Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 22, 1909, Image 2

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M. RICE. - - - - Publisher.
Sweeping Down in Large
Numbers and Christians and For
eigners Take Refuge in Consulates-
Killing of Americans Confirmed.
A dispatch from Beirut , Syria , says :
'A terrible uprising has occurred in
Adana , Asiatic Turkey. Street fight
ing has been going on for three days
and at least 1,000 people have been
killed. The city has been practically
destroyed by fire. American mission
aries named Rogers and Maurer , the
latter from Hadjin , are dead. All
other Americans are safe. The British
vice consul , Maj. Daughty-Wylie , is
among the wounded. He was she :
through the arm.
At Tarsus there was less loss of life
The Armenian quarter , however , was
destroyed. Three thousand refugees
are housed in the American mission
The need of relief is urgent , for short
ly the fugitives will be on the vergt
of starvation. Conditions in the vi
cinity of Alexandretta are most ser
tous. .
Confirmation hag been received a-
Constantinople of the killing of twi
American missionaries at Adana. Tin
murdered missionaries were Mr
Rogers and Mr. Maurer. The otheri
connected with the missions are safe ,
Including Mr. Christie , who is at Tar
sus. Three French warships are
hurrying to Mersina , where the situa
tion is desperate. Foreigners and
Many Christians have taken refuge in
the consulates. The local troops and
the governor are doing their best to
protect the town , but there is great
fear that it cannot hold out much
longer against the invasion of the
Moslems , who are sweeping down in
large numbers. The American vice
consul at Mersina , John Debbas , has
"been unable to proceed to Adana ,
owing to the interruption of communi
cations. A British warship is pro
ceeding to Alexandria , which is
threatened by the Moslems. Several
Armenian families in that neighbor-
liood have been destroyed. Alarm is
felt at Kharput because of serious de
predations by the Kurds in the sur
rounding villages , although the town
itself has not been the scene of anj
particular disorder.
The tension in Constantinople ovei
the situation is very great , although
Sunday afternoon there seemed to be
some prospects of a peaceful situation
The people of the capital are more
concerned with the advance of the
Salonica troops than they are with the
massacres that are reported from
various quarters.
The army , which is concentrating al
Tchatalje , has promised not to enter
Constantinople , but to await there the
fulfillments of its demands.
Defendant AVill Rely on a Perma
nent Insanity.
Insanity , not of the momentary and
vanishing character usually invoked
as a defense for emotional crimes , bui
permanent and incurable , will be
urged , it is stated , as a defense in the
case of Capt. Peter C. Hains , jr. .
whose trial for the murder of William
E. Annis on the float of the BaysSde
Yacht club last August began Mon
day at Flushing , L. I.
Old Firm in Kansas Ousted by the
Prohibition I/aw.
The drastic prohibition law passed
by the Kansas legislature ha stopped
an industry which has been carried on
thirty-five years at the little town of
Doniphan , Brenner Bros. , have manu
factured thousands of barrels of wine
and applejack there. Nicholas Bren
ner has taken the remainder of his
stock to St. Joseph , Mo. , to dispose
of it.
Ends Life in Two Feet of Water.
Levi Crum , 77 years years old , a
wealthy Austintown , O. , farmer , com
mitted suicide by drowning himself
In a pond on his Yarm. The water was
tout two feet deep and Crum knealt
on his hands and knees in the pond
In order to keep his head under water.
Mr. Crum had been in poor health.
Sioux City Live Stocvk Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Top
hogs , $7.10. Top beves , for the week
D. A. R. Convention Opens.
The eighteenth continetal congress
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution convened in Washington ,
J > . C.r Monday and will be in session
throughout the week.
Massacre at Astrabad.
Adivces to the Russ at St. Peters
burg , from Teheran report a massa
cre of 2,000 persons , including women
and children , by Turkoman tribesmen
At Astrabad.
Unable to Control Them They Join i
A massacre of Armenians has take
place at Adana , Asiatic Turkey , an
according to the latest telegrams froi
Mersina is still in progress. Soldier :
powerless to control the situation , ar
joining in the pillage of the town. Th
fatalities are said to be numerous. Th
riots began last Wednesday and th
town of Adana has been burned an
many Christians killed. The Moslem :
having practically wrecked the towi
are said to have now begun optratior
against the Christians in the vilaye
The foreign consuls at Mersina hav
requested that warships be sent then
No definite information is obtainabl
as to the number of persons who los
their lives , although one report say
sixty Armenians were massacred.
