Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 01, 1909, Image 1

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i i --'THE : : : : ' VALENTINE . DEMOCRAT. '
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. ' I M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor I VALENTINE , NEBK. . , THURSDAY , JULY 1 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 25 -
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and the Red Front Merc. Co 's
e to buy your 0
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Get ready for the hot days. We have the
largest and best assortment of Gasolene"and
t e Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is
believing. Call and see them for yourself.
We. are .also headquarters for Garden
. '
Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose
Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and : Field
, , , ) ' a Fence. 4J Ve ; are also the only up-to-date em-
e balniers and undertakers in Cherry county.
, Red Front ! Merc. Co. .
_ e _ J e
, . .cr .
. . . . 2I2'J '
r. ,
' . . Eureka Saloon
, ROBERT McQEER , Propr. *
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
, Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , , Sherwood ,
" . . .
Hermitage , ; : - : : : . _ , Guchenheimer ,
_ Cedar Brook , " - r : ; . . ' J . " ' , : Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , . . and 27/year/old
. and Jas E , Pepper . , ' 0 , F , C Taylor
. ,
: z :
oJ > These whiskies were purchased in bond .
, . _ and came direct from the U. S. gov- I
ernment warehouse. They are guar- v
anteed pure unadulterated. . . Un
. - excelled for family arid medical use. , i
. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported '
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout
Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
- s. Valentine - .Nebraska
. . ,
' \
OhIrtcr ns n State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June J , lt 8 ! . . August 12 , m.l ) ! : .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ' . . . . . . . . . ' , - ,
r . . . _ . . . . . . . . . "t. Sl + . : , \ . . . ! ; t s'lb ; Bank of Vak - ' ntinB ; ; . : - " * : ' * "
Yalentine , - Nebraska.
OARITAL PAID . IN A Genep ! | : } : Banking Exchange . .
. : ; $ . 2 5,000. and Coll 'c.tion Business : : . : :
' 1 O. H. COKXELIH - President. . . . . AT. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
. ' J. T. ' May . - ' , Vice President. . . . .i.hS8 . . . . GLEX HOENIG , Ass't Cashier.
- r. ' _ . _ - 8 3j : e --a ,
: , . New Hotel , . Electric Lights.
. .
. jjood Rooms. ' Hot and-Cold Water.
. , t Z : _ thicago - - , H.o-us'e . :
< t , _ . .uo. . > ; .A : . , . _ , d NEAR _ DEpOT '
' MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Yalentine , Nebr.
V Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
_ ii ee : : _ _ .
. . . . .
Read , the Advertisements
. . . d
- . - - - - . , . . . -
- - - - ' -
C. & N. W. New Time Table.
WEST uouxn :
No.7 , 1 : 10 p. m. New passenger train.
No. 8 ; 5 , lJ.j : n. nt . Old " "
No. 110 , 11 : .rw p. ni. Through freight train.
No. 81 , 100 u. in. Local freight train.
No.2 , 11 : CX ( ) p . m. New passenger train.
No. II , 5:0.n.m. Old" "
No. 110 , ( :20 a. in. Through freight train.
No. 82 , : t:50p. m. Local freight train.
Talk of the Town.
Clinton Collett is home ; for a
visit. , .
Miss Gertrude Gordon is spend-
ing the week on her homestead.
NOTICE will , take no more or-
ders for piano : tuning this summer.
Christian Science literature may
be obtaiued , 'free e of charge , of Mrs.
Amelia M. McLean.
Miss Clara Dunham who Has
been teaching the past two years
in Idaho is home again on a visit.
Sam Bordeaux's mother is ser-
iously ill and is being taken care
of at the Chicago House in the city.
Charley Swift and Julia Holyday
were married by Judge Quigley ,
Monday morning. Both parties are
from Rosebud. '
Wanted - A woman for cooking
and general ] house work. Good
wages. Address , L. K. TRAVIS \ ,
25 Rosebud , S. D.
" - Miss Ethel Warley of Ainsworth
has accepted a clerkship in Jim
Felch's New Snap confectionary ,
fruit , soft drinks and ice cream
stand. . .
For sale-One Siuch
- + - ; narrow
tire wagon , one set of harness and
my elevated - water J w tank . and " . _ tower. '
Size of tank ' 6x77 : CalMbn Bob Mc- '
Louis Reagle while raking hay1 on
the Herman place east of town with
a self dump > rake , in some way got
his foot tangled up in the mechan-
ism and had it badly bruised . and in-
jured. . '
Mrs. M. R. Harden ha's { '
: just re
turned from a family reunion of her
brothers and sisters at Aberdeen ,
S. D. Mrs. Dora Knott and baby
returned with Mrs. Harden and will
visit in the city for a few days : * .
M. -King and daughter Miss Agnes
who have been visiting the home
of Mr. King's daughter Mrs.- W. T.
Kincaid in this city the past two
weeks , returned to their home at
Denison ; Ia. , Wednesday morning.
A young couple came over from
Keha Paha county to be married ,
Saturday , but the father of the
would-be-bride anticipated the event
and'sent word to the county judge
that she was under age. Conse-
quently they were refused a license
in this county , but not to be out
done they drove , to Lamro , S. D.
W. D. Armstrong resigned the
position of county treasurer last week
aiid the commissioners appointed E.
