8 , Wv f $ ' > ll if 1 iiLh ! TAT When you need anything - ' thing in the line of writing materials , remember - J member that our stock \ is extremely large and that it includes all .the latest styles pf box papers - \ pers and envelopes in I bulk. To the advant age of securing proper | selections , we add the advantage of reasonable price. Stationery means also everything in the stationery line , all writ ing materials , pens , pencils , ink , erasers , etc. VALENTINE. NED fi teA j A Safe , Simple System The system of paying . by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. . v , - Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VAfcENTIHE STATt BANK VALENTfNE. NEBR. a VALENTINE ' I BARBER SHOP S . . > ! ! ' . - I All kinds of. N SHAMPOOS , : ; - MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING c ? Shampooing a specialty. fe HOT and COLD BATHS in connection = < < Forest Shepard , Prop. P. Valentine State Bank Building v T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. "Will meet all calls phone or mail. - Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine Nebraska Talk of the Town. 1 "The'Gay Coons Prom Dixie" at. the opera house Saturday eve ning , May 1. Ted Ormesher was in town last 'week ' and we , notice , . .he attends stnctly.to'business. . " Till * Cherry County Telephone . Co- , has recently installed a 30- ! lin toll switchboard. ! The funny ' "Olf" show will nuk * you iauvrh ar. the opera house OM thn evening of May 5. Milt Dunhnra and family returned - * M turned from the reservation to re sume , their residence in Valentine. Fremont Tate had business in onr city a , couple of days last week. He lives 12 miles south of Marsh lake. j L. E. Sheldon of Neligh is the new night man , taking Frank Hun ter's place at ( he electric light pow er house. Miss Maud Van Orsdoll and Miss Kittie Kelly of Rosebud vis ited Valentine friends Saturday and Sunday. Julius Sohromm has moved out to his ranch , and John Wilson and family have gone out there to help hiin run the ranch. S > e "The Gay Coons From Dixie. " in vaudeville at Church's opera house Saturday night , May 1. Two hours solid fun. B. L , Murphy , a new homestead er was in town last Saturday , he having taken a claim near Fremont Tate's south of Marsh lake. A dance will be given in the opera house April 30. Music by the Ralya orchestra. Everybody come and have a good time. Seed potatoes Early Ohio , northern grown , and Bliss Tri umph for sale at the Red Front or at John Ormesher's. § L.OO per bushel. Al Stewart , who attended court here last week , found a pocketbook - book Sunday morning , which was later claimed by W. A. Keister's little girl. The ladies of the M. E.'aid will serve supper Wednesday eve- jning , May 5 , beginning at 5 'o'clock in Bethel hall. Every body come. Sheriff liosseter returned yes- jterday from a trip up the road on legal business. Ira and Earl Gondin are wanted for horse steal ing near Cody. Charles Rhepard came down from Crawford h st week and brought with him tl eir favorite horse Prince , .v.hich he has been keeping up iheje since last fall. E i J-M I Gi'J * in l * < m of Ne.- ligh , IWmerJv proprietors of the Atlantic hotel at that place , has purchased of John Eaton the Dom-her hole ! and take possession next Monday Mr Eaton and hdecuU'd to out fam l.\ ; ; \ ' move onto a hnme.-toad which Mr. Euttn has tiled on about 8 miles south of Valentine. h We wish to announce to our friends that we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now have the largest and most complete stock ever shown here , including John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang. Listers , walking , single and double row. ? Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks , Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Windmills - mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons. The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies and Spring Wagons. All of this is bright , new stock. fo car ried over or out of data goods. Prices and terms reasonable. Come and see us. Valentine Lumber Co. AE. . MORRIS , W. W. XORBISSET , J. T. KBELEY , DR. O. W. KOYES | Located in buildings formerly occupied by VV. T. Bishop us a feed and sale barn Oie Oison in Spiritland the operajiou.se May 5. Wanted Horses to pas ture , 30c a month , two miles west of town. 16 2 WM. GROOMS. Eichard Owens , Chet Grooms , Dick Osborn and A.etHa Brechbill hauled in a car load of hogs last Saturday , which they sold to J.