- - - , . -J h . f" II , 1I . , . _ _ . . , , , _ l i " - , . : - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ -.J - Y . ,0- ' ' 1 i - , . -y. = . ' Tn'rv AIENTr 1 E" DEMOCRAT [ . ' ' . ' , . ' - . . t. " . I " r ' . . 1. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor. , . . . . \ : & . . . ' . . ' - - " . " , " - - : : , MARK ZARR - Foreman. , ' - , , - ' ' ' , ' . ' . : ' : ; 'i ' - i " Entered at the ' ' ' postoflice at Valentine , "Cherry county , "Nebr. , . . ' as * Second' , ' - - . . . . , . , - , - Claes Matter. - " ' ' " " ? i " , t' 1 ' l _ . i - ' ' . . - , , : , ; . . . . : I " "If : : > „ . TER lS : ' - . . , I "J . . ' ' , Cherry Co Subscriptions ' : J 1.00 fi per ' year ' iaadvance . : . ; , . : ; . ' L50 when not.paid -n advance. , _ . . " , " , . .t' . - " . or . ' . t . . - , In , . bs ' $1.59 per -vearin i adva"ce ; paper dis- pe.r - Foreign Subscriptions > I { . - . , ' continued at expiration if not renewed. . : . J loc per inch each issue ; ' by contract 12k. dvertising RatesJ . I . dvert UinoPfp > I < 5 .1 . , , . , , | t TransIent adv 20c per inch ; locals IOc a line. , Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising : , 3 months or longer 10. cents - ; per inch. . . net. - , : . 'I X" Local notice * obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue s 5 cents per line each insertion. ' ! Wi - . . I . THURSDAY -MAY 20 1909. . . : , , : , - \ , _ I ' E. 0. Cole of Cody was trans- _ " acting business in town Tuesday. John Tinnin stopped off here 'A * ! . , - . < : Satiirday . , evening enroute to Long Pine. \ < " , T . _ ' " 7'm. L. Dillon , cashier of Kil- gore State Bank , was in town Sat- S . ' - urday' . ' I , . ' Normal students can find rooms , . ' with cooking privileges. Mrs. \ ' " ; ' : : Clara Felch , north Cherry St. 193 . D. L. McLane and wife , A. W. : Leech and wife , Robert Emery . " ' . . and John Anderson of Rosebud came down Tuesday. J. H. Scriv- I ' , ' , : . en , . and , S. . A. Tate came yesterday. I I I" W. : D. Palmer and L. J. Young , contractors ' of Minneapolis , were . here yesterday looking ' over their S contract for grading beyond the Niobrara and expect in a few days i 'r ' . - to ' have their whole outfit here to , " ' " : ' . : work. - This railroad work is all to ' } be completed by. : Dec. 1 , and the : : . trains ' running : . over the new cut off. , " ' . , More next week. . ' , . ' . I. " , Robert Ray , brother to Mes- * I dames' , Charles Sparks and T. C. Hornby , fell off a car at Bordeaux yesterday while switchiag and was . uncon- 'j : 01' " . scious when picked up and had an : ' : , . ' ugly cut tin ' his head. He was left - . -J ' , at ; 'Hay Springs ; expecting to be taken Ch'adronon this . n to -on . mornc , ing's ' 'passenger. . " - , Yo K. Palmer Co. , engineers of Kansas City , Mo. , arrived here and went to work Tuesday with a corps of twelve men making per- - manent surveys for Holi. C. H. Cor ell's new , water power elec- tric road'which is to be built north- east from Valentine as soon as : c preliminery arrangements can be . , - : made. They have their camp ; . near the Ft. Niobrara bridge. : Another force of men will be put . ' , r . in the ; field laying out the route ; next ' Tve'ek. Mr. Palmer returned : . to Kansas City today but expects to be back in a few days. We : would suggest that farmers look kindly upon this enterprise and allow right of way over their . farms i for the benefit such road will be to ' them. , The coal roads in the East force the farmers to sell ! the coal under ! their land by refusing to build side lines so they can market their coal. When the roads get control , of the coal , then they charge for ' fuel all the coal users will pay in preference to a revolution. This is mainiy due to republican legis- I lation ; or the failure to legislate and the placing upon the federal bench men who have long been the I : attorneys for such roads. " 'Villi the people never wake up to the I legalized robbery practiced and I through which hundreds of mil- hons are taken from their pockets and snugly stored in the jean of i the stockholders of such roads ? : No , never , so long as the country II' I ' is prosperous. Ex-Governor Douglas of Mass. : , an extensive shoe manufacturer , ! says of the tariff on hides , leather : and shoes : " ! "All we ask is a free field and i no favor either in our town or in ; foreign markets. Take away the , duties that prevent