CuredbyLydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw , Mich. " I suffered terri. bly from female ills , including inflam- inatioii and conges tion , for several years , lly doctor said there was no hope for me hut an operation. I hegan taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- hle Compound , and I can now say I am a well woman. " DRAPER. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago , 111. "I want women to know what that wonderful medicine , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , Bas done for nie. 1'wo of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation , and I never thought of seeing a well day again. I had a small tumor and female .troubles so that I suffered day and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , " "and it made me a well woman. " Mrs. AIATSNA STERLING , 11 Langdon St. , Chicago , 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , made from roots and herbs , has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills , including displacements , inflammation , fibroid tumors , irregu larities , periodic pains , backache , bear ing-down feeling , flatulency , indiges tion , andnervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it , and the result has been worth millions to many suffering women. _ FASHION HINTS Foulards jare high in favor this season and really there is nothing more practical and satisfactory for a gown that must fit many occasions. The model shown here would be very good for a foulard , either plain or figured. If plain material is used , then the neck and lower sleeves should be in an open work pattern in lace or batiste. If figured silk is used then make the neck and sleeves of net or chiffon cloth. Any Clinnfi'c an Improvement. Photographer Is that the most pleas ing expression you can assume ? Sitter Yes , sir. Photographer Then , for heaven's sake , glare ferociously at mo ! Pain and swelling seldom indicate in ternal organic trouble. They are usually the result of local cold or inflammation which can be quickly removed by a little Hamlins Wizard Oil. Try and see. Xo Limit to His Ability. "Now here , " said the salesman , "is a cigar I can recommend. " "I know you can , young .man , " said the customer. "I tried one of them the other day on your recommendation. WJat I want is a brand you can recommend witiout lying. " Garfield Tea lias brought good health to thousands ! Unequalled for constipa tion , liver and kidney diseases. Composed of Ilerbs. Buy from your druggist. Cansrht Three Ton * of 3XotliK. An electric light trap to end the caterpillar plague by destroying the brown nun moths that lay the eggs from which the caterpillars are hatched has been devised and placed in successful operation at Littau , Ger many. The trap consists of two large and powerful reflectors placed over a deep receptacle into \vblch the moths are drawn by exhaust fans. The first night three tens of moths were caught. Premature. The era of universal peace had dawned. "How delightful ! " exclaimed the suf fragettes. "There will be no opposition now to our demands for the ballot ! " Instantly universal war broke loose again. Red , Weak , AVeniyr , Watery Eyes Relieved by Murlne Ey Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu- rlne Doesn't Smart : Soothes Eye Palo. Write Murlne Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago , for Illustrated Eye Book Free. t-y f ti Muslin fronts for the chicken houses ire winners. Try one. Do a good turn for your neighbor and you will , find that it will do you good , too. The time te past when we can con sider n man's success in swine grow ing based upon luck. Rural free delivery of mail Is now ilevcn ? ears old. Uncle Sam has 40,000 Carriers on the pay roll. Dispense with the old sour swill bar rel. It is a disgrace on a modern hog farm. Even pigs do not naturally like old , musty , sour swih. The man who In the selection of a ram considers no question but that of first cost will never make much of a mark as a sheep breeder ! In a mixed lot of sheep the best suf fer by being sold with the Inferior in stead of the Inferior being helped by the presence of the superior. When a- clique of speculators think they have formed a corner in eggs the old .hen gets busy and demonstrates the fact that eggs have no comers. Many Imagine that butter that tastes too bad for table use is good enough to cook with , but the bad taste is mere ly covered up without the cause being removed. Put wheat bran and middlings in a box where the calf can get at it. She will soon learn to eat It and it will be better for her to get it in this way than to give it to her in the milk. The right treatment will remove ring bone on young horses. If the animal walks on the toe use a high-heeled Bhoe. When Inflammation Is active adopt soothing measures , and then se- rere blistering or even firing may be resorted to. If a good , practical cement mixer suitable for farm purposes comes on the market it will cut out a lot of carpentering. Cement is certainly the stuff for making sidewalks , feeding floors , pig troughs , and many other things of the same kind. An automobile owner recently tried to climb a telegraph pole with his ma chine , the result being that both man and auto were the worse for wear and tear. When asked why he didn't keep the middle of the road he said he was loodng at some pigs in a wallow on the roadside , and he