Two American missionaries are sai
to be among the dead , but no name
are given and the report as to this 1
unconfirmed , Maj. Daughty-Wylie , i
said to have been injured. M
It is known that the regular distric
meeting of the American missionarie
was due to be in session at Adana an
that Mr. and Mrs. William Chamber !
the Misses Elizabeth and Mary G
Webb , Miss Wallis and Miss Borel
missionaries , were to have been there
Ambassador Leishman has instructe
Vice Debbas , at Mersina , to go imme
ditaely to Adana.
One New York Man is Killed and An
other Not Expected to Recover.
, An automobile ride of four youn
men , ofNew _ York city , ended in deat
for one of their number and fatal In
Jury to another when a touring ca
in which they were driving at a ter
rific speed crashed into a tree in Cen
tral park at dawn Friday. Matthew
Camp , and employe/ of the Moon Au
tomobile company , who was acting a
chauffer , was crushed to death am
Joseph Fogarty was thrown on 'hi
head on a concrete walk adjoinin ,
the driveway and suffered a fractur
of the skull from which he is not ex
pected to recover. Ernest Feyer hai
his right leg fractured. Joseph Hoyl
the fourth occupant of the car , fell up
on the turf , fled to the subway statioi
but was arrested.
Shot by His Young Brother While Try
ing to Scare Family.
Griffith Hughes , of Emporia , Kan.
aged 18 years , died Wednesday as th
result of having been shot by hi
younger brother , Owen , who mistool
him for a burglar. Hearing a nois
in the basement , Griffith Hughes jok
ingly told the family that there was ;
burglar in the cella.r. While they arm
3d themselves preparatory to descend
ing to the basement Griffith Hughes
thinking to frighten his parents am
brother , stole down to the basemen
ay way of the outside entrance. Thi
younger brother rushed to the cella :
ind , hearing a sound in the darkness
ired and fatally wounded his brother
Italian Kills Relatives.
Mike Zanona , an American citizei
) f Italian parentage , shot and killet
lis mother-in-law , Mrs. William Doss
ind his sister-in-law , Miss Millie Doss
it Hartshorne , Okla , , Friday , anc
vithin a few minutes was shot in the
icck and seriously wounded by his
'ather-in-law , William Doss. Domestic
roubles caused the fray.
Col. Wisser to Return Home.
Lieut. Col. John P. Wisser , the
American attache at Berlin , will bring
Us term of service there to a close
n or about June 1 , when he will be
elieved by Capt. Samuel G. Shartle
2ol. Wisser requested the war depart-
nent in January to transfer him home ,
.s he had been abroad nearly three
Dies at the Age of 106.
Mrs. Mary Watkins , of Bellbrook ,
) . , aged 10G years , perhaps the oldest
irhite resident of Ohio , is dead. Mrs.
\ratkins was born in Virginia.
Minister Ilicks Resigns.
John Hicks , the American minister
3 Chije , has presented his resignation
3 the state department.
Gold for Argentine.
The National Bank of Commerce in
few York City has engaged $1,000,000
i gold coin for shipment to Buenos
Fares Reduced in Arkansas.
Announcement has been made that
% -cent fares will become effective
n all Rock Island lines in Arkansas
[ ay 1.
Tnrko-Bulgarian Protocol.
The Turko-Bulgarian negotiations
ave been concluded and a protocol
as signed Monday by representatives
' . the two nations.
Dredgeboat Consumed by Flames.
A fire Sunday destroyed the govern-
ent dredge boat , Gen. H. M. Roberts ,
Galveston bay , causing a loss of
Prof. Holbrook Is Dead.
Alfred Holbrook , who founded the
armal university at Lebanon , O. , in
! 55 and Is known as the father of
iVmal schools , die'd Saturday night ,
ed 93 years.
Gets New Lease on Life.
The supreme court of Illinois has
anted a stay of execution to David
iderson , sentenced to hang in Chi-
go April 23 , for themurder of Police
The Tables Arc Named After Eac
Country Represented.