us from ob- j taining leather at the same prices ' I 'paid ' by our foreign competitors and we will not only hold our own I markets , with or without a duty ! i on shoes , , but we will invade for- i ; p.igu markets on an extensive i scale. In so doing we ' will pro- , vide additional work at good wa- ges to our boot ; and shoe workers. " j : ' Thisvis true of iron , steel , coal , Ii oil , cotton , cotton goods , grains of all kinds , wood , lumber and all I products of both , and we might I I include nearly all other commodi- i . ties needed by the"1 people for liv ing purposes. . ' Then , why not make the tariff . for' revenue and i I stop legislating for protection ? But there is the nub to campaign contributions to help retain cou- trol.--Crete Democrat. < - U. I ) S. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT " i WEEK ENDING MAY 19 , 1909. ( Daily mean temperature . " , ; } ° . . . , Normal temperature 56 = . Highest temperature 78 = on 19th. Lowest temperature 36 ° on 14th. Range of temperature 42 : ° . , ' Precipitation for week .23 : ; of an inch. Average for 21 years .71 of an inch. - Precipitation March 1st to date 2.87 inches. _ Average for 21 years 5.49 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer. I : Right - . > . t : - el \ ' - . . - . - , in T the baking - . S that is where Calumet 57 : Baking Po\vder proves , its superiority ' ; its wonderful raisin „ power ; its never-failing ability to produce the m - st delicious baking-and its . economy. In the baking-that is the only , way : , c fy you can successfully test it and compare itrwith the , , high price kinds. You cannot discredit these - NorXThtr1 , statements until you have tried . ' 0 t CALUMET' f. SS the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate - ' . . ' . cost. $1,000.00 is offered to anyone finding the leut ' .5 h trace of impurity , in the baking , caused by Calumet. luk your Grocer - and inrici : that you get Calumet firt Received HigLe / c.d World's Pure _ . . CMI AGD . . . . . c Food ExposiJ : ; " % 1907. , - ' , T Just Returned I 'H : I P - , . From the city with a bright , new stock of : . Clothing , Dry Goods , Notions and - Drawn Work ; also Ready Made Gar - . : ments in Ladies' Wearing Apparel t . . i ! t - - at reasonable prices. Five per cent dis : t r : count on } ) l'y ( { oo11S. j' , . . ; : . Fresh Groceries and Fruit at right prices. n ; ! E ' ' : 1 . CHARLES ABRAHAM , : " / II i . " . Valentine , Nebraska . ! . . , . . . . . , ii I ' " . " ' ' ' . . ' . . . , - . , . ( ; I . ' r ; . . : ' ! . . i , . . . . ' - . ! J , i i ! I. I . , . j.S - t" - - / f' ' - , , po 5 . . . . . . ' , , - - . . , - . - - _ . , . - . ' ' - - ' ' \'I I , ; i J i " - - - - . - . . . . " . . . . . , . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . - . . . . . , . . . . - - . . - - - - - - \ _ " ' - " ' . : : v - I , - . . - V _ _ ' , If " You Own Any Farm land , or know anybody who i f does , you ought to get in _ touch . with the steps farmers in " all ' - parts of the country are taking . to protect themselves from some - of " the commission men who ' have been robbing them almost " I ; . . . : cverlsince they were boys. i [ , . ' , ' . : : "lj--J'ou don't own any , but want I [ ! the . oest short stories printed this " ' " -t. - * ' ' -4 I . month , get the i ' j , " EVERYBODY'S JUNE i I ' , I , | For sale by George Elliott. ! i . , i . ' , I . . . , . , _ , , . , _ " " ; . , I I LUMBER - Lath , Shingles , Doors , . Windows ; Paper , I at- ent Roofing : Tar , , Paper , I Paints " , Oil , Varnish , Brushes Glass Putty e , . , Y , . Lime ; Cement , Plaster , . Brick , Posts ; , Poles. i . We Sell Hudson Coal I SHOP ! & YOUMG , : CODY , NEBRI I ! -i\ \ , T ; " " " " " "i I ' In the County Court of Cherry Coun- 'I ty , Nebraska. I In the matter of the estate ' of Isaac M. , Newland. deceased : t OUDEH OF HEARING. I I John Newland having tiled in my office a j I duly verified petition praying for probate of the estate of Isaac M. Newland , deceased. l without administration. all persons interest ed in said estate will take notice that I have fixed May 211. HIm : at 2 : o'clock a. m. . as the I time. and my office in Valentine. Cherry , county , Nebraska , as the place for the hear " ing or said petition at which time and place all persons interested in said estat ' may ap pear a ' -d show cause , if any the.re be , why said estate should not be probated without administration : ' i I Witness my hand and the seal of the coun- ' ty court this 13th day of May. 1009. : [ [ SEAL ] JAMES ; U. QUIGLEY. 