Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 17, 1909, Image 5

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A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men-for any
. man-for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
T , we pay out $10 or $ 10000
a month. A. checking.
account' will serve your
Pay by check , the ,
method puts system in-
to your business and
, gives you a record of
every transaction. , .
\ 1 \
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v. ; s. Weather Bureau Report.
' WEEK ; ENDINQ JUNE 16 , im.
Dally mean temperature 01 ° .
n " Normal temperature 67 ° . .
Highest temperature 83 ° on 15th.
Lowerft temperature ° on 14th.
Range of temperature 39 ° : .
Precipitation for week .50 of an inch.
I Average for 21 years .87 of an inch. \
Precipitation , March 1st to date 0.7C inches.
Average f.or1 : I years 8.80 of an inches.
JOHN J. McLEAx , Observer.
Talk of the Town.
Fresh fruit ordered by the case
when .you want it. JIM FELCH.I I I
A. M. Morrissey is in Chadron
f this week attending to legal busi .
John Kazda has been in the
country several days this week ,
looking fpr land.
Supt. L. K. Travis of , St.Mary's ,
school was in town the first of the
week on business. . \ }
Scott Alexander has been ap
pointed night watchman at , the
railrodd material yard.
B. F. Piester of King was in
town Wednesday on business con-
nected with the land office.
The foundation has been laid
for the New residence of W. A.
Taylor north of the court house.
James H. Quigley is rebuilding
the kitchen and enlarging the
bath room at his home on Hall St.
Clarence MacCelland of Fullerton
is visiting in the city this weeka
guest at the home of D. E. Sher-
man.Mrs. T
Mrs. W. T. Kinkaid is enter-
taining her father and sister , Mr.
and Miss Agnes King , of Denni-
son , Iowa , this week.
Henry Graham and wife are re-
joicing over the arrival of a new
marshal , yesterdayBoth mother
and child are doing well.
Mrs. Frank Brayton entertain-
ed twenty of the little folks vlast
: Friday afternoon in honor of her
son Donald's fifth birthday.
Tuesday evening the vicinity of
Merriman was almost deluged by
- a : cloud burst , the.raux falling in a :
. torrent - for some two hours. - The
track was washed out in several
places , delaying all trains.
Tobaccos and Cigars. . J
o Canned Goods XX Lunch Counter.
" P.1es Oakes an.d. : : Bread I
. P.hone . , . .
* 7 Home Bakery.
. -
Ii : '
. .
- -
. 5
)0 The old Fred Robinson . ranch has just been " re-surveyed
; and mapped , 2,240 acres. Will sell in whole or cut up
. to suit purchasers. Have several " smaller ranches. The a
- 1
- land , prices and terms are right. Call on or write
ANCHOR . BANK , - , Merriman , Nebr.
. . -
1 IF _ _ e . . _ e
. . . We wish to announce to our friends that
sale of the John Deere
ive have the exclusive
Plow Co 's goods in this vicinity. We now .
have the largest 'and most complete stock ever
shown here , including
_ John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang.
Listers , walking , single and double row.
Disk ' Harrows , with or -v ithout tongue trucks ,
Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti-
. vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate I
Seeders arid' Press Drills , Success Manure
_ _ Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharples
fl. Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind-
mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons.
Celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies
and Spring Wagons. .
- _ . All of this is bright , new stock. No car-
v ) ried over or out of date goods. Prices and
it a , . , terms reasonable. ' Come and see us.
Valentine Lumber Co. .
Located in buildings formerly occupied
by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn
e e" " _ ' _ _
, ; : ; " . . - ; = " : ' ; " = : : - , ; : : ; ; ; ' .
: = .
" " " " " - - - ; : - - . - . .
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- - -
- -
Sunday and Monday ,
June 21st and 22nd
' Atkinson
'I .
Game , called at 2:30. :
For sale-Five spitz pups white
and curly. vCall and look at 'em.
20-4 A. G. SHAW.
P. H. Young of Simion has 15
thoroughbred Hereford Bulls for
sale , from 1 to 4 years ol9 and the
prices are right. . 21 2
New program for Saturday eve-
ning at the opera house. High
grade musical entertainment given
by Noble's orchestra.
v. I
The grotte barn being erected by !
