W , I
. .
, . .
\ . , . - - - - - - . . . . . . . " . - ' . " - , ' . . - . ' , ' ' . - -
I L 1 [ Li
I S . { . PUBLIC. SALE ! , lJ1
.1 . ' ,
'I 1
Ii ; i : ' H. H. Wakefield and Wife
is , : _ Will sell at Auction Sale at their place , , \
1 ! ' " Two and One-half Miles Northeast of Crookston , -
111 . . , . . . ,
. -.1 .
; I ' " -
rP - : : TUESDAY . ,
' ' .
I J , : . . . : ' , ' ' . - , : ' ; ' > , i . : - .
rt * - " . . . " ' I' . 1 - . . , , - . . .
I J II ' , June 2 0 f. '
H1 : '
' H. : i . ) ( ' " i 20 , , 09 , . " ,
_ _ _ : ; I ! G - : " commencing at 1 o'cl.ock p. m. , . -
1 ' .I : i ' , . ' N . the following described property : . _ _ . " ,
\i \ : 'l1. ' ' 18 = = Head of Horses = = 18
I ! I
} I i' r I . Part broken and part unbroke.
! I II I. , 1 Milch Cow , Farm Machinery of all kinds , 3 ; Wagons , one t
I i , nearly new ; 200 Bods of Woven Wire ; 200 bushels Speltz ; 1 ,
( , thorough-bred Duroc Jersey Boar , not registered. .
1111 I t . rJ. .
j ; ! \ .lIO Acres of Land ,
\ \1 ! E ' - 90 acres of which is good plow land. .
I - TERMS OF SALE : All sums of $5.00 and under . cash. On sums over $5.00 ' eight months' , 1Cx
time will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest. 4 per cent discount for cash on
sums over'$5.00.
I < , .
: - . H. H. WAKEFIELD AND WIFE , ' Owners.
: ' . n , , , Col. G , E. Tracewell , Auct. ' ' . . W. E. Haley , Clerk.
- C C81 87 L CS7L 1 C8 !
- -
S' .
Normal Notes.
. _ All the teachers and faculty are
- ( glad to see Judge Walcott home
' . - . from his eastern trip.
. Already some ' of the normalites
have scaled the heights of Fred-
. erick's Peak and enjoyed the
/ , grand view to be had from that
point. It is well worth the effort.
; I
Some of the teachers in the nor-
mal are interested . . . in the medal
contests being held in Valentine
. and neighboring towns. It will
be well to encourage pupils in
rural schools to do declamatory
work and these teachers are better
. fitted to help them because of their
, .
own training. j
W. K. Eowler , representing the
University Publishing Co. , and
Mr. Williams of the Silver Bur-
dette Co. , have both given our
teachers very helpful chapel talks
recently. . - J
Everyone in the normal seems
busy and happy. The instructors
are all capable and obliging. We
shall gladly welcome those who
wish to enter classes in any of the
common branches , or geology
zoology , chemistry , botany and
trigonometry. Field excursions by
various classes , walks by the lake
and stream , horseback rides and
trips to the railroad : works'are '
some of the diversions. . . Come on
r all you prospective teachers and
I get some of the inspiration. Good ,
boarding places still to be had.
Former Superintendent W. K. .
Fowler spent Monday with , the
normal and gave one of his char-
acteristic chapel talks. All were
glad to see and hear him. Super
intendent Hudson planned ' a park
party for him in the evening , and
assisted by Mrs. : Sparks , Judge
and Mrs. Walcott , Mr. Hudson
and the normal instructors , quick
ly gathered the essentials for a
feast and wended their way to the
Minnechaduza. There the ladies
1 spread the collation while the gen-
: - '
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'dl ' $ .i I - I flavor of i ( - : . .
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_ . . .
Ginger eSnaps
, . . 2VP//I I 1/11 /
- , The nicest , spiciest , F'4 '
f 4 , . most. tantalizing . * * " .
. : ginger snaps .
> X ,
j a package
" ' : ever made. I11IL - .
