Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 03, 1909, Image 2

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. , . . / , Rifled Saclcs Arc Secured-Found in
l i . " : ' Attic of South Omaha School Build
. ' ' '
. -
1 ing . Valuables Taken from Pouc ] } .
. ' . es , , but letters Xot Molested. "
\ ,
. . .
" \ , > . Developments Friday in the running
, \
" , " down of the men who last Saturday
, . . , . night held up and robbed the Over-
: T " land Limited train on the Union Pa-
cific railroad near the Omaha city
, , 'limits had their climax in the discov- ,
1" \ ery in the attic of Brown park school
' in South Omaha of six large and two
, ' small registered mail pouches , the
I' ' contents of which had been rifled.
. \ Following the arrest Thursday
night in the vicinity : of the school of ,
three suspects as they were approach-
ing a point where they had hidden re-
, , . . . volvers and other material , 100 secret .
service 'men , ' private' and city dete - -
I . . ' tives early in the day began tp search
the locality for further evidence. The
principal and teachers of Brown park
I school were thrown into a small panic
J , . ' . when they learned what had occurred
II '
. during the night and an open base-
, I ' i
. ment window which had-.been discov-
. , .
cred during the morning formed the
basis of an investigation.
. - ' . \Irs. Nora Freeman , one of the
. . . . . . . teachers ; , noticed that a ladder used for
I . reaching the attic of the building , and
! which is usually suspended from the
. ' ceiling by a rope , had been displaced ,
and the janitors were called. Lan-
terns were produced and two men
crawled into the attic. They were as-
. ; , tonished to find eight registered mail
E sacks , two raincoats , a long top coat
rl ; and a pair of overalls. The police au-
thorities were notified and made a
'y . hurried trip to the school building.
Examination of the contents of the
, , packages showed that every letter and
package had been torn open and the
contents of value removed. In each
, case the letters were stuck back into
the envelopes , the robbers having sat-
. isfied. themselves with removing of
f money and other valuables. There
were several jewelry packages , the
i contents of which had been taken by
. , the robbers. There is every indica-
tion that the robbers took the mail
. . pouches to near the school Saturday
I " night arid removed them to the school
I . \ house attic Sunday night. They se-
; cured entrance through the basement
I I window , went up the stairway to the
i main corridor and into the attic by
; means of the ladder- . They werese -
cure from detection in the attic , which
is dark , and were able to examine the
i contents of the pouches at their leis-
{ ure.The
The postoffice authorities and rail-
road officials are fully convinced that
E . in the arrests of Woods Gordon and 4
Tortensen Friday night they have se-
cured the right men. The chain of ev-
. . . .
w idence already secured is , in the minds
of the police , sufficient to
c. . . convict the m J
men , and Chief Briggs believes he will
; ; be able to secure a confession from one
E of the trio.
+ .
f . -
. After Being Refused Admission by the
I Jailer Crowd Opens Fire.
i The Taylor county jail in Abilene ,
. Tex. . , -was stormed , by a mob at 1
o'clock Friday morning. Demand was
made for the delivery of Tom Barnett ,
who was recently convicted of the
murder of Alexander Sears in the dis-
o trict court there. Being refused ad-
, . -mission by the jailer . , the mob worked
unsuccessfully , for an hour to open
the cell doors. Having failed to get
at the victim , he was shot to death in-
, . side his cell by the attacking party.
. : I I' l . The proceedings were conducted
I i with comparative quiet and few citi-
: , zens of the town were aware of the
II : lynching until it was finished. L
Il ! \
- c ;
i . , . . .I Signs "Joy ; Riding" Bill. "
--Gov. Hughes , of New 3Tork , Friday of
\ : - - signed the so-called "joy riding" auto- n
t t. ' mobile bill. It provides that "any "
Ii i ? , . . . . . chauffeur : or-other person who without
, ' .
I , , . the ; consent of the owner shall take an
I . _ automobile motor vehide-and-oper- .