LM. Rice is > rapidly nearing comple- i
tion. When finished it will be one
of the warmest barns in town.
Thomas Jelly and wife and baby
are visiting relatives near Sparks.
Mr. Jelly has a good position as
corral boss at Ft. ' McKenzie ,
Miss Ethel Estes of Omaha ar
rived this morning to spend a
couple of weeks visiting at the
home of her cousin , Mrs. I. M.
John Lynde , special agent for
the Nebraska Underwriters Ins.
Co. , visited I. M. Rice , the local
agent for that company Friday and
Saturday last week.
{ ,
The house of Bee Atwood is rap-
idly being pushed to completion
and when finished will make a
comfortable and cozy home. Grant
Boyer is doing the carpenter
John R. Bell and family of
Sheffield , Ia. , are visiting at the
home of U. G. Dunn and wife.
Mr. Bell is editor of the Sheffield'
Press and is a brother to Mrs.
B. R. Cowdery , special agent for
the German Fire Ins.-Co. , is vis
iting I. M. ' Rice , the district agent
for that company this week and
they expect to drive some in the
Sheriff Rosseter leaves today on
an extended trip into the western
part of the county. He expects
to be gone about a week. His wife
and children will accompany him
to Cody for a few days visit with
About twenty five of the young
people picnicked in the city park
Wednesday evening and had a
splendid time. Our new park is an
ideal place for such gatherings and
hardly a day-passes when there is
not some picnic.
Dr. Barnes , the eyesight special-
ist of Omaha , will be at the hotel
in Valentine Thursday , the 2ith.
One day only. Do not forget the
date. Visits have been made over
this road for nearly twelve years. ,
All work guaranteed. 22 2
The Valentine Base Ball Club is
beginning to get busy and endeavor-
ing to build up one of .the fastest
teams in this section of the state.
Two men came this week , Hayne of
Hampton , Iowa , and Grimes of
' '
JDenniRon , Iowa. Both men are
pitchers and those who have seen
Grimes work know what a valuable
asset he is to a team.vith the
townspeople solidly backing this
year's team we had ought to see
somE : .good ball.
, Noble's. Concert Orchestra . of
Chicffgo will appear at the opera ,
house Friday and Saturday nights ,
June 18 and 19. This company
comes so unusually well , recom-
mended that it is a great pleasure
to introduce them to our town.
They will give a splendid musical
entertainment both nights from
8:15 to 10:15. Friday night from .
10:15 to 2:30 : a dance of extra-
ordinary quality will take place. .
Reserved seats on sale at Chap
man's . drug store. I
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" : . . / - ' ' "I - . . . All Leaden
. ' - Leading
Old , ' Crow . . ; . . , : / 'i o . g
Hermitage ' " . , . - - - I Brands - x - "
, . ' , . .
, . "
* , '
and f . . Bottled . , - '
i Guchen- ; = ' Under the , :
n , , c. '
heimer , : . ' " - . Supervision .
_ . : , : 'J1I' ' .
Hye , \ of the :
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R" . ' '
Whisk eys. ; U. S . 'Gov : : . ; . _ :
, ,
f . " . ti ! ,
. We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Mrs. W. D. Armstrong spen t
Sunday in the city with her hus
band. The last of the month shi
will come to occupy the new homi
recently purchased of Franl
Smith.-Chadron Journal.
Nearly . ninety teachers hav <
registered in the junior normal
and more are , coming in every day
The work is progressing splendid
II.v under the direction of Prof.
Gregory. This institution , main
tained by the state , is proving in-
valuable to the educational inter-
ests of this part of the state , foi
it is fitting teachers for the wort
before them. It brings some of
the principles of higher education
to our own doors , within the . reach
of all.