had a good notion to bring suit against the owner of the pigs for scaring his machine. Few men of ordinary capacity can make a striking success of more than one thing , be it in the professions or various business pursuits , and the largest measure of success is usually obtained by devoting one's energies only to a single phase of a given occupation. Such restriction of attention and activ ity permits of a closeness of study and application that is not possible where a fellow tries to spread himself out over a forty acre lot. There is a cure for milk fever that may not be generally known among cow owners. It is simple but effects a cure always. It consists of a bicycle pump , a short piece of small rubber hose and a milking tube. The hose is attached to the milking tube and the bicycle pump. When the tube has been inserted in the udder of the afflicted cow the udder Is pumped full of air. It may bo necessary to massage the udder to expel the air and then pump in more. The end of the tube must be first dipped In boiling water and great care be taken that everything used is perfectly clean. There are occasions when the taking or giving of a receipt for a sum of money paid may seem to 'be unneces sary , yet it is wise to do so in every case. With the most honest and best meaning of people there is possibility of a failure to make proper credit for an amount paid , and unless memory serves there is likely to be ground for a serious misunderstanding. As soon as one receives a receipt or acknowl edgment he should file it away in a place of safe keeping , where it can be found should occasion require. The saving of all receipts may mean the saving of a good many dollars In a period of years. Burning : Astea. Referring to the formal abandonment of the attempt to force the reburning of ashes upon the firemen of the New York City school buildings , the En gineering News says : "It was found that the great saving in fuel claimed for the ash-burning scheme did not really exist , and the boiler repair bill was Increased. The cdoler ends of the boiler tubes were clogged , and the steaming qualities of the boilers were1 impaii-ed. The boilers appear to have Buffered excessive corrosion while Idle , although there seems to have been no very active , deterioration while they were kept hot It is quite true that a fraat deal of the unburned coal has gone Into the ash pit in the past ; but the remedy for this waste is not In try ing to burn the asbes over again wk'i ' oxalic r.clrt or any other nostrum , but in training the firing force in proper management of tbese boilers to prevent such waste. , Fact * About Konp. Roup Is a contagious disease. Whet it comes into a ilock in its worst form it is best to destroy all that have the disease and 'burn the bodies , but a cold is" not roup. The symptoms of a cold are the eyes closed and water flowing , at times a frothlike discbarga from tbe eyes , running at the nose. If neglected it may take a worse form. This may come from exposure to damper or cold drafts , from overcrowding in badly ventilated houses , or from a change from roosting in the open tea a warm or closed house. To cure this , first remove the cause , then feed equal parts of. red pepper and mustanj in the' mash , a tablespoonful of each to thirty fowls. Onions and red peppers chopped fine and mixed in the mash are good , and the best when fed alone , if the fowls will eat them. A rattling in tbe throat , if accom panied wltlTa cold , indicafes that the fowls have bronchitis. A rattling with out the cold is usually harmless. When this is heard feed bread soaked in hot beer , with all moisture pressed out be fore feeding , and give pills of quinine and iron , the same as people take. Give one of tbese twice a day , A cold when first contracted can usually be cured with "rhinitis" tablets one-half strength , two pellets three times a day for two or three days. To avoid these troubles the house must be dry , clean , free from drafts and bad odors , and it must be properly ventilated. This re fers to pure , fresh air and plenty of it. Roup has a distinguishing mark that no one should mistake that is a dis gusting odor or smell , and a thick , yellowish discharge from the nostrils that is tbe death spreading element. This gets into water pans and feed and spreads to all tbe flock if it is permit ted to continue. Ventilate the Incnbator. From the time the eggs are put into the incubator till the chicks are out of the brooder and able to take care of themselves the subject of fresh air and ventilation must never be lost sight of , says the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean. All living animals require oxygen for the support of life , and this oxygen is supplied by the air we breathe. As soon as the chick begins to develop in the egg , -which is a very short time after it is under the influ ence of heat , it requires air. The egg shell is porous , and through Its pores gases are given out and taken in. Llfy fires of the eggs begin to burn soon after incubation starts , and oxygen of the air passing In through the egg shell pores supports this combination. Sev eral days before the immature chick is ready to break the shell it begins to use its lungs as breathing organs. This calls for an added supply of air as incubation advances. Every incubator is provided with ventilation openings for a constantsup- ply of fresh air. Perfect ventilation