'BEER , Brewed from the finest western barley malt Imported Bohemian Hops and sparkling artesian water. Aged-from four to six months in glass enameled .tanks. . We guarantee its \ purity heafthfulness and delicious'mellow flavor Jt * < . MADE IN OMAHA . 0 Sr BY THE GO . . . . , . . "For Sale liv MC&EER. . Valentine. . . . - - - - - - - - - ' - - . - . . , . " . , - I . - - - THE LUDWIC - r LUMBER GO. j / . - ' of . - ; carries complete , assortment o 4 ' t' . ' " ; Farm Machinery : , ' ; ' - - comprising the . , ' t . " Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline : - ' and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and , , : : : . : J John Deere two-row Cultivators ; " ' , . , _ , . Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , ' , : ! Superior Drills , Weber and Moline " . - l Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and : : , . _ 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; I. I l _ . the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast - : l , . Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay : Tools , consisting of Stackers , ' , Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa- ' . tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , , . : ' , Pipe , Pumps , McCormick ; Mow- . ' . " . ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , f" ' : . . : I Oliver and Deere Listers. , Will close out the John Deere line , of Implements and Vehicles _ _ at greatly reduced prices. : : " , ' f { - REPAIRS * . - . . " T ' / for any make of implement will be . ' _ furnished on the shortest possible ; . , notice. Every effort will be made to , ' . . . accomodate customers and supply : : . their wants. , , . y . , " - Don't be misled by representations of other . dealers carrying inferior and near competing lines , but post yourself on improved makes and reduced prices before making your purchases. . ' , . . . , . - , i. ' -V # " ' V Ludwig Lumber Co. V _ V . - - . * * * 1 v The ' New Snap ' I p : i . * Confectionery. ' Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. * * * : Tobaccos and Cigars. . . . Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn. ' , Jim Felch - Valentine , Nebr. E | . . . i . " . gyyyyrewryysT yreyresrryysyre ? n i i - Ship your Live Stock * . . , - < to ' w , . SNYDER MALONE DONAHUE CO. , " SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO . : ' No shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. ' - " t . Each mans ' , stock sold on their merits , and-a square . deal " . ' 1 f guaranted to all. _ , > : . . , . , Write us for the market paper and our special . . market , . ' . . . . , ' - ' . . . . letters which we send you free of [ charg . . . , - : \ i AMOS ' SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) , i GEO. _ M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. THOS. J. DONAHUE f Salesman. Cattle e i e _ _ --e4ll a I Whj Whik. $ ' \0 ? . ke Y . Go to the _ . e . ' 1 ' gV - I ! Stock Exchange Saloon . 1 . , VALENTINE'S PURE ' LIQUOR CENTER VI VINl Walther F. A. .x . Meltendorff , Pro pr. - . Nl e - _ * . e e : ' . - : _ , SUBSCRIBE , FOR . . THE DEMOM. . . . 1I !