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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
CURED IN ONE BAY Munron's Cold Remedy Relieves the bead , throat and lungs almost Immediate ly. Checks Fevers , stops Discharges of the nose , takes awny all aches and paint caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob- etlnate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia. Price 23c. Have you stiff or sirollen joints , no mat ter how chronic ? Ask your druggist for Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy and EC Low quickly you will be cured. If you have any kidney or bladder trou ble get Munyon's Kidney Remedy. Munyon's Vltallzer makes weak men strong aud restores lost powers. OILET NOTHING LIKE IT FOR excels any dentifrice in cleansing , whiteninp and removing tartar ihm the teeth , besides destroying all germs of decay and djseaje which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do. TUE7 RJSft&ITU Paxtine used a * a mou'ji- Bn& SnUUin wash disinfcc's the mouth and throat , purifies the breath , and kills the gernn which collect in the mouth , causing tore throat , bad teeth , bad breath , grippe , and much sickuess. TUP FYITQ when inflamed , tirrd , eche I fit blEeO and bum , racy be instantly relieved and strengthened by Pnxtine. Pattin will dedrov the gcrma that cauje caUrrh , n xl the b- Bammation and stop the discharge , It s a cure remedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful ccrmicidedidnf 5aat and deodonzer. Used in bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body antisepu'cally clean. FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES.5OC. OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE ! THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , BOSTON. MASS. JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES Instead of 160 ACRES As further inducement to settlement of the Wheat Raisinar lands of Western Canada , the Canadian Government lias increased the area that may be taken by a homesteader to 320 acres 160 free and 160 to be purchased atSG.OO per acre. These lands are in the Brain-raisins area , where mixed farming is also carried oa with unqualified success. A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Bay , bringing the world's markets a thousand miles nearer these wheat fields , where schools and churches are convenient , climate excellent , rail ways close to all settlements and local markets cood. "It would take time to assimilate the revelations that a visit to the great em pire lyinc to the North of us unfolded at every turn. ' ' Correspondence of a National Editor , who visited Western Canada in August , 1903. Lands may also be purchased from Railwav nnd Land Companies at LOW PRICES AND ON EASY TER1V5S. For pamphlets , maps and information as to low Railway Rates apply to VV. D. Scott , Superintendent of Imrrjfratlon , Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Box 116 Watertown , So. Dakota. Authorized Govern ment Agents. Please eajr where jou saw this advertisement. Noihin ; them in the world. CASCARETS the biggest seller why ? Because it's the best medicine for the fiver and bowels. It's what they will do for you not what we say they will do that makes CASCARETS famous. Millions use CASCARETS and it is all the medicine that they ever need to take. 904 CASCARETS loc & bor for a week's treatment , all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For yur own protection , see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 1902 Trinity" Building , New rork Losricnl Deduction. Hyker My father was drowned when I was a boy. Pykeren you should avoid water. Hyker How did your father die ? Pyker In bed. Hyker Then you should sit up all the rest of your life. Do not force yourself to take offensive ( and harmful ) drugs take Garfield Tea , Nature'sHerblarxative ; it corrects consti pation , purifies the blood , brings Health ! Rendr and Willing. "Father , " said the young man wh had been feeding at the parental trough for a number of years , "I have made ( i up my mind to paddle my own canot I hereafter. " / "I'm certainly delighted to hear it , my son , " replied the old man. "And father , " continued the y. m. , MI want to begin at once , so kindly let m have $50 to buy a ranop nnd paddle. " Jlt-d , 1VaIr , Werry , Watery Eye Relieved by Murlnc Eye Remedy. rompounderi by Kxpcrlenced Physicians. CnnConnR lo I"iir < * Food and Drug Laws. ? < ! urne ! Ioe if mnrt : Sootbes Eye Pala. y ilurine in Your Eves. Ask Your Druggist. The sheep need plenty of yard roou into which they can be turned on pleas ant days. Better prices do 'not make bettei butter , but better butter will always tend to boost prices. Try It. Guess-work methods are the great est curse to the farm , and explain mort failures than an } ' one thing. Remember , the best seed Is non < too good. It Is a losing game to laboi over seed of low germinating power. The farmer is not looking for pro tection or charity , but he does wan ! his rights , and he has a' right to ex pect that he will get them. While sheep are growing wool and making mutton for you they are clean ing the fields of weeds and spreading valuable manure over the land. There will be much cleaner milk If the udder ! s wiped off