18 3 County Judge. I I In the County Court of Cherry I County , Nebraska. I In the matter of the estate of Henry . , , Newland deceased : - NOTICE OF HEARING . John Newland having tiled in my office , a duly veritled petition praying for the po- bate of the' estate of Henry B. . Newland. without administration all persons interest ed in said estate will take notice that I have I fixed May 23th : ; JOOfl. at 2 o'clock a. m. . as the ' time , and my office in Valentine Cherry county. Nebraska as the place for the hear ing of the said petition , at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause. if any there ' be. why said estate should not jbe . .p'robated . ' : .01. * without administration. : I . Witness my hand and the seal of the co'un ty court this'iath day of May. IIW9. \ . . IS : . \ ji ; : : v JAMES QCiaiwEV. . . , 18 3 CountyJudge. . Notice to Creditors. THK STATK OF NKKKASKA i _ , In the C unty CHKIUIY COUXTj j 85 . Court. In the matter of the estate of Henry C. D < ° tgen , deceased , : ' , . i I To the Creditors of said Estate : ' - I You are hereby notified. That , I will sit at the , Coi nty Court Ilooin in Valentine in said counry on the 2Cth day oi May 1909 s > t * 10 oYlock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their artjiistmpnt and allowance. The time limited for the pres " nta- tion of claims against : said estate is - i.moi ths from he 2mh ! day of Nov. . A. D. I 1903 and the time limited for payment : of debts is i ; oiejeaf I from said iutli day of November. 1IIK I Witness my haiul a' d seal of said : county court . - ' . - - this28lh flav of April A. n. 1000. SEAL J iMKS C. JUNiLEY. - , , - 16 4 County Judge. / , Contest , Notice ' U. S. Laid Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska { Mty,13 , 1900 ! , t A sufficient contest affidavit luving been Tiled in this office by Thomas E. Stiles , contestant against Homestead ertry No 2017. mado , fan- nary 3. HJOI. for N ' / fS / of section 3. : township : 26. range 35 , 6th t' . m. . by Francis A. Calrick , contestee. in which it is alleged that Francis : A. Calrick has never establifcd an actual : and bona fide residence on said tract that there is no house on said tract Uiat ; the land is not cu'tivated or improved accnrdmg to law , -ind that claimant maintains a home elsewhere l han on aid land and all of which defects exist at this date and have not been cured. Said parties ; are hueby notified to aooear re spond and oiler evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 23 , 1009. ! be- -fore John II. Weltou. U . S Commissioner. at Mullen , Nebriska and that the llual hearing will be hold at 10 o'c ock a m. , on June 2.5. > 1V09 , before the register and receiver at the UI'iteaI I States and I Office , Broken How Nebraska The said ! cone slant havng. in a proper affi davit , filed May. 10. 1909. set forth tacts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot : bp. made , it is hereby ordered an-1 directed ( it a' * such notice be given by due and proper publica'ion. .10bN HERSE. Regl < ; tt'r. 94\v DARIUS M AMSBER1t1Recetvar : . Contest Notice. U. S. Land office , Valentine Nebras : , April 28. 19-iO. ; A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Herman F Kuoetzol : . contestant , against'homestead ' entry No. 1D221-04220. made March 10. 1908 , for W&SEtf SVSS\VJ ; . section 15 \\'l/ , and Wj Ei4 , section 22. : Townshl . : H. range 38 , by Ailluir L. 15ur in , contestee in which it is 1 alleged tJi ! ' * t aaid AithurL Unrein has w hoiiy atnunioncd said li > ivd a-ui changed 1 his residence therefrom for more than six "months last past : , that ! the lairl is not settled upon nor cultivated in good faith. and entrymanlus failed to cure his 'aches up to this date. [ Qaid parties are hereby notified to appear , respona and offer evidence touching saiaallega- ti > n at 10 o'clock a. m on June 5th. IOCS : ( ) before the register ! and receiver at the United States Land Office in Valentine , Nebr. The said contestant having in a proper affi davit filed April 28 , 1909 ! ( } sat forth facts which show that Biter due diligence personal service j of this notice cannot be made ! it hereby ordrr- ed and directed tbat such notice be given by due and proper publication. IP 4 E K. OLSON. Receiver. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. > Brownlee , Nebr , t ; Soldier Creek Colt t umous ! 17th 160050 , of ' a son of Columbus B' irth , a half brother of the 310,000Can1- _ . _ piou Me I , and t ; .Prince Boabdel 131 : , - f ! 693 at head of herd. it I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves S ft for s-le. C. H. FATJI.HAHKR. dv - ds E. C. and R.A. Swigert ofGorh don were - , in Valentine Saturday. g ; - \ I , . . - . . ' - " - ' ' , . . - " = " < , - - " ; ' " , _ l , .5- . . . _ _ . . . . . - . - - - - - ' - ' " " ' " - " Election , . Proclamation. ' " \ - 'rhe qualified electors of the village of Val- entlnu , CHierry county , Nobrnskn , will take notice that a special election Is hereby call ed and ordered in said village of Valentine , on Tuesday , June 8 , lOOD : J , from the hour of nine o'clock In the forenoon to seven" o'clock in the afternoon of said day , in the district . court room in the Oherr.vcounty court house , that being the usual polling place in said village . , for the purpose of vot ing upon the following proposition : Shall the chairman and' hoard of trustees of said village Valentine , Nebraska , issue I eight negotiable bonds of One Thousajul Dollars each , of.nld ! \'lIlfgl'Jllllkl.ng a total of Eight Thousand Dollars , dated July , IK/J , and due. July 1 , licji ! ) , payable at the option of said vill ige. after live years from the date thereof , said bonds to bear Interest from date at a rate not to exceed five per ' cent per annum , pay- h able seini-anmiallyt evidenced by I forty coupons attached to each of same , said bonds , and coupons to Iw payable bearer , to be sold for not less than par and the pro- ceeds thereof to be used exclusively for the establishment and erection of an electric. lighting . system and plant In said village : for lighting the streets , buildings and public grounds therein , and furnishing light to the people thereof at such prices as the board of trustees may prescribe ; and shall the chair man and hoard of trustees levy , annually , on all the taxable property In said village , in addition to all other taxes , a tax sufficient tojwiy . .said interest and raise a sinking fund for the payment of said principal bonds when due ? The clerk of said village shall cause official ballots to be printed containing the above proposition followed by the words , "yes" and "no" , with a square after each of said , , words as provided by law , and all electors who favor said proposition shall make a cross in the square after after the word "yes" , and those op- posed will make : across in the square after the word "no" ; said election to be conduct- ed In the manner as provided by law. Dated at Valentine , Nebraska , May , 1,11X3 i : . AV. S. JACKSON , Chairman Board of Trustees. [ SEAL ] A. ) [ . MoititisSEY , Clerk. : - - Notice of Special Election for the Village of . . -5- - Valentine. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday : , June 8 , i'.xhi ! , in the district court room in the Cherry county court house , that being the regular polling place in saidvlllage I , a special election will be held in / jiccordance with the directions and provisions of ordi nance number 1:2(5 : ( , duly passed and approved by i the chairman and board of trustees of the village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- braska , at their regular meeting oft May 3 , 1MK ! ) ! l. for the purpose of enabling the legal voters of said village to vote upon the fol lowing proposition to-wit : Shall the chairman and board of trustees of the village of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , have power and authority to bor ' row . . money and pledge the credit and , prop 1 erty of said village upon its negotiable bonds with Interest coupons attached to the amount of Thirty-four Thousand Dollars for the purpose of establishing , coast met- ing extending , . enlarging and equipping a system of water works and water supply for said village of Valentine for fire protection and for public and domestic use , ami to levy a tax upon all the taxable property of said village of Valentine , in addition to all other taxes : , sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may he- come due and I payable ; . said . bonds to be ' to bearer t . ' ' ' from date payable ! ! , twenty years of same , redeemable at the pleasure of said village at any time after live years from date thereof , and bearing interest at the rate of