Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 22, 1909, Image 4

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I. M. EICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZARK Foreman.
Entered at the postoflice at Valentin , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
' ' Chpi-rv Tn Siih rrintinn - ! L0 ° Per year in advance ;
Co. < ; < ; , - >
wierry inscriptions
inscriptionsj -j § L5awu en ndfc paid in advance.
J 1-50 yearin advance paper dis-
io-n < ? iihcrHntion - Per ;
ign bUbSCnptlpns j continued afc expiration if not renewed.
15c per inch each issue ; by confcracfc
( Transient adv 20c per inch ; , locals lOc a line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net. ' '
Local notice obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
THURSDAY , APRIL 22 , 1909.
Court Doings.
District court is in session this
week and our town has been full
of people all week. A number of
non-resident attorneys are in town
and the numerous cases called
many litigants together. Judge
Westover is on the bench.and J.
D. Scott is his court reporter.
The wheels of justice grind switf ly
enough for those who fear the
clutches of the law. The convic
tions are less numerous than in
former times and the civil and di
vorce cases take the prominence.
Among the numerous divorce
cases there was one in which Val
entine people were more than
usually exercised. A story that
goes into the life of a public of
ficial and tells of his acts in pri-
vite life with his family. His
conduct in the years that our people
ple have known him has not been
admirable and aside from the pub
lic position that he now holds people
ple would not endure his presence
at their hearthstones , nor mingle
with him from choice of associates ,
Valentine people have generously
overlooked many things that to
them appeared not the best , and
in fact our people are generously
inclined , but if they endure such
as this without some show 9f re
sentment we might believe that
calloused subservience to brutal
tyrants was a yoke they cared not
to unloose. A divorce is a relief
from galling chains that bind the
faithful to a false idol.
It also sets the villain free.
To roam again in pastures green ;
Another maid by that decree
May 3'et be his as will b/e seen.
Some say that he again will wed.
And for this reason thinks his mate ,
Is not his equal , and his head
Has swelled a little up to date.
When he came here sometime ago ,
Fewpther _ men were then more true :
, But time has changed affections so ,
That now the air is black and blue.
The great pretentious and display.
Stand foremost now as a rebuke :
The pomp of building then betray.
No house was good enough for Luke. j
Then what has come upon the scene.
To so demoralize his view- :
"Has he another in his scheme.
To bid his family thus adieu ?
If such be true then she may fall
A victim like unto the first.
And when her cup is lilled with gall.
With vinegar he'll quench her thirst.
( Special Correspondence. )
Lincoln , Neb. , April 20 , De
spite the constant criticism of an !
adverse partisan press at the state
capitol during the entire legisla
tive session the people are inform
ing themselves concerning meas
ures enacted into laws by a demo
cratic legislature and signed by a
democratic governor , and history
will record that the 1009 session
passpd more good , wholesome
laws , measures that will distribute
more equitably the burden of taxa
tion , and at the same time correct
a greater number of prevalent ev
ils than has any former legislative
body in the history of the state.
it should be borne in mind that
every platform pledge of the demo
cratic party was fiulfilled , and the
legislature went further and in ad
dition passed an unusually large
number of meritorious bills. It
may be truthfully said also that no
legislature in the history of the
state ever passed so few so-calied !
"freak measure ? , " and no vicious i
or unjust laws were enacted.
There has been a kieat deal of !
x * tmtmsm&P& ; &
fault finding from a republican
source concerning the labors ol
the session. It is a common thing
l.o hear the comment that the bank
guarantee bill really amounts to
nothing at all , and falls far from
the mark of fulfilling the platform
pledge of the party , but if you
have followed the metropolitan
press you will have observed that
a gathering of the "big bankers"
was held at Omaha last week to
devise ways and raise funds to de
feat the purpose and object of the
law , notwithstanding the fact that
at least nine-tenths of the people
of the state of Nebraska today ,
with the political situation remov
ed , are strongly in favor of the
guaranty law. The highest com
pliment that could possibly be
paid to the measure is to have
ihese "big bankers , " the men who
want to use the people's money
for nothing , and if any losses oc
cur make the people stand it , liter
ally tear up the earth in their ef
forts to defeat the bill.
