Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 27, 1909, Image 1

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. : 1. 1 T. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , MAY 27 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 20
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' ! , _ e8 _
n h I I / . THIS is'frFri
and the Red Front Merc. Go's '
/ I IS - THE PLAGE - . I
e to buy your e
1 ,
I .
I e' e
e e
. Get ready for the hot days. We have the
largest and best assortment of Gasolene and
- , Oil Stoves ever shown in the city. Seeing is 8
believing. Call and see them' for yourself.
"We are also headquarters for Garden
Tools , Garden Hose , Sprinklers , and Hose
. Nozzles ; Garden Seeds , Barbed Wire and Field
Fence. 1\ e are also the only up-to-date em-
e bahners and undertakers in Cherry county. e
. . . -
Red Front Merc. Co.
, ,
_ O o e' _ _
v J F Eureka Saloon h .
" . < i . ROBERT McGEER , Propr.
" 1 4 Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars '
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
j . Old Crow , Sherwood ,
- . Hermitage , , - Guchenheimer ,
- ' Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
: - Spring Hill , ' and 27r-yeaivold
and as , E Pepper 0 , F , C Taylor.
These whiskies were urchased in bond
' and came direct from the U. S. go v-
ernment warehouse. They are guar-
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- . f ,
excelled for family and medical use.
. .
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's Extra Stout
Bass . Ale . Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
" Valentine w Nebraska y
3tf:3gS : !
Chartered us u State . Bnnk . . . Chartered .MS a National . Bunk ]
June 1 , I88J August 12 : , 11)02. ) :
Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalentine - Nebraska.
OAR1TAL PAID IN A General Banking , Exchange
$25 , 00.0. and Collection Business : : : :
. , . . . . .
O. H. COKXKI.I , President. . . M. : V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. .
J. T. May 't Vice President. Miss : GiiEN HOKNIG , Ass't Cashier. !
. . - _
; _ : : - : : - - ee ± . _ - a - -
New Hotel. Electric Lights. A
( Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. I
: Chicago :
7 MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Yalentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
. _ . _ ' - ' e8 - . - _ . e
Read . . . the Advertisements
, -
, . .
I C. & N. W. New Time Table.
No. 7 , 1:40p.m. New passenger train.
No. :1 : , l& : Old " "
No. HJi ! , 11 : : : ) p. in. Through freight train.
No. 8I,10:2Oii.m. : Local freight train.
No.2 , 11:00 ( ] } . in. New : passenger train.
No. G , 5:03 a. in. Old" "
No. lli , 0:20 : a. in. Through freight train.
No. 82 : , 8:511 : : ; j ( p. in. Local freight train.
J , H. Gable , traveling agent for
the C. & N. W. , was in town yester-
day and we consulted him in re
gard to the proposed excursion of
the E. V. E. A. , to Hot Springs.
We had hoped to get transporta-
tion for all the editors and their
wives on an advertising basis , but
he has turned that proposition
down. Says he can't do a thing
excepting on a cash basis. Now ,
we never did believe that any law
was constitutional that prohibited
a newspaper from taking wood ,
watermelons or hay on subscrip-
tion , or from swapping advertising
for the bread of life , railroad
transportation or for any com-
modity. We are up against a
proposition qf paying the price in
cash or visit elsewhere. The price
to Hot Springs and return from
Long Pine is $9.10 and $2.00 each
way for standard sleeper or $1.00
each way for tourist sleeper , which
makes a swim at Hot Springs cost
$12 to $15 apiece. A bath at your
borne barber shop is cheaper , or
better yet if you have a bath room
at home. We'd all go on the old
plan and try to enjoy the trip , but
when it comes to digging up the
cash we'll have to squeeze in pro-
portion to the way the railroad
company cut down their advertis-
ing from $106 in 1908 to $19.80 in
1908 which cuts out some of the
extrasT : - We can all visit at" Long
Pine and have a good time togeth-
er , as well as go on a long trip
that wears one out instead of giv-
ing. him a rest. We expect to
meet you there. Some of the edi-
tors we notice have announced
their intention to be there. We're
looking for Bros. ; Mayes , Cooper ,
Johansen and Snow from up the
road and hope the other new edi-
tors will join us at this association.
We hope also to see a good repre-
sention from down the road.
Talk of the Town.
. -
" Tm. Ritchie was down fr.rfin
Klilgore , Monday.
U. O'Bryan spent a day in town
the first of the week.
Attorney A. M. Morrissey at-
tended court at Springview last
John Cordier of the reservation
had business in Valentine the first
of the week.
Miss Tacy Shafer came down
from Cody Sunday to visit Miss
Bessie Kirkland.
For sale-Five spitz pups white
and curly. Call and look at 'em.
20-4 A. G. SHAW.
Engineer Geo. Thomson has
taken the Long Pine to Valentine
for a regular summer run.
Charles Worden of Neligh , oth
erwise kuown as the "Candy Kid , " .
is running the engine at the mill.
Normal students can find rooms ,
with qooking privileges. Mrs \ ,
Clara Felch , north Cherry St. 193
Asparagus lettuce , radishes ,
onions , rhubard , parsley , and cu . -
cumbers at the Opera House Meat
Market. .
Peder Thorsen of Gordon was
a caller at our office yesterday
while in town paying taxes and
transacting other business.
Geo. Heath and wife blew to !
