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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1909)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , : : . - - - - - . . . ' - . - - - . . - - - - - - - - I $ l \ I . - - - - . . . r ---r. - INDEPENDENCE DAY - . ' _ _ : . . . A Y- V- - ; a , ' , ' will be celebrated at , . } . , t - ' ' 3 1909 4 Harmony July " " ; : . , , . , : II ! " . , , ' ' E iI . , . , PROGRAM : j4 Song. . " . " . Invocation - - - - - 'Rev. Baker 11 Reading of Declaration ' . of Independence - Miss Grace Hobson ' ' ! . Flag of Freedom Exercise - - - Forty Young People 1 . Address - ' ' " . - ' " . : ' - , . _ . - . . - " Col. ' G. E. : ' Tracewell Song. . . " . . " , . . - . ' . ong. . , . ' . . . , ' I ; " . I. ' . , ' ' . ' : " " s . . ' . . . . " " : " V . . . ' " ' : . L _ .1. . : ; Dinner v. . " : . . f" > . " ' " Bdll game at 2:30 : p. . , m. . " ' . ; ' . - ' . ' - ' - . - : ' . " - Harmony vs Sparks - , ' " . . . . . ' Prize § 10 to . winners. . Horse race. ' . . - - . - , ' - . . f Pony race. ' . . , . , ' . . . , . J . ' . " . . . ' . . : . - ; " ' " ' ' . - " : . ' " : ' . ' , . , ' Men's foot race. . . : ' . " * ! , . . . ' ' . f ' + / " Boys' foot race , age under 15 years. " ' , ' . " : , ' , a . . , \ Girls' foot race , age under 14 years. : " : ' . . ' : . : ' . " Boys' obstacle . race. ' - \ " - , " j , : ; Liberal . l Purses for all Sports : ; , . - . : . . . , I ! ; , : : . T ' Bowery Dance ' , ' p-- , I , < . , We Extend Hearty Invitation to ail . " V- . , - - . . . ; . . . . . , . a Committee VPUBLIC . . . PUBLIC SALE . ' " . The undersigned will sell at pub- lic sale , at the stock yards in , . ; . Wood Lake Nebr. , , . , . SATURDAY , JULY 10 , ' 09 , , i i E Commenc'irig , at 1 p. m. , the following property : ti 40 HEAD OF CATTLE , . . Consisting of Cows , Calves , Heifers and Steers , ' 8 head of Horses , Consisting of Drivers and Work' Horses : I ' TERMS 1 OF SALE : All sums of § 10 and under , cash. On sums rl.- . . . . over $10 , one year's time will be given on approved notes bearing 10 } I per cent interest from date , or 3 per cent discount for cash. ; a :1k : . HENRY : LAUSEN , . . Owner. . ' ' i. V . y' I Col. G. E. : Tracewell , auct. Lou McDill } , clerk. i . . . . ' . : _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ I . . : : : . THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I I. M. . Rice , , Editor and Prop. . ' , ' Thursday , June 24 : , 1909. ( I Democracy and Decency. Governor Shallenberger , in his t 4 t . \ . rousing democratic , speech at the _ . . Kearney banquet , served emphatic E notice on the world that "democ racy , aad decency have joined i ! i hands in the state of Nebraska and ! iI I l all hell cannot , put them asunder. " ) , Gratifying as this may be to all I i , t true democrats it can hardly be 1 { considered in the light of recent " news. Not only in Nebraska , but i i i Ill Il l " \ ' everywhere in the country true , .democracy joined hands with true 1 " " I ! i 1 . . deceflcy some several "years ago. ' II ii E " 'The union had its beginning , we i , i think , in the time of Thomas Jef i 1 I ( \ - ferson. , It . was cemented ' the closer under - Andrew rT Jackson I and celebrated its hundredth an- , t i l l niversary w'hen the militant hosts I I 11 I of the historic party rallied about L the gonfalon of Bryan in 1896. Bryan , it i is truo , may never have been elected , president , as Govern- ' - or Shallenberger . reminded the 1 . I banqueters. But , he has stood for decency throughout his long : and r - arduous career . and the party , for i 3 I 'I \ ; the most part , has stood with him. I , : ! i s 1 i So the joining of hands in a com . " ! . mon cause did not occur for the I ( ' ' ' 1 : - first time , we are glad to belicvo , ! : i I either in last fall's campaign , or I ; I s \ yet : in the last Nebraska legisla , j 'I , I . ! i ture , though both gave much .L gratification ! to the.I . lo.yal I emo- . 'I . r.a { tl ' - , " cratic : heart. , r , : i I r - ' The dictionary defines ! decency' ' J ! ' . . . , . < ! ( I as meaning "propriety in conduct , , t i . , . .1. . . \ . , j ' . . . . ' . . . " , , > 0 , . . ' . . . . . . : , - . . . . . . . . I. . . ; ' , : " - - . , - , . , , , - , . . . . . . ' . . . . : " " . 