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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1909)
{ First 3 ld-'Tin out of a job. " < ei.iind Kirt-"l t'ongtit yotlhe was * VMirtin * in a rubier faytory. " Flrs > t Hid "I fas , but I got bounced. " Rubber Goods to be serviceable must be absolutely new. A sure test of new ness in rubber is its resiliency. If there's no bounce in it , it's either very old or it's not pure rubber. We will explain this when you want to make any purchase in liubber Goods. I VALENTlNt. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE \ BARBER SHOP All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection , Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building 2x2 & 22 T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. TVill meet all calls phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine Nebraska I U , S , WEATHER BUREAU REPORT WEEK ENDING APRIL 13 , 1909. Daily mean temperature 37 ° . Normal temperature 40 ° . Highest temperature 74s on 13. Lowest temperature 10 ° on 1st. Range of temperature 01 ° . Precipitation for week .01 of an inch. Average for 21 years .32 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1.15 inches. Average for 21 years 2.09 of an inches. Joiix J. MCLEAN , Observer. ' Talk of the Town District court convenes Monday , April 19. Judge Quigley returned Tues day from several days visit in the eastern part of the state. S. G. Campbell and wife of Brownlee were in town yesterday on business. Mr. Campbell is looking well. Mrs. Massingale has again as sumed charge of the- Union hotel and has things fixed in good shape to keep boarders. F. J. Welke died at his home n.par Woodlake yesterday evening. H < had not been in very good LraUh for several months past. The ladies guild of the St. John's church cleared § i5 at their Easter food sale and the choir girls cleai- ed § 6 with their home made can dies W. Honey called on us . today while in town on business. He is now in the coal coal business at Woodlake and also handles real estate. Free clarrce at Church's opera h' > u ? e Thursday night , April 22 , after the band concert. Don't fa l to attend this concert and enjoy ! a pleasant evening. S. W. Green and wife of Ewing - ing , Miss Echo Jarvis of Ains- worth , Miss Duncan of Woodlake and Mrs Vanden , mother of Dr. Vanden of Crookston , were here over Sunday to attend the E-ister services at St. Jonh's church. James Shepard returned from the U. S. sanitarium in Hot Ssrings , SD , this morning , look ing hale and hearty. He says it's a fine place for old soldiers. Mr. Shepard expects to remain at home this summer. The county clerk has received notice that the legislature appro priated § 30,000 to pay the wolf bounty claims and as this amount is not sufficient to pay up all , the first filed will be taken up in the regular order and payments made as far the appropriation goes. The state bounty was repealed April 5 , 1909 , so there will be no more claims filed after that date. For the third time in succession THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT has been compelled to issue on Friday because of not getting our ready prints on time. Also once about six weeks ago our papers did not arrive until Friday. We don't know yet the cause of the delay but will investigate and learn who is to blame for the delay. It is very annoying to us and we hope soon to be as regular as during the past several years , in which delays were practically unknown. Wewish to announce to our friends that we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now have the largest and most complete stock ever shown here , including John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang. Listers , walking , single and double row. Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks , Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti = valors , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind = mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons. The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies and Spring Wagons. All of this is bright , new stock. No car ried over or out of date goods. Prices and terms reasonable. Come and see us. * Valentine Lumber Co. E/-MOEBISr W\V. MORRISSEY , - J , T- KEELEV- . O. W. NOTES | Located in buildings formerly occupied * by W. T. Biskop as a feed and sale barn Tiie lajdtts 5UU club met today with Mrs. Robinson. Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes day and Friday each week. 52 Roger Braheny of Arabia was in town Tuesday and callpd to extend his subscription to THE DEMO CRAT. For Sale Full blood Partridge Cochin and Buff Cochin eggs. § 1 per setting of 15. MRS. JAMKS SHEPARD , Valentine , Nebr. 13 Seed potatoes Early Ohio , northern grown , and Bliss Tri umph for sale at the Red Front or at John Ormesher's. $1.00 per bushel. V John Stetter has bought the Mrs. Bennett house , next to LPC Shepard's livery stable , and is having Fred Holsclaw move it to his lot north of J. W. Stetter's. Sam Schneider of Crookston was in town yesterday and was buying a potato planter. He in tends to plant 60 acres of spuds and they'll make him § 2,000 clear and pay him well for staying with his farm. Pete DeCory is in town. He his had the grip and feels bad Pete is past 75 and has been a stout , healthy man but he didn't winter well. He's feeling some better now and may come out of it when the gardens are green. District court will be in session next week. There are several cases to be tried , but Cherry county has not had a very large docket in recent years. District court expenses have been growing lighter ypar by year , though the population increases. The Valentine Presbyterian church is without a pastor since Rev. Beale left the first of the month During Mr. Beale's stay in Valentine he made many friends and did a great deal of work him self in building up the church property in Valentine. Judge Quigley issued a license Wednesday to Roy Geyer and Miss Hattie Kuskie of Sparks and the marriage ceremony was per formed by Rev. Baker. These .young people are young pioneers of Cherry county and start in life with a wealth of health and vigor. They are well and favorably known by a host of friends from here to Sparks. We hope they'll take THE DEMOCRAT. John Kazda has moved into the building he recently purchased and fitted up for a barber shop , with a Tobasco heater which also heats water for his bath room. His light is much better in the new location and he has painted the inside walls and wood work , making a very neat barber shop of what was formerly the Efner building. Mr. Kazda and wife will live in the back part of this building. John is making forward strides as a citizen and business man of our town. He is now per manently located in his own prop erty , showing his interest in our city and faith in the future of Val entine. The alumni of the Valentine high school held a meeting at the home of Miss Glen Hoenig last Friday uight , and after the trans action of the usual business decid ed by a unanimous vote to tender a public banquet to Professor and Mrs. Watson at the close of the ! ] school year , as an appreciation of i both the alumni and the citizens i of ttn splendid work done in our schools by Mr. Watson. This year ends the work of Jf rof. Wat son at this place , and his going from our midst is regretted by all. From almost nothing he has built our schools up to the foremost * place in Nebraska's educational . circle. Further announcements t will be made later and it is the' wish of THE DEMOCRAT that every's ' citizen in this school district be . , present to honor. Professor and j Mrs. Watson a.nd show their ap- ] appreciation of their splendid work. \ ; Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage .Bra ds and Bottled , * S * \ - V- G-nchen- - Under the s heimer Supervision' . Eye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. " i * We also handle the Budweiser Beer. THE PALACE SALOON , JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. The Woodlake CorDet band is going to give a concert in Church's opera house Thursday evening , April 22. The band is under the leadership of Joseph Kre.ycik of Arabia , who assures the general public of a genuine musical treat. Don't fail to attend it. General admission adults 50c ; children 25. Reserve your seats at Chap man's without extra charge. Mrs. Doty and two boys were given a hearing before Justice Maxwell last Saturday in the county judge's office and were bound over to the district court and released on a bond of § 800. J. H. Quigley , Frank Mogle and Harry Ware were witnesses for the prosecution and E. T. Bani-1 gari and members of the Doty I family appeared for the defendj j ants. The case will be tried next week in district court. J The Commercial club held ai i meeting to take steps to-1 wards securing the location of the agricultural experiment station near Valentine. Hon. C. II. Cor- , neil and Prof. R. H. Watson were chosen to visit the regents of ihe state university and present our claims. A committee was also ap pointed to confer with Champion Bros. , in regard to furnishing them a part of Valentine's land grant for the purpose of establish ing a breeding station for stallions. Cherry Valley Cracklings. A. G. Ward was a Woodlake call er Monday. Say , that baseball game Sunday wasn't bad , was it ? Mrs. Eclythe Latta was a Wood Lake caller last week. Dorothy Grewe spent Easter at with Mrs. 0. McKenna. Myrtle and Hazel Klingaman were callers in the west end of the Valley this week. -Mrs. Lane and daughter of Goose Creek were visitors in Cherry Val ley since our lasb items. A. Schleuter and wife returned [ rom Colorado last Friday where ihey have been visiting their daugh ter Mrs. Clark. A program was given Easter at L G. Ward's by the members of the Dherry Valley Sunday school. It , vas much enjoyed. John McKenna. who is doing iouble duty in Woodlake as teacher ind banker , spent Sunday at the : anch with his parents. Dorothy Grewe went home the Jrd inst. , and gave her parents a pleasant surprise. She returned lie morning of the 4th , looking j iiore pleasantly than usual. AU.XT MARIA. . Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that we lave filed with the clerk of the j ward of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , : i petition , iccompanied by a bond duly at-j ; ested , said petition praying thatj tfe be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinious liquors in > lock 5 , lot 22 , in said Village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne-1 jraska , for the year ending May 1 1010. GEORGE N. HERSIIBY. , ED PARRY. Dated April 8,1009.- . New Hotel. Electric Lights ! Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. NEAR DEPOT * MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Xebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. State Veterinary Coming. Dr. P. Juckniess , the state vet erinarian , will make a tour of in spection to ascertain the condition of mange in cattle and the condit ion df other diseases in the state. He will be in Valentine on Fri day , April 23 , and will hold a public lic- meeting in the afternoon to dis cuss these important subjects. It is hoped that a large number of the stockmen will bt present at this meeting so they can go over these subjects in detail and discuss ways and mpans for eradicating the.-c , diseases , so that the federal government will speedily release our state from quarantine. Dr. E. W. Howe , chief of the quarantine division ; Prof. E. W. Hunt , and Dr. A. T. Peters of the University of Nebraska , will ac company Dr. Juckniess on this tour of inspection. Arabia Screarnings. Bernard Denaeyer went to Val eutine Sunday. Dell Query was a pleasant caller at A. Benson's Sunday. Mr. M. J. Jordan was at Valen tine on business Saturday. Mrs. Heeland and children were pleasant callers at Jack Kief's Easter. The dance held at Pat Piper's last Friday was well attended and all report a good time. Jas. Kreycik and Ed Phelps went \Voodlake Wednesday to ittend the M. W. A. meeting. J. E. Kreycik was a pleasant waller at A. Bunn's Sunday after noon. His visits seem to be quite frequent of late. SHRIMPS. Peru Normal Notes. Miss Stella McNare spent her va cation week visiting at the home of i friend in Vesta. The library at Peru has been 3tiosen as the depository from this ilistrict for governmental docu ments. Miss Bessie Goskill spent one day Df Vacation visiting in Auburn. The : lay was spent with old friends of father and mother and was greatly enjoyed by Miss Gaskill. A. jolliQcation day was held in shapel last Friday , April 9 , over the new $40,000 administration build ing granted the normal by the legis lature and over other legislative measures. Miss Laura Petti John of the uni- srersity spent three days of her spring vacation visiting friends in Peru. All were glad to have Miss Petti John with us , but were sorry that her visit was so short. LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Paper , Pat ent Roofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Grlass , Putty , Lime , Cement , Plaster , Brick , POSTS , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY NFRR U vJ SJ B 5 i 1 Lf 111 ' he Loup Valley Hereford Kanch. Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier Greet Col- iimnus 17th 1G0030 , si son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of the310.000 ; Cham pion Dale , and Prince JJoabdel 131- 603 at head of herd. r now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C.'H. FAULHAIIEU. f -braska Land and Feeding Co. -rtlef r. Kirhrmis Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Caas C Jamison Sec&Treaa Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following 'brands : horses branded tht same . Range between Gordon on the J.K. &M. V.R. B. and flyannia on M. R. U in Northwestern Nebr. BAHTl ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth , Nebr. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked.- . . . § 1 10 $21 00 Shorts , sacked } , .25 2 ± 00 Corn , sacked i 20 23 00 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 2i 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 40 27 00 " ' " H. DAILEY1' Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. G. Hornby's store. JOHN F. POEATH Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. L W. McDANIEL , i OOUXTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Nebr. AH work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUii & FEED General Merchandise 125 ' PHONE - cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. V Second hand phs 'on in gobd condition , for sale ciap. . Call at" ' * . . . - this office. - - - - - -