pE N T I. M. RICEEditor and Proprietor. MARK ZARR - Foreman. Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Cherry Co. Subscriptions : j | { ; Foreign Subscriptions inch each contract 12 c. J 15c Per issue' b-y AHwrticinoPf PC ' - Advertising Kates | Transienfc ad v 20c per incb ; locals 10c a line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notice obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. _ _ - - - - . _ . _ _ . " . . l I I I ! . - ! III. . -II . I I .1 - ' ' - " - _ THURSDAY , APRIL 29 , 1909. 0. L. Ramsey Dead. O. L. Ramsey died Thursday afternoon , April 22 , about 4:35 : , at his home on Main street , as a re sult of a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Ramsey's health had been "failing rapidly for the past year and for some time past had been scarcely able to be about. Thurs day , however , he was apparently no worse than usual , and during the afternoon seated himself in front of the restaurant which bore his name for the purpose of , as he expressed it to a friend , enjoying a sun bath , the day being warm and pleasant. He expressed him- sslf as feeling well to friends as they passed from time to time , but suddenly was stricken and fell back in his chair. Men who hap pened in that vicinity carried him inside , but the spark of life was feeble and flickered and passed out within a few minutes after he was stricken. Thus ended the fe of a man who had lived a use ful life , who many times had ex tended a helping hand to the un fortunate and succor to the needy ; a man universally respected in the Community in which he resided. The world is better for his having been a part of it , a better epitah needs no man. I I Early in life Mr. Ramsey was ordained as a minister of the gos pel and became a member of the Northwest conference in 1893 , His first charge was at Valentine , and later he was stationed at Craw ford ; Lander , Wyo. , Rushville and Ainsworth , in the order nam ed. He was in charge of the Methodist church here from 1900 to 1901 , and was then forced to re tire on account of failing health , having suffered a stroke of paraly sis. In 1904 he was elected coun ty judge of Brown county , serving two years. During recent years Mr. Ram sey was incapaciated for work , and last summer he was the vic tim of a runaway and badly in jured , and never fully recovered from injuries received. Ains worth Democrat. Baseball. The local baseball season opens next Saturday afternoon at 3:00 : o'clock at the ball park. Sparks' fast team will be here to try for first honors. Batteries : Valen tine Stetter and Fischer. Sparks Shelbourne and Shafta. The Cody boys of the eighth grade came dowii last Saturday and played Valentine eighth grade at baseball. Valentine won with a score of 9 to 6. A train to run from Omaha thru to Chadron , instead of stopping at Long Pine , is proposed on the Northwestern , commencing May 23. This train will likely leave Omaha as at present , at 7:40 : a m , and will reach Chadron at mid night. Coming east , the Chadron- i ! "Omaha train will bring Wyoming ( I passengers and reach here as no\v , U ' - at 10:35 a. m. It is expected the Deadwood - * train will leave that city half an j hour later that is 6:30 p. in. and reach Omaha at theesent hour , | 530p. ra. 'WarId-ilvraid. , jj d Cherry Co. School Notes. Reading circle work should be filed by June 1. The annual supplies for direc tors will be sent you about June 1. Directors and teachers should see that the term summary is made out and filed before the last month's wages are paid. Supt. Gregory of Crete is com ing to direct the Valentine junior normal during an eight week's term , commencing June 7. The next eight grade examina tion for free high school admittance will be'fTeld in the office of the county superintendent May 14 and 15. Any teacher may conduct an examination on the same date. Send for questions about May 1. * We have just received a bulle tin published for "The Nebraska Boys' Agricultural Associations. " This bulletin contains some ex periments which we would be glad to have as many boys as possible try. Experiment No. 1. Ear to the Row Test : This test is to aid in determining the best seed ears. Experiment No. 2. Soil Fertility Test : This test is to determine the best treatment to give land to get the largest crop of corn. Ex- P2rimefit No. 3. The Rate of Plantin : The object of this test is to determine how thickly corn should be planted to give the larg est yield. When the corn is har vested the boys are to write an es say , giving the results of their ex perience. Fifty dollars in cash is offered for the best ten essays by boys who have actually carried on one or more of these tests. The class is limited to boys between the ages of 12 and 21 years. Write lo State Supt. Bishop or Val Key- ser , Lincoln , Neb. , or to this of fice for bulletin. Very truly yours , LULU KOKTZ-HUDSON , County Supt. A fire occured this ( Fiiday ) inorn- ng , during a high northwest wind , and burned down Charley Jordan's dwelling in the west part of town. The fire department was there soc n after the fire was discovered , bufc V ' lack of water pressure and long distance from the hydrant and high wind made it impossible to save the building , though nearly all of tl e contents were saved. The house was insured for § 800 , which partial ly covers the loss. U , S , WEATHER BUREAU REPORT WEEK ENDING APRIL 27 , 1909. Daily mean temperature 43- . Normal temperature J9 . Highest temperature 72 ° on Lowest temperature 23 = on th. Kange of temperature = . Precipitation for week .20 of an inch. Average for 21 years .01 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 2.31 inches. Average for 21 years 3.22 of an inches.