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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1909)
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I Moisture" Proof - Packages . \ , I v , / 4f4w No woman . . . : . % r .y .fi.r-r , tis . . . , " ever , once bought r , Ur eeda Biscuit . 1 ( : 1 r f e and tlien willingly ' Louglit any < other , . : a 49 l * 1 r 1 i * r kind or soda crackers. 1 e "I " 3 - No biscuit can be the ' " - National Biscuit unless it is - \ - t : . . . . . ' . , Th. : , . . - [ 11 R . I . _ ' , - . _ t . . t < : ; : I ; , . - ' : 'j . ' - - , Y/ : / . NATiO AL BISCUIT COMPANY - . . . : ' . - . - - - _ _ _ _ - - . - - - - - 1\ I \ Cherry Valley Cracklings. I : Lloyd Klingaman is again stay- I ing in Woodlake. The people of Cherry Valley are pleasejl with the refreshing rains of late. I Miss Grace Waggoner spent - Saturday aad Sunday with Mrs. : O. W. McDaniel. Mrs. Sam Hudson , our worthy county superintendent , was in these parts last week. Francis Peterson arrived here from Chicago last Saturday. We are all glad to see Francis back. A surprise party was given Mr. : and Mrs. A. G. Ward May 17th , in honor of their 24th wedding an- niversary. Everyone enjoyed themselves. A crowd of young folks gather- ed at the mansion of Roscoe Ward last Saturday evening. A good time is reported by all. ' " ' ) It. It.R. R. A. Nelson , who has been employed by Krampert & ; Uck the past winter , is taking a vaca- : , tion. He will go to Omaha soon \ ( II I I Quaker Oats Griddle Cakes , Try them today ! I The family that hasn't eaten Quaker Oats griddle cakes has a delightful sur- i prise coming to it. Besides the delic- ious flavor , there is the pleasure of . knowing you can eat all you want , and , the more you eat the better for you. The best of all foods for anyone wanting more strength and vigor. I Hundreds of thousands of packages \ I of Quaker Oats are consumed in Ger- k many annually and almost all of it is Q eaten in the form of Quaker Oats tj . . A griddle cakes. ' In the New York I cereal restaurant of the Quaker Oats ; , Company these griddle cakes are very i9 popular. : r' ' 1l : : Here's the best recipe for making ' * : them - , . > : 3 H ' " 2 cups Quaker Oats ' ( uncooked ) ; 1& cup 3n ' flour ; ; I tcaspoonful salt' tcaspoonful sodn - n : J : dissolve in two tablespoonfuls ! hot water- , i , $ i " 1 teaspoonful baking powder { mix in flour ) ; 2 ? i . qi , , cups - sour milk or buttermilk- ; CBKS beaten , .t' > - - R , -i i ' lijrhtly ) i ) ; I tablespoonful sugar : 1 or 2 table- ) , n 1. spoonfuls mclied'batter ) ( according to _ richness 1. , ; I : . . of % pl'w. ) . . ; . , , , . , r " . ' r ; . . - 1 t : : l Process : ' Soak Quaker Oats " ! & vcr nicbt in LI : . . milk. Jo the moraine mix and sift flour ! ; soda I , ,1 sujfar and salt - add this to Quaker jOats I P1 t i ' mixfuWana ! Quaritify of melted ! butter ; add it I * . . . c ; : 7t ! tenrlightly-'heatthornughlpapdcook ! ) J " ; : . 'J 'as Eriddfe ! cakes-they make , . . your . mouth i ; . : i .Y : > water"for more. , . - . ; . . 4 J : i ' . . ' . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . " , . , , , . . , . . ' - - TJ' " J : - - . " - .J.- . . - t .t . .r _ . . . . ' . i . . . . . . . ' - "r' l ; ' ' ' ' , : - - ; ; 1 . faVir ] . ' ; ; . : , : ' , ' " " _ 'J.-rl / 'iflv.'fJ # . ' . , , . . ( /fii' ' ' ' ' ' . . " M / > ' 1 * "io ' ' ' ' i ' ' . . . : 1 t . . .1 . " . . I . 1 . . . . ? 'If ry . V' . : .l . I to visit relatives. Miss Dora Grewe , who has been teaching in Cherry Valley the past eight months , left for her home at Nenzel last Monday. The Cherry Valley school closed last Friday after an eight months' term. A program was rendered by the pupils aiid after the pro- gram a ball game between the school boys and the Sunday school boys took place , the latter winning. The patrons of the : school gave the teacher a pleasant surprise by bringing their dinners to the school house. ALKALI J DI. . Not in Favor Now. When settlements were new in Kansas it was popular for a num- . ' ber of people to go and serenade I newly married couples , making all sorts of discordant noises and In- dulging in good natured and innocent amusement. This was called a charivari. Of late years , ! however , this form of amusement is not regarded as in good taste. At Cherryvale , Kansas , some time ago a charivari party subject- ed the bride and groom to indigni- ties and insults. There was con- siderable tumult and disorder and one boy was run over , suffering a broken leg in consequence. The boy's mother brought suit against the city of Cherryvale , under the statue of making municipalities liable for all damage accruing from the action of mobs within their limits. The plaintiffs se cured damages in the lower court. The city appealed the case but the supreme court held against it. In affirming the action of the lower court