Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 01, 1909, Image 5
: . . , N , t f - " M -.L _ . ' _ . _ . , r - - -f. . - . . . , e - _ - - T 1 - , . . - ! ) I . I Give a Camera 1 , I t Thought. .1 I _ I , . . - . , I Think of the many little h hK I cute positions you can * - , snap the baby in-think t o&the many ways you 1 I can snap the , other chil M . I dren in - : - : then Chil-I ' the Tery small expense that stands between you . v and these pictures-the I I expense of 'a small camera- . . $1.00 or More , / I We\ have them from iE I that price up. I f . : - VALENTlHt. , NEB I . I e- . _ e . . ' h . - A Safe , . i # ' , : Simple System ' The system. of paying . by check was devised : ' by all men-for any v man-for you. ' . It is suited to the need of \ any business , either . . large or small. makes no difference whether ' . we pay out $10 or $10000 , . . , A rchecking * v.month.p ; g \ 1 account will serve your \ needs. ' ; V , . Eay by check , the _ ' . : method puts system in- , to . your business and 4 ' ' 4gives record of gives you a I . , . . I I every . -transaction. 7- - . 1 VALENTINE STATE BANK " ' VALENTINE. NEBR. . 1 . . . - - - - _ i- Talk of the 1 Town. Wm. Gulick was up from Wood Lake yesterday. Fred Janssen , a promising young farmer of near Crookston , was a Valentine visitor , Saturday. \ - Judge Zarr returned from a six weeks' visit with his daughter , Mrs. Holsclaw , at Chadron . , last week. James Coutts , the bald-headed " representative of the Chicago Newspaper Union , was in town Monday. Mr. Coutts is a first class printer and often helps the boys out in a pinch. We are al - ways glad to see him. Don't forget the Henry Lausen sale at Wood Lake next Saturday , July 10 , 1909. He is going to sell 40 head of cattle and 8 head , of horses. County Commissioner I N. S. Rowley will also sell 20 : horses at the same place immed- , iately i after the Lausen sale. See Mr. : Rowley's advertisement in another part of this pa p r. . - Clara Dunham returned from Idaho the first of the week and will spend the summer at home. Her work was so satisfactory in , the school she taught there that the school board secured her for next year. Alfa Dunham who " graduated from Peru Normal three weeks ago and has been visiting ! I friends in the south part of the state came with her sister. Both these young ladies are among our former V. J. N. pupils. How Thieves Live by Charles Somerville , the ' celebrated newspaper criminal reporter , is only one of the . big features that make , the July EVERYBODY'S Very much worth while. There are five other live articles , and SIX STORIES that you can't afford to miss. Get the . . . . " ' ' 7JULY- EVERYBODY'S " \ Special display by George Elliott. \ - - , _ _ _ _ _ CONFECTIONERY . ' Tobaccos ' . and Cigars. t & Canned Goods 3C3C Lunch Counter. I , .Oak. .esr and rad I ' " . 1 hhone ; . joe .Home 7 Bakery. j 1 ' t LM"M" . t . I " " Ii. : \ - - - - - - RANCHES FOR SALE ! . . r - . . " The old Fred Robinson ranch has just been- re-surveyed " i and mapped , 2,240 acres. Will sell v in whole or cut up to suit purchasers. Have several smaller ranches. , The land t prices and terms are right. Call on or write - - - " . ANCHOR . BANK - Merriman , Nebr. - : _ ? - e ii ee _ e f We have a large stock of - the following goods and desire to haye you call -and _ inspect them : 1g _ Pain Sweeps and Mowers . Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles - - < fvgrt . \ Smith Wagons e ' ' ' . A . w . , : - , . : . - ' , ' ' aven. ' ort _ Roller Bearing.Wagons " ' 'N'ew Moline - . , J New Wagons ' - . ' . . Sampson Windmills John Deere Buggies e . Velie Wrought Iron Buggies . . e Success Manure Spreaders . . Sharpies . . . . . Cream Separators . r John Deere Plows , Cultivators and Mowers Gomjilete : stock of Lumber , Shingles , Lath , r-- e . Lime , . Cement , "Wall \ Plaster , Brick , Sash , ' Doors. e r : Valentine Lumber Co. : : - S A. . . . E. ; 3J0UUIS . - , W. W. MORRISSEY , J. T. KEELEY , DR. O. W. XOYES | - " . " " Located in buildings formerly ] 9ccjupied . . ' by , \Too T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn 4 : . . e ee e e r . \ . - - ' . . - . : . . . . . . . . . . - - - . _ " " . . . . .5- . -I-- , , ' : _ ; - ' U. S. Weather Bureau Report. WEEK ENDING JUNE 30 , 1009. . Daily mean temperature 75 * . . . . " Normal temperature 70 ° . Highest temperature 08 ° on 28th. Lowest temperature 49 ! ° on 2oth. Range of temperature 49 * . Precipitation for week .30 of an In lt. Average for 21 years .88 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 7.00 inches. Average for 21 years 10.00 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer. State Forbidden to Put Into Effect Bank Guaranty. Lincoln , Neb. , June 30.