- ix J. MCLKAX , Observer. in ihe can Pure in ihe baking , Never' a Dull Spot in the May EVERY BODY'S MAGAZINE. That's why it holds the undoubted supremacy. Even if you are not a mag azine reader , try it. There is an unusual line of fiction this month. Read "Grimsden House" if you like a " thriller. " For sale by George Elliott. Coining ! "The Gay Coons From Dixie" ' will show in Church's opera house Saturday night , May 1st. Two hours solid fun and amusement , consisting of sweet singers , great buck and wing dancers , Empire quartette , novelty vaudeville olio , etc. Splendid wardrobe , music and scenery. Lake News. Bill Gillaspie went to Valentine this week. Grandma Aspinall has been very sick but is improving. George Tellier returned home from Valentine Tuesday. Mr. Bauersach went to Cody after his family Monday. There was a very nice crowd out to Sunday school Sunday. Charlie Dever is carrying th e mail again from Lake to Eolf. Mrs. Justice is visiting her mother , Mrs. C. Zimmerman , this week. A. E. Barnes came up from Ainsworth to put in his grajn and make garden. * Charlie Parker and Al Metzger were in this neighborhood on business Monday. Geo. Justice moved his family to Cody and is now mail carrier from there out to Lake. Eolf postoffice is to be moved from C. M. Kime's home to the home of Charlie Parker. E. 11. Barnes and wife were call ed to the home of their daughter , Mrs. Walter Good in , who is very ill at this writing. Dan Barnes and daughter , May , returned from Valentine Saturday. Mr. Barnes had been attending court and May visiting. The 500 club met with Mrs. Chas. Sparks Thursday afternoon Mrs. Dr. Flynn and two chil dren of O'Neill are visiting in tjbis city with Mrs. M , V. Nicholson. * Mrs. Mary Carter of Cody has had the fence rebuilt in front of her residences in Valentine th's week. Elclen Sparks , who has be * n book-keeper for th ; Ludwg Lum ber Co. , for several months past , has been called to Seattle on busi ness. Mrs. J. F. Young and son Dick ey of Cody spent last Saturd.-iy and Sunday visiting friends in Valentine. Mrs. Young and her husband recently returned from a with the ' trip Lumberman's asso ciation to Alabama , Florida and Cuba and gave us a very interest ing account of their trip. They were gone just one month from the time they started from home. There was a good audience out to hear the band concert given by Kreycik's Wood lake band last Thursday evening at the opera house , after which a dance was given , in which many stayed to enjoy both , the music and the dance. Our people are glad to patronize this band of Cherry county boys , who have made ex- c llent progress under the leader ship of Mr. Kreycik. It is a real cowboy band and you would have thought you were on the frontier to hear one of their selections , whic'i was a medley interspersed with all kinds of noises and pistol i shots. j \ 11. DAILEY , Derjtist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. - Nebraska Land aud PeeiUuii k > . JnxUett Rteh ir < l3 Pres Will G Coni-tfocfc. VP. . Chai n .Jamison Sei'&Troas Caitlt u any part of animal ( olnwiTU ? horses ' same Ttango between i fi _ . tit I ! Hvannlf on M. II U. in Xortlmvs'ernTebr "BA.UT , KIT KKUlAliDS. Elbwor , .Nehr. ' Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF XKBKASICA i In the County OHKUKY COUNT * . \ Court. " In the matter of the estate of. Henry C. Detgen. deceased : To the Creditors of sai.l Estate : You : ii > - lierehv notified , 'llMt I will sit alUie" Ctn nty Court Iloom in v nit- tine in < sairt cowry on the 26th < Uy oi Mav 1909 - > r 10 o * lo.'k a. in to receive au i examine al claim- * against saifl estate with a view to .heir aJijusini-nt and allowance. The tune limited for the i > res nta- tion of d.iims aoiiiist said estate is ix montiis from h - 2(5th ( ilny of Nov. A. 1) . 1'JOi and thi time limited for payment of d bts m one year from said 20th day of November UflS. Witne-s my hdi'd sn-il seal of sad county ' -o.irt this 28lh dav of April \ | 1909 SEAL JURIES C. QUTGLEY. 16 4 Count > Judge. Notice to Creditors. In ihe County Court within and for Cherry county , Nebraska , In the matter of the estate of G-jorze A.Jdns- sen , iieue ised. To the creditors of saui estate : - You sue hereby notified. That I will Mt at the CountCoutRoom In Valentine in said county on the 8th day of Mav , 1909 at 10 o'ciock a m. to receive and examine all cl ims apaiiibt said estate , with < t A Jew to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the p'-esen'a- tion of claims against said estate is MX months from the 3U dav of October A. 1) . 