live per cent per annum , payable semi-anmmlly , both interest and . principal payable } at the office . of the county treasurer , of Cherry county , Nebraska. : Said bonds < shall be denominated water bonds / : , shall be signed by the chairman of the board of trustees ! and countersigned by I the clerk : of wild village. The proceeds } of 1 the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the treasurer of said : village of Valentine , ( ! ber- ry county , Nebraska , and shall be placed by said treasurer to the credit of "water fund , "and the money therefrom shall be used for no other purpose except . that herein. SIWl"lfll'cIlnd the necessary expense and ex penditures in connection therewith. The vote at said election shall be by ballot In the following form , towit : OKKICIAJj ( UALLOT KOK WATKH 1ONIS ELFC'rroN. Shall the chairman and board of trustees. . of the village of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , have power and authority to bor- ) ) row monuy and ple(1gtftlit' credit , nd prop- ( erty if 'said village upon } its negotiable , bonds with interest coupons attached , to the amount of Thirty-four Thousand Dol lars ; , for'the purpose ) of l'stahllsllngccin \ - t Htl'ueUngl'xteml1ng . , enlarging . and equip ping n system of water works and water sllp ) > ly for said village ' of Valentino , for lire pI'oh , tlolla/1 / ( ) for public } and domestic \ : use . , and to levy l a tax upon the taxable property 1 of said village of Valentine , in addition to all other taxes , sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said 1 bonds as the same may become due and payable / . ; said bonds to be payable J ; to buaryr twenty years from date of said bonds , mlyvmabie after five years from date thereof , and ; bearing ; interest at the rato of five pw ( eun.tllnllHH' annum , payable semi-Hjimiiilly , both Interest and principal payable at the ofllcV \ - of the ' county treasurer of I'herry ' county. Nebraska. To vote to authorize the chairman and board of trustees to issue said bonds and levy said tax make . a crossX ( ) in the square after the words "for said bonds ! and tax. " To vpte against authorizing the chairman and / board 1 { > f trustees to issue said 1 bonds and Iuv ! : ' said : ; tax make a cross ( Yis ) the squani \ after the words "against said : ) bonds and tax/ J.'orsliid bonds and tax . . . . . . . . . . [ ] . Against said bonds and tax. . . . . . . t J The polls at the election hereby called shall be opened at nine o'clock : in the fore noon mid. continue to be open until seven o'clock : the afternoon of said day. : Should the requisite number of . votes , as required by law , bo cast in favor of said bonds and tax , then said 1 proposition shall be declared the chah'n1ll1llnd / board of trustees : adopted , and said bonds , as describ ed herein , issued and sold , and the money used for the } purposes } herein and in said ordll1anCl'l'xIU'l'ssl' < 1. III witness whereof , I hove hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of . said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , to bo hereunto affixed , on this Hh day of May , uxrj. ) : ) \ \ ' . S. JACKSOX : , Chairman Board of Village Trustees. Attest : [ SEAL ] A. M. MOKKISSEY , Village Clerk. : Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- braska. State of Nebraska I . _ Cherry County fss To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of George A. Janssen deceased. On reading the petition of Johanna Janssen praying final settlement and allowance of her account filed in this court on the 8th day ; of May , i < )09. ) and for her discharge as executrix of said estate. It is hereb } ' ordered that you and all per- sons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 5th day of June. A. D 1909. at 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if : any there be , why the prayer of the pe- titioner : should not be granted , and that not ice of the pendency oi said petition and the tiearing thereof he given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copj of this order in The Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said count } ' for four : successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES C. QUIOLKY. : SEAL ] 18-4 County Judge. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office . , Valentine , Nebraska. J " May 8. 