-At- torney General Thompson , Gov- ernor Shallenberger , Auditor Bar- ten and Sam Patterson , secretary of the banking board , are enjoinec by the federal court against en- forcing any of the provisions of .the guaranty act. Judges Van Devanter and Mun- ger'of the federal l court today is- sued an injunction restraining the new state banking board from putting the bank deposits guar- anty act in effect or calling for an assessment from the state banks. The validity of the act will be dis cussed in a formal opinion to be filed later. Arguments in the bank guaran ty case began Monday and were finished Tuesday evening. At the conclusion of the argu- ment the judges asked the state to file a demurrer to the application . of the fifty state and two private i banks for an injunction. The de murrer was overruled this morn- ing and the injunction granted. The new state banking 'board was ready to put the act into ef- fect July 2. Attorneys for the state will ap peal.The , The plaintiff banks alleged that the act would confiscate property . without due process of law.- World-Herald. Marion Metzger of Merriman is in town today on business. The county commissioners are in session again this week check- ing up the county treasurer's of- fice Theodore B. DeVilliers of Nev - ton and Miss Mabel M. Criningei It of Chesterfield " were married last , evening at St. John's church , the ; ' Rev. W. W. Wells officiating. ' Lost or stolen from the passen ger depot at Valentine , Nebr. , Thursday , June 24 , 1909 , a lady's . . . . ' suit case containing wearing ap parel. Any information as to the whereabouts of the suit case please leave at THE DEMOCRAT office. Suitable reward for recovery. Notice is hereby given , that a meeting will be held in the Ward school house on Saturday evening , J uly 10 , at 8 p. m. for the purpose of making arrangements for The Old Settlers' Reunion to be held .on North Table. All those inter- ested in the location and time of holding said Reunion , are request- ed to be present on above date. T. W. CRAMER , Sec'y. A. SALMON , Pres. R. F. PETTYCREW , Treas. Mrs. Thomas Christopher died at her home on the river south of town this morning from inflama- tion of the bowels. She had only been sick for a few days. Mr. Christopher and family expect to take her body back to their old home in Lincoln for burial. While practically new comers into the \ country both Mr. : ancl Mrs. ( JI ris- topher have made many friends and are well known and respected. The entire community joins in ex tending sympathy to the bereaved relatives , they having lost one whose place cat * , never be filled , C&ndidates for county offices are beginning to file for the nomina- tions , the new law making it nec- essary to file before-July 17. So far , Sheriff Rosseter Tias1iled as the democratic candidate for re election. John Daniels of Simeon and Miss Gertrude Jordan of Val- entine have filed for the republi- can nomination for county treas- urer ; E. B. Quible of Merriman will be the democratic candidate. . For the non-partisan offices created by the last legislature , Prof. D. F. Story of Crookston and Miss Sadie Thackrey of Simeon have petitions odt for the county superintend- ency , and-Judge Quigley ' will be , a candidate foroe-election. : : . , , . . - . - . . . . . . . I . . . - - . . 5 " > ' - , - . - - - ' . . " . ' " ' ; . . . - ' ' " ' ; . . , . . ' - : . ' " - . 't- > . ; ' " l. " . . . - : _ . ; ' ; - i" .1 . - r . : . . . . . . . . I I - . . . " . . - . - ' > . . r . ' . - - ' , . - - , _ - _ _ , " " . . . " . ' . I , . - . - , . . . - ' 11rV . _ , " , , - } " ' / - ' , ' ' ; . Old Crows . - : ' " All Leading , , r. " ' , . , . row . . ' . \ . . Hermitage , . - S y F , Brands . , . D , . k and . + Std i. Bottled : Ouch e r- - . . - _ Under the , 4 r ar r'pIP heimer , . Supervision ' . _ x. . " - " , Rye \ , ' . . of the . , : Whiskeys. . , , U. S. Gov. ' : . : : ' t < ' . . . . . We also handle the Budweiser Beer. S THE PALACE SALOON ' , _ HENRY STETTER , Propr. , \ ' A Reply to the article published by Mrs. Theresa MacDonald , June 18 and 25 , in a Valentine newspaper : We do not question Mrs. Mac- Donald's sincerity of purpose in publishing Mr. Dixon's idea on the subject of Christian Science. Nevertheless , it is quite evidenjb . that she has not given the subject any careful , charitable , unpreju- diced study. Christian Science is not some- thing to be swallowed like a pill , but it requires diligent study and intelligent comprehension. The word "science" does not imply blind belief , but definite understanding. Christian Science , therefore , is Christian understanding or know- ledge. ledge.The The knowledge of God I re gard as the key to all other know ledge.