19)8 ) and the time limited for payment ot debts is one yenr from said 3Kt day ol Ociober. 1908. Witness my hand an ! the eal "fsiid SEAL County onrl o.js 15tb d'iv oi Apnl. v 1909. JAMKS C QUIGI.EY. 14 4 County Judge. Contest Notice. U. S. Land office , Valentin * . Nebraska , April 28 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit havmi : be u filed in this ottlcf * bv Herman K Jvno tZfl a testant , a .uiihC homestead entry " o 19221-04220 , made Mircli 10.1)03. ! ) lor W&SFMVJSvx 4 fu-non 15 Wy- , and W&Eijsection 22 Towiibhin34 ranue 33 bv Aithii > L. Burjiin , coi tesree i which ic is dli'ii-d that taid A thur L Kiuyiii has wh"Iiy abandoned said lamia d ch.inir'd his residence therefrom for more than six "months last lust that the Ittii'l is not settled up.ui uor Cultivated in coed la th. and entrynaa h is foiled to cur achei tip to this date. Said parties are hereby nofilied to appear , responu and u > r evidence touching sai talietri- U M ; tr lo o'clock a. in i n June 5th. Ii09 ; before the ret'ister and Deceiver at the United Stales Land tUMee in Valentine. Nebr Tha said contestint hkVimr in a proper ant- davit filed April 23 , 19M sjt f > rth facts winch show that Piter due diligence set vice of this noru-e cjnnot be uitde it Isheiewnrd r- bd and dim-ted t-at such nonce lie tjiven by due and proper publication IP 4 E K. OLSON' . Hi cciver. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office. Valentine. Isebr &K-i. | April 5. 1909. ( A sufficient ; conies' affidavit , having been filed in this oftlco by Henry DeaiiV contu tutit a iinsc ho'n-str-aden'i-y NTo. U033 OIG30 , nude October 2 1902. f. r El/2SEM section 19 and S SWy , secti n 20. township 35 , iun < ; e 39. i y Anna li I' winch It is alleged tint said Ann.i L Heach has wholly ab.tndoned . aid land md changed h r residence tr-eretrom for more than simo'iins" last pa t ; that the land is nor settled up n not cultivate- ! go d faith and that sai t alleged abandonment of the eaid land took place moie than six m nit is to the expiration ot five yeara from the time of fllinu upon sinie. and entrjmeu has failed to cure her la"hes up to tins date. Said pa-ties aiv hereby notified to appear re- snoud. and olfer evidence touching said alleg- tion at 10 o'clock a in. , on May 25 19 > ( > . uu f < ire the r-'gt-ter and receiver ac the UmteU states laud omce in Valentine \ebraska. Ihe said . 'ontestant having , in a proper atfl- duvit , fi ed Aprl 5 1909. ser fortu facts which show that after due diligence personal servi e ot this notice canu it be made it is heicby ordered and nrecied that such notic- be given > due and prop i public itinn. E 134 LUKE M HATES. Kegistf r. Ebtray Notice Valentine. Nebraska. March 23,1909. Taken up by the undersigned at my place 13 miles northeast of Valentine , Nebraska , in section 2 , township 35 , range 20. the follow ing : One bay horse , weight 950 pounds , branded oC or oe connected on right flank. 12 5 JOHN SHELUOUHNB , JR. For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven he-id of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. ' I For Sale. One high grade Percheron stal lion , 3 years old last June , weight 1600 pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , 5 years old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad dress me at Crookston , Neb. L. H. OVERMAN. P. 1 < . Simons , the SparJvS mercb- ant transacted business in our ci < y Monday and visited with old friends" ! carries a complete assortment of achinery comprising the " Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and John Deere two = row Cultivators ; Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , Superior Drills , Weber and Moline Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast . Seeders ; the Superior line of ' Hay ' Tools , consisting of Stackers , , Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa = tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow = ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , Oliver and Deere Listers. Will close out the John Deere line of Implements and Vehicles at greatly reduced prices. REPAIRS for any make of implement will be furnished on the shortest possible . ' notice. Every effort will be made to accomodate customers and supply their wants. Don't be misled by representations of other dealers carrying inferior and near competing lines , but post "yourself on improved makes and reduced prices before making your purchases. Ludwlg ; Lumber Co. .Ship your Live Stock teL & & ! ? " L OHE ECO. , SO , OMAHA OR CHICAGO No shipment too large a ad none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intruded to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold o i their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you i ree of charge. AMOS SNYDER , HOOT Salesman. MATT MAT ov GE0. M. WOOD. Sheep Salesman. THOS J 8ata , _ / ! * ' * t Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. GRANT BOYER : , H * * 1 All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made \ in all si " Kesidence and shop block szea" one south of passenger depot Valentine , - PHONE 73 . 'i M. Many Customer. , . Hi "THJ8 OFFICE ' . * - * 4 ' ' .