J , : .ate or drive , , teajs the same and is
I . . guilty : of larceny and shall , be , PQ ish. n ,
i I able accordingly. " SJ
I "
ii . . . . . . . . . . , . . el
; i . . . , _ An Old Sea. Captain Dead. . , , ; . ' . ql
i Capt. David F. Edwards , 90 year ? aJ
, ! old , for half a century builder of lake ci
, ,
. . . vessels , died at Toledo , 0. , Friday. In
. r- : early seafaring life Capt. Edwards was
, ship's carpenter on the warship Con.
5 t
: - stitution. fa
" si :
Sioux City Live Stock Market. li1
-t . Friday's quotations on the Sioux
1 . St
' . - . City live stock market follow : Top w
; . -4 beeves , $6.75. Top hogs , $7.25. in
- , ' ' .
. ' .
; .
l . , , 4 ! ' ; , . ' Gives Himself Up.
; Harry Robinson , claiming to have
been identified with the Jesse James
. / 0
. 0. . gang and that he is wanted in Chicago ,
: , for bank robbery and 'burglary , ur- sb
" ; rendered himself at Sandusky , 0. , ried .
"i " f. Thursday to Sheriff Reuter. Robinson da
r ' . I
. ' " . , gave the sheriff no' , , details of his er
_ . ' . : . - r . 1ncs , but said ' cthe Chicago police' 'It
1 , " ' ' I . r '
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. : knew his record. - be
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; ; y 0rR BLACK r ;
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Colored' : " 'Gr . Is" of ? ' fl f . o\fd \ txll tt College .
. . , , , \ dtldreaca. . ' ( . _ f '
i Speckingl tqhc ( c.919N d n1."dua e ! ?
of Howard' : Iu iverSfty , t Hr : , \Vrohig-
ton , D. C. , Wednesday , President Taft
declared that never at any time has
the future of the negro , as a race , ap-
peared more hopeful and bright than
at the present day.
The president pressed upon his
hearers the fact that it is for the ne-
-groes themselves to work out their 1 .
own future and- to make themselves .
valuable citizens in the communities
in which they live. Conditions for the
negro in the 'south , ' the president said ,
he believed are growing better and
better. Southern people of the better
class are coming to look more and
more upon the negro as one of their
valuable assets. Mr. Taft declared ,
and he again urged upon the negro
the importance of gaining the respect
and the friendship of the white peo-
ple among whom he is to live.
The task of educating the negro ,
and especially cf fducating leaders
among the race , the president asserted ,
was a debt owed by the government ,
a debt only too difficult of repayment
because of the constitutional limits of
the' government in dealing with the
individual. '
President Taft personally handed to
the'more than 100 candidates for de
I grees their parchment rolls. When
the commencement exercises were endsu
ed he was escorted to the foundation
of the new Carnegie library of the uni-
versty , where he officiated at the lay-
ing- of the corner stone. The presi-
dent evidently enjpyed the privilege !
'of being a real mason , for he not only
applied the customary first dash of
mortar , but worked industriously with
the silver I trowel until he had covered
the entire resting place for the well
proportioned stone. .
Secretary of the Interior Ballinger ,
Minister Leger , of Haiti , and Presider
Thirflield , of the university , also wer
called upon to wield the . , trowel.
- -
Congressman Lorimer Elected - Fight I
- Lasted Many Days. I
The long senatorial deadlock in the ;
Illinois assembly ended Wednesday
afternoon when Congressman Lorimer ]
was elected senator. ;
The feeling of unrest which has
marked : the senatorial deadlock for
days was rampant Wednesday when
the general assembly convened. In the
minds of many there was a probability
that Congressman Lorimer would en
ter the race , although no authoritative
statement had been made to that ef
fect before the session opened.
When the balloting began there was
a break to Lorimer.
At 12:50 p. ' m . Lorimer's total was
53 , Hopkins 47 , in both houses.
