Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 08, 1909, Image 8

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There always have been soda crackers
* , . " " . .f
There never were and never
x any other Soda Crackers to
i i
U > oda Cracker's ' of
Sold Only m
Moisture Troof "Package
Commits Suicide.
Rushville. Neb. , April 5. After
returning from church with her
husband , Mrs. C. L. Hopper , wife
of County Superintendent Hop
per , committed suicide yesterday
afternoon by shooting herself in
the right temple with a 22-caliber
rifle , as her husband slept on the
She lived only a few minutes
after the shooting. It is believed
that she shot herself in a fit of
despondency. Besides the hus
band she leaves two children.
Omaha Daily News.
Hackberry Items.
. . Mrs. Harry Junod is visiting
Mrs. Love.
Mrs. Geo. Bucy' is again on
their claim near Kennedy.
Mrs. Coder and family have
gone to their home on Dad's lake
after a few week's stay atE. Still-
Mrs. Fred Bed was visiting her
people , Wm. Hartman's , on the
Gordon last week.
Mrs. Harve Love has purchased
an incubator and is going to try
her luck raising Plymouth Rock
chickens. BLACK BESS.
The strength of a child.
It is surprising to find how few parents
know the great strength giving qualities
of good oatmeal. Most of them think
of it as a food for the sturdy Scotch or
the brawny Englishman , and overlook
its value as a food for children. Every
now and then a mother will take to fecd-
Jng her children on Quaker Oats and
"will he astonished at their improvement
in strength and vigor. Of course , she
tells her friends , and they prove it for
themselves , but every mother in the
country should see that her children are
strong and vigorous. Plenty of Quaker
Oats , eaten often , will do it.
Put up in t o sizes , the regular pack
age and'tbs large faaaily size which is
more convenient for those V/h'd do cot
live in towa.
Uon't miss a day ; cat Quaker Oats
every mbrnirifc fdr breakfast
. , .
L * . " 4 - -
> t
/ St. John's Church.
'On Sunday next , April llth ,
Easter Day , services in St. John's
Episcopal church will be held as
follows :
A low celebration of the Holy
Eucharist at 6 o'clock a. m. Sun
day school at 10. Atll , ahinh
celebration of the Holy Cummun-
Voluntary , organ and violin
Processional , "He is Risen , "
Anthem , "Christ Our Pass
over" Chappie
Kyril Ellison Elvey
Gratias Libi ]
Gloria Libi / Anon
Saus Libi )
Hymn , "The Strife is O'er , "
\ .Victory
Offertory , solo , "My Faith in
Thee , " Selected
Presentation Gilbert
Trisagion and Sanctus Camidge
Benedictus . - Selected
Agnus Dee Selected
Gloria in Excelsis. , Selected
Munc Dimittis . . . > . . . .Old Chant
Recessional , "At the Lambs
High Feast We Sing , "
EVENSONG AT 7:30 : p. m.
Voluntary , organ and violin ,
Processional , "All HailthePow
er of Jusus' Name , " Coronation
Gloria Patri Danks
Bonum Est Danks
Benedic Anima M ! i Danks
Devotional llvmn , "Heirs of
Unending Life Nageli
Offertory , Christ Our P.i-sov-
er , < Thapplo
Presen'ation ' Anon
Eecessional , "Children of the
Heavenly Jving. " Irleyl
Voluntary , organ and violin ,
i belecied
! The music will be rendered by
the vistod choir :
Miss Leola West , organist.v
Miss Vida H. Nation , violinist.
uMrVt Green * soloist.
More About Story's Con
"Well , boys , you know we have
had hard work to know anything
for sure about the Samuel Story
murder ease.
The detailed confession , which I
had printed in THE DEMOCRAT last
week , was not without doubt in
my mind as to its truthfulness.
This being true , I could not and
did not stop the investigation , but
have been up and down the rail
road and to the records of the
penitentiary ever since Story was
sent to prison , and have gotten the
matter to a point where all may
know and not guess at what they
are saying. 1 was quite inclined
to believe the rehearsal of his con
fession at first , but was bewildered ,
and , having poor evidence with
which to convict'the man , I felt
like giving him the benefit of the
doubt as to the MOTIVE , not as
to the shooting.
Xow , while 1 have a weakness
to forgive a criminal , so do I have
a strong desire to correct any feel
ing that may have grown out of
the statements in the written con
fession , which statements might
lead some to sympathize , when no
sympathy was due , and the like
of thut.
Kow , in my last week's follow
ing of a chain of occurrences I
am positively in possession of such
facts as will clear all your minds
as to the motive , and how long the
motive ! ad existed ; who ? ,11 v am
had trouble with in the last five
years , and whatsit was that first
; prompted him to secure the gun
a nl how he ca'ne by it ; \ \ hether
lr * got here by train or otherwise ;
can tell how much of your suspic
ions were well .founded , arid Low
and \ \ here \ ou were faulty in
many of your ' 'think SOPS , " and
of the exar-t manner of getting
Fred Smith to the slaughter block
Jfc hits been an obscure cas .
We have had a hard , long sieye
of wonderings how in the world it
ever happened. I positively know
at last , and you are all my ac
quaintances both men and wom
en. Come to the court house next
Friday night about S o'clock , and
while I should like to tell you all
both men and women , I will say
that if you are in sympathy with
the murderer and wish to remain
so you had perhaps , better not
come , because all of the h 1 that
has been at the bottom of this case
will be disclosed.