the supreme court says : "It is said that the rioters were in a good humor. Very likely , as they were permitted to carry on their operation without inter- ruption. But with what motive were they performing these good humored acts ? Not , certainly , for the gratification of the groom and his bride. They were giving them what is called a charivari , which Webster defines and ex plains as follows : 1A mock sere- nade of discordant music , kettles , tinpans , etc. , designed to annoy and insult. ' f "The object of a charivari is about as barbarous as the pronun-- I ' , , , . ' . . . . - > . , . . . . . . . . . - . " > . . . . . . , . . - - - - - - - - . - - ' - - ciat.ion of its name. Whatever , toleration it once had has long ' . since passed away. Even when in vogue it was often attended with violence and bloodshed. If it ever was allowable to direct a jury that such an assemblage , with all its tumult and confusion , was not a great provocation to those an- noyed and insulted by it , that time has passed away. " - iiandolph ( Kan. ) Enterprise. Maud Miller - , ill her new spring hat. , Planted the dwarf and the ! marrow fat ; For Maud was a thrifty little sprite \ l o went in for helping her dad all right. I Jerry , the judge , rode down that I way , In a stovepipe hat , on his dapp'ecT gray. He was tall ! and handsome and al- ways trim- Do .you wonder Maud fell in love with him ? Lie slanced her way , and it made him sore , For her face was obscured by the hat she wore. And all on account of the new spring style , That hid from the Judge her face the while. He married a girl in another block Whose face was sufficient to stop a clock. Maud married a fellevv of low de gree , As worthless and poor as a man buld be. And she sees how her sorrow came about , " For the judge somehow let the secret out. It was all on account of the cheese tub lid- I She was underneath , but her face I was hjd. Neither Maud nor the judge ever cracked a smile , For their lives were wrecked on I the rock of style. -Bixby ( ) Lincoln News. T. W. Cramer is now ready to do any and all kinds of insurance , including growing crops , auto- mobiles , windmills and thorough l bred stock against death from any ! ' cause. , , ' . . ; . . : ' ' . : . . ' . 10 i 1 .M ' . _ - . . . . . VALENTINE JUN- 1OR NORMAL. G. A. GREGORY Principal. The Seventh annual session of the Valentine Junior Normal wil be held from June 7th to July 30tn , 1909 , eight weeks. This longer session gives time to do better work in alJ the sub'jtcts pursued and will be especially help- ful to those who are preparing for their first year in teaching , since more time can be devoted to obser- vation in the model school and to - the study of methods. Tuition and text books are free. I An enrollment fee of two dollars entitles each student to all lectures and entertainments. Those branches required for any of " certificate element- grade county"certiticate , - ary state certificate or professional life certificate will be included in : the course of study. I Good table board may be had in clubs at 3.50 per week. Booms 50c to $1.00. Convenient rooms may be had in which students may board them- selves. Several students , both boys and girls , would like places to work for their board. Any citizen who wants such help should let the County Superintendent know. The State superintendent has made a wise selection of instructors for the faculty , men and women who have dealt with all phases of public school work , and who know how to inspire and help those pre- paring to teach. No better place than Valentine can be found for a summer school and every instructor who has been "here in the past six years has re ' mained enthusiastic in regard to the y ideal conditions here. This is the only place that _ provides boat rides , extensive horse-back excursions : : : , an- nual picnic journeys and many oth er social recreations for the spare time. Teachers and students at Valentine form a large , happy , mutt ally helpful family , and they are helped in many ways by the genial citizens of the city on the Minne- chaduza. Come to Valentine. En- ter the first day and remain throughout. - Institute week for Cherry county is from June 7th to 12th , inclusive. ] For any further information ad dress G. A. Gregory , principal , Crete ( ; or Lulu Kortz Hudson , regis- ( trar ; Valentine . ! Nebr. _ ' . - ' " . " . , . 1 . . . . . e..aaYm".rw'-- + rnrY'6'raK - - - . . , " ' " " / : . . . . . . . . . . : : : r = _ _ - - , , - - - - - - . - - . . - - - - - - - - -Lrte - - " . , ; , , . . , _ . ; : : - . ' . . . . . - , . , . . . . . . 1..6.'f / , " * gtf-Sale s . . - * . . 