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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1909)
Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's VegetableCompound MAKLTON , N.J. IfeelthatLydiaE. Pinkhain's "Vegetable Compound haa 1 [ given me new life. [ I suffered for ten : years -with serious j female troubles , in- fiammation , ulcer- lation , indigestion , j nervousness , a n c could not sleep Doctors gave me up , as they said my troubles were chronic. I was in despair , and did nol [ fv * i au care whctherl lived or died , when I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; so ] bejjan to take it , and am well again and relieved of all my suffering. " Mrs. GEORGE JOHDY , Box 40 , Marlton , 2ST.J" . Lydia E. Pinkhara's "Vegetable Com- Eound , made from , native roots and erbs , contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs , and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cares of female diseases \ve know of , and thousandsofvoluntarytestimonialsare on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn , Mass. , from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints , inflammation , ul- cerationdisplacementsfibroidtumors , irregularities , periodicpains , backache , indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to her self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case -write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham , at Ijynn , Mass. Her advice if fr e , and always helpful * FASHION HINT'S A This fancy linen depends largely upon the button hole and eyelet finish for novelty. It's a trimming that will be used a great deal this season. A distinctive feature in the accompanying sketch ib the plain ovei skirt lashed together with ribbon ; showing flat pleats underneath. A Mistaken Irishman. It is said to be a peculiarity of the Island of Montserrat that the negroes speak with a rich Irish brogue. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the seventeenth century the col ony Avas peopled almost entirely by the Irish. In "The Cradle of the Deep" Sir Frederick Troves gives the follow ing incident illustrative of the care with which this dialect has been pre served. It is quoted from Ober. An Irishman fresh from Donegal ar rives at Monlscrrat , and leaning over the steamer's rail , addresses himself in the following terms to a coal-black negro who has come alongside with provisions : "Say. Cuffee , phwat's the chance for a lad ashore ? * ' " > - "Good , yer honor , if ye're not afraid of , wurruk. But me name's not Cuffee , nn' . pla c ye. it's Pat Mulvaney. " "Mulvaney ? And do ye mane to say ye're 0Irish ? " "Oi do. " "The saints defend us' An' how long Lave yer been out here ? " "A matter of tin year or so. " "Tin year ! An' yez black as me hat ! Save me soul , I took yez for a nay- feur. " PAY IF CURED PILES P T poiUft nd ien < t EE RED CROSS PU . n(1 FutnU Cure. CO. , Dipt. D5. r > linBea polls , Hlum , Prune the vineyard nt once If you hove not already done so. Sheep will food together better and fatten more evenly if they are uni form In character. You need grit and so do the hens. The right kind of grit in you will make it certain that the right kind of jrit gets into the hens. Do something worth doing and do it well and then feel proud of your achievement , hut don't get chesty and big-headed over the big things you propose to do. Some dairymen talk quality , some talk quantity. Few we think would ob Ject to both quantity and quality com bined. The cow that yields rich milk and lots of it is popular. The increase in the average yield of corn per acre last year amounted to only three-tenths of a bushel per acre but in the aggregate it meant an In crease of hundreds of thousands of dollars lars to the farmers. The story Is told that once a certain assessor taxed a goat at § 8 , and , when charged by the angry owner to justify the high rating , the assessor directed him to a rule which read to the effect that property a-buttlng on a certain street should be taxed $2 a foot. "We meet with some rather paradoxi cal conditions in life. For instance , the blacksmith shoes his own horse the poorest , and the carpenter lives in the plainest house ; likewise , the farmer de prives himself of the meat of the prime bullock and the sweetest flavored ap ples. Franking a few tons of garden seeds through the malls and then howling about the postal deficit has a very hu morous side if it were not so serious. If even a small fraction of the seeds were planted there might be an excuse Cor this waste , but as the matter stands the free distribution of seeds is fool ish. Some supporters of the dairy Indus try say that it's only n matter of time before we will all be dairying and the beef cow will be a thing of the past. On the other hand , the supporters of the beef industry say that the strongest nations are beef-eaters and in the end beef growing will overshadow all other farm Industries. The difference of. opin ion kind of makes one doubt the cor rectness of either assertion. We must depend more on the silo and proteinaceous forage crops and less upon the nitrogenous by-products. The results that have been attained by feedIng - Ing tender pasture grasses show that the animals need succulence during the long winter months , and this should convince us that the silo is a most val uable means of preserving the cow's winter rations. The cost of dairy feed can