\ Historical Society > JL ft ! C VAL DEMOCRAT. I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , APBTL 22 , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 15 THfi "Mo 9 Manufactured by U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , is retailed by Red Front Merc. Co. In our "Model A" you will find all the up to date principles carried out , and we do not think we are exaggerating when we claim that it is the most practical , successful and reliable steel mill on the market today. vCall and see it. Red Front ere . Co. From the Griswold Seed Co. , of Lincoln , Nebr. We have a full line of new seeds in bulk and packages , and we guarantee them to be the best on the market for this section of the country. Onion Sets of all kinds in cluding the Early Multipliers. Alfalfa. Clover. Blue Grass. Flower Seeds. Frank Fischer. aioon ROBERT McQEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars \ Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : \ Old Crow , Sherwood , \ 9\ Hermitage , Guchenheimer , & Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , | Spring Hill , * and 27/year/old andjas , E , Pepper , O , P. C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported Gordon and DeKuyper , Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine = Nebraska y K a Ar fc Ik lt * . For First Class Job Work / Call on THE V Westover Refutes Heath's Statement. Kushville , Neb. April IS , ' 09. EDITOR DEMOCRAT. / Concerning the editorial in last week's DEMOCRAT concerning county division , in which the writ er assumes that I had "butted in" to the controversy , permit me to say that I have never at any time or place expressed an opinion con cerning the advisability of divid ing your county. Some three weeks ago I stopped at Cody be tween trains and while there heard a conversation between Mr. Heath and two men from the southern side , of the county concerning this matter. During this talk , one of the parties asked me what I thought about it , and I said : "I do not live in Cherry county and have no interest whatever in the question of division of your county. If Mr. Heath has stated any thing different in his paper he has not told the truth. W. H. WESTOVER. An Open Letter to the County Commissioners. Valentine , Neb. , April 17 , ' 09. To the Board of County Com missioners of Cherry county : Gentlemen : In the published re port of your proceedings January 15 , we note you instructed the county clerk to purchase 12 Buck scrapers and 12 road plows. As taxpayers we would like to inquire by what authority of law this is done ? Do you think it is treating the taxpayers right ? Or is it fair to other dealers to let the county clerk furnish supplies for county * * tf * * -j * use from the place of business of which the chairman of the county board and clerk are the chief stockholders ? At your last meeting you allow ed a bill for § 484 , signed by W. W Mornssey , with the name John Deere Plow Co . above his as a blind to the taxpayers Had bids been asked , the above bill could have been furnished at a saving to the county of over § 100 and still left a good profit to the bidder. The clerk receiving a salary of $1500 , $700 for deputy , § 700 for additional help and § 400 as clerk of the board of commissioners , making a total of § 3300 for the county clerk's' office ; and besides this being able to fill the position as clerk of the Valentine Lumber Co. , and said company furnishing county material at a large profit , we wish to ask how long the tax payers should stand for this sort of a deal ? TAXPAYERS , City Ownership a Success ( Sioux City Journal , April 12. ) Sioux Falls , S. D. , April 12. Special : Those who seek argu ments in favor of municipal own ership of public utilities need gene no further than the city water works system of Sioux Falls. The plant was not enabled to commence operations until after several years of litigation between ; he. city and the old water company , which , after the termination of its franchise , stoutly contested in the courts the right of the city to es- iahlish a waterworks system of its own and thus displace the system of the old company. In this litigation the city , was successful , and at midnight on June 30 of last year the old water works company , under an order of Judge Garland of the U. S. courts , was forced to cease opera- , tions. After more than 20 years - : of constant operation its stand pipe t i was emptied its engines were j ] stopped and water ceased to flow I through its many miles of mains. " iNo attempt has yet been made to i OMS men may be indifFercnt to style in iHIRT fashions are just shirts , but no man can well as fickle as any other be indifferent to fit. A fashions. Styles come and styles go. Unless you buy a shirt made by a house that knows where and how to secure HT1R T the authoritative styles , you 11 I IX I cannot be sure that your is always as appropriate to shirt is correct. the it is to the wearer as The CLUETT label war occasion. rants correctness as well as Made in every style , durability. white color fast. or $1.50 and more. $1.50 and more. take up the mains or remove any of the other property of the old water company. Notwithstanding the litigation , the work of constructing the mu nicipal waterworks system was prosecuted with due diligence at such .intervals as the city was per mitted by courts to carry 'on the work , and last year when the old water company was compelled to cease operating , the city plant was in condition to furnish the people of the city with supplies of water for fire protection and domestic purpose. COST AXD REVENUE. To date the Sioux Falls waterworks , - works system has actually cost , for its construction the sum of § 238,300. Of this amount the sum of § 210,000 is represented by 5 per cent bonds , which the voters authorized to be issued , when it was first decided to install the sys tem. tem.The The first year the system was operated showed a net profit of § 21,000 , which is a very fine show ing , considering that the plant has not reached its full efficiency and extent. The following table shows the expense of operating the sys tem for the past year and the items which go to make up the net profit : Water rentals received for the year.31OOD Received from city of Sioux Falls for hydrants and uater 10.500 Total . * 41.500 Cost of operating plant during year . . . ? 18.000 Annual interest on & 210.000 3 per cent bonds J. 10. . " > QO Total . "fc > 3 500 Total income for year $44.500 Total expense for year 23.300 Net profit for year . . 21.000 St. Nicholas Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Nenzel on Sunday , April 25. In Valentine on Sunday May 2. Low mass at S. m. High mass and sermon at 10. a. m. Bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament after mass. At 3 p. m. . instruction for the children. In Crookston on Sunday , May 9 , at 10 a. m , LEO M. BLAERK , Rector. Peter Skalleuder , John Raff , Jacob Lapoint , George Marsha ! ! and Milt Cummins of Lake Creek , S. D. , and Charles Rose , M. O. Metzger'Dave Alder , Peter and Chris Peterson , Chris Jensen and E. B. Quible of Merriman were attending ctfurt this week- . erii We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. , , Qall-and - . - ' > - - > Qallandiry us * t 'MS : - MAX E ViERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. CONFECTIONEY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2C3C , Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home Bakery. HiM -M * " .nA 4 Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy jour Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. Valentine , Nebraska , has received a complete line of new , high grade Fall and Winter Goods , which are being offered at the lowest prices pos sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark ed on every article. One price to everybody. T ! T ,