Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 22, 1909, Image 5
First Kid-"I'm out of a job. ' 1 ; Second Kid-"I fought yousc was | | > vprl la * In a.r iil er factory. " First Kid -jt waa , but I got bounced. " Rubber Goods to be serviceable must be absolutely new. ; A sure test of new ness in rubber is its resiliency. If there's r no bounce in it , it's either very old or it's not pure rubber. - We will explain this 4 when you want to make any purchase in Rubber Goods. I MAN. VALENTINt. NEB I A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised .by ail men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. .VALENTINE STATE BAMK VALENTINE. NBBR. VALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection $ Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building T. J.N Christopher , M AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine - - Nebraska II. S , WEATHER BUREAU REPORT" WEEK ENDING APRIL 21 , 1009. Daily mean temperature . ' Normal temperature 40 ° . " Highest temperature 80 ° on 17. Lowest temperature 19s on 19th. Range of temperature 01 ° . Precipitation for week .86 of an inch. ' Average for 21 years .50 of an inch" : Precipitation March 1st to date 2.28 Inches. Average for 21 years 2.C3 of an inches. ' ; JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer. Talk of the Town. Robert I. Hines was , in ton last Saturday v Frank Bradbury was down from Cody as a witness. Mr. Swigert is in town this week from Lavaca. The Roan brothers of WoodJake are in town this week. Win. Bachelor was up from the Lake country Saturday. Gee , Tellier and Wm. Gillaspie were in town this week. Dave lianna and D. A. Hancock were in town Tuesday attending court. * Frank Ashburn was in town a couple of days the first of the week. Miss May Barnes came down with her father and is visiting friends in the city. Henry Clapp of Simeon dropped in Monday while in town to say hullo to THE DEMOCRAT. Ed Vollentine and Geo. Freeman of the west part of the county were i\tending \ court this week. Several of the Brown brothers , who recently came to Cherry Co. , bo live , were in town this week. Mike Fitzgerald has been ap pointed city marshal in place f f Webb Hilsinger who resigned la t tveek. Mr , Scrivens of Rosebud de parted Tuesday for. St Joe in re 5ponse to a message that his eld st sister was dead. John G. Stutter's building was noved up the street to the lot south of his dwelling on Cherry street Tuesday during the snow storm. D. H. White of Brownlee called > n us yesterday to subscribe for CHE DEMOCRAT. Mr. White is in ihe merchandise business in 3rownlee. At St. John's church , Sunday , iext , Apiil 25th , services as usual , iol.v communion at 7:30 : a. m. Corning prayer and sermon at .1 o'clock. Evening prayer with in addres at S o'clock. Dan B imps says the jury has .11 thp easy seats and a good place o listen but. that , just as he g < u. ettlpd down in an easy chair the Jerk reads the names of those ex- inspd and ho has to go. Mrs T J Brown departed yes prdny morning for Denver in re- ponse to a telegram that her sis- er , who had just returned "from > > * . An UP-IPS' , was dangerously ill. Jrs Brown and her husband live in the ranch recently purchased rom Barney Denaeyer. j We wish to announce to our friends that we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now have the largest and most complete stock ever shown here , including ' John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang. Listers , walking , single and double row. Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks , Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti = valors , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons. The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies and Spring Wagons. All of this is bright , new stock. No car ried over or out of date goods. Prices and terms reasonable. Come and see us. Valentine Lumber Co. E. MORRIS , W. W. MORRISSEYj J. T. KEELET , DR. Q. W. NOTES Located in buildings formerly occupied ' by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn Ben Stea-'man ' transacted busi ness in town last Saturday. Wm.x DeBord is selling' fruil trees for the Council Bluffs Nur sery for the fourth season in this vicinity and appears" to have giver satisfaction. If you are in need of fruit trees you should consult him. 152 John H. Jacobson and A L. Stewart , jurors from the south central part of ouij county , " are. in town this week. Mr. Stewart is a homesteader and postmaster of a new postoffice , Rita Park , and he expects soon to start a newspaper , which he will name the Herald. Mr. Jacobson is an old settler in the west and until about nine years ago lived in Sheridan county. The funniest of all farce comedy absurdities , Ole Olson in Spirit- land will appear at the opera house May 5. The play is the latest and most up-to-date version of the Swedish dialect comedy and presents "Ole" amid new sur roundings. Mr. Carl M. Dalton , who assumes the central character of "Ole Olson. " is said to be the possessor of the most perfect Swedish comedy dialect yet pre- santed to the public , and his wit and humor permeates the piece durijg the three acts , keeping the audience 'in a perfect roar of laughter and applause throughout the show. The supporting com pany is all that could be desired , and a large number of clever musical and advanced vaudeville s > ecialtie.s are given throughout the play. The regular house pric es will prevail and reserved spats are now on sale at Chapman's. Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that have filed with the clerk of the hoard of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly at iest jd. said petition Spraying that I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Valentine , Cherry county , Ne braska , for the year ending May L , 1910. CHARLES M. SIIEPARD. Dated April 24 , 1909. Liquor Notice Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , iccompanied by a bond duly at- ; ested , said petition praying that I oe granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in 3lock 5 , lot 25 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , iNe- Draska , for the year ending May I , 1910. WILLIAM R. McGEER. Dated April 8 , 1909. Liquor Notice Notice is hereby * given that I. lave filed with the clerk of the joard of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition Lccompanied by a bond duly at- , ested , said petition praying that [ be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in jlock 6 , lot 17 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne braska , for the year ending May L , 1910. HENRY SETTER. [ ) ated April 8 , 1909. Liquor Notice Notice is hereby given that I iave filed with the clerk of the > oard of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , iccompanied by a bond duly at- ested , said petition praying that . ' be granted a license to sell malt , ipirituous and vinous liquors in ilock 12 , lot 4 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- > raska , for the year ending May L , 191Q , WALTHERJT. A. MELTENDORFF. Dated April 8 , 1909. Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that we lave filed with 'the clerk of the ) oard of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , tccompanied by a bond duly at- , ested , said petition praying that ve be granted a license to sell malt , ipirituous and vinious liquors in ) lock 5 , lot 22 , in said Village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- iraska , for the vear ending May 1 , 1910 GEORGE N. HERSIIEY. ED PARRY. ' ' Oated April's1909. ,01d , Crow , All Leading ! Hermitage Bra ds , - - * : , - " * and. Bottled * ' * " * " - f Gruchen- Under the' , r lieimer Supervision'/ Bye of the ; - Whiskeys. U.S. < 3f6v.- We also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. v. & LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Paper , Pat ent Koofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Grlass , Putty , Lime , Cement , Plaster , Brick , Posts , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP & YOUSG , ' 8 * B S52322S& The Loup Valley Hereford Kanch. Brownlee , Nebr , Soldier Tree' ' " unions 17th a son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of tbe § 10.000 ( J ani- plon O.ile , and Prince Boib > l 131- C93 at head of herd. L now have about 30 head of 1007 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAUI.HAISKK , Cherry Co. School Notes. Will anyone knowing the name and address of any child of school age deficient in sight or hearing kindly notify this office. Tbe next eighth grade exam ina- iion for those desiring free high school certificates will be held in } his office May di and 15. Any ; p.acher who wants the questions or examination in her school on Jiat date may obtain them 1 y writing to the county superinten- lorit about May 1st. Teach ers will be credited with parling circle work whpn tliPA iave attended five of the associa- iions and prepared their papers or iave sent in written answers to lie questions found at the pml of , he chapters in Sherman's EJp- nents of Composition and Litpra- iure and have read Metoalf's "Of 5uch is the Kingdom. " Reports ihould be in by June 1. The Valentine junior normal vill begin June 7 and continue sight weeks. A conference of unior normal principals and coun- y superintendents will be held in Lincoln April 2-J ; and 2i. When Tour superintendent returns she vill be able to announce the furth er plans for the normal. Eighth jrade graduates are especially in rited to attend the summer school. Two changes in school laws made > y the last legislature will be of nterest to the people of Cherry lounty : .1st. SchooLdistricts un- , ble to maintain nine months of chool need not pay the tuition of esidcnt pupils attending a high chool in any other district. 2nd. ) h January 2 , 1910 any territory yhich is not then a part of any chool district shall by the county uperintendent of the county in rhich such territory lies , either e organized into separate districts ir attached to one or more ad- oining districts. A county superintendent is re- [ uired to attach to one or more .djoining districts the territory of .ny school district that fails to oainlain a public school for two lonsecutive years. tf KOIITSJI Go. Supt. New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. ouse NEAR DEPOT MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all' trains. I1 B' ' ' , L < 'p9 ' V Vf I jr Stone , Concrete and Cement Work.J Foundations and Cellars. House Moving- . Plastering- . Chimney Building- . Cess - Pools and Cisterns. Examine my work. Inspect my sidewalks. , All work guaran teed. I can do your work. Calls on me. ' &g15 j Valentine ISELY when you buy a bii\y ING MACHINE. Youli fiod alt sbAs and kinds at corresponding prices. But if yea want a reputable serviceable Machine , then take &s inij "g r rsr nr , , o W 0.1 11L 27 years exosriencs has enabled ts to bring' out a HANDSOME , SYMMETRICAL and "WELL-BUILT PRODUCT , combining in its nnks-ap all the good points found on high grads machines and others that are exclusively ' \7HTTE for instance , c r TENSION INDICATOR CATOR a device that"sh'otv-s lac tension at a glance , acdrc have others that appeal to care ful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic ' Lift and beautiful Swell Front , Golden Oak Woodwork , Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Styles. OUR ELEGANT H. T. CATALOGUES GIVE FULL PARTICULARS , FREE. WHITESEWING MACHINE CO. " ' ' CiEVELAND , O. Chartered as a cJtHte Han - Chartered , an a .National Bank . , * * "c4 * - 1 , 1884. August 12 Die Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID m A General JBankiug OHO Exchange and \ SS * , , * * r 11 - TI - * Collection .Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAT , Vice-President. M. V. NTornTv9nNr. D JOHN F. POEATH Tubular wells and windmills. i ° ' 'ill me up by Telephone. J. W. MoDANIBL , fO ! HJXTY SURVEYOR I'tilt'ii tine - All work will be riven prompt and careful attention. Secondhand phaeton , in good condition , for sale cheap. , Call at ihis office.v . . .6 W , H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUE & FEED ' .General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Oath. Valentine , Nebr. MILL PRICES FOR FEEDi PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 10 § 21 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00 Corn , sacked 120 23 00 Outs , packed 1 : * 0 29 * 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 : 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 ' 40 27 b'O