In order that the state railway
commission , the courts and the
public revenue powers of the state
may have something upon which
to base the earning capacity , a
basis for dividend earnings as well
as for the purpose of taxation , of
the public service corporations of
the state , a physical valuation bill
was passed , carrying with it an
appropriation of , § 10,000. The
governor has supervision of the
work and has already been in con
sultation with the railway com
mission , outlining a campaign with
a view of first valuing the rail
roads of the state. This bill is one
that will bring great relief to the
people in the way of equitable
rates , and afc the same compel the
railroads to pay their just proportion
tion of the taxes.
"As a companion measure to the
physical valuation bill the govern
or by special message had a law
passed requiring all corporations
hereafter organized in the state
and having for its purpose the
placing of stock upon the market ,
to first receive the consent of the
state railway commission by show
ing that the property and assets
of the corporation is adequate and
sufficient upon which to base the
stock issue. This pill will in the
future prevent a great deal of
stock-jobbing and swindling trans
itions in the floating of watered
The democratic party in Ne
braska has placed itself above the
control of the so-called liquor in
terests of the state by enacting
more legislation , having for its ob
ject the control of the sale of liq
uor , than all previous legislation
i i Nebraska for a quarter of a cen
tury. A bill was passed prohibit
ing the sale of liquor to a person
who has been treated under the
provisions of the dipsomaniac law ;
another making it a misdemeanor
to drink liquor on trains. Gov.
Shallenberger vetoed a bill which
will prevent the sale of liquor at
Ft. Crook and in this he was sus
tained by the legislature without a
dissenting vote. With the clos
ing hours of the session came the
"daylight" saloon law , making a
record on liquor legislation that
has won the encomiums and ad
miration of the great masses of
the people.
The opponents of the 8 o'clock
. . , ' v- . MT" # v- - " '
Personal Mention
AZINE has come back to
towrron a visit * , after nearly
two1 \ Veeks'absence. . He
says he hopes to stay quite
a while with a number of
the best families ; he brings
Hvith him a lot of new
stories good ones ; his
health is much improved.
For sale by
George Elliott.
closing law , and they are confined
principally to Omaha , express
themselves now as being entirely
satisfied with the Slocumb law ,
without this amendment , but it is
not too vain to indulge the thought
that it will yet receive the appro
bation of those who worship at the
shrine of the Czar at the city hall
in. Nebraska's metropolis.
In all 202 bills were passed by
the legislature and signed by the
governor , 78 of which originated
in the senate and 124 in the house.
To the credit of the legislature
so recently adjourned it may be
said that it appropriated over
§ 700,000 for normal schools , in ex
cess of any sum heretofore ap
propriated , and the same spirit for
adequate provision for the educa
tional interests of our splendid
state was shown in all the appro
priations for carrying on and im
proving the schools of Nebraska.
A delegation of the old soldiers
from the Soldiers and Sailors
Home at Milford called upon the
governor Friday and entered a
vigorous protest against the ac
tion of some of the republican
state officials who are attempting
to deprive them of the money ap
propriated by the recent legisla
ture to reimburse them for the
funds so unjustly taken from them
under the guise of "Rule 17 , "
adopted under the republican ad
ministration of the past two years.
District Court Notes.
State vs Albert Ward , rape ,
State vs Harry Ware and Mat
thew Marshall , robbery , dismissed.
State vs Fred Gardner , forgery ,
continued ; defendant not in cus
State vs Orville C. Wilson ,
horse stealing , found not guilty.
State vs Sophia E. Doty , arson ,
acquitted. ,
State vs Medill Swigert , cattle
stealing , continued.
State vs Peter Peterson , peace
warrant , continued.
John A. Holbert vs Andrew J.
Short , law , dismissed at plaintiff's
David Steadman vs Grace M.