At 2 p. m. Lorimer's total was 77 ,
Hopkins 61. :
Four Cornered Duel in Remote Section
of North Carolina.
.Arthur and Andy Franklin were shot
io death Tuesday night in Laurel town-
ship , remote section of Madison
county , N. C. , in a four cornered duel in
in which the Franklins were arrayed
against : the Tweed brothers.
Robert Tweed and Arthur Franklin
met ! in the store of Arthur Franklin
and opened fire. Andy Franklin ent :
deavored tostop the fight , it is said , but r
Maj. Tweed interfered , and . both draw- a
ing pistols the fight became general. tJ
Andy Franklin was instantly killed. s. .
Arthur Franklin died Wednesday of
his wounds. Maj. Tweed received a *
serious wound in the thigh. Beverly
Stanton ; , a bystander , was shot. S
America Sends $10,000.
The Portuguese Se
Red Cross has
ceived : $10,000 from the American Red file
Cross to be devoted to the relief of vol
the sufferers from the th
recent earth- thwh
quake : in Ribatjo district. Shocks wh
tinue intermittently in th .t region , vol
two violent shocks occurring Wednes . mi'
day , but no damage was done. it }
. Unitarians at Boston. na
The annual meeting of the American Stc
Jnitarian association " occupied practi- wh
cally all of" Wednesday's anniversary to
week , session at Boston. The
f the and
nominating business comIJ [
mittees and the 'election of
officers : ing
weie considered . in the forenoon.
. . tio (
Fight Promoters Arc 111. cai
Almost the
simultaneously with the
news of the illness in New York of Pat the
Sheedy , his former partner in many the
enterprises , Parson Davies was taken pei
quietly ! ' from . New , Orleans to Chicago , , , ths
and Is said to be seriously ill in that ' 'ing. ,
. l , ,
. . . " " I
Automobile Overturns. f . . -
Mrs. Warren Jones , wife ; of a ' wealthy- 4 , )1'
/armer , and the 3-year-old son of her at
sister , Mrs. Isaac Robinson , lost their nes
lives in an automobile accident at by
Stockton : , Cal. They were drowned the ,
when the automobile
was overturned 2 : el
two feet of water. in
Is Carried Through Sluice Gates. '
Four persons were drowned and
de :
/our others were rescued from . a capof
sized gasoline launch which was car- , 000
: > d through the sluice gates of the
dam of the Consolidated Water : Pow
company ; of Grand Rapids , Wis. , ,
Tuesday ' night and dashed-to , the rocks tome
below. !
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Federal Grand Jury at Tulsa Indicts
Indictments ] charging fraud in the
Muskogee , Okla. , town lot cases were
returned by the United States grand '
jury against Gov. , Charles . Haskell , . , "
. :
F. B. Severs , , ; W. T. Hutchins , G. , W.
Turner , A. Z. . English ; arid - . W. Rc'JEa- : *
ton. ,
The accused men ar'e , charged with 1
obtaining title from , the government
to town lots in' Muskogree , by . 'illegal
methods. .
Bond in each case was fixed at $5-
000 , and was promptly furnished. Ar-
rangements for the trials have not
been made , but it is thought th e' cases
will be heard at an early date. This
Is the second indictment for Gov. Has ;
kell in the Tulsa case. The first bills
were dismissed on a technicality. The
federal authorities at once began'pre-
paring new evidence along the , lines
indicated by the court's ruling. ' ! The
fight before the' grand jury had many
sensational features. Numerous wit-
nesses from Ohio and elsewhere testi-
fied. Twenty were on the stand Thurs-
day.Gov. . ,
Gov. Haskell , in discussing his in-
dictment Thursday night , said :
"As a result of four government ,
attorneys and an army of secret serv-
ice men surrounding the grand jury
and limiting the testimony to just what
suited them , indictments have been
secured against me. I am thoroughly
satisfied that when the whole facts
are made known in the open the gov-
ernment at Washington will not ap
prove-of these cases , which practically
all ' the people { of this locality know
have no merit and that there has ,
been no violation of law in any par-
"The later disclosures in this case
\V1 ll' speak for themselves .and show
plainly the origin and , intent cfonnected
with them. The only ! enibarrassm'eitt :
to me in the trial is that : ; many wit- :
nesses must be brought from a great
distance and will result in much other
expense , which , unfortunately , I have
not the means to bear. However , my
numerous friends in Oklahoma , in-
cluding many republicans , have gener-
ously shared the expense up to date ,
a kindness ' that I have sincerely ap :
preciated and I only regret the ex
pense [ of further proceedings on that
account. "
Michigan Man Arrested as Wedding
Dinner Begins.