- William Morris. They who have the most perfect and universal love have the most perfect know- ledge. - ± * rof. Mosley. I Christian Scientists do not serve I Satan , but deny him. They be- iev.e : in the Allness , of God and the nothingness of evil or error , His . opposite. .If God is infinite , All-in-all , as the ; scriptures aver , where can you , in a spiritual sense , find room for evil as a positive quantity ? We would like to know. It is the Spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is Truth.-St. Paul. Therefore , God's opposite , evil , is not Truth , but error , and no er ror is real but only seems real so long as the belief in its reality lasts. Naturally , Christian Scientists believe in God as everything , All-in-all , to the exclusion of all / evil. ' They cannot believe in evil. Jesus was accused of casting out devils throug the prince of devils , but He wrought His wonders thru I His understanding of the Divine Mind , God , for He understood the unreality of sin , disease , and death , and temporal things , above all others. In the healing of the , sick Chris tian Scientists act according to the commands and teachings of Christ Jesus , as the early Christians did. That Christian Scientists do not do away with the Christ is shown by the following words of Frank H. Leonard , published in the Sioux City Journal , June 15 , ' 09 : It is frequently said that Christian Science denies God and Christ. In refutation of this statement I desire to say that God is referred to over 1,200 times and Jesus Christ over 800 times in the Christian Science text book ( Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures ) , an average of over three times to every page thereof , and every reference to either God or Christ brings out a more exalted thought than the world has heretofore know.a. I I Mr. Dixon has read .just enough Christian Science to enable him to misrepresent it by an adroit play of words and distorting of the original text. We can prove this statement by I the use of his own wprk . and the " books it involves in its references. Christian Science is Christian : according to the teachings of Christ Jesus , and it is scientific f J Just . - Returned . From the city with a bright , new stock of Clothing , Dry Goods , Notions and Drawn Work ; also Ready Made Gar- ments in Ladies' Wearing Apparel . at reasonable prices. Five per cent dis count on Dry Goods. A full line of Hats. Fresh Groceries and Fruit at right prices. . CHARLES ABRAHAM , , Valentine , Nebraska . J NEW PERFECTION ' Blue Flame Oil Stoves These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. . , al-they : ; are the best that money can buy. . They furnish an . .intense | ' ' steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no soot " , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three burners , . and also with cabinet warming shelf or oven as you desire. I . ' " . . ' - . * * * Frank , Fischer. . ' \ - _ _ - _ r r ' : f. iO - . J .1 [ I ; ' " Ii , - \ ' 'I ' . : \ il. f v. )1 ) t ) ' r III . I" 9 Jf ' 7 $ 1 l f l 1W' n 'i1 II ' I , jflt I\ ; @R 1N&QiiQ)1i Nr ) A N D , . nLDg. . \ , . . . ' , . : # " ' - - . , . ' ' . ' , - - i' , - , . - . , , , ' ' - Stone , Concrete and Cement Work. . ; ' Foundations and Cellars. House Moving. Plastering. Chimney. Building. Cess - Pools and Cisterns. ' Examine ' my work. Inspect my sidewalks. All work guaran- . teed. I can do your work. Call on me. . , , . . . . . . ' \ : . . J- . . _ " , w. . , . l . . ; : ' / ' > . . , . " . _ - fl f 1 S3 * Ti\\ fiw ! \ < < ( f\IL' W 1 ] : ! { ! : ! J 1JI.r : g , = .t.t _ K 3) 5.- Valentine - - - Nebraska , - wwwvwwwvwvw * CHOOSE WISELY WIDELY . . . when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. Y ou'Il fin iafl sorts and kind * at corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take the , . , -WHITE. 27 years experience has enabled to to bring" out a HANDSOME , SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in iis 'j1n c4 make-up all the good points found ' on higfi w4 machines and others that are exclusively u A VHITE for instance , our TENSION ' INDI : 4. CATOR a device that shows the. tension at a = glance , and we have otherS that appeal to care- . _ T Automate Lift and Beautiful Swell Front , Golden Oak Woodwork. Vibrator aadRotary Shuttle Styles. OUR SLEGAHT H. t T. . CATALOGUES GIVE ' FULL PARTICULARS. FREE. . WHITE SEWING MACHINE : CO. CLEVELAND , O. . . , . - . . . . . . . . . A . . . _ v _ . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . For sale by Red ] i' ont Merc. Co. Valentine , Neb. . . . . " o- . : " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it proves what it teaches. : . Mr. : and Mrs. Clns. Hoyt of Investigate for yourself - and , do the south part of the county had your own thinking. . business in Valentii.e last Satur- - G. E. H. day. . > _ _ I- , . . ' II