Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 29, 1909, Image 1

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I. M. Kice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , APRIL 29 , 1909. Yolume 24 , No. 16
Manufactured by
„ , is retailed by Red Front Merc. Co.
-I * In our "Model A" you
will find all the uptodate
principles carried out , '
fe and we do not think we
are exaggerating when
we claim that it is the\
most practical , successful
and reliable steel mill .Jon
the market today.
Call and see it. ,
Red Front Merc. Co.
L *
f * Garden Seeds
From the Grriswold Seed Co. , of Lincoln , Nebr.
"We have a full line of new seeds in bulk and packages ,
and we guarantee them to t the best on the market for
this section-of the country. Onion Sets of alKkincfs in
cluding the Early Multipliers. Alfalfa. Clover , Blue
Grass. Flower Seeds.
Frank Fischer.
1 3
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I
Bourbon Whiskies : . Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , " ; [ \ Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , ; - and 27 a
andjas. E. Pepper , * ' OFC Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in .1
and came direct from the U.8' . . gov- - . - -
. .ernment warehouse. They are guaranteed - - .
anteed pure and unadulterated. Tin-
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , G.uinness's Extra -Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue RifiSon and : .Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska y
For First Class Job Work
Call on
( Special Correspondence. )
Lincoln , Neb./ April 27. The re
publican papers still maintain their
charge ) of extravagance against the
last legislature , and by comparing
totals make it appear that the re
publican legislature of 1907-was a
model of economy as compared with
the democratic legislature of 1909' ; '
But a careful investigation of the
facts will reveal quite the contrary.
It is true that the total amount
appropriated in 1909 exceeded the
amount appropriated in 1907. No
one will care to deny the fact , nor
is there any necessity for denying
it. But the democratic * legislature
of 1909 had to appropriate a total
of $160,000 to take care of de
ficiencies created by republican man
agers of state institutions. .And the
state institutions during the next
two years will cost more to main-r
tain than they cost during t'ha Lwo
years under the Sbeldon adminis
tration. For instance , the leg sia-
ture of 1907 appropriated for the
penitentiary on the basis of 825
convicts , there are 427 convicts
in the big prison today. The same
ratio of increase is found in all of
the other state institutions.
Two years ago Gov. Sheldon vet -
t o e d building' appropriations
! amounting to about § 400,000 , a" ? ? ;
! though he admitted that the new j
buildings were sndly needed. Hi *
claim was , however , that- the ex
penditures must be kept inside the
revenue. And when ht issued the | 1
vetoes help'ess ' inmates of the Hast
ings , Lincoln and Norfolk asylums
were sleeping on cots in halls , '
sleeping in attics and basements , !
sleeping two in . . . abed > ; and the - . *
feeble' nnncfea children" in the Bea
trice institution were forced to sleep ,
in unfinished attics and in damp
basements. The 1909 legislature
appropriated $500,000 for new
buildings in which to house these
helpless and dependent wards of the j
state. Yet , with same levy and the
increased expenditures for new build
ings and for educational purposes
the present biennium wilJ end with
more money in the treasury than
was left under the Sheldon adminis
The total appropriations of the
1909 legislature , look bigger than
the total appropriations of the 1907
legislature for the simple reason
the 1909 legislature had to take
care of all that the 1907 legislature
left uncared for.
Adding the $160,000 deficiency to
the total of the 1907 legislature ,
and subtracting it from the total of
the 1909 legislat ure , and the differ
ence between the two rotals is not
large enough to excite . comment.
Take into account the growth of-the
state institutions and the difference
is wiped out. And then give the
1909 legislature credit for $500,000
of new building * and $700,000 more
for educational purposes all without -
out adding a single iota to the tax
rate. When you analyze the facts
you will discover that the 1909 leg-1
islature was one of the most eco
nomical in the history of the state.
: Another charge industriously cir
culated is that the Shallenberger
administration exhibited an awful
hunge for political pie. This
charge is founded , on , the fact the
.legislature gave into the hands of
the governor some appointmenls
Heretofore in the hands of other
state officers. But in doing this
the legislature only went back to
the system in vogue prior to the
election of Wm. A. Poynter , The'
republican legislature , in its greed ,
took a lot of appointments away
from the demo-pop governor. The
legislature of 1909 merely gave them
back. When Gov. Deitrich suc-
dee < Jed Gov. Poynier he made a.
fclean sweep of the Poynter apJ
pbintees. Gov. Shallenberger has' '
not done BO. There has been no
ia tke girls' industrial nokool
OME men may be
iHIRT fashions are just
indifferent to style in
as fickle as any other
shirts , but no man can well
\ be indifferent to fit. A
Styles come and styles go.
Unless you buy a shirt
made by a house that knows
where and how to secure
the authoritative styles , you
cannot be sure that your
shirt is correct.
always as appropriate to
the wearer asit , is to.the The CLUETTlabel war
occasion. . / rants correctness as well as
Made in every style , durability. .
white or color fast. . $1.50 and more.
Si. 50 and mare.
at Geneva ; no change at the home
of the friendless. A score of im
portant clerkships in different de
partments directly under the , gov-
ernpr are still retained by republi-
ifeg-'True , of. thesaajre
women , and they are being retained ,
because of efficiency. But the con
tinued charges of "hunger" made by
republican organs is endangering
the situations of these people.
The state board of printing form
erly made up of the treasurer , sec
retary of .state and auditor , but now
made up with the governor in pluce
of the treasurer , refuses to recog
nize the law which gives the ap
pointment of the secretary to the
governor. The two republican
members of the board insist on re
taining the republican secretary ,
who receives a salary o f
§ 1,000 a year. The governor will
not contest this decision. He will
merely replace a 82,500 republican
secretary on another board with a
democrat. If the majority of the
printing board had not grown
"chesty" the $2,500 secretary would
probably have been retained.
Any farmer in Nebraska who is
proud of his farm and would like to
see a picture of it in a bulletin is
sued by the Bureau of Labor and
Industrial Statistics , may have his
desire gratified by sending a photo
graph of it to tiie bureau. " Deputy
Commissioner Maupin is making
a collection of such photographs
for use in advertising the "barren
wilds of Nebraska. "
Gov. Shallenberger was the guest
of Kansas democrats in Salina last
State Treasurer Brian went to
Montana last week to negotiate for
$700,000 worth of Montana bonds
as an investment for the Nebraska
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Nenzel on Sunday , April 25
In Valentine on Sundny May 2
Lovv mass at S. m. High mass
and sermon at 10. a. m. Bene
diction of tbp Blessed Sacrament
after .mass.
At 3 p. m. . instruction for .the
In Crookston on vSuriclay , May
9 , atlOa..m. N - .
1 jaripa .imgle ents es wellas { o
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us. t.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
$ Phone
& 7
aiSiKag K J.i K S t J K Si S. ifJu
\ ' . vA w4 uaJ \ t - * * & /
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , ,
All Kinds of Fresh If
and Salt Meats. . . . " *
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
Valentine , Nebraska ,
' . \
has received a complete line of new , high grade
which are being offered at the lowest prices pos
sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. §
Prices are within the reach of all and plainly marked - \
ed on everyarticle. One price to everybody. v\ , |
, E 27 : CBAT ,