B. Quible of Merriman to fill the va-
cancy. Mr. Armstrong intends . to
move his family to Chadron immed-
iately where he will engage in the
real estate business. Mr. Quible it
will be remembered was a candidate
four years ago and was reported e-
lected at first count but the official
count changed some 8 or 10 votes
and Armstrong was declared elected
by a few votes only. Manypeople
-have expressed the belief since then
. that Mr. Qmble was really elected
and that some manipulation of the
poll books counted him out. Mr.
Quible . was to have been . a candidate
this ' fail and the office ! ! n.ow falling to
him In this manner appears to .1 > e a
long deferred honor to which Mr.
Quible was entitled. The will and
wishes of the people may be defeat-
ed for a time but in this instance
has \ been restored to them at the
last moment. E ; B. Quible will be
on hand the first of July and will be
a candidate for the office this fall.
e e _ _ _ e _
Discount Sale.
. . .Special . . .
V Ladies' White Waists , 25 per cent discount.
t Men's . Summer Underwear , odds and ends , 25c per garment. e .
Men's Straw Hats , good assortment , Isost price. t. .
We want to close the above numbers out in order to get rid of our odds and
,4 ends which accumulate in stock. -
" See our New Lines of .
Ladies' Summer Waists , elegant . styles ; Ladies' four = button Oxfords , tans r
and blacks ; Ladies' Summer Underwear , two = piece and unions ; Men's
B. V. D. Underwear , two-piece and union ; Men's Porous ' Knit Knee
Length and Sleeveless ; Men's Summer Oxfords , tans , blacks and reds.
Ask for , C e @ ,
t. Trading Stamps
_ e _ _ _ e ee-
- - - - - -
. .
, ; Work on the Catholic parsonage
has . begun.
We understand that Col. Gr. E.
Trace has . purchased the Cicero
Thompson property on Kailroad
street north of the depot. Mr.
Tracewell has'rented his residence
property . on Cherry street to Geo. t
Lamoreau who expects to move to
Valentine to send his children to
Regular services wil be held in
St. Jehn'schurch Sunday July 4 ,
as follows : Sunday school at 10
; a. m. . Morning prayer and ser-
. ' . man " with celebraitoif . of the ? Holy '
Eucharist at 11 a. m. Evensong
and address at t 8 p. m. The Litany
will be said with a short address
Friday eve at7:30 : o'clock followed
by choir rehearsal.
Sam Bordeaux appeared before
Judge Quigley last Saturday morn-
ing , plead guilty to the charge of
assault and uttering menacing
threads and was fined § 75 and
costs. Some time ago he went to
the home of Augustus Shaw on
the north table and feeling that the
old days had returned , proceeded
to shoot the house up. But he
has since learned -that conditions
have changed in Cherry county.
Those having the local manage-
ment of the Parland-Newhall Con-
cert Company have decided to
make the price of admission 50
cents for reserved seats and 35 cents
for general admission. This should
fill the opera house. No concert
company offers such a varied pro-
gram as do these royal entertainers.
Vocal numbers , instrumental . . - * quar-
tets , bell ringing specialties make a
combination to win. Tickets on
sale at Chapman's drug store Mon
day , July 5. . Remember July 7 , , is
the evening. ; -
. ,
Gospel Meetings- .
The city in , the vicinity of the
courthouse - has changed . in appear-
ance during the past few days.
Two small tents and a large pa-
villion have been pitched on the
lots south of the courthouse. We
have overhead people making re
marks about the camp and asking
what the nature of the show would
be. We understand that the gen-
tlemen in . charge of the tents have
not come among the , people of this ,
neighborhood to entertain them by
shows and circuses , but b.y.a series
of good old . , . fashioned gospel
meetings. We trust that the peo -
pie of Valentine will give the gen-
tlemen a warm reception and aid
them in their efforts to advance
Christ's kingdom by prompt , and
regular attendance ! Services will
be held every night at S o'clock. . I
All are welcome. . x ' " I
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Farm Implements
, .
i We sell farming implements as well as other . . , .
merchandise at reasonable prices. " . ' ,
, . . , . 1. - . / . " ' - . Call and try us. - . . .
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' 1 TI1EGJoII IEi f ortlt4' , -
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II is almost here. I Now is the I time to get your i ! ' I
i Hats ready. . My prices are reasonable. Come I
< < ao and see what I have. I am sure I can please ti.
I you in price and quality. ' : : : : : : : : : : : : I
IDo You Want a Fourth ® . July Dress ? ) d .
o I Won't you let me make it for you ? I
' - ' . . . . . .
It Mrs. B. I. Johnson , ' -i
dQO o Milliner and resss iiaker. ' . II 1 '
d2 i lli f w4 ! ! Mv4 ID ' ed J 1 i I1. e Mtl. ! wd0 iJltf1ia. ) ? ' . . ti
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Stetter & Tobien , Props. rrJ I ' I , .
, ill'llII ' / ' II
' I
. DEALERS IN' jllll ' 1 ¶ I j
, ,
f .
All Kinds of Fresh I lli I
and Salt Meats. . . . k _ . t
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , - -
Poultry , Horses , Mules 'and
anything you have to sell.
r _
gBaaasy aspgra * * *
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, ' .
: , J - " Valentine . , Nebraska ' , . -
. ' , Has the. largest and prettiest line ' . of .
. , Ladies' Shirt Waists
* ' in town and at attractive prices.
- All the latest styles and the best makes of
i .
- , SHOES '
. in blacks , tan and oxbloods.
E22E = : ;
- - .
_ _ _ _ *
, ' t : x I.
; ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks nrule in all sizes. , .
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. ' .f
Valentine , , HONE 72 Nebraska '
. . . References : My Many Customers. . ,
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