Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 13, 1909, Image 4

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    E 1 : , .
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1 : rp > ' : > . . THE 1 V A lENTIN E D EMOCRAT -
. . . . , . . . _ . l I
I . . . .
1 V' . . . 1 ' ! . , . . . ' - . . - . .
' '
I' ' . ; . . . . . . ' . . I. ' M. : RICE . Editor j and Proprietor. - . " . . .4"-
'f. _ . : . i.h. : , ; JAJtK ZAKR , . - Foreman. ' * , ' . - - * * - ' ' . * > " ; : , " , : / . -
, . ; - - ' , , . . t' - 'I . , : . .
y , , . , '
b . f. . V ' . ' - ' ' , > '
; I' i I , " < ' ' ' ' . Entered * * . . at the : " postoHice ! ? : f at Valentine. Cherry county . , Nebr. , asSecond :
: ' ' . > . .
* - . . .
' Matter. . _ '
" Clans
! .4i ' : . . ' . . "
. ' i . Mtn , - - ' . . . . ' . v " . : : , _ < -
L I ' - , , " . . ( \ ' . : ' '
. i , . . . ' TERMS : . : : . .
I 6' ' " ' . . , ' ' "
I 1 i ; : ' . Cherry Co " Subscriptions : J w1.00 per year in advance : : - I
I' ' 1 " inscriptionsj $ Lgo when not paid In a-dvance. -
' : . ' Foreign Subscriptions ; { j $1. .5) = . ) Per year in i advance . . ; paper dis-
1 I' ' j corffcmuediafcexpiration if not renewed.
\I \ . J.15c J Per inch each issue ; by contract 12 ! c. !
I Advertising Kates
)1 ) 1 , I Advertising . . . Transient ( acivr 20c per inch ; locals l lOc a line.
I foreign r.ates' for stereotyped . advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
, ? r . ' - : - - ' per inch , net. i I
J Local notice" obituaries , lodge ] resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line ' oach insertion.
I : ,
I . r THURSDAY , MAY 13 , 1909. . .
, Hey ! Ye scribes of the E. V.
E. A. are called to meet at Long
Pine on Saturday , June 5 , there
\ . . :
" " to converse and visit one with the
, other ; to tell of your joys and sor- '
rows , to relate our experiences
of the past year. Brother , will
i you be there ? Some one is ex-
, . . pecting ! to see you especially a . , cl
' .k " , - ' .will be disappointed if you are not
I . there.
: ' . J. ' H. Gable , traveling agent for
. : the C. & N. W. , may decide to
f : take . us to Hot Springs with him
for ' a swim after the meeting. He
; has offered us special accommoda-
tions and a sleeping caf- for the
. ' ; . . editors to wake up . in in Hot
, ' . . 'Springs. Will the editors please
: , ' , announce in their papers some
: } r' thing about this Longpine meet-
; ' : . - ing and signify their intention to
: be there ? Let us put in more of
l . the. day visiting together than
I ' : : : : formerly. . , . , .
. ' . .
. , ' , - . . . , - ,
I' ' A New Reservoir on the Hill.
. . * ' All Valentine is looking for-
ward to the new reservoir to be
- " " built on the hill north of town. It
" . - .
I - \ means clean , pure spring and well I
l\ . . water and cool as SHoam's shady
rill pumped up into a large cement
. tank underground and large
, enough , , . to , . hold two or throe day's
supply of water for 'our city under '
" , ojdinaryJconditions. ( ' '
. This underground reservoir will
I . , . . . . . . jtee.p ; , the water at a normal tem-
, perature , cool in summer and dur-
ing the winter months avert the
. .
freezing and bursting of pipes and
water mains that have heretofore
required considerable care , as the
"I water . . f came , T into these pipes in a
' freezing condition , and there was
no frost oftentimes a foot above a ,
frozen and hursted \vii ; < r pipe that .
I : I had frost encircling it , caused by
I the icy water surging through the
, .
( pipe. _ . .
It means more and better water
for Valentine people and
, . this 'explains why our people
: are almost unanimously for the
: proposition. There still remains
a plan of work on this reservoir
1 that will be most beneficial to our
I city. \\T e have working I men here
and they live with us the year
. around. They pa taxes here and
: spend their money here. They
I . . should be given : this work to do.