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ial Judge generously juggled the
coffee pojx and soon had a brew
that would tempt the appetite of
any person. Laughter , jokes and
stories filled the evening and al1 ]
returned with light hearts.
Superintendent Gregory seems
jbo be good at giving instructions
in fishing. Two of the teachers ,
Misses Benfclj apd Gregory , un-
der fris guidanc0 Jandetd tw.o gsh ?
and & itortje ip , a shprt tiP.1 , .
The enrojlmept ! is ? pow pip ety : :
three , seventy-eight of tb .a se being
from Cherry county. Betty Jfor.-
man of Whitney , Naomi Lockman
of White Clay , Bertha Johnson
of Gordon and Effie Echtinaw of
Wood Lake are the latest.
Several of the instructors have
been asked to act as judges in
medal contests in neighboring
towns. It is difficult to leave the
work here and sa it is not possible
to comply with all the requests ,
Chough ? it would be a pleasure to
do so.
@ne ; ) of tfye y.ery inarke.d features
of the Valentine ' Junior . , formal js 1
the evidept interest jbhajb thos.e i in
attendance t a { ej AQt only jn tljeir
studies but in every feature pE | tjje
work that tends to broaden and
uplift the mental , moral or physic
al nature. As one comes to know
the teachers in Cherry County
and seeks to discover the cause of
this excellent condition of attitude
toward the best , things in life there
is a marked unanimity in referring
to the splendid influence , encour-
agement and helpfulness that has
gone out from the personality ,
leadership and high ideals of the
county superintendent , Mrs. Kortz I
Hudson. Few counties can boast
of so , capable a leader in their ed-
ucational department , no county
bas a better. It is a credit to
Cherry county voters and politi-
sians that they have for many
rears , kept one in this position @j ;
who not only was fitted for the
Dlace , but knew how to fill- it. I
. . ' .
. . . .
. ' , 6 - . . , - '
- _ . , - . . ' : 1.1 : " , - " ' . : . " ' : 'r-- ' ; : : , ; , , ; , : ; ;
. .
- . , . . . . . .
: r'I : I
Whoever may succeed her will find I
i well organized loyal legion of j I
bsachers whose ideals have been
well shaped by a master mind. I
Frances Harden keeps her inter-
est in the normal even though she
cannot attend regularly. ] She is
caring for the wants of the house-
hold during her mother's absence.
Miss Driscoll gave a pleasing
and helpful exercise during the
chapel hour last Friday. Some of
her model school pupils very nice-
ly ' gave accounts of some of the
noted artists , referring to their
works which were hung in view
of the teachers
George Hornby , jr. , gave an
entertaining exhibition of his
artistic taste by furnishing some
excellent silhouettes of the instruc-
tors and others at the reception
Friday night. They were so good
that they were easily recognized
by the audience.
All the Normalites greatly en-
joyed the reception tendered
them Friday evening by the E. L.
and C. E. Societies. The lower
hall of the school building had
been tastefully decorate and
many , gay lanterns dangled from
the swaying jbranches of the trees .
in the grove. The. guests and ,
friends of the town were soon busy .
getting acquainted with each other I
by means of a special plan , and
enjoying the delicious punch fur
nished in unstinted quantities by
the young ladies of the two societ-
ies. . A short progam consist-
ing of adresses of welcome . . . . by Mr. '
Swanson and Miss Graham , re- .
sponse by Supt. Gregory , songs ; ,
by the Normal Octet , reading by ;
Miss Dr. Wood , remarks by Rev.
Baker and the picture gallery of
famous people by Geo. E. Horn- ;
by delighted the merry throng. ;
Earlier in the evening the tooth-
pick conversational project proved i
a particularly pleasing pastime.
At a seasonable hour the happy
young people left the scene of
pleasure with hearts filled with
gratitude to their kind entertainers.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
T. J. Christopher , I
Will meet all calls-phone or mail.
Versed on pedigreed stock. . .