Steadman , divorce , dismissed at
plaintiff's costs.
Jerry Warden vs Chas. Heath-
erington , appeal , dismissed at
plaintiff's costs'
A. II. Kistler vs Leslie Beebout
et al , foreclosure , continued.
U. G. Welker vs Edward Lewis ,
appeal , dismissed at pltf's costs.
Jerry Yancey vs Joe Woods ,
suit on contract , dismissed at
plaintiff's costs.
C. H. Cornell , ex. , vs Irwin H.
Emery , continued.
Barbara Ilohstatt vs Wm. Fer-
don , equity , dismissed without
prejudice , at plaintiff's costs.
Application of Wm. Welsh to
sell real estate , new license to sell
to issue.
George T. Allen vs Rush F.
Osborn et ux , foreclosure , defend (
ant defaulted , judgment of § 515 3
for plaintiff.
Frederick H. Schultz vs R. M. i 11
Clayton et al , foreclosure , con-
Srmed. ;
Mary E. Dowell vs Thomas E. [
Dowell , divorce , dismissed at
plaintiff's costs.
Vernon Brown vs Chas. Blakely , :
damage , judgment for plaintiff for
Harry Coates vs Frank D.
Arnot , equity , dismissed at plain
tiff's costs. "
Charles P , Bresee vs Herman
. N v
. . . v
Ficke , equit.v , continued. * '
Charles P Bresc e vs R. Ever
Ormsby , equity , defendant 20
days to answer.
Charles P. Bresee vs Matilda
Schleuter , equity , defendant 60
days to answer.
Peter Eggers vs Fred Bray tenet
et al , foreclosure , confirmation.
Herbert Thompson et al vs Joe
Sutton and John Marty , jr. ,
equity , title quieted in plaintiff.
J. E. Thackrey vs Milton Latta ,
suit for labor , plaintiff given 10
days to file petition.
W. B. Hunt vs R. H. Hollen-
beck , attachment , judgment for
Hattie Burdick vs LeRoy Bur-
dick , divorce , granted.
F. M. Walcott and Frank Bray-
ton vs FredBrayton et al , fore
closure , decree of foreclosure.
Grace White Horse vs Arrow
Side , divorce , granted.
S. Hirsch vs George A. and
Hattie Corbin , ejectment , dismiss
ed without prejudice to future
Emma Ruley vs Clarence Ruley ,
- Application of Elma C. Richards
to sell real estate , license to sell.
Elbert Breuklander vs Nellie
Maud Breuklander , divorce ,
Odessey'K. Bates vs Luke M.
Bates , divorce , * granted , § 1,000
alimony , § 10 per month for Helen
till of age.
Edith White vs Everett White ,
divorce , granted. i
August Theim vs Lizzie Theim ,
divorce , granted.
Fred A. Bennett vs Elsie J.
Bennett , motion to set aside di
vorce , finding for defendant.
For Sale Full blood Partridge
Cochin and Buff Cochin eggs. § 1
per setting of 15. Mrcs. JAAIK
SHEPARD , Valentine , Nebr. 13
Seed potatoes Early Ohio ,
northern grown , and Bliss Tri
umph for sale at the Red Front
or at John Ormesher's. § 1.00 per
The following list of jurors are
in attendance at this term of court :
Ray Bowman Harry Wells
D A Melton M Robv
Wm Ritchie Fred Nelson
Ed Stuart A L Johnson
Wm Heelan GeoJarchow
W D Clarkson Wm White
A L Ste * rart Gee Roberts
J E Pettycrevv John Jacobson
Dan Barnes M O Metzirer
\Vm Hook , jr. Joe Nollette
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. G. Hornby's store.
Nebraska Land and
RleiMnib Pres Will G ( ' ( mistook , \ P.
Olias r Jamison
Oattly branded ou
any Dart of animal ,
horses branded tnt
Range between
' ordou on the h B.
ft JV1 V , R R and
Hyannison M. R 11 in Northwestern Nebr.