Elaborate decorations , brilliar.
speeches and good cheer were th
features of a banquet given in Wash
Ington , D. C. , Thursday night in hone
of Secretary of Stat3 Knox , chaii
man , and the members of the govern
ing board of the international burea
of American republics by John Bar
ret * , director of the bureau. Th
gnests were seated at twenty-one sma
tables , each table being named afte
one of the republics. In the cente
of each was a cut glas globe in whic
the colors of the country were repre
sented by variegated electric lights.
Secretary of State Knox , chairma
ex-officio of the board of governors o
the bureau ; Ambassador Nabuco , o
Brazil ; Vice P-esident Shermar
Speaker Cannon and Senator Root re
sponded to toasts , and the minister
of Costa Rica and Argentina als
Secretary Knox responded to hi
toast , "The" Governing Board of th
International Bureau. "
He said that as the bond of cohesio :
between the American republics grow
stronger the disturbing forces of dis
order and selfish ambitions infestini
any one of them grow weaker.
"I recently had the pleasure o
meeting the governing board of th
bureau of American republics as ;
body , " declared Mr. Knox , "and I pro
fited by that opportunity to assur
them for the president and mysel
that among the first of the highes
aspirations of American foreign polic ;
under the present administrate
would be the strong desire for a con
tinued healthy growth in the naturall ;
sympathetic relations and close inter
course of the family of sister America !
republics. "
San Francisco Trial Reaches the Testl
mony Taking Stage.
After three months used in com
pleting a jury the trial of Patricl
Calhoun , president of the United Rail
ways , at San Francisco , Thursda :
reached the testimony taking stage
When court adjourned for the da :
Ferdinand P. Nichols , the former su
per\jisor \ who is accused of accepting
a bribe paid by Calhoun througl
Abraham Ruef , had been ordered t <
answer the first vital question in th <
case. He was called as a witness af
ter Assistant District Attorney Hene :
had outlined the prosecution's case.
Mr. Heney told the jury what th <
prosecution expects to prove , and al
though the defense at one point in
timated that he was attempting t <
argue the case , he was not interruptec
by Judge Lawlor.
Micheal Murphy , a retired polici
sergeant was accpeted as the thir
teenth juror.
Night Rider Victim Gets Damages ir
Federal Court.
A jury of the federal court of th (
eastern district of Kentucky , in sessior
at Covington , late Thursday rendered
a verdict in the night rider case :
awarding the plaintiff , W. S. Hender
son , $25.0 damages.
Henderson , a former tobacco mer
chant of Augusta , Ky. , sued fourteen
prominent residents of Bracken countj
for $25,000 damages for an alleged as
sault upon him in Augusta during the
night rider troubles in that section.
Counsel for Coopers Set Forth Manj
Reasons in Petition.
Forty-six distinct reasons why the
defendants , Duncan B. Cooper and
Robin J. Cooper , recently convicted
af murder of Senator W. E. Carmack ,
should be granted a new trial at
the hands of Judge W. M. Hart , are
= et forth in the grounds for the mo
tion for a new trial , filed by the de
fendant's counsel Thursday. A num-
Der of exceptions are made to Judge
Bart's charge to the jury and to the
iction of the court in not entering a
nistrial on March 19 , when a partial
-eport was received from the jury.
To Bo Hanged May 7.
President Taft has declined to inter-
: ere in the case of Joaquin Segrara ,
: onvicted in the Panama canal zone
> f murder , and the sentence of death
vill be carried out on May 7.
Found Murdered in Cellar.
With four bullet wounds in the body
tnd one in the head , John Pishotta , a
vealthy Greek merchant of Carlisle ,
3a. , was found Tuesday in the cellar
if his home. His wife and her broth-
T have been arrested.
Jealous 3Iothcr Commits Murder.
Mrs. Grant Huddleston , of Musko-
ee , 'Okla. , mother of six children ,
: uesday night shot and killed Miss
Juelah Cox , whom she charged with
lienating her husband's affections.
Calhoun Jury Chosen.
Thirteen jurors will hear the evi-
ence in the case of Patrick Calhoun ,
f San Francisco , president of the
fnited railroads , charged with offer-
ig a bribe to a former supervisor.