'j' " 1 . . . ' ' : . , - , . { . , , .1 . . . , . . ,1 t & speech , dress or manner ; fitting and due regard for decorum ; mor- al fitness ; becomingness ; absence of or freedom from immodesty or I obscenity ; proper delicacy of : : speech or conduct ; modest demean- or. " We may add a bit , however , , to the dictionary definition , and extend the word to include hon- esty and virtue , sincerity of pur- I pose , a love for justice and a de I votion to human rights , . when it is applied to a political party. In this broader sense democracy and Decency are indeed synonomous words , and have been ever since , from the inspired brain of the great father of democracy , Thom- as Jefferson , the Declaration of I Independence sprang full pano- I I plied to be at once the untiring guardian of the liberties of the re public and the constant monitor of the democratic party , remind- ing that governments are founded among men to insure to all the people their rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Democracy does indeed stand for decency in Nebraska , just as it does elsewhere. It stands for the right of the people to r ule. ] It stands for personal l liberty. It stands for an equality of oppor- tunity. It stands as the immut- able foe of privilege. It stands for government by all the people , for all the people , and against I government by any special class or sect or interest or combination of corporations. It , stands for frankness , and courage , and truthfulness , and fidelity. It I stands , in Nebraska and in the na tion , for honor in its public ser vants , and every true democrat resents that outraging of decency committed by those democratic . . , ' . . . . , . - " - L ' . . . ( - ) : : ; " ' . , , - t _ . representives ! and senators in con- i ' gress who were ' elected 1 - ' on specific I i pledges they made the people , or ' , who campaigned for the demo- . : ' cratic ticket reiterating the party's' ' 1 pledges , only to repudiate and di > - ! i < I / j r avow , . them when they came to vc : .e . I 1 the rules of the house on s or the j I duty on lumber or on iron ore. ' : If there , ' is that decency in democ- ' racy which Governor . Shallen berger proclaims and this paper aelieves , these faithless servants I will be disciplined ruthlessly and I | anally : when at length they face their several democratic con- stituencies in convention or at the . . primaries. Only so can democracy : and dec- ency , like liberty and the union , exist now and forever , one and in separable. And if they do not so exist , then democracy must go down. World-Herald. . , - - - Wanted-A woman for general ] housework during July and Aug- ust. Good wages. Address L. K. TIIAVIS , .23 2 Rosebud , S. D. For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and " . * > stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young : heavy . ' - ' team as part payment. P/IT. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 LOW RATES EAST Via the Northwestern Line Round-trip excursion tickets on sale daily during June and July to , various eastern Seaside and Moun tain Resorts , to New York City , Boston , Toronto , Montreal , Quebec , Niagara Falls , Atlantic City , and . , numerous other points in New Eng- land and along the St. Lawrence River. Liberal return limits and favorable stop-over privileges. Fast modern equipped trains leave at convenient hours , making direct connections in Chicago with . .3 the trains of all lines east. ' . The best of everything. Plan your trip now. For full particu- lars , apply to any Ticket. Agent , The North-Western Line. 23 3 J. W. McDANIEL , r COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Kebr. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. . JOHN F. PORATH Burge , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. l Call me up by Telephone. . Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. . In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- hl'lIska. State of Nebnihka , I I ts'I * " ' ' ' Oounty of Oherry , i 'ro the heirs and to all persons interestet in the estate of Susan Dixon , deceased : On rending the petition of Samuel Ynsun ' that the administration of said ' praying es - ttite be granted to William E. Haley as .ad- ministrator i : It is hereby ordered that you , and all per- sons interested in said . matter , may ; , and do , appear at the county . court to be held in aiu for said county , on the 10th day of July , IKl ! ! ) , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if an.