'UAKTi Err UK'IIARDS. Ellswor , Nebr. Gi
Notice to Creditors.
In .ne County Court within and for Cherry
county , Nebraska ,
In the maiier of the estate of Georce A. Jerf-
sen , daueisid.
To the creditors of said estate : ,
You ar hereby notified , That J will sit at'thc
Countj Cou t Koom in Vale tme in said county
m the Sthdayof Mav , 1909 at 10 o'csock a ,
n. to receive and examine all cl-nns against
said estate , with a > iewto their adjiibtinpnt and
illmrance The time limited for ttie presHnui-
rion of claims against safd estate is MX mouths
rom the 31 * ' day of October A. I ) . 1908 and the
: ime limited for payment ot debts is one year
from said 31st day of Ociober. 1903.
Witness my hand anM the seal f said
SEAL County 'onrt this 15th day of April ,
v 1909. JAMES C. QUIGI.EY ,
H 4 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebr.ska. |
April 5. UHK ) . f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this oaice by Henry Denny , contestant
against homestead entry No. U039 01630 , made
October 2 1902. f. rE SE f. section 19 and SJ
SWfcf , sertl n 20. township 35 , ran e 39. i > y
Anna L. Beach.contt-stee. in wiiich It is alleged
tint said Anna L. Heach has wholly abandoned
aid land and changed hr residence therefrom
for more than six months last pa t ; that tha
land is nor settled up < n nor cull ivated in good
faith , and that said alleged abandonment of
the said land took hlace more than six m mtns
Lo the expiration of five years from the time of
lllinsr upou same , and entnmeu has failed to
cure her la-h s up to this date.
Said parties an * hereby notified to appear , re-
poud. and otfer evidence touching said alleg-
tiou at 10 o'clock a. m. , on .May 25.19ns > , oe-
ore the ivgi-ter and receiver at the United
states land ofllce in Valentine Vebraska.
Ihe said contestant having , in a proper affl-
lavit , filed April 5. 191)9. ser. forth facts
ivhich show that after due diligence personal
iervn-e of this notice cann > t be made. It is All I
iereby ordered and directed that such notice
ae given i y due and proptu publication.
E 13 4 LUKE At BATES. Register.
Estray Notice.
ValenlTnc ! Nebraska ) SJarch 23,1'Jb'd. . AllJ
Taken up by the undersigned tit my place
o miles' northeast of Valentinfc , Nebraska , in
.ection 2 , township So. range 20 , the follow-
ng : One bay horse , weight 9. > 0 pounds , J
jranded oC or oe connected on right flank ,
13 a tfsr 9o-Bmwinwf o *
C rp Oft !
L ! tn uu.
carries a complete assortment of
Farm Machinery
comprising the
Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline
and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and / „
John Deere two = row Cultivators ;
_ Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows ,
Superior Drills , Weber and Moline
Wagonsfstaver , Moline , Moon and
Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and
20th Century Manure Spreaders ;
the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast
Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay
Tools , consisting of Stackers ,
Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa-
tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks ,
Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow =
ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline ,
Oliver and Deere Listers.
Will close out the John Deere line
of implements and Vehicles
at greatly reduced prices.
\ for any make of implement will be
iurnished on the shortest possible
notice. Every effort will be made to
accomodate customers and supply
their wants.
Don't be misled by representations of other
dealers carrying inferior and near competing
lines , but post yourself on improved makes and
reduced prices before making your purchases.
Ludwig Lumber Co.
Ship your Live Stock
No shipment too large : -.ud none too small to receive the *
most careful attention.
Each consignment intn-sted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guaranted to all.
Writers for the market paper and our speciaf market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
MOS SNYDER , Hoer Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattlp 'I
EO. M. WOOD , SheepSalesman. THOS J. DONAHUE f Salesman.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
I >
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. H1
_ . _ _ _ * * * , A
kinds of wood work ' done to order.
Residence and'shop one block * * *
alentine , ' ' PHOXE 72
Eeferences : My Many Customers.