with a damp doth , and the long hair clipped off of the udder and flanks and tail before milking. "Stretches" In sheep are caused by too much dry feed. When the sheep are seen to spread their legs out and stretch give a bran mash and an ance of raw linseed oil. It never pays to become so everlast ingly "stuck" on any make of machine that we can not see the good points about any other similar machine nor the weak points of our particular fa vorite. Some of rne dairymen were disposed to resent the hue and cry raised about flirty dairying , thinking that the mak ers of substitutes for dairy products were at the bottom of it all. If prices are an indication of the demand for dairy products the dairyman has no cause to worry. The milk goat industry Is occupying considerable attention in the East. Sev enty-seven goats have been accepted for registration by the American Milch Goat Association during the year. One hundred and eighty-seven are now on record. Any goat yielding one quart w more of milk a day is eligible. The Japanese are a progressive race , rfcey are adopting' methods and ways from all the civilized countries. A consular report says they are devoting zareful attention to the improvement of their poultry. Experiments have Bhown that Minorcas and Andulusians are the best breeds suited to their purpose so birds from England as well as America have been selected and Shipped to Tokio. Ohio has a stringent law in refer ence to the sale of milk products. It prohibits the sale of milk under the following conditions : 1. From cows fed on unhealthy feed. 2. From cows fed on wet distillery or starch waste. 3. From diseased or sick cows. 4. From cows kept in a place that Is unclean or In an insanitary condi tion. 6. From cows kept in a cramped or unhealthy condition. 6. When water or other foreign substance has been added. 7. When it is un clean , Impure , unhealthy or unwhole some. Fowls Take Cold Easily. On cold nights the fowls roost closely together and in this way keep warm. Should they crowd on the roost they are apt to sweat and in the morn ing when they get down on the floor of the pen are apt to feel chillf on account of the difference in tempera ture. If , however , there is litter on the floor and the night before grain was thrown among the litter it will uot take the biddies long to under stand that by scratching they will not only keep warmer , but there is a strong possibility of finding something to eat. Hens are not as dumb as they look. The "Will Stay. The horse was going to be driven out of existence by the locomotive , but in stead thereof he multiplied exceeding ly and increased in value , although his Iron substitute was tearing all over the country in every direction. Then he was to be reduced to Innocuous desuetude by the trolley car , and after that by the automobile. But the De partment of Agriculture reports -that in eleven years the number of horses in this country has increased from under fourteen to more than twenty millions , the aggregate farm value of them has advanced from less than half a Dlllton to very nearly two billions , and the average value of the animal has ad vanced nearly three-fold , from $34.26 in 1893 to $95.04 in 1900. Perhaps some 3f our timid manufacturers who are in a panic lest they should be crushed : f they were exposed to a little com petition may take encouragement from 'he prosperity of the horse. Exchange. Flrat Wild HoraeN. The first horses of the western plain ? probably were brought there by the Spaniards. In 1545 , more than fifty roars before Jamestown VAB settled , rCoronado. the Spanish captain , wai roaming about the plains of Nev Mexico , and he tells of the dogs usec by the Indians to haul their plundei on lodge poles , indicating that they hac no horses at that date , says the St Louis Post-Dispatch. In 1716 the Spanish affain workec their way eastward across the plalni and their letters tell of the astonish ment of thg Indians at s'eeing th < horses they had with them. The ex pedition was constantly losing horse ; and there in little doubt that the firsi droves of western horses originated from these strays. In the early days upon the plains they were as great a pest to travelers as they are today.Woe be unto the luckless camper who allowed a bane of wild horses to get close enough tc his gentle horses , turned out for tlu night , to sweep them off. It was al most useless to follow , for the call oi the wild comes to the gentlest ol horses when he is thrown with a band of this kind -that have been born and raised free of all restraint. It is c well known fact that the hardest ont rte "cut out , " the leader of them all in a mad race across the prairie , Is the old , gentle , well broken saddle or worli horse , once he gets a taste of sucli freedom. How to Treat the Work Team. Horses employed for farm worls should not be pampered but should bt fed generously so as to sustain vigor and good spirits. A team ill fed and consequently in poor condition and fee ble will not accomplish much real work and it is a waste of time to hire an expensive hand to drive such a team. The work horses should be fed early in the morning and they should have y liberal feeding. The comfort and rest of the team will be vastly promoted if the harness