in an Incubator is necessary to Insure a good hatch. The gases that arise from the eggs must be forced from the egg chamber immediately or the chicks will die in the shell. This is accomplished by a constant supply of pure , warm air being forced into it gradually. By use of a lighted match or piece of burn ing paper It Is an easy matter to tell whether the ventilating device of an incubator Is working. There has been much discussion and difference of opinion as to whether air supplied to eggs while incubating should be dry or moist Eggs by na ture during incubation lose some mois ture and weight But just how much water the eggs should lose Is not defin itely known. Dry air will dry out eggs faster than moist air , and' if the air supplied through ventilation be too dry best results are not secured. Natural air in winter and spring , when most of the eggs are hatched , contains a con siderable amount of moisture. Under ordinary conditions the natural mois ture of the air is sufficient for the needs of the eggs. But in dry times or when the incubator is located in a very dry room it is advisable to supply mois ture artificially. This Is usually done by keeping in the egg chamber of the machine a small sponge saturated with water. The ventilation of the brooder Is of as much importance as the ven tilation of the incubator. The Infant chicks must have an abundant supply of fresh air at all times or they will become weak and fall an easy prey to disease and death. Not only must the brooder have openings for taking in fresh air and letting out foul air , but the living chamber must be large enough so that it will always contaiu an excess of pure over impure air. Do not crowd too many chicks in a small brooder , as this tends to keep the air vitiated. Give plenty of room , with' plenty of fresh air. A suitable protected run should bi connected with the brooder so that the chicks will come out of the brooder fre- quentiy during the daytime for food , water and exercise. The more often they can be Induced naturally to coine out into the open air the stronger and healthier they will be. Their going IB and otft fe equivalent to ventilation. _ i WHAT COLORS SHALL I USE ? Thl.i diie.itloti J * Important In I'nlnt- liiK a House or Other IluilUlntr. A proper color scheme Is extremely Important in pnlntin ? a liousc. It makes -ill the difference between n rettily attractive homo , and one at which you wouldn't take a second glance. And it makes a big difference in the prlco the property will bring on the market. x As to the exterior , a good deal de pends upon the size and nrehitectun1 of the house , and upon its surround- iu p. For n good interior effect you must consider the size of the rooms , the liirht. etc. You cum avoid disappointment by studying the books of color st-henios for both exterior and interior painting which can be had free by writing N'n tlonal Lead Company. 1002 Trinity Building , New York , and asking I'm Ifotiseowner's Painting Outfit No.10 The outfit also includes specification ? and a simple instrumeirt for testin-1 : the purity of paint material ? . Pur * White Lend which will stand the ten ; in this outfit will stand the weather test National Lead Company's famou * Dutch Boy Painter trademark on tlr keg is : a guarantee of that kind c' white lead' . Beautiful Gluns Garments. Spinning glass for practical uses was very well known by the ancient Egyptians , and we are now rediscov ering it Spun glass has long been' known as a curiosity. A Frenchman ' In the middle of the last century de veloped the process along commercial lines , but died without revealing hi ? secrets. These seem , however , to have been recently re-discovered iu Germany. Glass thus drawn out into very thin threads is flexible and it is thought it will be possible to spin and weave it into clothes. These garments would be incombustible , non-conducting and impervious to acids. They can be beautifully tinted by using tinted glass. The insulating properties of the glass wool would render it valu able as packing where it is desirable to keep in or exclude heat In this case we should be resorting to the mineral kingdom for our clothes , though as yet we have not these asbestos garments which could be washed by throwing them on the fire. WISHED TOR DEATH. Sufferings from Kidney Troubles "Were So Acute. Mrs. Josephine Jeffery , 24th and Washington Sts. , Marion , Ind. , says : "To look back upon what I have gone through , it seems a miracle that I live , and I feel that I owe it to Doan's Kidney Pills. My case devel oped gradually. First , backache , floating spots before my eyes , weakness and exhaus tion , then a terrible steady pain over the kidneys and an extreme nervousness. Doctors finally said there was no hope for me. but I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills and gradualy recovered my health. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Business Proposition. "Your honor , " said the convicted beg gar , "can't you change my sentence of imprisonment to a fine ? " "Suppose I did , " said the judge , "where would you get the money to pay it ? " "Oh , " replied the c. b. , "I could beg a little every day till I had enough. " Western Canada..1 * Happy Prospects. In no year since the development of Western Canada began has spring brought a brighter outlook than it brings this year. In no preceding spring has there been greater assur ance of advancing development and prosperity. The movement of immigra tion has already assumed large proportions tions , and is as desirable in character as it is satisfactory in volume ; from across the Atlantic sturdy , industri ous and thrifty newcomers are arriv ing in large numbers , homeseekers from Ontario and the other blder provinces are coming in a steady stream , and from across the interna tional boundary a movement is already in full flow which , it is confidently predicted , will beat the records of all previous years ; special settlers' trains are crossing the line , loaded with ef fects , actual material wealth beins thus brought into the country at the rate of millions of dollars' worth monthly. The movement is so unprecedeutly large that extra Dominion Immigra tion officials have had to be provided at both North Portal and at Emerson , and it is estimated that the total num ber of new settlers from the United States this year will be 70.000 at least , and may run well up toward 100,000. Last year's total of new settlers from the South was 53,723 ; thus the area that will be placed in wheat and other , grains this year will greatly exceed that of last year. Settlers are making extraordinary efforts to get on their lands and begin seeding operations. The price of wheat now , away above the dollar mark , is incentive enough , and when one has in view the splen did results that the past few years have shown , it is not to be wondered at that the present will be the banner year for immigration to Canada. Ask your nearest Canadian government agent for rates of transportation , and he will also send you illustrated pamphlets. Tins Smooth Way. In the last generation Tyler Cobb , Esq. , wan a well known citizen of North IJrHgewater now Brockton Massachusetts. He was famous throughout Plymouth County , says a contributor to the Boston Herald , for liijj witty retorts and dry humor. Never having taken a sea trip. Mr. Cobb one day conceived the idea of making a voyage to New York. Ac cordingly he sailed from Boston in a small schooner. The first day out a storm was en countered and Mr. Cobb became violently lently sick , but after several hours he mustered up courage and strength to look out upon the troubled waters. As he looked from the side of the little ship up the trough of the sea. it seemed very smooth to him. The captain's cutting of the waves was "senseless , ' ' he told himself. But as this mad steeriug continued , the unhappy passenger finally crawled out , on hand and knees to where die captain stood at the wheel , and raising his voice above the din of waves and wind shouted : "Man , man. keep in the ruts , keep in thtsuresB cmfwyp cmfwyp mfw in the ruts ! " CUBED ITCHING HTJMOB. Bi . Painful Swelling * Broke and Did > ot Heal Suffered Three Tears Tortures Yield to Cutienru. "Little black swellings were scatter ed qver my face and neck and they would leave little black sears that would itch so I couldn't keep from scratching them Larger swellings would appear and my clothes would stick to the sores. I went to a doctor , but the trouble ouly got worse. By this time it was all over my arms and the upper part of my body in swellings as large as a dollar. It was so pain ful that I could not bear to lie ou my back. The second doctor stopped the swellings , but when they broke the places would not heal. I bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies and in less than a week some of the places were nearly well. I continued until I had used three sets , and now I am sound and well. The disease lasted three years. O. L. Wilson , Puryear , Tenn. , Feb. 8 , 1908. " Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Sole Props , of Cuticura Remedies. Boston. Arrosramre of .Wealth. "What's them apples worth ? " asked the farmer , stopping in front of a fruit stand. "In that pile ? " said the proprietor of the stand. "Five cents apiece. " "So ? Well , I guess I'll eat about a dime's worth. " Thereupon he took two big red apples out of a capacious pocket in bis over coat and strolled on , placidly munching one of them. Chicago Tribune. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .7. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. .T. Cheney for the last 13 years , and behave him perfectly honorable in all business trans actions and" financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDIXG , KI.V.VAX & MARVIN , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by ail Druggists. , Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. His AVallcinj ? Paper * . "My sister'll be down in n minute , " said little Clarence , who was entertain ing the young man in the parlor. " 1 heard her tellin' maw a little while ago that she was goin' to give you your writ ten permission to perambulate to-night. What do you reckon she meant by that ? " "I think I know , Clarence. " said the young man , reaching for his hat. "You may tell her , if you please , that I have decided not to wait for it. " A Famous Health Builder. A medicine that will cleanse the bowels and put them in condition to do their proper work unaided will do more than anything else to preserve health and strength. Such a medicine is the tonic laxative herb tea , Lanes Family Medicine. Get a 2Zc. package to-day at any druggist's or dealer's. No matter what you have tried before , try this famous herb tea. I'olcs. LTarker Fine automobile , Coggwood. What