1 , Six-room house . - , ! stable > for * seve i I head of horses , granary and hay - stable ; One i-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team .as part payment. : P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 For Sale or Rent ! House 18 rooms and bath , Main : street , Valentine , Neb. 160 acres improved ranch , sec- tion 19 , township 34 , range 2G ; lease of school section , ALL 36- 34-27 , with above ranch ; the best open range in Cherry county. One-half section hay land , with or separate from above ranch , sec tion 34 , township 33 , range 26. Apply to owner , D. STINARD , No.2 , Mt : , Vernon Ave. , Ml. Vernon , N. Y. , or any broker in Valentine , Neb. 1L LT JOHN F. PORATH Burge , Ne"br. Tubular wells and windmills. Call me up by Telephone. . _ - = - - - - . 1 uID4C YL,4B3. , For Sale. One high grade Percheron stal- lion , 3 years old last June , weight 1600 pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , 5 years old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad- I dress me at Crookston , Neb. I L. H. OVERMAN. I TRIUMPH BOTTLED BIER A delicious melloW" rcw ; PURE- SPARKLl NG'HEALTHFUL Insist on having it. MADE IN OMAHA BY THE STORZ BREWING CO. For Sale by McGuEii , Valentine. 4 r VALENTINE , BARBER SHOP , I All kinds of. : " : ' . . . . . a . . SHAMPOOS , i ; MASSAGES , s AND LADIES > i' HAIR DRESSING i 1 ! Shampooing a specialty. p i HOT and COLD BATHS in connection ' : F ' : for. Forest Shepard , Prop. ' Valentine State Bank Building. $ ti".h' .D' .l.Y" : . : Y' 4 - s J. W. McDANIEL , 1 COUNTY SURVEYOR A Valentine - - Nebr. . All work will be given { prompt and careful attention. ' H. DAILEY , Dentist. ed Office over the grocery deparment oi T. O. Hornby's store I , , " . - - . - - > " - - - , - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - ' - ' _ - . _ - _ : .d , . . , - . - . - . rr - .wr.S.fC1N'h . . - . . ' . . ' - . . . . . - . . . . - - - - - . . .rr . - . - - - /.r ' . i I R. M : 3faddis + & Co. \ . . . j' I Fostofflce address-ValentIne or Rf'Il'It : . t f. - < . Soml' " , , -I//I/ + II / r * . / ' - : . tw OS . t ' , / - . UJIgh. . i T. . . . . i. t orsei " b".1 C ondeft . I : shoulder or thlgb , I Some Some branded branded on ri brandedl1 on left II or shoulder. shoulder " t or thigh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. , Cattle branded as cut on left aido Rome ayon I'lt side. - en left Jaw of V horses. . . , - Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon. Albert Whipple & Sons. , Rosebud S , D. - Cattle branded r SOS on left side OSO on rlebtslde Some cattle also , . . have a 4- on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind qaar- iters. Some Texas cattle branded 8 0 on leit side and some on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides ana left hip of horses . N. Rowley. . Kennedy , - Neorasba. Same as cut on left , side and lilp l , and on left shoulder of hor- ses. AlsoVSSI on left side . nd hip. _ _ F X on left si . , - - - " t" Some cat- tle brand _ . . ' . . ' ed husk- ( ing pe ; { ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses HI UJo on left hip of horses. " N on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D " Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right : hip. : Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward r for information leading to detection _ - - of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Kohl Terrill. ' : \ Brownlee , Xe " . - " : \ _ _ _ 1l Cattle branded as - ) In cat on left side. Some V 1.J branded JK. T Y _ _ . onleithi Range on North Loup . river two miles : west of Brewnlee J. A. Yaryan. .Pullman Nebr Cattle branded .IT on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re- covery of cattle strayed from my range ? V D. M. Sears / Kennedy , Nebr. i Cattle branded , ! as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S < - Horses same on 1-ift shoulder. Kange Square Lake. , 6 r . Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V. P . Chas G Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part animal ; 8 also the following brands : 111I lorses rando t e * same' , Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V. , R. R. and Hyannis on M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebr. BARTI.ETT Ia HAltDS. Ellsworth , Nebr. John Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis sion , Rosebud , S . D. Ott1e branded . as in cut ; horses . . s. same on left r" thigh , Range be- . tween Sprin C'k and Little 'White river. Sawyer Bros. , Oasis , Nebr t- - G. K. Sawyer has charee of these cattle. H rses D s on left shoul der. Some left somer . Horses ; { same left thigh. Kange on Snake river. , Metzger : : Bros. / Rolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. , Earmark , square , / ' . /0. . crop right ear. .E' Horses have ame brand on left thigh. Tiange on-Gordon and Snake Creeks Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or pensons stealin 9teaiing . : ea.ttle with ahovP hranrt. Roan Bros. - \ r Woodlake Neb BB , - . . . Range on Long r\ n " f I Lake and Crook- , - 1 Lake. . ' . . . . j . . . ' .h 1 _ _ ' - - - .rca-- M