. - " ' - - - , . - . - , , p- . . . , . -.J ' _ - " " , ' . , . . . . . . . _ . - - . . - . . . . . . W M HMJBBMM BBMV V OMiW mV BM v vv , I ' - ' I Give a Camera Y , A [ a Thought. VI " I % , I 1. . . | Think of the many little i t J f : , cute positions you can \ " snap the baby in-think : of the many vvays you I .1 c can snap the other chil- 'I dren in-then think of I - . i . i , . the very small expense \ , ( - that stands between you ! , and these pictures - the W i : I j expense of a small l camera- t . I. $1.OOor . More. " - . We have them from . .I 'that price up. "I | . . VALCNTINC. NEB I I . . ' . - . , - . A Safe , , Simple System . The system of paying by check was devised by all men-for any man-for you. It is suited to' the need of . any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether 7 we pay out $10 or $10000 " . . . . a . month. A checking account will serve your needs. ' Pay' by check , the method/puts system in- to your Business and gives you a record Qf < , bevery transaction. ' ' every , ' rv . - YALENTINFSTATE ANK \ VALENTINE. NEBR. - - - - - - -.r - . t . ' ! ' , " ' , . : ; . , ' ' , , - , 1 . . . - - - - - - - - - , - - - . - - , ' , Valentine Wins 14 Inning . , Game. ' \Vednesday afternoon the local team met Ainsworth and put up one of the best exhibitions of -the art that has been seen here this year. , From the sixth to , the four- teenth inning it was anyone's game , I the score standing 5 to 5. I Ainsworth began to score in the firot inning , runumg in two men on errors ; in the second bringing In another and in the third still an- other ? , giving them an almost safe lead over the locals. But in the fourth Frank Fischer came to bat and got a three bagger. That be- gan the fun ; the fans began to work on DeSilva and when the smoke had cleared away the score , was tied. There was nothing do- , , ing in the fifth , but in the sixth each brought in a man. Then be- gan'the battle royal. For seven innings ! no man crossed the home plate. It was primarily a pitcher's battle , where Grimes showed his superiority.- Both men , however , pulled out of some bad holes and each played a great game. In the fourteenth inning Ainsworth got in two scores. . The locals , batting last , sent three men in , winning tha game by a score of 8 to 7. This game had ought to awaken some of the dormant baseball fans. Support . .from the bleachers is as 1 1 necessary to a team and pitcher as is support' from the field. If the people would show the same en- thusiasm as a few showed yesterday we would have a team that could hold its own with any in this part of the state. , I EVERYBODY'S r ' the big , strong Mag- . azine for . red-blooded I men and women. JULY OUT TO-DAY . I ' ' . , . > , f . , . I , . . , . f p . . . . . , - - Speci 'l-display'by George Elliott. . . - _ ' \ - - - - - - - - - - \ f ' _ \iCQNFECTIQNERY . , . , , . Tobaccos and Cigars. . . . Canned Goods XX Lunch Counter. I , , g'fo Oakes anddread I " Phone 7 Home Bakery. . . .L. , E IVW' RANCHES . i * FOR - ' SALE ! * t The old Fred Robinson ranch has just been re-surveyed and mapped , 2,240 acres. Will sell in whole or cut up < to suit purchasers. Have several smaller ranches. The and ] , prices and terms are right. Call on or write I _ ANCHOR BANK - Merriman , Nebr. - - - - - . iic . _ . ii-O G.-- We have a large stock of the following goods and desire to have you call and inspect them : Dain Sweeps and Mowers Dain Stackers , both the A and Wagon Styles - - It e . : Fort Smith . Wagons " . . . . , _ - _ , , . ? . ' * Davenport Roller Bearing Wagons , New Moline Wagons Sampson Windmills fjjjohn Deere Buggies _ * ' , Velie Wrought Iron Buggies - - u. , ' . : f , ' Success Manure Spreaders ; ' Sharples Cream Separators t ' . . John Deere Plows , Cultivators and Mowers , . \ i Complete stock of Lumber , Shingles , Lath , Lime , , Cement , Wall Plaster , Brick , Sash , Doors. . 1 A Valentine . Lumber Co. A' E. MORRIS , 'w. W. MORRISSEY , J. T. IvEELEY , DR. O. W. NOTES . Located in buildings formerly occupied V by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn . _ _ 4I e e S _ S - - . . - - - - - = - . . - & . _ , " - , : .M , . . " ' ' . t . ' : / Y . . - ' a - a-- - - I . U. S. Weather Bureau Report. WEEK ENDING JUNE 23 , 1909. Daily mean temperature 71 ° . " Normal temperature 68 ° . Highest temperature 90s on 19th. Lowest temperature 52s : on 21st Range of temperature 38 = > . Precipitation for week .01 of an inch. A'verage for 21 years .98 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 0.80 inches. Average for 21 years 9.78 : of an inches. JOHN /J. MCLEAN , Observer. I A. M. Morrissey is in Lincoln I this week on buisness before the supreme