-W. ' Stetter for § 6.4u per. cwt. - " Henry Porath returned last week" from Omaha where he imd a car of hogs on the market , which brought h'm § 7.12 per cwt. , and iiejttcd over § 1,000 for the car load. Herman LaMotte , who recently purchased a farm of Jas. Searby near Crookston , was in town yes terday and called at our office to subscribe for THE DEMOCRAT. There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock a. m. in St. John's church Sunday , May 2 , with an address. Even song at 8 p. m , and a sermon. If you enjoy a hearty laugh , good singing and dancing and a funny Swede play , see "Ole Ol son in Spiritland" at the opera house , Wednesday , May 5. Ay tank she bane good fallar. Wm. DeBord is selling fruit trees for the Council Bluffs Nur sery for the fourth season in this vicinity and appears to have given satisfaction. If ou are in need of fruit trees you should consult him. 152 Douglas Sherman , son of Chas. E. Sherman and wife , died Tues day at the age of 10 months. The funeral was held at the home on Cherry street. Our sympathies are extended to this family in their sad bereavement. J. W. Trumble , special agent for the Farmers Mutual I.is. Co. , of Lincoln , arrived this ( Friday ) morn- ins to adjust the John "Rysohon lss bv fire.A'hich occurred last Fri day , burning part of their house hold goods imd dwelling. Gov. Shallenbprgpr is slated as a speaker at Crawford on July 4 this year and expects to stop oil' at Valentine enroute homo to spend a few days out fishing at the lakes south of town. It's a little early to mention it , perhaps , but let's put up the flags when he comes. August Klopping and N. J. Uck were in our city last Frid ay and attended the stockmen's mpel- ing. Mr. Klopping is a member of the firm of Klopping Bros. , south of Wood lake , and Mr. Uck is in the hard.vva''p bu in * s in Woodlake. VVre acknowledge a , pleasant visit whilf. thev wri * here , ind they also J'-iU'i-l n-no to go down to the Uk i i d catch some crap pies. Dick Cook stopped in Valentine Monday to visit old fn ruis und nc- quainfances before starting for Cali fornia , where he has mnde his home near Selma the p st few years. Dick is looking well and enjoys good health \vorkinirin the vineries. He has been back in Io\va visiting his sister the past winter and had been up to the Diamond Bar to vis it a couple of weeks when he stop ped here. Charley Cook is running a linotype on the Selma ( Oal. ) Irrigator - gator , and Mrs. Cook is at the head of a clothes cleaning , dyeing and pressing establishment at Grass Valley , Cal. , and enjoys good health and has a good business. The article in last week's Demo crat appears to have stirred up the grafters to an alarming extent. But not enough to cause them to refund the money.Ve notice that the clerk ( of the Valentij e Lumber Co. ) has been instructed to purchase more tools for the use of county. It is our understanding that it is the duty of the county commissioners to advertise for bids if the amount involved exceeds in value 8100. Now , Mr. Rowley and Mr. Mone , you owe it to the taxpayers to see that Mr. Morris should not be al lowed to purchase supplies for the county from himself at an . ex- horbitant price. Give all the im plement dealers an opportunity to bid on'tKesex'supplies and' thereby save the county hundreds of dol- , ' - S.--n'c ] J m - lars. TAXPAYERS. _ * . < . 3. I Old Crow , All Leading \ ? Hermitage Bra ds 'and Bottled Gruchen- Under the v " heimer Supervision , Bye of the Whiskeys. . & ' ' " ' * U. S. G-ov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. 