Married Wednesday morning to An-
na Layser , Roland Rich , of Bay City ,
Mich , 23 years old , was Wednesday
afternoon arraigned on the charge of
murdering his aged grandmother , Mrs.
Christine : : : Coryeon. The young man
stood -njute in court and was commit-
ted to jail to await examination Thurs-
day. He has always borne an excellent
reputation. Mrs. Coryeon , about 70
years ? of agewas found dying in her
bed room early Wednesday with her
ekull , fractured , three wounds on her
head indicating that she had been
beaten with a club. The young bride- ,
groom : prisoner , who was first to report
the discovery of his grandmother's
plight , said that he found her lying
11 a pool of blood on the floor with the
mattress-and . her . bed , clothing hang-
ing on the walls in..fiam . . s. The aged
lady was taken to a hospital and the
wedding , was carried out as planned , .
the young man being placed under ar-
rest just as the wedding dinner was t
about to begin. Mrs. Coryeon died at
the hospital without recovering con
10 I ,
Secretary Knox Giving Situation His g
Closest Attention. "
to .
Close ( attention is being given by
Secretary < Knox to the trouble at Blue-
fileds , Nicaragua , where the issue in- iJ
volved is in some respects similar to
that brought before the secretary
when he was attorney general and in-
volved [ the purchase of grain in the
middle ' west by favored dealers , who , p
was alleged , were receiving rebates s
from the railroads. At Bluefields there J ;
a i serious difference : between the ba0
nana ] planters and the Bluefields p
Steamship : company , of Xew. Orleans , ef
which in its earlier stages . gave rise
, rioting and strikes. The trouble
grew out of the price to be paid for
bananas , the steamship company hav- ® l
g exclusive right of the river naviga- ly
tion : at Bluefields and incidentally con-
trolling the port trade in fruit. Detl1
cause of the increased
cost of living no
e planters say they cannot turn over '
thefruit at the agreed prices , and
e result is business is greatly ] tam- . .
pered. Secretary Knox has directed .10
that all interests be given a full hear- pI
g. pt
, 33
. s 'J : Sauerkraut - * * ' * i " 'l' Won " * by.Taft ed
President Taft held the ticket that' .
Jreaf ' - a parre.1 ! of saueiarauto worth $3 f I .
the Elks fair , at Sandusky , 0. , Wed
nesday . , night. It was presented to him age
William H. Reinhart , president of Issi
e Perry Victory and international high
centennial .peace commission , who was ? rc
'or '
Washington "
Destructive Forest Fire.
Forest fires started by a spark from Br
railroad engine Wednesday night day ;
destroyed a large part of the village Sh
Dalton ; Mich. : , together with 3,000tm
o feet of lumber and a big mill. The will ]
: s is estimated at $50,000. one
Killed by Boiler Explosion.
J. Slocum and his brother , R. L. ,
filocum , were killed and three other Qir
in were dangerously injured by a Tin
boiler explosion at Tilton. Ark ; j been
. . .
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Sterling YUa ( , c'Board JIust Cancel a
License , It I $ - suecl . , y .
The Sterling salbon case came up
for hearing in district court at Beatrice
Tuesday afternoon before Judge L. M.