do you call it ? Coggwood Peary. Ilarker After the arctic explorer , eh ? And why ? Coggwocd Because it is always mak ing a dash for the pole. A Cure for Colds and Grip. There is incorivenience. suffering and danger in a cold , and the wonder is thaf people will take so few precautions against colds. One or two Lane's Pleas ant Tablets ( he sure of the name ) taken when the first snuffly feeling appears , will stop the progress of a cold and save a great deal of unnecessary suffering. Drug gists and dealers generally sell-these tab lets , price 25 cents. If you cannot get them send to Urator F. Woodward. LeRoy - Roy , X. Y. Sample free. Among : the Ultra Set. Mrs. Ilighuppe Uncle Henry is so stupidly plebeian. Really , I am exas perated every time he calls. Mr. Highuppe In what way , my dear ? Mrs. ITighuppe Why he always ask < = If our baby cries. As if we had one of those old-fashioned babies ! Mrs. Wlnslovr'B Soothing Syrnp for chllfl- ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , allays pain , cures wind coUc. 25c a bottle. Her Constitutional Risrht. Gladys So you've sent Herbert about his business , have you ? Maybelle Yes ; but I have since nsp the er recall on him. Chicago Trib-l une. I vraut eve-y chronic rheumatic to throw cway nil medicines , all liniments , alj plasters , tive MUNYON'S RHEUMA TISM REMEDY a trial. No matter what your doctor nay say , no matter ivhat your friends may any , no matter "ao r prejudiced you may be against nil aiTcr- tlsed rpmrdics. yn nt once to yt r dnir- glst and get a bottle of the UIIEUMA- TISM REMKDT. If It falls to give ratls- faction.I will refund yonr inonoy. Munjoa Remember this remedy contains no sal icylic a. . ' < l , no opltim cocaine , morphine of other harmful drusra. It in put up under the guarantee of the Pure Food and Act * . For cale by all druggists. Price. 23c "I find Cascarcts so good that -would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Caudy Cathar tic I feel very much better. I shall cer tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seeu. " Anna Bazinet , Osborn Mill No. 2 , Fall Paver , Moza. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tasta Good. Do Good. Never SicVen.Weakea or Gripe. lOc. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The cean- Inc tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. S2Z This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection , see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 1S02 Trinity Building , NIH Tort The Eeaaon I Hake and Bell Mere Men's & / $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufactures ; is becauaa I give the nearer the tertflt of the rnort ' complete organization of trained experts ard rkilled , ahoenalters In the country. The selection of the leathers for each part of tht shoay and every detail of the njakluz in every department , Kt look d alter br tha tsst shoerca&ers In the ihoe indcitry , * If I could zhoir you how carefully W. L. Donglis ihocsi ure made , you would then understand why they hold their * shape , fit better , and wear longer than any other rczke. My Method of Tanning the Soles makes them Mor0t Flexible a ul Longer Wearing than any others. Ntioes for Kvory Memln-r > f the Kjimlly , Men , JSoys , Ykrr < muiiA ! i nu * and Children.4 F riI < by slioe dealers everyivlierp. pniiTin ? , ! 9 None seimine without W. J. . r > r > Hclas < uHU I lui > iiame .11 id price stampfrt on I'Cttom. ' Fast Color Eytlcts Used : clnsi7 ly. 'Catalog mailed frte , \V. L. DOUGLAS , 167 Spark St. , Brockton , Jrt Positively cured these Little Pills. ) They also relieve D53 t tress from Dyspepsia , Izi digestion and Too Hearta Eating ; A perTect rez& edy lor Dizziness , Kaoscffc } Drowsiness , Bad Tast $ In the Mouth , Tongue. Pain In tte Sti TORPID LTVER. regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE GARTER'S Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature lTTLE IVER REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. of Wheat Land inWILL WILL MAKE YOU RICH 0 bushels per acre have been crown. General- a verag-e greater than in any other part erf the Con tinent. Under New Regulations it is possible te1. secure a Homestead of 160acres free , and additional 160 acres at $3.03 per acre. "The development of the country has made rmrvellous strides. It is a revela- ion. a rec rd of conquest by settlement that i < = remarkable. " Extract from cor respondence of a National Editor , vrho visited Canada in Aujrust last. The Krain crop of 1903 will nt many farmers' 20.00 to 525.00 per acre. Graizj-raUine. > ! ixed Farminp : and Dairying are the principal indus tries. Climate is excellent ; Social Conditions the- best : Railway Advantages unequalled ; Schooia,1 churches and markets dose at hand. Lands may also be purchased from RaUway and Land Companies. FOR "LAST BEST WEST" pamphlets , maps and information as te- how to secure lonest RaUway Rates , appijr ts AD. . Scott , Superintendent of ment Agents. Plense aar where you a this adrBrtisemrat. PAY IF CURED . .j p r pofteg * ntl FREE RED CROSS uid Fiitali Core. BEX CO. , Depi. B5 , Minneapolis , M IfaHHctedwilb Sore Eyes , use S. C. X. IT. - - Xo 18 190D. PUTNAM YES CUr sen go 4s briohler aid faster colon thin Brother dye. OBC lOc package colors all libers. cold water better tban 007 other dye. My lirBMl wilk * l rtoUi oil Viik lu Irac baektei-BtH to Dye. Blurt ad Mix Cotei. -9-RVG CO. .