I < * - - C v 'iT jk * * * * * sat5 ecanse they're' the ! Nations Choice * Because Baking Periectidn a by the whole Nation made * inn NATIONAL Sold only m Tioisture Proof BISCUIT COMPANY Commissioners' Proceed' ings. ( Continued from last week. ) The following claims were al- lowed on the general fund : "Wit fees Loomis case. D Alder § 7 50 E B Quible § 7 50 E Coryell 7 50 C Kose 7 50 A BowrinR 7 50 J Downing 750 U G CreiRer reward Loomis and Grain 50 00 Kosa Mone care pauper 20 00 Trueblood Bros livery 1C 00 Wit fees Storj case W Peterson 1 30 E L Dalton 4 CO F Ashburn 2 CO AppraishiR road : M Dunham 2 00 G Cutler 200 WT Bullis 2 00 W Wright fees Story case 14 80 Maule case : M Fouse 1 50 J Brosius 1 50 Win Hook 5 00 A J Bariieh 5 00 .lack Stotts 5 00 G Jarchow 5 00 T J Milick cleaning chimneys 6 00 Da\enport & Co supplies 12 SO K McCjuade fuel C 50 fuelCoroner'h Coroner'h inquest : A Fairchiid 1 10 S McAlevy A F Cumbow 1 30 G GreenoiiKh 1 10 It D Evans 1 10 J W Groves 1 10 1 * Herron 1 10 FDBallard 1 10 F E Cronin 1 10 IH Emery digging gpave 5 00 Christensen courthouse 00 M calcmiining 183 \A Insanity case : Al Met/ger 12 30 A J Babcock 12 80 John Jones 11 50 G Roberts 13 80 Jennie JlcCulloch medical services 4 50 CAKosseter , sherilf's and jai'.or's fees reward paid and expenses 1 2fo 33 S F Gilman light Jan. , Feb. and Mch 40 25 11 Robinson sal Jan. , Feb. and Mch 135 00 " extra labor 25 00 " care insane patient 4 00 W S Jackson fees undertaker 25 00 desk 20 00 I ; \ Eujle Livery livery G 00 Hammond & Stephens Co supplies 25 00 Lulu Kortz salary 2SO 93 A Lewis services and coroner fees 82 00 E D Clarke defending Maule 50 00 W D Armstrong exp 13 50 Do you eat enough of this The great benefit in health and strength that always is enjoyed by regular caters of good oatmeal is known the world over. Every year there are more and more eaters of Quaker Oats , which is recognized in this country and in Europe as the one perfect oatmeal. AH the experiments of the govern ment food experts and the athletic trainers of Yale University prove that cereal eaters are the strongest and healthiest , and Quaker'Oats stands at the head of the list of cereal foods. It is not only the best food , but it's the cheap est food on earth. Eat it daily for breakfast For city trade Qm&r Oats' is packed in the regfllz'r size package's , but for those who are not conveniently near the store for daily shopping the large size family packcge is just the thing. t . > f J C Quigley Co judge fees 59 CO G H Hornby register fees G 50 J r Ninas supplies , repairing jail 7 50 Jno M Tucker salary Mch 66 6G Red Front Merc Co supplies 73 10 Klopp & Bartlett Co supplies 790 00 V Mogle care pauper 30 00 State Journal Co supplies 14 20 .r T Keeley recording bonds 18 50 " freight paid - 5 01 " sal and exp ' ' 11835 Board of insanity : E I ) Clark 15 00 J T Keeley 50 j A N Compton 25 00 t Loomis case : M Cummins 10 50 L Pouner 8 50 J Hull 8 50 J Lal'oint 8 50 Mrs Monteau 8 50 L H CHlford 8 50 G Creiger 12 50 M Peterson 11 00 C Marshall 8 53 A R Thayer sup pauper clmd § 38 10 alld 2 ! 00 The following were allowed on the road fund : Don Fo\vler repairing plows 8 20 Road work : PS Dot ion 3 00 IO Steele 3 CO C M Russell 3 00 C 0 Goodrich 3 00 FJones / 300 J R Gardiner 3 00 J Sedlacek 7 50 C C Thompson T ,1 Chribtopher 3 00 H Davis 10 50 B Fislc 9 00 O Beuehle 900 L W Parker 4 50 R Grooms 28 00 H F Miller 21 00 JM Bishop 21 00 G L Miller 7 50 Fred Stine 21 00 Holsclaw & JefCers 22 50 F M Edwards 33 00 R Keller 3 00 J J Newberry 3 00 A K Kuskie , 5 00 J W Huff 13 75 G N Davis 1 15 W.I Wertz 8 20 F E Edwaids 2 20 W T Brosius 24 CO B Bliss 1 00 C Wertz 5 00 W Wertz 1 00 G Overman 320 .7 Overman 2 00 I Newberry 1 20 SV Wertz 4 00 J II Bachelor 10 00 T J Christopher 1000 o Buechle 4 50 L Parker C 00 B Fisk C 00 R Grooms 7 50 1) G Fowler 1350 D J Richardson mater'al 1 21 J Ratier livery 6 00 Henderson & Downing livery 19 40 W T Bishop haying road 5 00 John Deere Plow Co plows and scnvpeis 484 00 J W McDaniel sun-eying 38 10 Knitter & Hall material 8074 Lmlwig Lumber Co supplies 2 30 C Sherman road vonc 238 