is entirely removed at noon while they are feeding. Allow them plenty of time for a good meal and par tial digestion before they are put to work for the afternoon. It is poor pol icy to put them to work right after eating a hearty meal or upon a ful ! stomach. If we would allow the teams more rest at noon we would accomplish more work than when they are only allowed time to swallow their food. At evening let them be well groomed and theiv legs , bellies and feet relieved from all mud and filth. The practice of many farmers of driving a team through cold water to wash the filth off their feet and legs is dangerous , as it causes many diseases that they are subject to. A warm or overheated team should not be put in a cold , airy place , but first exercised and then blanketed and put in a warm stable , and after the blankets are removed they should be wiped dry with straw or cloths. When a' team has been exposed to rains they should not be left to become dry , but should be rubbed dry , as chills , fevers and other ailments often result from allowing them to dry by the evaporation of the moisture from their bodies. liicc. A good preparation for killing hog lice is made by melting three ptats of lard and mixing it with one ptfnt of : oal oil. The lard may be rancid. Even meat frying will do , the salt be ing no objection. When the grease has been melted , nix the coal oil well with it and apply svith a rag or brush while warm , but aot hot , to the backs and behind the jars of the animals. Rub the mixture tvell into the hair. Since hogs will not readily stand while the application is being made , give them an appetizing slop in a trough and apply while the inimals are drinking. In this way one person can , by rapid manipulation , ; rease twenty to thirty hogs in about ive minutes. The benefit of putting the grease on : he backs and behind the ears is that : t will spread by gravity and finally : over all of the hog's body. There Is 10 objection , however , to greasing the mimal all over , for the more grease ; mt on the more lice will be killed. It s preferable to make the application n the evening , at feeding time , so that ) ue hog will grease another In rubbing igainst each other in the bed. Before : he application is made , or Immediately ifterward , clean out and remove all > edding material and disinfect the hog louse with coal oil and carbolic add , > r coal oil alone , for killing ; all lice : hat may be harboring there. Repeat the hog greasing once or ; wice at intervals of about a week ipart , spraying their sleeping quarters it the same time , and the lice will ilsappear. In summer we kill lice on hogs by ligging a wallow hole about two feet ieep in their lot or pasture , filling It ibout half full of water , and pouring i gallon of coal oil on the water. When ie weather Is warm the hogs will wtl- ow in the water covering themselves vith mud at the same time , and the Ice are killed through having to touch : he animals. Oil and water will not nir , hence the pure coal oil comes in ontact with the hide of the hogs , which s supposed to cause blistering or re newing of hair , but In no case , with nany experiments , have any such re- tults followed ' f t9m the use of pure al oil. It is likely that wallowing & the muddy water tempers the ftcttoa > f the oil. SAVING PAINT KONEY. It Cannot lie Done by VnlnK Cheap 3Iaf < > rInl and Cheaii Painter * . Ill arranging for painting , a good many property-owners try to save mon ey by employing the painter who offers to o the job cheapest or try to save money by insisting on 'a low-priced paint. But no property-owner would run such risks if he realized what must be taken into consideration in order to" get a job thnt will wear and give thorough satisfaction. No liouseowner will go wrong on the p.-iinthig question if he writes' ' National Lead Company , 1902 Trinity Building , New York , for their Ilouseowncr's Painting Outfit No. 49 , which is sent free. It is a complete guide to paint- Ing. It includes a book of color schemes for either exterior or interior painting , a book of specifications , and an instru ment for detecting adulteration in paint materials. Nearly every dealer has National Lead Company's pure white lend ( Dutch Boy Painter trademark ) . If yours has not notify National Lead Co. , and arrangements will be made for you to get it. Ocr Ovrn 3IinstrelJ . "Mistah Walkah , kin yo' tell me de diff'unce 'tween a boy puttin' salt in his dad's cawfy an' a. pcwjlist landin' a knockout blow ? " "I give ith up , William. What is the difference between a boy putting salt in his father's coffee aud a pugilist landing a knockout blow ? " "De one am a joke on de paw an' de uddah am a poke on de jaw. " "Ladies and gentlemen , the celebrated tenor , Prof. Spizzerinctim Bang , will now sing that matchless ballad , 'Mamma , My Dream of Happiness Is Over ; George Eats Limburger Cheese. ' " Chicago Trib une. _ _ Pcndente Lite. Chronic Litigant That suit of mine is irtill pending , isn't it ? The Lawyer No ; it's depending on your cougrhing up that retaining fee. BABY'S WATEEY ECZEMA Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran ? 