3 JOHN 'G. STETTER , Propr. District court adjourned hM. Saturday , having , finished up the the docket as far as possible. The case of buying and receiving stol ( en.horses , knowing them to have been stolen , against Homer Crane and Geo. Loomis will be taken be fore the supreme court Tuesday , May 4to get a decision on wheth er the case can be tried in Ne braska. It is an important matter with our stockmen. These horses were stolen in South Dakota and delivered in Cherr.y county for a consideration of § 5 per head to Crane and Loomis , who were ar rested in charge of the stolen property , 40 miles south of Mer- riman. Judge Sullivan , who is the employedNattorney of the de fendants , argued that there was no law upon the statutes covering the- ground of receiving stolen property - erty from out of the state. If Nebraska horse thieves can employ Indian horse thieves to deliver stolen horses to them in Nebraska and there is no law to prosecute , nor statute covering such ca-e , then the governor should call a special session of the legislature to provide such means of protec tion to stockmen on the border land It seems to us that South Dakota should be able to protect her citizens and that they could or should be able to prosecute Crane and Loomis for receiving these i stolen horses. Cherry county J people have not been wronged and are not under obligations to protect - ' > tect South Dakota stockmen. We think this is a South Dakota case. ' but if she cannot defend her citi zens' rights and unde.r s-nii ir - versed circumstances that. in state could not prosecute men for receiving stolen property in > . 1 > , which was stolen in Nebraska , ' tiien something should be Jon.to correct the evil. ' Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given th u 1 have filed with the clerk 01 th * board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a pcti.ion , accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying iha > I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Valentine , Cherry count.v. Ne braska , for the year ending May 1 , 1910. | CHARLES M. Dated April 24 , 1909. LUMBER i | Lath , Shingles , Doors , I Windows , Paper , Patent - * ent Hoofing Tar Paper , f Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Grlass. Putty , Lime , Cement , Plastei ; , Brick , Posis ; , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal ' BiSHOP & YOOKG , T n rs I I he LOUD' Valley Hereford Hnnch. Brownlee , Nebr , Soldier PreeV rol- umt'Us l th IG.0r ! fl , ; i son of Co'unilius ' 17th. a htir : brother j of tiH'O.COotjf ! aiu-J pion O ilo , and Prince Hfwririf 1131- C03 at head of herd. " I now have ahout 30 head of 1907 hull calves for sale. Oi H. FAUliHAUBU , I New Hotel. Electric Lights. I Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. NEAR DEPOT MRS. B. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. f Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. j , Stone , Concrete and Cement Work. Foundations and Cellars. House Moving. Plastering. Chimney - Building. Cess Pools and Cisterns. Examine my work. - . . . . Inspect my sidewalks. All work guaran teed. I can do your work. Call on me. Valentine ' -Nebraska ELY when you fcuy a SEWING MACHINE. Youli find all sorts and kinds at corresponding prices. But if you want a , reputable serviceable Machine , then take 27 years experience hzs enabled ta to bringf out a HANDSOME , SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT } coaifaning in its ooke-up all &c gtiod points found on High , grade ciqg fags and otricrs that are exclusively glance , and v/e have ethers thaidppeal to care ful buyers. All Drcprlieads have Automatic Lift and beautiful Swell rpnt , Goldea Oak VcodVork. Vibrato ? dELotary , Shuttle Styles. OUR ELEGANT H. T. CATALOGUES GIVE FULL PAHTICULABS/'FREE. ? WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND , O. as a JHationnl Bank 1 , 1884. Auguat 1 . ' 1902 , The SP1 Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) A.F .TAX , PAID A General Banking $25,000. Exchange and , Collection .Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. & M. V. NTPIHOT ON. flashier. . JQilN F. FOSATH Tubular wells and windmills. all me up by Telephone. J. W. XTY SURVEYOR Vai sitine - All work will be given prompt and careful attention. \ Se'c'widjhand phaeton , in good .coinJition for sale ch ap.Call at 5thU ofiice.f'SrNi' ? - "v : i : 6 W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUJR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 1 25 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Per Cwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 10 21 00' Shorts , sacked 1 25 - at 00 Corn , sacked 1 ? 0 ' -23 00 Oats , sacked 1 : ,0 29.00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 40 2T 60