Emerson Powers , an old resi-
dent of this county , committed
suicide last Saturday in a hotel at
Dead wood , S. D. , by cutting his
throat from ear to ear. For sev-
eral years , due to financial losses ,
he had been despondent and brood-
ed , over alleged wrongs. His fami
ly I . .noticed his condition and en-
deavored . in every way to help him
- '
to forget ' , but ; as time passed his
mind : . seemeB to be growing weak-
er. . Some time ago he sent _ his
wife and younger children down
to Sparks where they vwere to visit
witb Telatives. About ten days
ago he was here and visited with
them for several days , returning
to the Hills where he had a good
position. The community was
startled Saturday on receiving the
sad news and his wife and \ her
brother , Charles Hudson , immedi
ately went up to Deadwood. The
body was brought here for burial
and interment made in Mt. Hope
cemetery on Monday. TIlE DEMO
CRAT extends sympathy to the
bereaved relatives and fnends.
A. Thompson is going to sell out
his stock and go out of the ranch
business. He has been here on
his ranch since the country was
new and the neighbors far , apart.
At first he had but a homestead or
a tree claim but he stayed here
and has added a few quarter sec-
tions until he now owns a fine
ranch op Schlagel creek. But ,
he ' s growing okl , and with his
wife expects to go out to Idaho
and retire from business. He
says it's not on account of failing
health , for he feels as good as he
ever did , but he wants to quit and
ae's got enough to quit with and
live comfortably the remainder of
his days and accumulate a little as ; ;
he goes from now on without dig
ging around in the snow to find a
hay stack while the cattle are bel-
lowing for' feed , and he's going to
quit and turn the ranch over to
his son , Robert , whcr will look
well to the property and run his
own herd upon the range. Mr.
Thompson's sale is advertised in
this paper and people wanting fine
cattle and horses and get them in
, good ] condition , acclimated and
well bred can make more out of
his herd than on a lot of southern
cattle four times the number. Go .
to his/sale and see for yourself
what he has to offer. . You'll get
a free lunch at noon ancf something
to . eat if you have to stay longer.
Remember the date ; Wednesday . ,
June 23 , 1909
. .
o \ r
Just Returned V
From the city with a bright , new stock of ,
Clothing , Dry Goods , Notions and
Drawn Work ; ; , also Ready Made Gar-
ments in Ladies' Wearing Apparel.
. at reasonable prices. Five per cent ' dis
count on Dry Goods. A full line of Hats.
Fresh Groceries and Fruit at right prices. .
alentine , Nebraska
Blue Flame Oil Stoves .
! ,
These stoves are made by the Standard IOil Co. ,
, and they are the best that money can buy. They furnish
I an intense steady heat , lighted in a second , no smoke , no
soot , and no danger , whatever. One , two and three
burners , and also with cabinet warming shelf or oven . as
you desire. ' . . . ' , ; .
, , ' , : - 0 - .
Frank Fischer. : H. -
. '
. . . 1
. - - . - - I .
"HBIH& fi11 sr J tf : , -
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U' l\'m1O ! 1JM - "i lt1 rY.1Ylt ,
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@RT @T@ N nL CR
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- .
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; -
Stone , ' Concrete and Cement Work. ( t j
Foundations and Cellars. House _ Moving.V : ! ' .
Plastering. Chimney Building. Cess ; . "
I Pools and Cisterns. Examine my work. -
Inspect my sidewalks. 1.11vork guaran- 1 ,
- I
teed. I can do your work. Call on me. :
H ; - V '
V -t
V - . - . ' .
J.1 m ! 11.
] } St 10 , Ml { ii\\ tf 11.11. .
1r AJI \ \ ! l11 I * & * & * & 3j .
Valentine - - - Nebraska I .
= - . . . . .
when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. Y ou'11 fini : afl sorts and Stiada at
corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take .
, . - - - * & -WHITE. , ,
27 years experience has enabled us to bring"
WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining friti
ccl -cp all the good points found on high.
grans cachings ' and others that are cxclutttely
\7HTTE - for instance , our TENSION INDI
' CATOR a device that shows the tension at a ; i
glance : , zsdvc have others that appeal to care-
_ _ _ _ - = = ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic
- - - T
' Lift and beautiful Swell Front , Golden Oak
ooc1wcrI : : Vibrator aadRotary Shuttle Styles. V
.1 . .
I For sale by Ked Front 1 lei c , . Co. Valentine , I T eb. . . . .
. \ . ! . -
f I -
Sale Bills on Short Notice . L
. . . J.