Valentine Wedeesday ' on. the big :
wind , taking a load of hogs and a
team to sell. They received § 360
for the team and § 6.10 for hogs.
They returned Friday night.-
Springview Herald.
11 , $ h.
- -
- - - - - - - - - -
I YOUR CHILDREN'S . . . . . , . . . r. FEET
' "
will grow in their natural "shape in
EDUCATOR ' SHOES. i . . . . .
You should realize the -
. importance of allowing '
the child's foots while - A
" ' growing , to take its nat
t' , ural sha p e .
r y : EDUCATOR SHO ES4 : !
s : 1k5are made of finest sea : It
lected leathers. Call ands. ' ,
n !
examine them and you
r will be convinced that i . ,
. , they are the best shoe , - '
f . r . . made to keep the grow t 4u . w
7 " \
: . ing foot -in its natural
s. shape. ASK for It
w4i . . .
14 J
_ _ _ _
_ - : - _ _ _ e iii _ -ee
- - -
Robert Thompson is in town
today from the Schlagel.
W. D. Armstrong attended
court at Springview last week.
Second hand phaeton , in good
condition , for sale cheap. Call at
this office. 6
Strayed from Lone Tree ranch ,
Kennedy , Neb. , one roan pony ,
four white feet , cropped mane and
tail , branded OE on right side.
The State Sunday School con-
vention meets in Kearney on June
15-16-17. " . Dr. Franklin McEl-
frosh Qf Chicago , superintendent
of Teacher Training the Inter-
national Sunday school association
and a fine platform man , will tell
of the trained teacher and what he
can do in the school. His address
on 'The County Sunday School , "
Dr. Clark of Ohio says , is the
greatest address ever heard in
Ohio and they have had some
great speakers in Ohio. Hev. P.
H. Welshimer of Canton , 0. , who
has done such marvelous work in
his own church through his Sun-
day school , will represent the pas-
tor's department and every pastor
in Nebraska ought to hear him tell
of the wonderful advances of
Christianity in Canton. Charles
Fordyce , Dean of State Univer
sity Teachers' College , will give
an address on "How to Manage
the Boy. " F. E. Hathaway of
Chicago will lead us in our songs.
He is a skilled leader. There will
be reports and addresses and con-
ferences on all phases of our work.
Bring your hard questions.
Bids for the erection of a Catho-
lic parsonage in Valentine will be
received until June 3 , 1909 at 6 p.
m. Plans and specifications may
be seen at my place. The Build-
ing : Committee reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
183 Chairman of the Committee
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday May 30.
Low mass at 8 a. m. High mass
and sermon at 10. a. m. Bene-
diction of the Blessed Sacrament
after mass.
At 3 p. m. . instruction for the
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
A Contest at Harmony.
A gold medal contest will be
given in Harmony school house
Saturday e'eninglay 29. Ad-
mission 10c ; children under eight
years free. This being , a gold
medal contest it is customary to
charge 25c , but the Harmony W.
C. T. U. has decided to charge .
only 10c. The first county = series
will be held at Prairie View school
house on Monday , May 31. Ice
cream and cake will be served to
all who desire to pay. A cordial .
invitation is extended to all. . .
- -
Farm Implements
. We sell farming implements as well as other : . : . .
merchandise at reasonable prices. . ' . . - c
Call and try us. , ' .
. "
' . .
. , , "t ' _ i. " r
. .
- -
CROOKSTON. NEBRASKA. . . " . ' - : . ' :
. : ! -"J. - ( ( . III
* f
1 ° : t.t.t.t : : : . , .v.k . ; 5 3 .r. t . ii ; .t.t , zt - ' - '
fi - 'A' F J.
iMoved Moved i -
= j To Our Permanent Quarters , : j .
33 ' Just received a line of =
? J *
g Mid-Summer I Hats & Children's Hats =
Ho '
= Am still doing dressmaking and would be jj
42 glad to plan and make any garment. t *
fi bt
eft VALENTINE : , Yt
cq NgBR.\.SKA. Mrs. B. I. I Johnson. *
. ; . . ? 99 ? ? 999999ft
- '
nVn lt1j . jl1r lIJl'lht ! Y
.mot t , .mot &irI .t .J
, .
I 1
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , [ I ' , '
,1/1 , I / ! I il I ! , ' I' I I 'I' I II
DEALERS IN mllliI11 ! I . , I' ' ' 1 ! I ) ( i ,
I I it "
. 1lI11" ' li i "l : I _
All Kinds of Fresh. f ! ! II I , ' ; ! r ' '
and Salt Meats. . . . . i
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , a.
Poultry , Horses , Mules and C
anything you have to sell.
- . . . . - 3sss2g2ss2saKEsaea73aES3a3E
r- THE ] FAIR 1
Valentine , Nebraska ,
. D
i has received a complete line of new , high grade .
Fall and Winter Goods , .
P ,
which are being offered at the lowest prices pos- t
j sible , the margin of profit being ; only reasonable.
j Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark ,
L ed on every article. One price to everybody.
: = : . 1
gyFf j E arag iras ?
' .
- { x.
AJ1 kinds of wood work done to orcler. Stock tanks ma ! e in all sizes. . . '
I Residence and shop one block south of passengei depot. ' , ,
Valentine , PHONE 72 I ' . Nebraska/ ! : : . .
. References : My Many Customers. - :
- '
- , -