I " , They can and Valentine is
, willing to pay what it is worth to
do the work. A contractor might
slight his work to get within the
limits of his bid and save a few
dollars. He will not be here
'when the defects of inferior work
: , are discovered a year or two later
, and we will be the loser. The con-
tractor ! will not stay here to. spend
* ;
- - - ' , .
his money and it has been our ex-
perience in the past that contract-
ors import most of their labor and I
Uie money'is ' carried out of town.
This is a Valentine institution
and should be done by Valentine
men who can be employed under
y I supervisor to direct. the work , or
omploy sets of men for the differ-
ent parts of the work under a fore-
man for each. We have v . men with
teams and men with shovels. We
have masons for the stone and
concrete work. Another force of
men will be wanted to dig water
mains and lay pipe under the
leadership of Henry Graham ,
, ,
Webb \ Hilsinger , Len Bivens ,
Charley Anderson or Gus Carlson
who hav'e , all had experience with
water mains. We have men who
are specialists in every line of work
needed in building our reservoir
and laying new mains.
Let us hear from the town board
their decision to give this work to
home men. It will save us mon-
ey. The work will be done better.
If any repair work is needed any
place our men will be right here
who understand the work done
and how to proceed with least ex-
pense to repair. Our home - men
will take an interest in doing this
work well at reasonable prices by
the day or in small contracts suit-
able for them to handle and divide
tlhe work.
Now , to the working men and
mechanics of our town I want to
say that it is to your interest to
make good and take this upon
yourselves of doing honest work
at reasonable prices for the city
and secure for yourselves the rep-
utation that will bring other city
work to you in the future. You
have lot the work on the school
. bui' ' ing and the court house , but
now for a beginning-let us do
this work at home.
G. A. Deming 'jf Woodlake ,
NTeb. , which is bout 300 miles
northwest of Omaha in the north-
west corner of the state , was
numbered among the many new
shippers at these yards yesterday.
Mr. Deming brought in 4 : carloads
of stockers. In making the long ;
run of about 500 miles to this
market he passed through Omaha
and St. Joseph. 'That district is i
in ! the newer and more unsettled
part of the country , " said Mr.
Deming. "It's "strictly a cattle
country. It is just a little too far
north and too high in elevation to
raise much corn. Still they are
raising a little corn , and some cat-
tle feeding is being done. The day
I left there it was snowing furious-
ly. Tin snow was coming down
in big flakes , and the ground was
covered. That has been noted as
a cattle grazing country for a long
time and some very good hay fed
cattle are shipped out from them
each year. Hay is a very import-
. . .
. .
- . S To the Public : . .
' '
I : . , I Lave purchased the Kobinson-Martin : .
; 4 ' . : ' building on Oather > 'ne street , one-half block .
' : : : j . . west of Valentine State Bank. I have a '
( _ ' ' . . : : . . . . ' brand new 'stock.of General Groceries , "
4. . . Confectionery and Fresh Fruit. I expect
. ' ' . soon a new line of Dry Goods and N OtiOl S.
I solicit a share of your patronage. : : : : \
, . .
. . . ABRAHAM , ,
. 1 : - , . ' . ' Valentine , Nebraska' ' (
. - = - . " , . _ '
- : ; J . , ,
" ' , _ . . . . . . , ' , 4
. , . .
. . \ :
, , ! , . ; , l : ' ! - - ' y ' . , - . . . . - " ' ' . , : . . . . . " : " . . yl - . : . ' \ : -
" > ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - , _
. ,
- - - - -
, - - -
- - - ,
: - " . . '
i $1000.00 . - .
Given for any IUbstance in-
jurious to health found in food
le3ulting from the use of
I . .
Calumet - - -
Baking WM
. Powder I
_ _ 6
ant ' crop , and seldom , fails. The
hay they raise there is of ' a high ,
quality , and seems to put on fat of
the solid kind , more like corn fat
than hay fat. Hay js very7 ; scarce .
this spring. There seems to have
been a greater demand than usual
for hay all winter , and it has been
cleaned up everywhere. Hay has
always sold at a very low price
until this winter , when it seemod
to be in greater demand , and com-
manded a high price. There seems
to be about the usual number of
cattle in the country , and they
i wintered well. But what cattle
r men are anxious about now is the
early appearance of grass. When
it warms up the grass comes on
very fast.-Kansas City 'Daily
Drovers Telegram of May &th.