court. Prof. D. F. Story was in town this morning , returning from the Thompson sale. C. H. Cornell returned Tuesday night from a several days business trip at Norfolk. , The , Indians are receiving one of . their annual payments this week. They receive $8.00 > er. Hammond and Bullis have had . * ' a cement walk laid in front of their livery stable this week. Henry Detgen was in town Tues- day , closing up the estate of his father in the county court. Miss Ethel Jeffers , who has been visiting at Phoenix , Ariz. , \ the past year , is home again. Everett Harvey returned from York this morning , where he had been attending business college. The dirt excavated for the base- ment in the new Quigley building is being hauled north of the opera house , where it will be used to grade up the sidewalk so cement may be used in place of the pres- ent board walk. " ' - Henry Porath recently shipped some heavy corn fed steers to the Omaha market and received top prices. Feeding cattle is just be ' ginning in Cherry county , which goes to show that more grain is being fed than ever before. A large crowd attended the sale of A. Thompson's on the Schlagel yesterday. Stock sold well , $155 being paid for one team of mares , and the cattle brought good prices. The sale totaled nearly $7,000 , and ' I' Mr Thompson is well pleased with the prices paid. Nicholas J. Uck came ' ' up from Woodlake yesterday , looking for a ' plasterer to finish up the fine new building he has just erected for his hardware store. . . . While here he called at this office and or- dered bills for the public sale of Henry Lausen. See advertise- nent elsewhere in this paper. For Sale. 11 quarters of land on the res- ervation at a bargain. Located free of charge. Call on or ad- dress me at once. JAMES D. NOVAK , 23 Britt , Nebr. Notice To Dog Owners Notice is hereby given that any dog found within the village limits after ' July1 , without having a tag for the year 1909 will be shot without notice to the owner. If you have not paid your dog tax , call at Elliott's drug store and pay the same forthwith. H. W. GRAHAM , Marshal. Parland Newhall Co. This famous musical company will entertain the public at Church's opera house evening of July 7th. L. 0. Jones , superintendent df Lin- coln University Assembly , says : "The Parland Newhall company is A 1 - the best quartet of entertain ers I have ever heard. " This com- pany does all that three of the next best musical companies are doing. They are a first class vocal com pany ; their brass quartet is not ex celled by any ; their bell ringing is alone worth the price of admission. This company comes at an expense of $125 for one night. Watch for further notices. 34 1 Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore existing under the name of Kohl & Terrill , is this day dissolved by mutual consent , George C. Kohl retiring. : The business of the firm will be con- ducted by Robert M. Terrill , who has this day become sole owner of all property belonging to said firm located at Brownlee , Nebr. con- I ductibg a general ranch business , I and who will assume all debts and I collect all obligations due the -old : firm. GEORGE C. KOHL. ' . ROBERT M. TERRILL. Dated at Brownlee , Neb. , May 1 , 1909. . . " - - : , " : : : : : --rr--- _ : , , : ; : : : . . " / ' $ ; ' = - = - - - . - - : " ' - - - . - - - . . ; ; . . . . . . - = - - - _ - . . . . . . - . = - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - . . , . . . . " . , " . . . . . . . . . . . " " . " , . . . . . - - ' ' - ' " " . < . . . , ) : : . = : : : : - - - : " - . ' " : : . . " . ! 4 . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ , "w. ' - .r - t " ' : : : _ . . . . ' " , " . ' - . - . " ' - - - - . ' . - : - - I . . . ' : . . " " . - : . , , I 1 . ; - - - . - . . . . . . . " . < : ' ' , . . Old Crow , _ All Leading k . # Hermitage- . f , , Brands and / , Bottled , . . . . ' . .y- . . ' Gruchenf Under the . , - x ? . . ' - ! . heimer " . . , . rte : Supervision . , f i . u " , . Rye , ; . . of the ' , ; 4 * , " " Whiskeys. U. S. Gov " ' , . We also handle the Budweiser Beer. THE PALAOE SALOON , ' - . HENRY STETTER , Propr. I BAKINO Pure in the can- . Pure in the a baking } Neve/ Fails' Try it BAKING Pte" ' CHICAGO James Lawless arrived here from California. Sunday mornijg and will make Cody his home for a while. He a"t one time owned a farm near Sparks this county , but sold out a few years ago and went to California. He says the climate there is fine and he may return in a few months - Cody Cow Boy. Saturday night Solomon Mar . shall stole two chickens from S.Q. Spain , and Sunday morning was arrested and lodged in jail by the city marshal. Monday he was arraigned before Judge