French Aeronaut Lost.
Thursday no news had yet been re-
2ived of Bellamy , the French aero-
aut , who went up in a balloon at the
rystal palace , London , Eng. , three
ays before.
Wreck on the Reading.
Two persons were killed and several
: hers injured Thursday evening when
night express train on the Reading
tilway was wrecked at Harrisburg ,
Masked Mob Tunis Trick at Saiitc
A whitecap raid in which a band c
masked men took a man named Rol
( ins from his home on the Santee res
ervation last Friday night , not givin
him time to get his hat and coat 01
has just been reported. They too
him to the bank of the Missouri rive :
placed him in a boat , gave him a ha
coat , $2 in money and told him t
keep out of that vicinity on pain c
more severe treatment. The men the
reurned to the Rollins home and in
structed the wife of Rollins to dis
pose of what property she had'an
join him as soon as possible. The
gave her thirty days in which to ge
They also left word with her to notif
her son , William Rollins , who lives i
Niobrara , to make himself scarce o
they would handle him the same waj
The Rollins family is a very disturb
ing element in the neighborhood i
which they live , and the old man wa
given six months in the county ja :
last year for improper relations wit
his own daughter. The son , who live
in Niobrara , does not work , and suspi
cion of his mode of gaining a livin
probably led to the word being sen
to him.
Inquiry among responsible person
from reservation elicits no clew t
who the vigilantes might be , althougl
it is not thought any of the imme
diate neighbors were in the com
pany. Ine Indian received a lette
from another requesting him to be a
the place on Friday night and statin ;
that they intended to "see Rollins ,
but he did not go and professes t
know nothing about the matter. How
ever , itfis probable that some Indian
were present , although it is quite evi
lent that white men wer at the head
Through Twisted Legislation ,
May Be Void.
Fremont has not given up the figh
to prevent the purchase of the Wayn
college by the state. Now it is pro
posed to knock out the proposition b ;
raising a technicality regarding th <
wording of the bill.
The bill provides th'at the "board o
education of the state normal schools'
shall attend to the buiying and hav >
charge o'f the school after its pur
chase. The legislature abolished thi
board and createel a new one call th <
"Normal Board of Education. " It wil
be the Fremont contention that thi
former board is the only one legall ]
entitled to act , and as it has beei
abolished there can be no purchase
and while the legislature might hav <
intended the new board to act it wa :
never given power to do so.
Omaha Dealers Arc to Make Figh
Against the Advance.
The Chicago-Omaha roads have jus
announced that on May 1 the rate or
coal billed from the city on the lake :
and consigned to points west of th <
Missour river will be advanced 2 (
cents per ton. In other words , th <
rate of § 1.80 per ton now in force wil
be increased to $2 per ton.
However , it is possible that this
rate will not go into effect until it has
been fought out in the courts , for the
coal elealers declare that they pro
pose to contest the advance , taking the
position that there is no reason whj
the rate on coal from Chicago to the
Missouri river should be any highei
than at the present time or during tb :
Son-in-Law of Gov. Lamibce to Head
Mayoralty Ticket.
At the republican municipal primary
held in Lincoln Thursday Don L. Love
was nominated for mayor over Alder
man A. H. Hutton by a vote of near
ly two to one. Mr. Love is a son-in-
liyof former Gov. Larrabee , of Iowa.
The municipal election will be held
May 4 and because of the failure of
the legislature to pass the new char
ter all candidates must go on the bal-
'ot by petitions.
Homliest Man in Town.
S. J. Hall , a Hooper blacksmith ,
who at a recent entertainment was
I'oted to be the homliest man in town ,
lias disappeared , leaving a note to the
effect that he is all right , but will
seek a community where he can divide
iiis distinction with some other "look-
ng glass breaker. "
Two Attempts at Suicide.
William Dean , a college man of Eau
Claire , Wis. , is in the hospital in Lin-
joln in a dangerous condition from a
self inflicted wound. He tried to com-
nit suicide by taking poison and was
.aken to the hospital. There he man-
jade to secure a knife and stabbed
limself in the breast.
Railroad Bridge on Fire.