Pemberton. The court granted a per-
emptory writ of mandamus compelling
the Sterling village board to cancel a
saloon license recently issued there
to Henry Seele , on the ground that the
demonstrators were not given sufficient
time for a hearing. The' defendants
gave notice of an appeal , to the su-
preme court.
Recently Judge Pemberton granted
an alternative writ of mandamus re
quiring the village board'of Sterling to
meet < and revoke the saloon license
granted Henry Seele and to allow the
citizens of that place an opportunity
to present a remonstrance , it being al-
leged that the board took snap judg-
ment in granting said license to Seele.
After the writ was granted Seele ' s sa-
loon was , closed pending the hearing
of the case. A number of remonstra-
tors , comprising residents of Adams
and Sterling , attended the hearing.
Officer and Insane Patient ' 'elTibl '
' Injured by Cars.
Frank Kent , a Fremont youth , is
dead , and Deputy Sheriff W. P. Condit
is lying in the hospital with his left
foot . gone as the result of a desperate
struggle in which the deputy sought to
prevent Kent from throwing himself
under the wheels of a moving train.
Kent ( had been adjudged insane and
was being taken to the state hospital
at Lincoln. The two were at the deex
pot w 1e'the fniane youth made a
leap-for-the track over which a North
- ) -western train was moving. The officer
pulled Kent back , but in the struggle
both rolled under the wheels. Kent
was terribly crushed and Condit's leg
was severed at the ankle. Kent died
Thursday evening as a result of his
- -
Polish Laborer Dies as Result of Hav
ing ClothingCaught. .
While at work Tuesday in the glue
department at the Cudahy Packing
company in Omaha , Victor Kuki'nski ,
a Polish laborer , met with injuries
which resulted in his death. His
clothes became entangled in some ma-
chinery and he was dragged around a
revolving shaft , crushing his shoulder
and inflicting other injuries. The ac-
cident happened at about 9:30 and he
was immediately removed to the South
Omaha hospital , where he died at/ 11
o'clock. He was 4.9 years old and
leaves a wife and four children. The
body was taken in charge by Coroner
Heafy and an inquest will be held.
Hebron Citizens to Extend Water and :
Sewerage Systems. (
Hebron took the initiatory steps at I ]
a : meeting : of the citizens Tuesday night J
toward the extension of the water serv- ]
ice and a complete sewerage system ,
for the city. The meeting was held in (
the : court house and was well attend- ,
ed. It is proposed to have the city E
platted by a competent engineer , and
the : plans drawn as to the location of
the : mains and sewer pipes , and to
vote sufficient bonds. The council was
authorized ' to commence proceedings
as to the practical cost of the
. , sys-
tem. - " -
. II
Falc Advertising Hit.
The directors of the Fremont Com
mercial < club at their monthly meet-
ing voted to turn down such schemes
as cook books , directories , except the
local director , hotel registers
, pro-
grams ; ; , map and time cards , which
will practically confine advertising
o newspapers. The city has been
worked extensively by advertising "
schemes during the last year and bus- ,
iness men were getting tired of them.
BonnoAto Pueblo.
Lincoln Wednesday announced that. s1
Gus Bonno , an Italian and a star of :
pitcher in the Western league last sea- '
son , had been traded to Pueblo for I st
James , a southpaw. Bonno was a hold ' by :
out early this spring and did not re11
port until after the season had nl
started. : tl :
Burglars at Winslow.
Weitkamp's harware store at Win-
slow was broken into one night recent- at
. .
and about $100 worth of knives and TJC
cutlery was taken. The burglars ran- I thy
sacked the store and picked out what ? S
they thought was the best. They left is
) elue. l'
New School for Clay Center.
At a special election in Clay Center
or the purpose of voting bonds , the dry
proposition to vote $12,000 for the ter
purpose of building a new school
ni' '
house carried by a vote of 149 for and ed
: against. The building will be erect- 7 :
. ' at once.
ex. .
. " r
Bonir Issue is Defeated. .