Quigley on the charge of burglarly and en- I ( tered a plea of guilty. , lie was bound over to the district court , and' being unable to give bond was : t ' committed to jail. Ed Thompson , a son of A. Thompson of SchlUgel creek , ar rived from Moscow , Idiho : , last Saturday morning to visit his par- ; ents and attend his father's sale which was held yesterday. Ed is jn the , dray business at Moscow , running several wagons , and says he is doing well. He will return to Moscow in a few days , accom- panied by his father and mother. H. H. Wakefield called on us last Saturday to get out sale bills for his auction sale which he has set for Tuesday , June 29 , at which time he will sell off all his pe rson- al property and numerous useful farm articles , farm machinery and includes 18 head of horses and 110 acres of land under fence , 90 acres I of it good farm land. Think of a home being offered at auction to the highest bidder two and one half miles from a R. R. station. It will pay you to be there if you want a home. One year's crop in potatoes will pay for this land and leave purchaser money to bank. It will be a novel sale and the peo ple within reach of this place should attend the sale. See his big advertisenent elsewhere in this paper. . The local baseball team su ffer- ed two defeats Sunday and M : on- day at the hands of the Atkinson team. The Sunday game resulted in a score of 8 to 1 , and the Mon day game 9 to 4. Grimes pitched the first game and Hayne : the sec- ond. Both men played good clean ball but received poor support. The local team loose out at the bat , not being able to hit the bill. And then the season just opening they've had little practice togeth- I er. We have the material for a : , I first-class team and with some bat- . ting and fielding practice they should be able to successfully cope with the best in this part of the ' state. The attendance at both games was small. If we are to I have a successful I season "the team , must be supported by a large crowd of fans. At the next game let 1 everyone turn out and make the home team "win. I Just - Returned , I From the city with a bright , new stock of Clothing , Dry Goods , Notions arid Drawn Work ; also Ready Made Gar- ments in Ladies' Wearing Apparel at reasonable prices. Five "per cent dis count on Dry Goods. A full line of Hats. Fresh : Groceries and Fruit at right prices. CHARLES ABRAHAM , . . Valentine , Nebraska = . : s ! . NEW PERFECTION . 7f f " " Blue Flame Oil Stoves ; . . . These stoves are made by the Standard Oil Co. , ind they are the best that money can buy. They furnish in intense steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no : soot ; , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three l .miners , and also with cabinet warming shelf or oven : as fou desire. . _ - . . . . . ' . ; 'r S I Frank Fischer. ' . , - - - - If. - : l' r : IC r ! ' : ' , \ 11 , " 1 : If ' " , , I r , ! l ( I 9 iJl ; ! I ! @ fl. 8 L I t 4\ \ : UUI1 i " I @R 1T&QTQIItN Fft nL . , I Stone , Concrete and Cement Work. . ' ; . Foundations and Cellars. Eouse Moving. : . . OJ Plastering. Chimney Building. Cess Pools and Cisterns. Examine my work. - - Inspect my sidewalks. All work guaran- teed. I can do your work. Call on inc. . , . ' ' + h . . . . . . yF " , ' " . - < , , . . , " ' : . _ - , . . ' . ; 'ti. ; . - > . . - . , : ( . . . . . . . . . . ' . r f lI a m ) Ml@Ib ? @IbA\lW r . . / Nebraska Valentine - - - 4. CHOOSE WISELY . . . | [ , . when ! you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You'll find all sorts and fcsnda at > > corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take ' the WHITE- , - , .A . " . . \ " . > ; . . t - 27 years experience has enabled us to bjtifl out a HANDSOME , S YMMETRICAI , id r WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combinin , krlts ' " j make-up all the good points found c { grade l rh3 cf1rnelr1 others that arc cxchaively WHITE-for instance , our TENSION INDI ' = , CATOR , a device that shows tiie tension at a J _ glance , and we have others that appeal to care- 4 ful btycrs. AH Drop Heads have Automatic < ' Lift and beautiful CweH Front , Golden Oak . . Woodwork. Vibrator aR.otary&utt.eStyles. OUR ELCGAKT H. t T. CATALOGUES GIVE FULL PARTICULARS , FRE . E. / . , WHITE SFWENG MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND , O. tAA VVVVf A ! ! VffAA A MA A A/ For sale by Eed Front Merc. Co. Valentine , Neb. . . , . . , . Ii Harvey Lyons of Woodlake was Hon. O. H. Cornell's new auto : in the city yesterdsy on business. mobile arrived here Tuesday . . . : _ : He recently disposed of the hotel and is now being thoroughly over- ; ' : business at "VYoodlake. - . hauled at the local garage. 1 - * I