Valentine - . . Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General . i Merchandise
* i i "
jpHQN ? 12q
cor. ( Hall & ( Cato. Yajentine } , Ne . r.
- -
- - -
Per Cwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked . . . . ยง 1 20 $23 00
Shorts , sacked 1 30 24 00
Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 27 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 30 00
Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
BrOwnlee , Nebr
Soldier Creek Col
umbus 17th 160050 ,
a son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
bl ( the 10.000 Cbam-
, - pion ' Dale and
? rince Boabdel , -
$93 , . . ' at head ! of herd. .
I now have about . 30 . head of 1907 . bull calves
' . " "
nrvnli * a
p . H. f AULHABEB ,
. . . ,
- , - - " - - - - - - - -
All kinds of. . . . . .
SHAMPOOS , - . 1
Shampooing a specialty. ,
. s
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
t Forest ' Shepard , Prop.e
j Valentine State-Bank - Building -
- - -
5 - I
- ' . . .
4 .
YF _
. .
- ' '
E i , .
! y ' . , .
. .
- -
, ) -
. . . . - .I
R. M. Faddis & Co. . - _ "
. ? ostoIDce 1
Some branded
on left
. . . thlgn.
Horses branda
. on left 1
shoulder ' .
; or thigh.
. f .
Some branded
branded Some rn on brandedl1
or I
on left
Bhotilder I j I
or thigh _ I
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left aide
S Rome g . yon left 1
side. ,
- em left jaw o !
V horses.
Creek north of Simenn.
R , nge on uoruu * WJC Q. ! -
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud 8. D. .
Cattle branded ,
SOS on left aide
OSO on rtehtsids " ' -
Some cattle also r7" a
havaa -f- on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and I
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
ters. Some Texas
cattle branded i3 0 on left side and somemll !
on left side. '
Herses br.lnded'S03 on left hip. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both
left hip of horses _
N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy - Weuraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip and on
left shoulder of hor-
se ? . AlsoKai on
left side Wand
F X on left s-i .
Some ca
somecaall '
ed husk - Ing peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. F on left Jaw and let shoulder
of horses , UJ l
Won Q left hip of horses.
- N on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan. -
Rosebud SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
Kohl & Terrill.
Brownlee Neo.
Cattle branded as
in C4t on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Leap
river. two miles
' west of Brewnlee
, J. A. Yaryan.Pullman
Pullman Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re-J' I
covery of cattle * r q . .
/ .
strayed from my f .J.
range. I
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip. S
Horses same on
left shoulder. \ .
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V P .
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas " *
Cattle branded on
any part of animal i
also the following
brands : ,
tiorsei rnda t
'Range betwee
Gordon on the F oK .
& M. V. , R. R . and
Hyannis on M. R. R. In Northwestern Nebr .
I1 ARTI.E TT RI HARDS. Ellsworth .Nebr.
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis-
sion [ , Rosebud f
S. D.
Cattle branded
as in cut ; horses
same on left
thigh. Range be
tween Spring C'k f
and Little White
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis Nebr
G. K , Sawyer has t
charee of these F
cattle. H rsea
' P M on leftshoul-
der. Somej .
lert side. j
_ same left
- thigh. r
_ _ . iKauge . on Snake . . .
nyer. - - - a- - - - ' , . . 1
Meteger ] : Bros '
itdlfe hnbr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark square .
crop right ear. " . . . /0. - . .
" '
Horses have - - Y
same brand on
eft thigh. .
A Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks . >
Reward of ZSO wRr ban
paid to
nfonnatlon I leading tot any person tor
. . . PJ . tjpnofanype on the or persons arrest and . llnal t'
( : Ulf with a stealIae
Woodlake . : Neb aR : ; nd. B ; : . \ lID
, . .r
' : t. Q- ; " ' : .1
- .J ,
, - . . . * . ' . . t .
Range on Long RB \ \ : :
Lake and Crook ' .
ed Lake. " . t
- Jjr J 9'I j I
. . . P
. . . . . . . .
- . L
j 5
ry * - . . .
* : ! w