\ there be , why the prayer of the petltionei should not lie ; granted , and that notice of the pendency of said : petition and that the hearing , thereof be given toail persons inter ested in said matter publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat , a . weekly newspaper > ( printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said : dn'j ' of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of sale court this 21th : : day of June , I'.KKi. ! ! [ SHAJ/ ] ] .TAJIKS ( J. QUIOJ.EY . , M : 8 ; County Judge. . . . ( GpOD LUCK ° * o I h N z o < 'TRIUMPH BOTTLED BEER N l3 Brewed In one of the W r cleanest , most modern 5 : - and most scientifically ' o oXconducfed plants in fh ? U O o 0MAD E IN MAHA BV ' THE. 5TORZBRGO eeee _ - . . For Sulo l > v R. IVlcGEEK. Valentino. ' 4 , , . . . . . " ' < t. . . - ' . ' - - I Want ! ! to be strong ? - . - Eat more Quaker Oats. : Eat f it for breakfast every day. This advice is coming from all sides as a result of re- cent experiments on foods to determine which are the best for strength and en- durance. It has been proved that eaters of Quaker Oats and such cereals are far superior in strength and endurance to those who rely upon the usual diet of heavy , greasy foods. When all is said and done on the cereal food question , the fact remains that -for- economy and for results in health and strength , Quaker Oats stands first of all. It is the most popular food in the world among the foods sold in packages. Put up in two sizes , the regular pack- age and the large family size which is more convenient for those who do not live in town. , 4' : . . . . . " ' . , _ . . . . , - . . . . . - ; ; . . . . . . . . . LU , MBER j Lath , Shingles " Doors , Windows , Paper , Pat- ent Roofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Glass , Putty , Lime Cement Plaster ne , , , . Brick , POSTS , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP & mm CODY , NEBR. I ' " ' . ' 7 . . , ; . . . : v . ; w-- . . " ; J > . . " " . . . . . . . , . , I. ' . _ . . . . . r : FRANK RANDALL , ; Drayman T : Light and Heavy Draying' : < | . Furniture and pianos handled . in a careful manner. Coal , hauled and trunks and grips : a specialty. i Phone No. 134. . . . , , , Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb- raska. STATE OF NEBUASKa Ij- COUNTY OF CHERRY faa To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of Frederick : Welke deceased : On reading the petition of Ida Lurz praying that the administration of said estate be granted to William Finley Parker as adminis trator It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for said ' county on the 2nd day of July , A. D. , 1909 , at ' 10 o'clock a m. to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be : granted and that notice of the pendency of sat d petition and that thH hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publish- ing a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo- crat a weekly newspaper printed m said county , for 3 successive weeks prior to said day 01 hearing. - - - Witness mv hand and the seal of said SEAL courtthis 14th day .June ' , A. D. 1900. ! ! ' ; - , - JAMES C. Q in ( : L B v , 23 3 County Judge. Notice to Non- Resident Defendants. , To Nellie A. Crookcr : mid Herman 1) . Orooker , non-ru.sidi.Mit defendants : You , and each of you , are hereby notified that on ihe 1st day of June , I'.KKi ! ) ! , James F. S Phillls filed his petition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against you , and each of you , as defendants. That the object and prayer of said petition is to quiet the title of the plaintiff in and to an undi : : vided one-half interest in and to the South- east quarter of section ll ! ) , in township :8 : ; ! , north of range H : , in Cherry county Ne braska , and that each of said defendants and every person claiming l ) y , through or under them , or either of them , be-forever barred and excluded from any right , title , interest in and to the plaintiff's said un divided one-half interest which he asks to have quieted in him , and to have the right and title of the plaintiff in and to an un divided one-halt interest in and to said land forever quited and established in fee simple , and for all other and further orders and judgments as shall appear to the court to be right and proper. You are required to answer said petition on or before July JO ! , liXM ! ) ± : 21 i JA31ES F. S. Pirii . ris , Plaintiff. - Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the c'erk of the district court of Oherry county Ise- braska : , June 2 , 1909. ! ! under a decree of mortgage foreclosure , wherein F. M. Walcott and Frank Brayton were plaintiffs and Fred Krayton. William V. Johnson. Charles A. Johnson. Andrew L. Jonuson , of the firm ot Johnson Brothers , George H. Hornby , Charles M. Bailev and Benjamin F. ! Bailey deiendants I will sell at the front door of the court house in Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of said couit was held on the Gth ( day of July , 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. . to satisfy judgment of SG83.70 and iafrest at 8 per cent from date of judgment April 23 , 1909 , and costs taxed at $33. 5 and accruing costs , at public auction , to tlin highest bidder for cash the following ( described prop- er tv to -wit : A The SJ4SWJ4 , section 15. and the N&NWjf G of section 22 , township 32 , range 25 , lii Cherry county NrlIJra ka. = Dated tnis 2nd day of June. 1909. C. A. KOSSK1KK ) . I 21 5 Sheriff of Cherry County' . Walcott & Morrissey , attorneys for plaintifl. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sa'e issusd : by the clerk ot the aiqtl ict court of herry County , Nebraska April 24. W09 , under a decree of mortgage fOff clo ure. wherein Francis G. iiamei and Thomas F. Ilamer , partners under the lirm ,11 me of Hamer and Hamer. were plaintiffs , and Caroline P. Capwell was . defendants.I will sell at the front door of the , . court house in Valentine. Cherry county Neb . raska , that being the buildiug waerin the last i term of said court WAS held , on the 2i > th day . day of June ) 1909 ! > , at 10 o'clock : a. in. , to -atisfy , . judgment of 3524.81 and interest at 10 per cent from date of judgment , December 14th. 1904. and costs taxed at $ 20 50 and accruing costs , at puo- lic auction , to tlin highest bidder for cash the , : following described property towit : Lot 1. and northeast quarter of northwest Ilm\rtcrll..rth balf ot northeast quarter , . soutn half southeast . quarter. section 19 ; bouth half of southwest quarter , section 20 ; south half of southwest quarter , south half of southeast quarter , section 18 ; southwest quarter and ' southeast qua-tpr. 1 section 17 ; all in township 27 , range : m . : the south balfcf , ' southeast quarter I southeast quarter southwest quarter , section 12 1 i , townsnip 27 ; ' range 37 " in Cherry conuty , Nebraska. , = Dated this 24th day oplay. 1909. 20 C. A. R033ETER , S Sheriff. Earner & Hamer attorneys for plaintiff. " . : , . . . . . . I , I . " . , . .t _ . , _ _ . - . - - - - - , , . , _ . . . . . . - - - ' . - - - - - - - - , - ' ' ' - + - : : : ; w K . - - THE LUDWIC - LUMBER CO. . , \ . of . carries a complete assortment . ' Farm Machinery . . ' : . , comprising the : , J ) : . ; , - . , . > Johnson and.Osborn Disk's . Moline : . and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and ; : ; - ; John Deere two-row Cultivators ; h. ' Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , . " : " ; " , . . Superior Drills , Weber and Moline " "t . , , , ' . ' Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and J , : : . ' Velie - Buggies ; the Corn King and . j A . 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; - . , - > . ; - ' \ . , the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast : ' r : ' \ r , Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay . r. , Tools , consisting . . of Stackers , ' . . Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa'i.'i : - tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , ' : ; Pipe Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow : ' ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , , 1 - f ' : . . . Oliver and Deere Listers. N ' Will close out the John Deere line . - of Implements and Vehicles - . at greatly reduced prices. , > / REPAIRS I : ; T . ' > . . , for any make of implement will be ' - furnished on the shortest possible . . notice. Every effort will be made to accomodate customers and supply their wants. _ S X Don't be misled by representations other . . ' \ , dealers carrying inferior and near competing . , lines , but post yourself . on improved makes . . ' and . , reduced prices before making yourpurcfia esT " - 't Ludwig Lumber Co. . ' . - . i . . . 4 4I ! t S .uu Jt JRjRAyiJLiLS JL J u..w.t'.SUUUUtU t.tttU tU.utiu I . y The ' " . ? New Snap , . ' E. . , ; / - Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. - Tobaccos and Cigars. * Fresh Roasted Peanuts and . Pop Corn. * . _ E jj Jim Felch - Valentine , Nebr. E Q . . . . " ' ' ' ' . ' i ' TST "i'S Y nnnn'i'iU. . . - - . Ship your Live Stock ' . " y to i SNYDER MALONE DONAHUE CO , ( I i , . SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO - ' ' " . . ' No shipment too large and . none too small to receive the ' most careful l attention. . Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled . ' : ' by members of the firm. Each . man's stock sold ' o li , . their merits and a square deal ' guaranted to all. . , - . Write us for the market paper and ' our special m rket letters , which we send you free ofchar ( e. . of'charg. . . . -MOS. SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT :1\108' MALONE ) JEO. : M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. THOS. J. DONAHUE } J Sal Cattle esman. _ --e4ll e S 1 i of Whis. * J $ " ; , SS S . S Y. Go to the \S . , . ' 9 k : S ' A I \ \ Stock Exchange Saloon V VALENTINE'S PURE . 8 'YaIther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. . . _ e e . I i SUBSCRIBE : FOR THE DEMOCRAT ; . ! . . _ . . . . , . , , . ' _ . . . . . J- " - a . . _ 1 . " - - - , . . : : . ; ' . ' - . : . . ? . . : - _ - " " ' " , .