Mr. Deming , like many others
who get away from home , like to
tell awful stories about the place
where they live ' being a the end of
the earth , or away " up north , if
they can work upon the incre
dulity of their hearers. Perhaps
right in Mr. Deming's immediate
neighborhood this story may be
true , excepting the "too far north
and too high inpelevation to raise
much corn. " How about the
country around Brownlee , Johns-
town , Ainsworth , Springview ; ,
Norden Sparks , and north of Val-
entine , Crookston Nenzel and the
German Settlement , where corn is
raised Abundance and from 30
to 70 bushels per acre ? It doesn't
seem fair to let. these incredulous
stories about being "too far north
or too high in elevation , " pass un -
noticed. To be sure , this is i a cat
tle country , but the cattle man
ought to be glad that a few men
less fortunate in wealth come in
and settle on the farming lands to
raise corn , oats , speltz wheat , . po
tatoes and vegetables for food , and
fee.d , which , hasn't been sh ppe lin
here for years. Our farmers r&1se'
it right here at home and ship
some down east and also west.
Mrs. Wilson spent Sunday in
Cody visiting Mrs. Carter , and
was accompanied home Monday I
by Henry Carter. . i ,
In the County Court of Cherry Coun . j
ty , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Isaac M.
Newland , deceased :
John Newland having liled in my offlco a
duly verified petition praying for probate
of the estate of Isaac M. Newland , decea. : ed ,
without administration , all persons interest
ed in said estate will take notice that I h = Cve
fixed May : W ) , 19Q3 , at a o'clock a. m. , as : the
time , and my olllce , in Valentine. Cherry
county , Nebraska as the place for the lu ] ar- I
ing of said petition , at which time and place I
all persons interested in said estate may apj
pear and show cause if any there be. vhy
said estate should not be probated without
Witness my hand and the seal of the coun-
ty court this 13th day of May , 1909. ! }
18 3 : County Judg3.
In the County Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Henry B.
Newland , deceased :
John Newland having tiled in my olllce ,
a duly verilied petition praying for the 1 > : -0.
bate of the estate of Henrv 13. Newland.
without administration , all persons interest
ed in said estate will take notice that I have :
fixed May ) 190D. at 2 o'clock a. m. , as the
time. and my ollice in Valentine. , Cherry :
county. Nebraska , as the place forthe hear
ing of the said petition. at which time and '
place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and show cause , if any there
be , why said estate should not be probiJ ted
without administration.
Witness my hand and the seal of the coun
ty court this"13th day of May 1909.
, 18 3 _ County Judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for1
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry countv Ne .
State of Nebraska. I . . .
Cherry County I f * *
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the estate of George A. Janssen deceased.
On reading the petition of Johanna Jan-sen :
praying a flnal settlement and allowanct of
her account liled in this court on the 8th
day of May. 1900 ' , and for her discharge
as executrix of said estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and all per
sons interested in said .matter may. and do.
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county on the .5th day of June ,
A. D 1909. at2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause
if any there be , why the praYer of the pe ,
titioner should not be granted. and that not
ice of the pendency said petition and the ,
hearing thereof be'given to all persons Inter-
ested in said matter by publishing a copv , of I
this order in The Valentine Democrat. a
weekly newspaper ] printed in said county for
four successive weeks prior'to said -lav of
hearing. J. & : 1ES C. QUIGLEY. "
[ SEAL ] 18-1 County Judge.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brojvnlee.Nebr ,
Soldier ! Greet Col- !
umous iTth 16C050 : ,
, . HSOD of Columbus
B irth. a half brother .
of the .SIO.OOOCham'
_ pion r ) nle , and
1'riiiee Bojibdel ] i3t-
& > i ; } at head of b : ! rd.
I now have about 30 head of-190" bull ca ' ves {
for sale. '
i .
C . H. FAUIiHABElt , )
, . . ; ' , - .
. ' _ -r " w.-- , - = . ' - . . _ " . . ' "fo . ' : ,
, . " . . " - .
- -
- - -
- - - - . _ - - . . . . . - . . - . - - . - - " " - - -
- - ' "
, , . . . . , .
- - - - - -
- . . . . . . -
- - Election Proclamation.