Although only one-half of the aver-
'e ' vote was polled for the proposed , I
issue ; of $100,000 bonds for the new ard
[ h school building at Hastings , the of
proposition was defeated by a ma- 1'4
jority of 242 votes. . ed : ,
Cullen Taken to Ponca
James Cullen , who , "with Frank
Brice , broke jail at Dakota City Fri-
y night , have been captured by A
Sheriff Nascal at Ponca. He has' been bet
turned over to Sheriff ; Brockwell and trai
[ 1 be sent to the penitentiary .to serve Ros
e year for larceny. Brice is still
large. of
- nur
Belden Sold . t < j Waterloo. move
William Belden center fielder of the wat
Omaha Western league club , was ,
Thursday sold _ Waterloo. . He has tween ,
' Alb
m with 'Omaha three years.
. ; . , ' , " ! .
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Nebraska Prepared for Long Siege in
Testimonywill be taken for the first
time next month in the various rail-
road ' cases ' in the federal court In-
volving tfie validity of the 2-cent 'fare .
law , the maximum freight rate com-
modity , law \ and other legislative enact-
ments of 1907. These have been in
" "
court "for nearly two years and the
lawyers have just about got all the un
derbrush cleared away for trial on
their merits. In the statutes in ques-
tion are the anti-pass law and the
act creating a railroad commission. ; If
the state loses , all the work of the
past four years in ' legislative regula-
tion of railroads will } fail , but the atuse
torney general is confident that he can
sustain them all.
A year's time , it is expected , will be
consumed in taking testimony. ; Four
or five years will probably pass before
& : final decision in the higher courts
! can be secured. The case is to be
; heard by both of the federal judges.
i Before he was appointed , Judge Thom-
'as ' C. l\Iunger was one of the strong-
est advocates of the restrictive legis-
lation in question , and the state goes
into the case relieved of the incubus
that Missouri had in'the person of
Judge McPherson , who was a railroad I
lawyer before he became judge.
McPherson's decision is citable as a
. precedent , but what governs will be
the earnings of the roads. In Nebrastcc
ka the anti-pass law undoubtedly
stimulated the net earnings , while Mis
souri had no such enactment. The _ .
railroad commi ( lion's physical valua .
tion of the railroads will be completed J
before the trial of the case , and it is
expected : to materially aid in sustain-
ing the 'st te's position. . Meanwhile all
of these laws will remain in force.
- - ' . , * - . . , ; . , .Qt ; .
Colored Woman at Hastings Said to Bt
1 Aged 10 ! ) ' Years.
Mrs. Clara Briley , colored , of Hast-
ings , presumably the oldest person
west of the Mississippi river , on -Mon
day celebrated her 109th birthday an
niversary. She is apparently as strong
in body and mind as she was thirty ,
years ago and is able to talk with re-
markable clearness of things that oc-
curred century ago.
"I stopped getting old about sixty
years ago , " said Mrs. Briley. "This' I
thing of breaking down in old age is
a . matter of self-control. , I would have
died long ago if I had given up , but I
made up my mind at the age of 50
that ' 1 would live another fifty years ,
and at 100 I decided to live at least c
twenty-five more. I think I've made a of
pretty good start. " . S
c. .
Beatrice Butcher Pleads Guilty tc of
Sellingand Pays Fine.
On complaint of Mayor Rutherford , n
of Beatrice , Henry Neitman , proprietor , c I
of a meat market on Lower Court m
street , in that city , was arrested
charged with bootlegging. The coma :
plaint was drawn in two counts. Neit- be
man appeared before Judge Ellis and In
pleaded guilty. He was fined $204.80 , tl
which he paid. Ever since the saloons
closed here , more than a year ago , it
was suspected that Xeitman had been fr
engaged in the moist goods business d 1
and the authorities have been keeping a
close : tab on him since he took out a sa
government r license a few weeks ago.
* - !
Robinson and Biclcley Acquitted ai F :
Spring-view of Charge of Murder.