00 Claim of Jennie McOulloch , amt. § 66 , rejected for the reason that said services were not authorized. Board adjourned to April 7th. April 7 , 1909. Board of commissioners met as per adjournment. Members all present. The following claim was allowed on the road fund : John Hael'er road work 2 50 The following claims were allow ed on the road fund : John M Tucker Sa' ' Ja-i and exp m i 32 01 'C Jl Sto n't-1 o i tabio fc s 12 15 G Carlson repair work _ . , ' 700 F lUnd.il ! drjiyiug - 3 15 'Geo Kobertfl txx > W U. utv V' > J8 00 t * If s John M Tinker sal Feb GO C6 An application for the purchase of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36 , tp. 35 , r. 28 , same being school lands of the state of Nebraska , by Wrn. Palmer , lessee , having.-been filed with the board of county com missioner they proceeded to view said lands for the purpose of ap praising same and report thereon. Said lands were appaised at $10 per acre. Board spent the afternoon inriu - specting road work being done south and northeast of Valentine. Board adjourned to April Sfcli. April 8,1909 Board of county commissioners met as.per adjournment. Members all present. Matter of the application of W. J. Wertz et al for a pubHc road'to be established ruuuing from Crooks- ton , Nebr. , to Georgia , Nebr. , taken up and upon due consideration of the report of the . special commis sioner and the appraisers in said petition the same is approved and the record of the road ordered spread upon the road recordofthe _ county as per the survey made by the county surveyor. The follow ing amounts were awarded claim ants as per claims on file for dam ages sustained o'n account of "the establishment of said road. Peter Flempol Chad S75 alld 25 0(5 ( vv N miss no ir > eeC C V R11S3 50 V ) 00 0 Strlckler 30 s rj ) 00 The claim of John Simpson was rejected. . , Matter of the petition of v Albert Pike et al for the establishment of a public road in township 34 , rang es 28 and 29 , teken up and upon due consideration of the report of the special commissioner and re monstrance on file and claims for damages , said petition was rejected. Matter of the petition of William E. Searby et al for the establish ment of a public rend commencing at a point in the north boundary line of the state of Nebraska , on the se3tion line between sections 20 and 21 , tp. 35 , r 29 , running thence south on said section line to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter , sec. 8 , tp. 34 , r. 29 , and running thence west 80 rods , thence south to intersect with Maple street , a laid out street in "Pioneer Townsite Go's Addition" to the Village of Crookston , terminating there , taken up and upon due consideration of the report of the special commis sioner all that part of said petition relating to a road running from the southeast corner of the ne of the pei of sec. 8tp. . 34 , r. 29 , west 80 rods , thence south to intersect , with said Maple street , was allowed and approved and a record of same ordered spread on the road record of Cherry county as per the survey or's field notes. The balance of said petition was rejected. No claims for damages were filed. The following claims \\ere allow- en the general fund : J T Keeley elk dist court 2i S3 Coroner's jury : GH Hornby 1 10 C Moody * 1 10 C W White 1 10 A Howe 1 10 T B While 1 10 W iec 1 10 J M Hanna 1 10 A N Conipton co phjslciaii and fees 2.5 03 < * Lewis coromPfee.s - 100 > J T Keeley cbanffr-ninj's' ' ' C Cl ° Jurats Mone cora'r fees T2 * ' ° A E Morris " " ' 5 N3 Kowley A i " " C9 00 Village of Valentine \vaterrent 6 00 The following claims were allow ed on the .road fund : Road work : JOSwogger 4500 AC Salmon" 57 01 LFettymJw 24(0 R F Pettycrew 152 59 C Mcllhon 24 CO M House 30 00 Dave Fowler 36 (0 C Clarkson 84 00 E rogcswell 36 00 A L Carroll 10 50 C Fowler 5 25 Appraising road : W T Bullis 7 91 G Cutler 400 W E Ward 4 OJ The following amounts were de ducted from the claims allowed afc this session of the board , applied on delinquent personal taxes and charged to the county general fund : U G Creiger 50 01 R McQuade 2 63 M Christensan 16 15 The following amounts were de ducted from the claims allowed at this session of the board and- ap plied on delinquent personal taxes and charged to the county reed fund : DO Fowler 550 WTBishop 500 E M Jeffers 1 65 F Stine 10 > 0 HF Miller 1163 J M Bishop 513 T J Christopher 1 05 O Beuchle 6 5lJ C O Goodrich 3 00 F Joues 3 r > 0 J R Gardiner 3 00 The county clerk is instructed to purchase 18 scrapers for the use of the road overseers of the county. . Whereupon the board adjourned sine die. A. E. MORRIS , Ohm. JAMES MONE. N. S. ROWLEY. J" . T. KEELEY , Clerk. Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes day and Friday each week. 52 For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Kice , Valentine , Neb. 1 For Sale or Rent ! House. 18 rooms and bath , Man street , Valentine , Neb. 160 acres improved ranch , sei- tion 19 , township 34 , range 26 ; lease of school section , ALL 36- 34-27 , with above ranch ; the be t open rangre in Cherr.y county. One-half section hay land , wither or separate from above ranch , sec tion 34 , township 33 , rang-p 26. Apply to owner , D. STIXARD , No. 2 , Alt. Vernon Ave. , Mt. Vernon , N. Y , or any -broker in Valentine , Neb. 11' For Sale. One high grade Percheron stal lion , 3 years old last June , weight 1600 pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , 5 years old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad dress me at Crookston , Neb. L. H. OVERMAN. i.Of all sad words of 5 * i. The ftongue or pen saddest are these : "It might have been I. the mishaps the disappolnt- ments - the "bad luck" 1 haking , by avoiding Poor Baking Powder the cheap , _ or big can kinds and the high- _ price Trust brands. They arc unreliable they too often fail Don't trust them. Put your faith in Calumet the only strictly high-grade baking powder sold at a moderate cost. We absolutely i guarantee that the results will please you. Guaranteed under all pure food laws both State and National. li Refuse substitutes gs CaluineL 1 Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition , Chicago , 19G7 PatPeiper. . y 8lmf i Nebr / / K. M. Faddis & Co. on left thigh. Horses branded left shoulder or thigh. Some branded Some branded on right thigh on left or .ihoulder shoulder or thigh P. H. Young. dimeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Q.yon left side. r on left Jaw of V horses. \ Range on GordOH Creek north of Simeon. Albert Whipple & Sons. rtosebuil n , I ) . Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left stonlder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- Some Texas c"tt"bffnd aloon iert side and .some m left side dorses branded SOS on left blD.n ? . both sides .randfd 4W tiar connected OD left hip of horses _ N. S. Kowley. Kennedy , - M oraak Same as cut on leftj side and hip , arid on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoPSHI on left Hide hip. F X on left s Some cat tle Iwnrt.l , _ , ed husk-&BBBVing pep ( either side up ) on left aide or hip. f on left Jaw and left shoulder f horses. Ill IllQ on left hip of horses. * on left Jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE fj on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection - - of rustlers of stock ' earing > v of rhe w hranrt Kohl & TerrilL Brownlee , Xeu. Cattle branded as in cxt on left side. Some branded Jt T Y on left hip. Range on North Lonp , river two mil s west of Brewnlee J. A. Yaryan. fullmau , Nebr Cattle branded JT on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded a * on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. N Horses same on Mt shoulder. 'J Range Square Lake. f Eoan Bros. Woodlake Neb Ranee on Long ' Lake and Crook ed Lake. Ni Tfl John Kills Plenty. _ St Francis Mis * sion. Rosebud. S. D. branded as in cut ; horses B HUB on letf thigh. Kange be tween print ; and Little W nver. tfH il l Oasis. Nebr iC C ? i -Sw iI cattle. I * lpftsid h ' lpftsidHors. . Hors. s ame lef t thigh. iii river. on Snake i Metzger Bros _ ' KliK' * ! Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. ! & ' * Horses have same brand on left thigh. pen > 0"1 stealing t