be very much reduced by a change In the ordinary methods of feeding. We must grow more feed on the farm. By killing insect-eating birds Amer icans are robbing posterity and per mitting an annual crop loss of $800- 000,000 , according to William Dutcher , president of the National Association Of Audubon Societies. If we permit the heritage of wild birds that still exist to be further wasted and destroy ed , wo are robbing our children , de clared Mr. Dutcher. The people , as trustees , are In honor bound to pre serve these wild birds for those that follow us. We do not wish our chil dren to feel about us as we do about our fathers , who permitted the wanton and useless extinction of the bison and the wild pigeon. In the matter of bird legislation there is no resting place ; the only price of satisfactory bird pro tection is eternal watching of legis latures , for in an unguarded moment an amendment may be passed that will indo the work of years. Povrer of Plant Life. The power of the ordinary plantain leaf is well Illustrated in an article in the "Strand Magazine" by a writer who constructed a pitch floor as follows : The ground was scraped , and then a 8-inch layer of sand was spread over It , and on this sand a 2-iuch layer of soft roofing pitch was placed. This had been down for several weeks when we noticed one part of the pitch break ing open like a miniature volcano. On examination we found some green shoots coming through the pitch. The shoots continued to grow in spite of 3ie great heat caused by the sun shinIng - Ing on the black surface of the pitch. They finally assumed a flourishing con dition. It should be added that before flying the sand a sheet of heavy tar paper covered the ground. The As a farm fowl , Leghorns are one of the best of breeds ; but to have iiem at their best , and doing their ) est , give them unlimited range. Many farm wives are so situated that to make eggs their farm stock In trades 0 much easier than to market fowls. Under light condition * and farm life ' is one of the best of "right conditions for Leghorns eggs will always be In abundance. For one's own satisfaction If nothing more , it will be wise td cull out the Inferior looking specimens when such appear among the season's hatches. In this manner the flock Is yearly improving In quality and gen eral beauty , and in a little time "eggs for hatching , " as well as eggs for mar ket will become a paying feature of the farm's enterprises. Incubators will come and brooders for rearing the chicks , possibly , at first , hens of any and every obtainable breed or mixture 01' breeds will be In demand as incu bators and brooders for the chicks. One may keep such hens themselves , or , better still , purchase them of neigh bors when wanted , and not be troubled with their presence on the place ex cept when absolutely needed. For they mar the appearance , more or less , of one's flock of pure bred birds of one color. Tonics. A stock tonic is not a medicine , * cure , a remedy , but an aid to the di gestive and assimilative processes oi nutrition. It Is thus a preventive of disease. A rightly compounded stool ; tonic simply supplies the animal arti ficially with certain necessary elements for the perfect regulation of the proc ess of nutrition , just as does the sup plying of salt in the same way. Note that we say rightly compounded tonic. For either an excess or a lacl $ of certain ingredients depreciates thq value of a tonic , Just as an incorrectly balanced feed lowers its nutritive value. There is no secret about the com ? position of the well known stock tonics. Indeed , most states have laws requiring that the ingredients of the contents ba plainly printed on every package. The exact proportion of certain ele ments differ in different brands , but the approximate proportions are known to most stockmen , or can be obtained from the national department of agrii culture or from the different experi ment stations. The question then arises , Why cannot a farmer moke his pwn tonics ? H'j can , just as he can make his own cloth * ing , if he can spend the time , get the correct proportions and accomplish the most effective combination. For it must be remembered that the right amount'of each material simply put to gether In some sort of a way does not make a suit of clothes no more does i\ \ make an effective stock tonic. Xot only must the proportions be correct , but thq condition of each ingredient must bo right and its consistency such that itj will properly blend with all the others , The makers of stock tonics have thq proportions and the proper consistency of the elements dovm fine and the thrifty stockmen knows that he is not only buying the right material in a reputable stock tonic , but he is also buying the right skill and experience it takes to compound the tonic correctly. Firm Liand Prices. One of the incidents of the late finan cial panic is the firmness with whict land values have passed through a na tional crisis. In other paics of 1857 , 1ST3 and 3893 prices of real estate de clined both in rural districts and great cities. Prices for farm products ruled lower , rents reacted and the earning ability of real estate investmeals de clined. While industrial Investments Siiow largely decreased earnings for the past eighteen months , the Income from ag ricultural lands has enlarged through increased production and higher prices for farm products. There has