A dispatch from Springview says
Anthony Robinson and William Bick- co
ley were acquitted there late Saturday
night murdering Warren Suther- B (
land. : Robinson shot and killed Suth- Mo .
erland May 12 , 190S. He claimed f a
Sutherland had made improper fr. .
posals to his 18-year-old daughter. ing
Bickley : ( , a brother-in-law of Robinson , the
went with him to the
Sutherland house and J
near Carnes , when Robinson shot Cl
Lightning Strikes a School.
Monday afternoon during a thundei mu
storm the lightning struck the tower ex.j f
[ the public school of
building at Ne-
ligh and damaged it som hat and app
started : . a fire which was soon put out othy ]
the fire department. The children her
had just been dismissed wlJ
and were whi
nearly all out of the building before dres .
the alarm was sounded.
3rcCartIiy Coming Back. ma
The 11 g
police of Lincoln
say the
amount of money taken by Joseph H.
Stores : . , known there as J. H. McCar
l 5 , administrator of the Helen Horn
estate" : , is close to $10,000. McCarthy Sta
under arrest at Seattle , and advices
from that place say he has less than
$100 of the money left.
Good Rain in Custer. Chi :
Except for one or two local showers , Phi
y weather has been the rule in Cus Ne\v
r county this spring until Sunday
night. A general rain began falling
early in the night and continued until
a. m. The government register show-
- . Det 1
precipitation to be slightly in '
excess of half an inch. Phi J
Howard County Gets Showers. . Bos
Three ' light showers Sunday in How-
f. county Sunday brought a rainfall
.45 and
somewhat relieved the
drouth , but a good deal more is need-
, as the ground .
was getting
- . LoV :
, . Indi
' - _ - . .
- ' . I - . , '
Nebraska Cloudburst. . ,
A cloudburst occurred - . , . . ' . . { Monday : : . night , : \
between : Plainview . 'C-C and > - , , Niobrara. No . -K
trains ran betyeetrfolk. . : , and , the . and
Rosebud country Tuesday ' on account , 'rs.
damage { to bridges. At 'n
- , Verdigris-a .
number of
were forced to aomM ;
M 1
ve from their homes to . '
escape ;
water. Washouts occurred also
- dic-n : :
en Oakdale and Tilden and
between WM
Albion and Loretto. ' " '
.ijutEd :
, . .
, . _ i. - . ' \ . . ; ' ' '
. .
' ? " 911' * : ' * _ : : ; ,
Senate Vote Shows Only 25 ' fof
Dropping Duty , While 56
Are Against. . It. ,
Dolliver Turnishes Surprise of Day
by Standing with Ariti-
Badicals. ' 1
No single piece of lumber was ever
. by
used more effectually as a
children than was the great
industry Monday _ by the United States
Senate. The lumber schedule of the
under consideration
tariff bill was . :
most the entire day , with Senator"
Root , Heyburn , Borah and Dolliver
contending on the one hand for a pro-
tection for the industry , and Senators
Clapp , Burkett and McCumber . argu- .
ing as strongly against that policy.
The vote closed with more than a
two-thirds vote against Senator : \ ic-
Cumber's free lumber amendment , the
ballot showing 25 for and 56 against.
Of the twenty-fiveaffirmative votes fif
teen Sena
l"PP were cast by Republican
tors and ten by Democratic Senators
as follows : ,
, ' S .
nep bIlcnnH. , ' .
" ? I
Beveridge [ , Curtis ? ' " ,
Rriftow , . . Dopont , . . - ,
Brown ' , Gamble , ;
Burkett , Johnson . t , . -
Burton La Follette ; r , _
Glapp . . , . McCumberjf : . ; : i '
Crawford . . . , 'Nelson. I * . .