The qualified ' electors . of the'village of Val-
entine , Cherry county , Nebraska , will [ take
notice that a special election is hereby call-
ed and ordered . ! snld village of Valentine ,
I OIl Tuesday , June 8 , UW from the hour o (
nine o'clock in the ) forenoon to seven
o'clock In the afternoon of said day , In the
district . court room In the C'herry county
court house , that being the usual polling
place In slhl'lIIl1gl' , for the purpose of vot
ing upon the following proposition :
Shull the 'hulrnum'lIld board of trustees
'of said village Valentine , .Nebraska
issue eight : negotiable bohtlfi of
One Thousand Dollars each , of' said
villlge , making a total of Eight Thousand
Dollars , dated July I , 1W. ( ) ! ) , and due July 1 ,
MfcK ! > , payable at the option of said village/
after live years from the date thereof , said
bonds to bear Interest from date at a rate
not to exceed Jive per cent per annum , pay .
able semi-annually , and evidenced by l forty
coupons attached to eacli of same , said
bonds and coupons to be payable to bearer ,
to he Mld for not less than par , and the pro-
reeds thereof to be used : ; exclusively for the
establishment erection of an electric
lighting system : and plant in said village
for lighting the streets , buiklingsand public
. grounds therein , and furnishing light to the
people thereof at such prices as the board of
trustee.may prescribe ; and shall the chair
man st ) l(1 board of trustees Il'\ ' ' . annually ,
on all the taxable property in said village ,
in addition to all other taxes , a tax sufficient
to pay said interest and raise a sinking fund
for the payment of said principal bonds
wheiiidue \ ?
The clerk : of said village shall cause oflicinl
ballots to be printed containing the above
proposition toiiowed by the words , "yes"
and "no" , with a square after each of said
words , as provided by law , and all electors
who favor said proposition shall make a
cross In the square. after after
the word "yes" , and those op-
posed will make across in the square after
the word "no" ; said election to be conduct-
ed in the manner as providod bv law.
Dated at Valentine , Nebraska , May , i , UXD.
\v. S. JACKSON ,
Chairman Board of Trustees.
[ SKAT. ] A. M. : MORRISSET , Clerk.
Notice of Special Election for the Village of
Notice Is hereby given that on . Tuesday ,
June , lKi ! ) ) , in the . district court : room in
the Cherry county court house , that being
the regular polling place in said village , a
special election will he held in accordance
with the directions and provisions of ordi
nance number Iif5 / , duly passed and approved
by ) the chairman and board of trustees of
the village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne-
braska , at their regular : meeting on May : ,
I'.KW ! : , for the purpose of enabling the legal
voters of said village-lo vote upon the fol !
lowing proposition , to-wit :
Shall the t'hah'munand board of trustees
of the village / of Valentine , Cherry . county ,
Nebraska , have power and authority to hor-
row money and pledge the credit and prop
erty of said village upon its negotiable
bonds with Interest coupons attached to the
amount of Thirty-four Thousand Dollars
for the purpose of establishing , construct
ing , extending , enlarging and equipping a
system of water works and water supply for
said village / of Valentine for fire protection
and for public and domestic use , and to levy
a tax upon all-the I taxable property of said
village of Valentine , addition to all other
taxes , sufficient to pay the interest and
principal of said [ bonds as the same may be -
come due and payable ; said bonds to be
payable to bearer twenty years from date
of same , redeemable at the pleasure of said
village at any time after live years from
date thereof , and bearing interest at the
rate of live per cent per annum , payable
semi-annually , both Interest and principal I
payable at the oiilce of the county treasurer
of Cherry county , Nebraska.
Said bonds shall be denominated water
bonds , shall be signed l by the chairman of
the board of trustees and countersigned ( by
the clerk of said village. The proceeds 1 of
the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the
treasurer of said village of Valentine , Cher
county , Nebraska , and shall be placed
by snld : ; treasurer to the credit of "water
fund , " ' and the money therefrom shall be
used for no other purpose except that herein
specified , and the necessary : ; expense and ex
penditures connection therewith.