been a larger migration from the cities to the country , of people out of employment who had formerly worked at industrial production. The weakness of skilled professions as compared with hus bandry is evidenced by the great army of unemployed that is compelled to ac cept enforced idleness through the dull ness of Industrial enterprises. The independence insured by the ownership of country homes and the certainty of living incomes from small farms is turning the attention of many inhabitants of cities to the advantages of farm life as compared to the uncer tainty of employment In great cities. The demand for small holdings is breaking up the big ranches and sparse ly settled districts are becoming rap idly densely populated by immigrants and energetic people who are striving for an independent living. The vast areas that are being re claimed by irrigation are being sub divided Into small farms and will be operated under a system of scientific cultivation. Rev. Mr. Dedrich has set the example of what can be achieved on a small farm by purchasing fifteen acres and incurring a debt of several thousand dollars near Philadelphia , and operating the small farm with a dairy. He liquidated the mortgage from the Income of the fifteen acres , and demon strated that small farms intelligently managed are ample to support large families. Farm lands are steadily advancing In value. There is no method to en large the area of farm land except by reclamation of swamps and arid dis tricts , while population Is steadily in creasing and the domestic consumption of agricultural products broadening an nually. Under present conditions good farm land is destined to increaii to valut. Goodall's Farmer. ETO KE.ED TO TAKE CHANCES. There IK a Snre IV ay of 'Good I'u tut Material. There is really no need whatever for any property owner to take chances in the selection of his paint materials. It dnt'S'fr cost a cent to learu how to le ; on ilie safe side. Certainly every prop erty owner has enough at stake to find tins out. A complete painting guide , known as Houseowner's Painting Outfit No. 41) ) . can be had free by Writing National Lead Company. 1902 Trinity Building. XovYork. . This company is the largest maker of pure white lead in the world. Its Dutch Hey Painter trademark is famous as a guarantee of purity and quality. The outfit includes a book of color schemes , for either interior or exterior painting , a book of specifica tions , and a simple little instrument , with directions for testing the purity of paint materials. Birds on ID ma \VInsrw. . In the attempt to disc-over some uni versal law of bird flight , scientists have disclosed concerning u number of species a most puzzling paradox , per haps the most mysterious of the enigmas that the subject presents. It is that in a number of birds and in sects the size of the wings decreases in proportion to the Increase in size of the body of the flying creature. The Australian crane , for instance , weighs over 300 times more than the sparrow , but in proportion has only one-seventh the wing area of the smaller bird. This curious fact Is equally striking if we compare birds with insects. If the gnat were increased in size until It was as large as the Australian crane and if the wings of the insect were en larged to maintain the proportion they now bear to its body , they would be about 150 times larger than the crane's. It requires 3.G2 square feet of wing area per pound to float the bank swallow , but to sustain the tawny vul ture , a monstrous bird in comparison , requires only .08 of a square foot of wing surface per pound of body. The albatross , weighing eighteen pounds , has a spread of 11 feet 6 inches , while the trumpeter swan , weighing twenty- eight pounds , has a spread of wing of only S feet. The stork weighs eight times more than the pigeon , but in pro portion has only half as much wing surface. . Heredity. The Doctor I have heard that the parents of Lucklace didn't get along very well together , and separated soon after lie was born. The Professor Yes ; that it why he has his father's aggressive nose and his mother's retreating chin. Do Yon Feel Iiilce Tills ? Does your head ache or simply feel heavy and uncomfortable ? Does your back ache ? Does your side ache ? Do you feel fagged out ? The tonic laxative herb tea known as Lane's Family Medi cine will clear your head , remove the pain in side or back and restore your strength. Nothing else is so good for the stomach and bowels. At druggists' and dealers' , 25c. Simplified. Slug 47 How do you spell Old Fashioned Proofreader Any waj you please. All rules of spelling have been abolished. Only One "BROBIO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In Ona Day. 25c. 'Expert Judgment. "I sometimes think , " remarked the reg- nlar patron , "that the snare drummer should be the best musician in the thea ter orchestra. " "He usually is , " said the drummer. PILE CURE FREE : Wonderful Pile Remedy sent free to sufferers by ad dressing Rea Company , Dept. Bo , Min neapolis , Minn. "Under Strong1 Temptation. " In the absence of the janitor the Rev. Dr. Fourthly was poking the furnace himself when with a loud crack the bottom tom dropped out. "Grate snap ! " he ejaculated. Which , in the case of the good doctor , sounded appallingly like profanity. Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c. Relieves tired eyes , quickly stops eye aches , congested , inflamed and common sore eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , N. Y. Ceremony Omitted. The king of the hobos , who was on his travels , had just met the king of the Cannibal islands. "Well , " they said , as they looked at each other , "I guess we won't kiss. " To have more of Health and more o Life , take Garfleld Tea ! This Natural laxative regulates liver , kidneys , stomach and bowels , corrects constipation , purifies the blood and eradicates disease. Hard Bubble. Gunner He used to be a pessimist and say the world was a bubble. I un derstand he has changed his opinion. Guyer Yes ; you see , he fell out of ! an airship not long ago. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Symp for child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle. Nothing : Doing' . Floorwalker Can I do anything for you , madam ? Mrs. Kleptomeyer No , thanks , I don't wish to buy. I'm just out shop lifting. Judge. A Domestic Eye Remedy Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs La\vs. Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine in Your Eyes. You Will Like Murlne. S. C. X. U. - - Xo. 16 1909. PUTNAM C Ur re | tt& brighter lid Usler ctUrs Ikai y sib Mqr mut witktil ri lai if art , Wrik tor tree tokli Itcnlly n Compliment. Aaron Bancroft , the father of the historian , was a Massachusetts clergy man who revolted against the Calvinism of the day. 'The young minister found himself held at arm's length by the sur rounding clergy. In "The Life and Letters of George Bancroft" M. A. De\V. Howe quotes the following Item from the old minister's "Memoranda" : An honest but not very intelligent farmer of my parish , some ten ycarfc ago. accosted me In this manner : "Well , Mr. Bancroft , what do you think the people of the old parish say of you now ? " I answered , "I hope something very good. " "They say , 'If we find fault with him he does not mind it at all : and if we praise him he does not mind it. but keeps steadily on his own way : we therefore have concluded that it is best to let him alone. ' " The farmer mentioned the fact as a subject of laughter , but I thought , and still think that , taking the declaration in its bearimrs. it was the prettiest compliment I have received through my whole life. i PIVE MONTHS IN' HOSPITAL. Discharged Because Doctors Could Xot Cure. Lev ! P. Brockway , S. Second Ave. , Anoksi. Minn. , says : "After lying for live months in a hos i pital I was * discharged as incurable , and giv ten only six months to | live. My heart was affected , I had smoth eriug spells said some | times fell unconscious. I got so I couldn't use my arms , my eye sight was Impaired and the kidney seers * tlons were badly dls ordered. I was com pletely worn out and discouraged when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills , but they went right to the cause of the trouble and did their work well. I have been feeling well ever since. " Sold by all dealers. ' 50 cents a box. Foster-MiU > "rn fv > . Buffalo. N. Y. The i-i. . iic i'aya the Freight. Expressed in terms of value , the enormous drain for lumber , which uses up more than half of the entire re maining supply , merely staggers belief. But put it on your bill as sashes , doors , blinds , floors , roofs , stairway-railings. ornamental house-littings , office and store fixtures the thousand and one items you pay for either through your landlord or direct to your builder : then add the item for shingles and laths , which amounts in the aggregate to some thirty millions a j-ear ; is it diffi cult to see why , with an average in crease of twenty to fifty per cent in the cost of the raw materials for these products , your rent and house-building cost more , by just so much , than they did ten , or even five years ago , exclu sive of labor ? Success Magazine. STATE OF OHIO , CITY OF TOLEDO , i sg LUCAS COUNTI. { Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he 19 senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co. , doin ? business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid , and that said flrra will pay the sum of ONE IIUNDIIDD DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK .1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence , this (5th day of December , A. D. 1SSG. 1SSG.SEAL ( ) A. W. GLEASON , NOTAKV PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. nnd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials free. free.F. . J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Something The Doctor You've never met Col. Floodgate ? You would like him. He's a perfect gentleman. The Professor A perfect gentleman ? IIo\v can he be ? You have told me your- soif that you removed his vermiform ap- pemlix. Time is the best test. For over fifty years Hamlins Wizard Oil has been the most popular remedy in the United States for the cure of Rheumatism , Neuralgia and all pain and inflammation. Averting a Catastrophe. Gwendolen O , Jack , whan you talk like that 3011 break my heart ! Jack ( in avhisp ° r ) I won't do it any more , dearest. Awftcr this I'll say ither and nyther. TOTAL LOSS OP TTATR Seemed Imminent Scalp Was Verj Scaly and Hair Came Ont by IfiiHtlfuls Scalp Tinvr Clear ami Wow Hair Groivn by Cuticura. "About two years ago I was troubled wth my head being scaly. Shortly after that I had an attack of typhoid fever and I was out of the hospital possibly two months when I first noticed thu loss of hair , my scalp being still scaly I started to use dandruff cures to no effect whatever. I had actually lost hope of saving any hair at all. I could brush it off my coat by the handful. 