Cummins , _ , - ,
' r Democrats. ,
' ;
Clay , , Kewlands , " . ' - -
Culberson , Paynter ,
Frazier . , Rayner . , $
Gore : , Shively ] , '
Hughes , Stone. '
The surprise of the day was the at-
tradeof Senator Dolliver , who here-
tof ( ore' has stood with the "progres
sives" throughout the tariff fight. He
took . positive position against the radi-
cal demand for free lumber , but ex
pressed the opinion that the industry , .
would not suffer from a reduction ol\
the Dingley rates. '
Senator Root opened the day's pro -
ceedings with an argument in favor
f a differential on dressed lumber.
Senators : Borah and Heyburn of Idaho
contended for the highest duty on
lumber ! , and Mr. Borah entered upon
n argument to show that the policy
f protection is "a system" and can
not be maintained if there are to be
constant [ exceptions , to it as is desired
1 the interest of free lumber.
On the other hand Senators Clapp
and Burkett argued that lumber can
e produced as cheaply in Canada as
1 the United States , and contended . '
that the lumber industry of this coun
'y would not be endangered by the' /
free admission of the Canadian pro- r
duct. Incidentally Senator Clapp par #
tribute to the Canadian government ,
saying it was equal to the best.
Hve Burned : Perhaps Fatally by Tire , r
at a Commencement.
Five children : who took part in the
commencement exercises of Mrs. Bi C.
Boyd's school in Central City , Ky. , on
Monday night were burned , perhaps !
fatally , and the audience was changed ,
from an applauding crowd to a fight- i
g mob. Men in the audience covered
e flaming children with their co'ats
: d thus saved them. Little Dorothy-
Clay was the unwitting cause of th&
e. The children had formed in a.
circle and had drilled in their white-
muslin ! dresses.
. Then the lights were-
extinguished and a candle in the hand : ; ;
each child flashed out. The audience ? '
applauded : so enthusiastically that Dor-
lY ; became frightened and dropped ' '
I' candle. The flame leaped to the- '
white muslin , and in I +
twinkling five- _ '
dresses were afire. Mothers : fought to- I
. . . . . . .
their children ' ; : ; ; ;
and the childrfi' -
lde efforts to clamber over the foot '
Standing of Club In the Principal Ball I caK"ue.s.
w. r.
. . .
w. L.
Pittsburg : . .21 11 Cincinnati . .17 IS
Chicago ( . . . .22 13 Brooklyn . . .13 17 . t ,
Phlladelphia.15 ] 14 St. " Louis . . .15 20- '
York. 14 " 15 Boston . . . . .11 20
, - '
, -
" - . L. $ w. L. .
Detroit : . . . .21 12 Str Louis . . .15 16
Philadelphia.18 [ ] 12 Chicago . . . .15 17
" York. .17 13 Cleveland " : #
CIevelandcr'.13 : ID-
Boston ; . . . .17 U Washington. 9 22 :
. '
W. L- '
. . -
w. . L. '
Milwaukee ' .24 12 Kansas City . 15- ' 18 : : I'
Louisville .22 16 Columbus . . 18 22 : I'r
; r
Indianapolis.20 20 St. Paul . . . .14 . 19- i :
Minneapolis.17 , : 0 18 Toledo . .f' . .16 ! ' - . ' ' 21 : i
- . >
3Inn nml Three
( Children Perish.
John Carter , veteran . , 75 years oiJk '
the three children of his daughter ? a
i. Lela .Shaw #
aw. were burned .to death \ ' a
a fire which destroyed the"Shaw \ '
the Shaw * ' . .
Ie at , Eldon. Iori z. : " ' " " ' . :
Mrs. Shaw is , . "J. I
emplcved :
: during the- " "
; t . at a restaurant ! and left the chil- \ 1 ,
1 v.-ith i , ; their '
. grandfather. The fire. ! :1 : #
caused by the \ ' '
" : overturning of i'.1
'fed - 3 - - " , :
d. . _
: . lc.fnp Curing a stcrm. . , t '
i. .
, . -5- . . . . J . 4
' . ' : JiO' . , " , - - ' ' . . - - = * ' : ' . .1 I
t ' 1.
f , i
1 : : t
- , \ - 1
! pr
/ : / "