5O Spent on Useless Treat ments Disease Seemed Incurable Cured by Cnticurw for $1.5O. "When my little boy was two and a half months old he broke out on both cheeks with eczema. It was the itchy , -watery kind and we had to keep his little hands wrapped up all the time , and if he would happen to get them uncovered he would claw his face till the blood streamed down on his cloth- Ing. We called in a physician at once , but he gave an ointment which was so severe that ray babe would scream when it was put on. We changed doc tors and medicines until we had spent lifty dollars or more and baby was get ting worse. I was so worn out watch ing and caring for him night and day that I almost felt sure the disease was incurable. But finally reading of the good results of the Cuticura Remedies , t determined to try them. I can truth fully say I was more than surprised , for I bought oulja dollar and a half's worth of the Cuticura Remedies ( Cuti cura Soap , Ointment and Pills ) , and they did more good than all my doc tors' medicines I had tried , and in fact entirely cured him. His face is per fectly clear of the least spot or scar of anything. Mrs. W. M. Coiuerer , Burnt Cabins , Pa. , Sept. 15 , 1908. " Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Solo Props , of Cuticura Remedies. Boston. A woman who is sick and suffering , and won't at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , is to blame for her own wretched condition. > There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy , which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read what these women say : Camden , N. J. " It is with pleasure that I send my testimo nial for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , hopingit may induce other suffering women to avail themselves of th benefit of tliis valuable remedy. " I suffered from pains in my back and side , sick headache * , no appetite , was tired and nervous all the time , and so weak I could hardly stand. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman and this valuable medicine shall always have my praise. " Mrs. W. P. Valentine , 902 Lincoln Ave. , Camden , N. J. Erie , Pa. "I suffered for five years from female troubles , and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound , and it has made me well and strong. I hope all suffering women will just give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial , for it is worth its weight in gold. " Mrs. J. P. Endlieh , H. F. D. 7 , Erie , Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine , is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer ing from the same trouble. For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ( c * Compound has been the standard remedy for 7/1 / female ills. No sick woman does justice to ( ( /l herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and has thousands of cures to its credit. | Srtygu | If the slightest trouble appears which SP * you do not understand , write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for her advice it is free and always helpful. Resentment. "You may put that back in the shov , ' case ! " said t3ie indignant Mrs. Lapsling to the milliner. "I wouldn't even wear , much less buy , a hut named in honor of that horrid murderess , Charlotte Cordu roy ! " None in Evidence. Mrs. Higlisome Yes. he's the Duke of nufthouse. In speaking of him , you know , of course , we use the term , his grace Mrs. Suddyn-Klymer His grace ? Why , he hasn't any ! lie's a regular lummix ! She Wasn't Skeptical. Young Lady The last bread I got ? you was so hard I couldn't eat It. Baker ( indignantly ) Young lady , 3 want you to know that I made bre § before you were born. Young Lady Oh , I don't doubt It. i think that was some of it you sold ma Messina's end stops the picturesque rades of the bandits from nearby moun tains. S. C. X. U. - Xo. 17 1909. as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge , the outdoor life they enjoy , the cleanly , regular habits they should be taught to form and the v/holesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved , not by constant medication , but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri ous or objectionable nature , and if at any time a remedial agent is required , to assist nature , only those of known excellence should be used ; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect , like the pleasant laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families , whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen erally , because they know it is wholesome , simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , obtained by an original method , from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially , and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Cal if ornian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore it is not a secret remedy , and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians , who do e not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. © © Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the Company California Pig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size , or having printed thereon the name of any other company , do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand , as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children , whenever a laxative remedy is required. \