The vote at said election shall be by ) ballot
in the following form , towit :
Shall the chairman and board of trustees
of the ' of Valentine Chel'l' ' "
village : , Cherry county ,
Nebraska , have power and authority to bor-
I-OAV money and pledge tho credit and prop-
erty of said village upon its negotiable
bonds with interest coupons attached , to
the amount of Thirty-four Thousand Dol
lars , for the purposo of establishing , con
structing , extending , enlarging and ( equip
ping a system of water works and water
supply ] for said village of Valentine , for fire
protection and } for public and domestic use ,
and to levy a ' tax upon the taxable property
of said village of Valentine , in addition to
all other taxes , sufficient ! to pay the interest
and principal of said bonds as the same may
become "due and payable ; saiil bonds to be
payable to bearer twenty years from date of
said bonds , redeemable after live years from
date thereof , and 1 bearing interest at tho
rato of live per centum > l'J' annum , payable
semi-annually , both interest and principal
payable at the ollice ot the county treasurer
of C'herry county , Nebraska. :
To vote to authorize the chairman and
board of trustees to issue said bonds and
levy said tax make a cross ( XI ) in the square
after the words "for said bonds and tax. "
To vote against authorizing the chairman
and board of trustees to issue said bonds
and levy said tax make : a cross eX ( ) in the .
squiLICafter the words "against said bonds
and tax. " .
For said bonds and tax . . . . , . . . . . . . [ 1
Against said t bonds and tax. . . ' . . . I 1
The polls at the election hereby "called
shall be opened at nine o'clock : ! the fore-
noon and continue to be open ! until seven
o'clock in tho afternoon of said day.
Should the ! requisite number of votes , as
required by law , ho cast In favor of said
bonds and tax , then said proposition shall
he declared by the chairman and hoard of
trustees adopted , and said bonds as describ
ed herein issued and sold , and the money
used for the purposes ] herein and insaid
ordinance expressed.
In witness whereof , I hove hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of said village
of Valentino , Oliyrry county , Nebraska , to
be hereunto nflixe-d , on this 1th day of Slay ; ,
WOI. ) ! : > \V. S. , JAOKHOX :
Chairman Board of Village Trustees.
Attest :
[ SKAI/J A. M. MORKISSET , Village Clerk. : :
Notice to Creditors.
THE STATR OF NKBKASKA 1.83 i In the C < utity
In the matter of the estate of Henry C.
Detgen , deceased :
To tne Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notified. That I will sift at the f
Coi nty Court Kooin in Valentine in said county
on the 26th day o : -May 1909 at 10 oVlock
a. m. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment
all ol ancc. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate isi. months
from 'he 26th < 1ay - of Nov. A. D. 1903 and the
time limited for payment of dF 'bts is i one year
from said 2t5tii day of November. 1S03 ,
Witness my hand and seal [ of said county court
- - this 28th day of April A. D 19C9.
- Y - 16 4 County Jud e.
Contest Notice.
u. S. Land Office. Valentin" . Nebraska )
May 8. 19O'J. f
A sufficient contest affl lavlt having been filed
in this office by Bert P. Jiipley , contestant ,
auainst Hommoarl entry No. 18)23. ) made 1
March 13 lOt'C. \ fnr Etf. section 20. W4\V % . SHJ
SW .1. S % " \ Ei 4 , E4 ! jE } | , section 25 , township
27. range 31w. 6th P. M .by Rolla R Lewis , I
coatestee. in which it is alleged that said .
KoUa It. Lewis has never established a residence
on -said land that there is no house on sai-i
traet . - that the land is not cultivated or Improv -
ed accoidiug to law. and that claimant main-
tains a home elsewhere than on stid land all
of which defects exist at this . date and have
not been cured. '
Said partifisure / hereby notified to app ar
respiiiid and offer evidence touchmc sai alle c1.-
t on at 10 o'clock a. in on June 21 ! 1909 ( ) i.e-
fore J. H. Welton , U. S. Commlgs onel' . Mullen.
Nebr. , and that the final hearing' will hr held
at in o'clock a , m. on June 28. 1009. oe-
fore [ the register and receiver at , th- United
States land Office-in Val " ntlne . Nebraska
Tne , said contestant having , in aproper affi
davit liled May " 8 , 1909. set forth fats
which \ show that aftt > r due diligence personal
service of this notice cannot be made , it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice be
given bv due aua proper publication.
4 4. H K. OLSON Receiver.
