Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 24, 1909, Image 1
- - - . " ' " - " ' " - = = > C - c : - - - " " - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . = _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ t . - r . _ _ _ _ . _ .J , . - - - V r. . . . . , . . . . . . - _ - - < . ' . - ' , - . . , , . . . . . . . ' . - ' - . ' : f - . ' -f- - " " . . , . . . . . . - - ' . . ! . . , it. J' , " . . . ' , " , , " - . . ; - - ' . _ . ' - ' . : " 1-- : . _ . . , ' Historical Society ; . ' : " K ' . ' ' . . - . . - - M _ ' J h , - . _ : . t ' THE i VALENTINE . . DEMOCRAT. , 1 I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , JUNE 24 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 24 . . - - - - - - - ' .e _ , _ ee _ _ e 4 THIS IS THE TIME M and the Red Front Merc. Go's e HARDWARE DEPARTMENT e , " F . IS THE PLAGE _ J ' _ . to buy your e , A . GASOLENE OR OIL STOVE STOVE1 e 8 Get ready for the hot days. We have the . . largest and best assortment of Gasolene and - - Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is . believing. Call and see them for yourself. We are also headquarters for Garden Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and Field Fence. We are also the only up-to-date em- , . - balmers and' undertakers in Cherry county. I Bl , Red Front . Merc. Co. : ! _ G _ e , , ' r \ ' . Eureka Saloon " . \ ROBERT McGEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars 1 - i Bourbon . Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow Sherwood : , : , Hermitage , . Guchenheimer , , Cedar Brook , - : , ; , , , . Sunny ' ' . , Brook ) v . ' " . - . , , Spring Hill , : - " and . : . . 27vyeatvol and Jas E. : Pepger I * g , E. JL. / CTaylor. _ ! , cfhese : , y1 Jiiskips 1 1 : yer-e purchased in bond and ; : came airect from' the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar- . anteed pure and unadulterated. Un ; excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra . tout , Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , . A ' Valentine = Nebraska _ = _ . . . Chartered ns n State Bank Chartered as si National Bank . . June 1 , 18s1. August li' : , IWtt. ) : , The - - FIRST ! NATIONAL BASK Ignctefeso ( ' to Bank ' qf. Val1 ntlnf . . ) . Yajentine , = ISfebrask . , . . r . T > . \ T "M "I "V" I / i 1 "T | 1 , Tl\ 1 . : P\tT\f ! ! IAIIJ jr ? A . Lteiierai Joanking , , Jijxoliange , $ 2 5 ,000. and I Collection Business : : : : C H. OouiiU.T" , president , M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . . . . . J , T. May , Vice i'ru&klunt. . . GLKN HOENIG , Ass't Cashier. - y- . - ' _ o _ - . New Hotel. Electric Lights. A Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. . , , I Chicago . House , ' - I I ' . ' NEAR DEPOT , .J' MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. . Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. . . . .a.- - e e _ o . e , . Read the Advertisements. , \ . . . - . \ . . , C. & . N. W. - New Time Table. WEST HOUND : No.7 , 1 :411 p. in. New passenger train. No. :1 : , 1 : a. : ) a. 111"7 Old u u No. Ill ) , 11:35 ; p . in. Through freight train. , No. 81 , 10:20 a. 111. Local freight train. EAST HOUND : , No. 2 , 11:00 p. m. New passenger train. . , . , . . Old" " No. 0 ( i 5:03 ( a. in. No. : 110 ( , 0:20 a. in. Through freight train. No. 82 : , J&I : ( } > . m. Local freight train. Talk of the Town. T Jim Hudson was in the city Tuesday. F. W. Blank , a Kilgore merch ant , was in Valentine yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis returned from their western trip , Sunday night. Editor Heath of the Cody Cow Boy was in the city Monday on business. I Mrs. Will Carter of Cody was a business visitor to Valentine yesterday. Jiin : McClean of the Rosebud I reservation had business in town the first of the week. Chris Hoist from Merriman , I was in town Tuesday , on business before the land office. The faculty of the junior normal , with their families picnicked. the park Monday evening. A number of Crookston people were in town Monday on business before the county commissioners. R. M. Faddis and James H. Quigley went over to Rosebud Sunday to look after their stock interests. David Hanna and D. A. Han- I cock appeared before the county commissioners on : business last ' . . , . _ Monday. - ; - - - ' - : ' - - ' George Hershey has been suffer- ing the past couple of weeks with an affliction of the eyes but seems to be improving. : Harry Jennings spent Sunday at Rushville visiting his mother and little George who is spending the month with his grandma. Judge Walcott returned from his eastern trip Saturday nigl ; t. He met Mrs. Walc , t $ t 1re . op' > nd they ; c.arne , home tpggtl " r ! Thomas Lincjh.erg I ar . d Pete Hofl man , , pf Nengel \ were ip ? town Sat Vircjay OR business and visiting round with their many friends. - Geo. Coleman of Neligh spent several days last week fishing in the lakes south of town , returning home Monday night with a fine string. Dell Burdick , who has been quite sick with pneumonia in the west part of town , is slowly im proving under the care of Dr. Hoxsey. The county commissioners have ' I granted Walter Correl , a p rug : gist's : permit to SQliquors. ] \ ' \ a rowp'l lee . ' ® p ren o strapcp wag presentee g. } Jrly communion \ on Sunday , n.ext , at St. John's ohureh , at 7:30 : a. . m. Sunday school at 10 , fol - lowed by matins with sermon at 11 o'clock. Miss Glen Hoenig , assistant cashier at the First National Bank , is enjoying a part of her two week's vacation visiting friends in Wood Lake. Bert Spall was in from Simeon Monday ' on business and incident- ally boosting the big Fourth of July celebration to be held in Young's grove. Chester Wells , who returns home today , takes first honors in English Precepts and Practice in "The Honor List" put out by Creighton University at Omaha . for the year just ended. He also stands second in the general aver age of his class for the year. - _ _ _ _ _ _ Discount Sale. . . .Special . . . V Ladies' White Waists , 25 per cent discount. S Men's Summer _ Underwear , odds and ends , 25c per garment. e Men's Straw Hats , good [ assortment , cost price. We want to close the above numbers out in order to get rid of our odds and ends which accumulate in stock. - See our New Lines of 8 Ladies' Summer Waists , elegant styles ; Ladies' four = button Oxfords , . tans and blacks ; Ladies' Summer Underwear , two = piece and unions ; Men's B. V. D. Underwear , two = piece and union ; Men's Porous Knit Knee Length and Sleeveless ; Men's Summer Oxfords , tans , blacks and reds. . e Cf ) Ask for e Trading Stamps _ _ _ e _ _ _ e- J.KBell and family of Sheffield , la. , who have been visiting Mrs. Grant Dunn and family , returned home Monday ' morning. J. R. Ayers went up to Hot Springs Saturday night to take treatment for rheumatism. Mrs. Ayers has been . ' , there for some time and is feeling greatly im- proved. . . ' . , t ' Jim Lawless came down from Cody , Monday and spent several days in town : He'd just returned from wintering in California and expects to spend the summer in this country. l Don't forgetrto attend -the an- nual school meeting Monday eve- ning , June 28. Three members of the school ( board are to be elect ed-one for two years , and two for three years. Wm. Epke was in from his farm east of town Tuesday , and says that his vicinity was almost de luged by heavy rains on Sunday and Monday. Some hail also fell Damaging the crops. I J. A. W. Johnson of Kilgore was in town Tuesday , getting in- formation concerning the estab- lishment of two new roads into his town , one coming in from the north and the other from the east. The Noble Orchestra of Chicago rendered two fine concerts on Fri- day and Saturday evenings of last week. After the programs a dance was given which was en- joyed by many of the young peo- ple. S. B. Weston went down to Long Pine Sunday morning and met his two boys that evenjng 1 a.nd accompanied thein. 1 : \ h.ere. The koygpame fjjrept \ from Chicago an4 l will yJsifc t here for several w eel k s . Phillip S. McLean , a son of the local weather man , . arrived Tues- day from New York City for a three week's visit at home. Phil- lip is a patent attorney and is em- ployed by one of the largest firms I in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beamer of Merriraan ' were Valentine visitors the latter part of last w.eek , returning home Sunday. While in town Mr. Beamer went down to the site of the new railroad bridge and saw the steam shovels at work. One of the steam shovels h i work- ing about a half mile south of town and it 'is worth anyone's time to go 1 down and see it .work. Mr. Beam- I er says he's farming this year ; has in 80 acres of corn , 60 acres of oats , 30 acres of potatoes and 12 acres of "millet - 232 acres all to- gether , and says he did all the work himself. Pretty good for a man- past the half century mark. - ' Farm Implements , We sell farming implements as well as other - merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and , try us. , . , , . - ' " : ' , rt : " . ' ' - . " " "L' CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . - - O ' 1)W ) W JWW " ; . 1\ \ vlr ( W 1 I ' The Glor iT ihl.w o . . ' 0 is almost here. Now is the 1 time to get your , ' 1 ; ; Hats ready. My prices are reasonable. Come 11o , and see what I have. I am sure I can please i } ' < < O' you in price and quality. : : : : : : : : : : : : W . S dDo ! You Want a Fourth of July Dress' ? t Won't , you let me make it for you ? , p 4 i Mrs. B. I. Johnson , fI U ) Milliner . and Dressmaker . I . j ! . C ; ; : : , 48 - , - - Wl ' A' ' ' 1 'I _ _ i ! . . g " t . @nTnZ x J MI I\1r J1I 1il < < l T I . Stetter & Tobien , Props. j ' I I . ; . r . ; ! I I DEALERS IX ; . f ; k . All Kinds of Fresh .I ni ! ' I III ' I . , , ' 3 ! ' ' I i and Salt Meats. . . . _ i Will buy your Cattle , Hogs - _ Poultry , Horses , Mules and e 1 anything you have to sell. \ i , - - - - - T : i THE H FAIR 11:1 [ : 1i \ I , Valentine , Nebraska , 1 I Has the largest and prettiest line of 4 r , Ladies' Shirt Waists i I I in town and at attractive prices. . . All the latest styles and the best makes of : , SHOES , ' " . - . " . . in blacks , tan and oxbloods. _ " . , . GENT'S AND LADIES' FURNISHINGS . .N P' GRANT , BOYER , . - - - - - CARPENTER & BUILDER. . . . , . . . . - . , - - .r" All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks ma\1e in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passengei depot. , - Valentine , P OXE 72 Nebraska - - Eeferences : My : Many Customers. '