1 was afraid to comb it. But after usini ; two cakes of Cuticura Soap and nearly i box of Cuticura Ointment , the change was surprising. My scalp is now clear and healthy as could be and my hair thicker than ever , whereas 1 had my mind made up to be bald. W. F Steese , 5812 Broad St. , Pittsburg , Pa. . May 7 and 21 , 1908. " Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. . Sole Props , of Cuticura Remedies. Boston. Cures the sick and acts tongue. Safe for brood ma a bottle , ? 5.00 the dozen. > and turf goods houses , or s ; SPOHN MEDICAL < FADELE ; ier dye. 8ae 10c package celirs all flkws. Thty < re ! i M-I w I * ? * . BiMCh < Nil CvUn. MC for Catarrh of the Throat of Twi Years' Standing. "I was afflicted for two years wftJj catarrh of the throat. At first it wa | very slight , but every cold I'took masN it worse. "I followed your directions and in < very short time I began to improve. I took one bottle and am now takfnf my second. I can safely say that m $ throat and head are cleared from ca * tarrh at the present time , but I stil ) continue to take my usual dose for * spring tonic , and I find there is noth ing better. " Mrs. W. Pray , 28C Twelfth St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. WESTERN CANADA More ig Crops Another 60.000 Settlers from the United 51 nit * NEW DISTRICTS OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT 320 Acres oi Land to EACH SETTLEB-1CO Tn Comcslcad aad 100 al $3.00 Per Acre. "A vast , rich country and a confanf * & prosperous people. " Extract from corresp MI- cnceof a National Editor , whose visit to Wesl Canada in August , 1908 , was an inspiration. Many have paid the entire cost of their fai znd had a balance of from * 10 00 to $20.00 per acsr as a result of c ne crop. Sprinar Wheat , Winter Wheat. Oats , Barkwv Flax and Peas are the principal crops , while tfep \ ild grasses brinsr to perfection the best Cattto that have ever been silrt on the Chicago martafc. Splendid Climate. Sehrols and Churches in a0 localities , railways tou.h most of the settled dl tricts. and prices for produce are always ffo < 4. Lands , may al < o be purchased from Railway \im \ Land Companies. For pamphlets , maps and is * formation resrardinir low railroad rates apply * W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immieratto * . Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jacks * * St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Be * 116 Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Gor ment Agents. Please ear where joa aw this adrertigement. Th.9 Eeason I Make and Sell Kore Men's $3.0O & $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer 12 tecaass I glvs the wrarir the benefit of the most compltt : organization of trained ezpertc and skilled shoemakers in the country The selectloi of the leathers for each p rt of the shoe , , and every dstail of the naklns in every dpartn-rat , ls looked after by th : best shoemakers in the shoe icdnitry. If I could ! bo.7 you how carefully W. L. Douglas sfcoe < } > are made , yon would then understand why they hold their" shape , fit better , aad weir longer than any other caie. My Method of Tanniny the Soles makes them Mow Flexible cuid Longer Wearing than any others. Shoe * for Iliery Jtletnlicr ttt the Kiuiilljv AIou , Itoys , V/uuien , 2 iottcK nml Chililren- For ? alf > by slice rjpalera everywhere. PAIITIflM I 2 OIie Kenuine without W" . L. Donslazv UMU I lull . name and pnce stamped on tiottonv Fast Color Eyelets Heed Exclusively. Catalog nailed fresw , W. L. DOUGLAS , 167 Spark St. , Brockton , Mass. This Trade-mark I Eliminates Ali Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials , is an absolutev irantee of pur- and quality , our own protection , see t.i it it is on the side of every keg of white lead j o i buy. ri7im LEAD COHPAHY IStUTr.nfy Building , New for * Positively cured these Little Fills , j They also rellsye Dis tress from Dyspepsia , la * digestion and Too Hearty Eating ; A perfecc rcrc edy for Dizziness. Nausea , . DroTTslness. Bad Tast In the llouth. Ccatefl- Tongue , Pain In the Sldjy TORPID LIVER. Thsjr regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL FILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL FRIGS. Genuine Must Bear KITTLE Fac-Simile Signature IVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES * "I have used your valuable Cascareto and I find them perfect. Couldn't do- v/ithout them. I have used them fori souie time for indigestion and biliousness' and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried , yoit- \\-ill never be without them in th j family. " Edward A. iMarz , Albany , N.Y. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never hickcn.Weaken or Grips. 30c.25c.50c. Never sold in bulk. The cen time tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or yosr money back. 929 If afflicted wSJh Sore Eyes , use DISTEMPER , CATARRHAi FEVER , AND ALL NOSI AND THROAT DISEASES is a preventive for others. Liquid given on tb ires aad all others. Best kidney remedy. 50 csnta 51 00 and 510.00 the dozen. Sold by all druggists ent , express paid , by the manufacturers. COMPANY , Chemisls , Goshen , Ind. DYES eald wafer letter Itian any ether aye. Ton cai 9K VC CO. . Quincy ,