About 1 o'clock Wednesday morn-
ng theBurlington Platte river railroad
> ridge at Columbus was discovered to
> e on fire , and before it was under con-
rol ten of the thirty spans of the
> ridge had burned.
To Raise Much Alfalfa.
Hundreds of acres of alfalfa will be
rrown in the valleys here and farmers
rear. Mammoth crops can be easily
; down in the valleys here and farmers
.re contemplating an alfalfa mill.
Barn and Contents Burn.
The barn of H. H. Burt , in Fuller-
on , was burned Monday morning. Two
olts belonging to James Irwin per-
shed , in the flames. Several buggies ,
. new carriage and a large quantity of
eed were destroyed.
Must Amputate Leg.
W. H. Wilcott , aged 74 , of Suther-
md , has gone to Omaha for amputa-
ion of one of his legs. Over fifty years
go a , running sore started as a result
f a burn , and he has suffered greatly
own through the years.
Stockmen at Omaha Ask 3Ianager o
Yards to Close Saloon.
More than 100 of the live stock com
mission men of South Omaha hav <
taken peculiar steps looking to th <
curtailing of business. They hav <
signed a petition asking General Man
ager Buckingham , of the Union Stocl
Yards , to discontinue the saloon in th <
Exchange building. Here is the rea
son for doing this :
Commission men all know that whei
their customers come to the yard ;
with their stock or to buy feeders t <
take back to the farms and ranchei
ihey must be entertained , and the fig-
ires show that there are many in
tances where the bar bills of some o :
he firms have frequently run fron
.50 to $100 per month. The signer ;
o the petition take the position tha
f the saloon was taken away fronr
he yards they could do as much busi-
less as now and that all of the monej
low spent for treats \\ould be velvet
The commission men all expect tc
serve meals to their customers , provid
ing they are at the yards at meal time
and they do not object to this , bul
from now on they are going to try ane ]
Jraw the line on the drinks.
It is reported that Manager Buck
ingham has told some of the exchange
members that if the saloon is closed
the dining room must go , for there Is
no profit in running the latter , though
the meals served average about 500
per day.
In South Omaha the saloons pay a
license of $1,000 per year , and it is said
that the one at the stock yards is a
money maker. The license expires
April 30 and it is certain that it will
run until then , but what will occur
thereafter is problematic , for right now
no one will attempt to say.
Begins General Insurance Campaign
in Nebraska.
State Auditor Barton has started
out to make every insurance com
pany doing business in Nebraska eith
er conform to the law and the require
ments of his office or quit business.
To a number of companies Mr.
Barton has sent letters calling at
tention to their Aveak points and giv
ing instruction for these matters to be
corrected or he will at once proceed
to put the companies out of business.
The action of the auditor has stirred
up quite a rumpous among several of
the companies and one company wrote
the auditor a lengthy letter telling
what it intended to in the way of re
form. This was answered by Mr.
Barion with the statement that
promises did not go and that the evils
must be corrected by May 1 or pro
ceedings would be instituted.
Between now arid July the auditor
will issue his order prohibiting any
company from printing on its policies
the statement that the same is guar
anteed by the state. A bill which was
introduced in the legislature attempt
ed to prevent this , but it failed of
passage. The bill gave the compa
nies until January 1 , 1910 , to conform
to the new rule and get rid of their
present literature. The auditor will
make his ruling in conformity with
that bill , which was killed by the in
surance lobby.
T. B. Ilo-rcl. of Nebraska , Has Sailed
for Hawaiian Islands.
A telegram from California conveys
the information that T. B. Herd , of
Central City , has sailed for the
Hawaiian islands and that his health
is considerably improved.
Mr. Herd sustained a stroke of
paralysis a few months ago. For a
time he was in a critical condition.
He has been spending the winter in
California and the reports that come
from him are very encouraging.
For years Mr. Horel has been en
gaged in feeding cattle for the Sioux
City and Omaha markets. He is said
to be the largest individual cattle
feeder in the Avorld. His yards and
pens are at almost every station on
the main line of the Union Pacific
from Silver Creek to Grand Island.
In addition to feeding cattle he owns
a , line of elevators on all of the Union
Pacific lines in Nebraska.
Fremont Boy Receives Watch for He
roic Act.