If the boys all wish we will
hastily pick a jury among the
crowd and hastily go through a
sort of mock trail. After the jury
hears the facts narrated they are
to have their discussion , one at a
time , right there in the presence
of the crowd , so that all may un
derstand well and hear their ver
dict , and I am sure we will all feel
better for having our minds clear
ed up. I will put my findings up
against the findings of the whole
county , and take the jury's verdict
for it. MILT LATTA.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the
Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes
day and Friday each week. 52
' -Fbr-Safie
Six-room hpuse , stable for seven
head of horses , granary and hay
stable ;
One 4-room house , corn crib and
stable , city water in both houses.
Must be sold soon , part time , part
cash , or will take young heavy
team as part payment. P. F.
Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M.
Kice , Valentine , Neb. 1
For Sale or Rent !
House. IS rooms and bath , Main
street , Valentine , Neb.
160 acres improved ranch , sec
tion 19 , township 3i , range 2(5 ( ;
lease of school section , ALL 3U-
31-27 , with above ranch ; the best
open range in Cherry county.
One-half section hay land , wither
or separate from above ranch , sec
tion 31 , township 33 * , range 26.
Apply to owner , D. STINARD ,
No. 2 , Mt. Vernon Ave. , Alt.
Vernon , N. Y. , or any broker in
Valentine , Neb. 11
Liquor Notice
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the Village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors jn
block 12 , lot tt , in said village of ,
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne
braska , for the year ending May
1 , 1910.
Dated April S/1909.
Liquor Notice
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the Village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition
accompanied by a bond duly st-
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a 1'cense to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors m
block 6 , lot 17 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne
braska , for the year ending May
1 , 1910. HENRY SETTER.
Dated April S , 1909.
Liquor Notice
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of tne
board of trustees of the Village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition praying that I
be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 5 , lot 25 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne
braska , for the year ending Mi'.y
1 , 1910.
Dated April 8 , 1909.
For Sale.
One high grade Percheron stul-
lion , 3 years old last June , weight
1600 pounds.
Also one Cleveland Bay hon-e ,
5 years old , weight 1250 pounc's.
For further information see or ad
dress me at Crookston , Neb.
a me
and to secure a good one one that will do our product
justice we are going : to give $25.00 to the person whose suggestion
is decided by a committee consisting of Mayor Gallagher ; D. H.
Gronin , editor Frontier ; and Gee A. Miles/ editor Independent , to be
most suitable ; and which we will adopt as our trade mark. It will
cost you nothing to try , and may put $25.00 in your'putse. Simply
fill out the attached coupon and mail it to E. F. Gallagher. Mayor ,
O'Neill , Neb.F - " . CREAMERY , O'Neill Neb.
_ _ rapidly increuMng demand for our Butter has compelled usto put
it up in cartons , which necessitates the adoption of a trade name.
Z My Choice 'for Name of Butter
0 Signed
1 eP. 0. ' R. R. Station.
County State.
0 Do you use'a Cre&n
0 No. C&ws miihed in Sinf < . . In Summer.
This Contest Cicss Saturday , AXH 17 , anj all Coupons Must 93 < a by That Tine.
' '
' - . . :
E. M. Faddis & Co.
Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
ion left
| shou1der
or thigh.
Some branded
brnndert , on rlj-lit tbigii
on left -liouMer
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle 'branded
as cut on lefc aide
on left Jaw of
V horses.
, , . < lOT ZTCEB raBBK
Kanse on Gordon Cre-k north of Slme n ,
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Kosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightsida
Some cattle also
have a - fQ ° eck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
cers Some Texas
aOoniettside and some
on left side.
-Horses branded SOS on left hip. Home -
hranrtpd 4W har connected on both sides
left hip of horses
N. S. Bowley.
Keuueuy , -
Same as cut on left.
tide and hip , and on
left qnouldpr of lior-
V X on teit side
ed bnsK-i Hlrilpng peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. f on left Jaw and lefc shoulder
of horses yj
yjQ on left hip of norsesS.
v on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BEJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for Information
leading to detection
_ of rustlers of stock
bearing ftnv of these brands.
Kohl & Terrill.
Brownlee , Neu.
Cattle branded as
in cat on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Rangoon
on North Lonp
river , two miles
west of Brewnleej
J. A. Yaryan.
lullnian , Nebr
Cartle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JU
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
as on cut.left side
Some on loft hip.
Horses same on
laft shoulder.
Range Square
Koan Bros.
Woodlake Neb
< " >
- \
IJange on Long
Lake and Crook
ed Lake.
John Kills Plenty ,
St Francis Mis
sion. Rosebud ,
o. X ) .
as in cut ; horses
sime on letf
thiah. Kanae be-
i\v > en prin/
and Little W
Oasis , Nebr
G. 1C. Sawver lias
cluir/e of thse
cattle. H rses
l > 9 * on le'tf
dor. Somej
Mt side
Bors sj
RJime left thgh. ?
Katige ou Snake
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
n-where ou left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same xbrand on
elt thigh.
cattle wiUi above Kd.Pera0n3 stealing