1900. f A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Bert 1 * . Ripley. contestant , luainsc . Homestead entry No. 18323. made March 13 190G. ! for EX. section : 2C. W WV % ; , SEJ4' ? 5WJ4 j , St HK } \EHSE ! . section 25 , township 17. range 34\v. 6th 1' M , by Rolla R. Lewis jontestee. in which it Is alleged that said Holla It. I.cwiha.s ! never established a residence on , said land that there is no hause on sai.i racr , that the land i , not cultivated or imoi ov- d aecol ding to aw , and tlut claimant main- aiiis a home elsewhere than on s-tiu land all f which defects exist at this date and have lot been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to app ar espond and offer evidence touching said alle a- -ou at 10 o'clock a. m on June 21. 1909 be- : > re J. 11. Welton , U. 3. Commissioner. Mullen. tfebr. , and that the final / /hearing will he. held t 10 o'clock a , in. on June 28. 10C9 ! ! , be- ore : the register and receiver at th . United tates land Office in Valentine ( IVebraska , Tne said contestant having , in ! aprop affi- avit filed May 8 , 1009. set forth foots vlilch show that altur ' due diligence personal ' iervice of this notice cannot be made , it is ereby ordered and directed that such notice be iven by due and proper publication. 13 4 W L . OLSONReceiver , , . . r . . . / , - . . . . . . . : \ : ' , : . ; : . , : kJ---- - . ; - . - - . . . . . .7\ . I ' - 4 (1 J < . - - - - - , . . . . , . . . . / ' 1 , . . . . _ . - - - . . . . - -v.- - 1 . , _ " - - _ : . . . . . . - " ' _ _ - 11I- - . THE , LUOWla-LUM fR - nO'.1 : d r : . . , . - . -j . r . . , > - II ' carries a complete assortment of _ ' Farm Machinery . . , : a .1 ( ' . ' . ' 51 J conlJr $ jJJ.g4.h..Q.- ' . " - ' . ' . ' - Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline ' _ - and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and , , , John Deere two = row Cultivators ; ; " : . - Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , I , Superior Drills , Weber and Moline : i ' , Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and - Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; . - - - I . the Hoosier - and Superior Broadcast - r--- I ' . : Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay , ' - Tools , consisting of Stackers , , Sweeps , 'etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa- 1 tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , . I s Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow' " ers , Rakes , and Binders ; Moline . . . . . , , Oliver and Deere Listers. ' I f , ' Will close out the'John Deere line of Implements and . Vehicles I . at greatly reduced , .pr.ices.'J 'J . REPAIRS : . , , for any make of implement will be i furnished , on the shortest possible. . notice. . Every effort will be made to , " accomodate customers and supply . their wants. " Don't be misled by representations of other t. . , . , dealers carrying inferior and near competing Y / lines , but post yourself on improved makes and _ reduced prices before making your purchases. . . . : Ludwig V Lumber Y , Co. ' . .t f ' ' .Ut.t Jtt.UJ.t. t . .t..v.u ! U ! .t--tt. v Lo The New Snap / J , : . Confectionery. Ice Cream. Soft Drinks. . .7 Tobaccos and Cigars. . Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Pop Corn. . 5 Jim Feleh - Valentine . , Nebr. | n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i e' . 9 ! Ship your Live Stock ; I , ; J ; - ' to f . . . . ; ; . s . " js j SNYDER MALONE DONAHUE . CO , s SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO . . / , No shipment too large and none too small to receive .the - . - - most careful attention. . Each consignment intrusted to our care ' will be ham-fred ' ' ' by members of the firm. . , , . . .r- . . t ' .t ' . . ' - - - Each man's stock sold on their merits and . . . . a Yuare - deal . guaranted to all. * , , . Write us for the market ' . " ' , paper and our special market / letters ] , which we send you free of charge. ' - * - . Al\10S SNY DER ; , Hog SalesmanMATT ' MALOKB > ) Cattle GEO. 1\1. WOOD , Sheep Salesmrn. THOS. J. DONAHUE f Salesman. . , 1. 1. e e-ee ii e t' Whisk. ) f r . .c. . . . . . , y e . ' Go to the e It - . I ! Stock Exchange Saloon - A . VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER r - - i Walther P. A. Meltendorff , Propi " - _ a.ii _ e - e.e - . . ' , _ ' _ ? ' -ft - , SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DEMOCRAT .1 _ _ , I _ ' _ . , ' : . . : - : : " ' : : ; : y I \ . . / / . . . . ' 4 1 f ' " - r _ - , .