Fred Hawkinson , of Fremont received
1 gold watch Thursday from the vice
president of the Burlington railroad
in recognition of an act of heroism
n an emergency when he prevented
in accident which might have sent
i work train to the bottom of the
Platte river.
Some time ago a bridge crew was
vorking on the bridge at LaPlatte and
: rain No. G ran into the work train.
Che bridge engine with the pile driver ,
; till on the main line , was started by
he shock of the collision down the
rack as it went. All the trainmen
umped except young Hawkinson , a
routh of 19 , who climbed over the
: ars to .the engine and stopped it.
The watch was sent him by Vice
resident Daniel Willard. The watch
s inscribed in such a. way as to show
t was given.
Plans to Straighten Logan.
An enthusiastic meeting of farmers
vas held , at Wakefield Thursday to
alk over the question of straightening
he Logan creek.
Sudden Deatli at Homer.
Golda Priest , aged 14 years , daugh-
er of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Priest , was
ound dead In bed at her home early
londay morning. 'Death was due to
he bursting of an abscess in the inner
art of an ear , which paralized the
rain and heart.
Increases Capital Stock.
The Bank of Commerce in Louisville
as increased its capital stock from
10,000 to $25,000 and elected the fol-
jwing directors : Tom E. Parmele , C.
. . Richey and C. E. Wood.
Two Battalions in Constintinoplt
Surround the Parliament
Building. '
Panic Kules Turkish Capital
. People Shut Shops-Mutiny
-Young Turk .Movement.
Serious disturbances of n revolutionary
in Con
broken out
ary clianicter h.ive
stantinople. The situation is grave.
The mutinous troops made
tion against the building of the Turkish
has seized the
ish parliament. Panic
and all
people of Constantinople
shops were hurriedly
through the city
and it i3
closed. The rabinet
reported that Kiamil Pasha , the former
with the
grand vizier , has heen charged
formation of a new ministry.
The present grand vizier of Turkey
is Ililmi pasha. He was appointed
succession to Kiamil Pasha.
Feb. 14 in
Ililmi formerly was minister of the interior
holding this office he
terior , and hefore
of Mace
served as inspector
Pasha is minister of
donia. AH liiza
war and marine , and is- grand master
of artillery.
The changes in the cabinet in Febru
ary showed the absolute control of the
political situation by the Young Turk
party , or committee of union and prog
ress , which virtually imposed on the
Sultan a ministry of its own nominees.
The committee publicly repudiated any
intention to overthrow the Sultan or to
establish a military dictatorship , but
the crisis did not promise well for the
stability of the throne or the success
of parliamentary government. It haa
been a question how the moderate ele
ments of the empire would regard this
assumption of absolute power by an ir
responsible committee.
Two battalions of troops quartered
in the ministry of war marched out
headed by their officers , and went by
way of Divan and John streets to the
Mosque of St. Sophia , from which point
they surrounded the building of purlia- > t
incur. They demanded the dismissal of
the grand vizier , the president of the
chamber and the minister of war.
United States Court of Appeals Up
holds Her Conviction. .
Conviction of Marion Grey , the cupid -
pid agent who conducted the ' "Search
light Club" at Elgin , III. , and the sen
tence of the young woman to aerve
one year in the bridewell were upheld
by the United States Circuit Court of
Appeals. Miss Grey was found guilty
in the District Court and
was sen
tenced by Judge Landis for conducting
a soul-mating business , from whose de
cision an appeal was taken
by the at
torney for the matrimonial
agency pro *
Woman Probably Saves IVhem
Husband Cats Her ra * .
John Olberding , recently liberated" from
an insane asylum , lies in a critical condi
tion in the Harlem hospital , New York ,
with , his throat cut after a struggle with
bis wife in their apartments in East
126th street , in which he held her upon
the floor ami cut both of her wristj'
with a razor. Police and neighbors final
ly battered down the door : md rescued
the . . For
.woman. more than ten minutea
Ooerdmg pursued his wife about the
apartment , brandishing the razor , and at
last cornering her in the sitting room.
After lie had slashed her wrists
she fei-n-
ed death and in this
way probably saved
her life. She wjj ! recover , but there ii
slight hope for the man.