Peter Hoos' children are ill of
pneumonia. They live in Judge
"Zarr's house and recently moved
here : from Tilden.
' . ' . - ' - '
1 . .
- , . _ . . " " : , , . ' .
I w
- - - - - - - - -
" - , . . . _ W > < ; ; ; ' : ; : :1oT : '
" : 55-S 55-.A -L. ' " - - _ _ _ - - - = --.u _ . . - - - . . . _ . . , ,
. . - - - - _ .
' '
' , , - -
"iHt'LUuWICLUMBLF L . . . - . - G 01
carries a complete : assortment * , of : , : . - , . , '
. Farm Machinery
comprising the
- * N
Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline * , ' . " .
and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and
John Deere two = row Cultivators ;
Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , . ' .
Superior Drills , Weber and Moline
Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and
Velfe - Btigflesfthetofh ; King and
20th Century Manure Spreaders ;
the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast
, : Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay I
Tools , consisting of Stackers ,
, Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa-
I , tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks ,
Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow .
" , ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , , , .
Oliver and Deere Listers. '
i Will close out the John Deere line
of Implements and Vehicles
I / at greatly reduced aces. . . ,
I I ,
i - -HE PAIRS ' :
I , " _
I I for any make of implement -will be
furnished on the shortest possible , ' .
; notice. Every effort will be made to
accomodate customers and supply
their wants. ' , '
Don't be misled by representations of other
dealers carrying inferior and near competing ' , ,
lines , but post yourself [ on improved makes , and _
reduced prices before making your purchases.
I Ludwig Lumber Co.
. . . - .
" ' .
- - - -
Ship your Live Stock
to \
. '
No shipment too large and ; none too small to receive the .
most .careful attention. ' "
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handle'd
by members of the firm. ' _
Each man's stock sold on their merits and asquare - deal
guaranted to all. ' , . . , - j . . * '
Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free-of charge. * j „ > ' ; . .
AMOS SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. THOS. .DONAHUE [ , Salesman.
- . . . - - , - _ e
. . .
I ' V W b.iSke " .
V'Of kej ,
. .
Go to the
Stock Exchange ; ; aloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. t
e _ _ _ _ _ e
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the I
Catholic church as follows : .
In Valentine on Sunday May 1 6.
Low mass at 8 a. m. High mass
and sermon at 10. a. m. Ber e-
diction of the Blessed Sacrament
after mass.
At 3 p. m. , instruction for the
children. '
In Arabia , Sunday , May 23 , at
10 a. m.
m.LEO "
LEO M. BLAERE ' Ret or.
. . , _
- .
" _ 'L' T' , ' ' ' "
. . . , ' _ _ ' ! ' - : . . _ .t' - .
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- ,
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , VaIen tine. fehraska
. _ . April 28 MOP/
A sufficient contest affidavit havmz hpp
been filed
in this office by Herman KnSS ; rtL
F lD '
, noatu'I.a nteatant .
l\Iarch asainst homestead * * n..n - _ entry . - . . _ Nu. * * * . * .H-H20. made
10.19118. Jor W
4sE : "
"Ys W7" . '
" Sf'CtJOIfJ5
% v
W3 and W
. E
: .secttoa 2' ! . Townsht
3r range
38. by Arthur L Burgin . contest i , : . which
it Is alleged that Bald
Arthur L
nurgin ha5
hnlly anandonea said land artd chang hb
residence Ihel'Prrom
Cor mor6 than "
sic ! months
last past that the land IS not settled
' upon nor
'cutlvated ] In Iood faith and entryman hasaUed
to cure nls 'aches np to this date. :
Said parties are hereby notified to
respona and otIer eviaeDcepudUn . sa\1 ( anpear aUC1a'
! : ' \
tlon at 10 o'clock a. , n-oijme 5th. 1900
' .
before the renter ! anrf recefrer at the United
States Land Office In Valentine Nebr. . . .
davit The said contestant having In a Drober : . aft ! . ' ' "
filed April 28 , 11109s t forthlacfe " 'Nblcb '
show that after dnedillTOncepSSSSSSSS
of this notice cannot be made it Is ber
ed hereby order
due and directed proper publication. that such notice be given by
16 4 E E. OLSOIiectclrt'r. . '
. . . .
' . - / ,
, ' e ,
. . - - ' .